886 resultados para Countermovememt jump


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Objetivos: Comprobar el efecto que tiene sobre el alumnado de Educación Primaria un programa de actividad física durante los recreos escolares mediante juegos pre-deportivos, en la composición corporal y en la condición física de los mismos. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis de las diferencias antes-después de muestras independientes de las pruebas de condición física y de las medidas antropométricas (grupo control y experimental), así como el valor de p de los contrastes, realizado mediante un análisis estadístico con el programa IBM SPSS 20.0. Aplicación a 54 alumnos y alumnas de Educación Primaria, de entre 9 y 11 años. Instrumentos: test de los 500 metros (resistencia); test de lanzamiento de balón medicinal (fuerza tren superior); test del salto horizontal (fuerza tren inferior); test de los 50 metros (velocidad); test de flexión profunda de tronco (flexibilidad). Resultados: Un estilo de vida activo, practicando actividad física diaria, se relaciona con mejoras en la condición física y en la composición corporal de sus practicantes. Conclusiones: Un programa de actividad física realizado en los recreos escolares con una duración de 30 minutos durante tres días a la semana, produce mejoras en los valores del IMC y la condición física de quien lo practica.


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Objetivos: Comprobar el efecto que tiene sobre el alumnado de Educación Primaria un programa de actividad física durante los recreos escolares mediante juegos pre-deportivos, en la composición corporal y en la condición física de los mismos. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis de las diferencias antes-después de muestras independientes de las pruebas de condición física y de las medidas antropométricas (grupo control y experimental), así como el valor de p de los contrastes, realizado mediante un análisis estadístico con el programa IBM SPSS 20.0. Aplicación a 54 alumnos y alumnas de Educación Primaria, de entre 9 y 11 años. Instrumentos: test de los 500 metros (resistencia); test de lanzamiento de balón medicinal (fuerza tren superior); test del salto horizontal (fuerza tren inferior); test de los 50 metros (velocidad); test de flexión profunda de tronco (flexibilidad). Resultados: Un estilo de vida activo, practicando actividad física diaria, se relaciona con mejoras en la condición física y en la composición corporal de sus practicantes. Conclusiones: Un programa de actividad física realizado en los recreos escolares con una duración de 30 minutos durante tres días a la semana, produce mejoras en los valores del IMC y la condición física de quien lo practica.


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Con el propósito de analizar los cambios de la fuerza máxima explosiva en relación a la ejecución de series de salto vertical repetido (SVR) con periodos cortos de recuperación pasiva en jugadores de baloncesto, se evaluaron 12 deportistas en un protocolo de cuatro series (S) de 15-s de saltos verticales con 10-s de recuperación entre S. Se midieron la altura de salto inicial (ASI) y final (ASF) de cada S; se utilizó ANOVA de una vía con post hoc de Bonferroni para el análisis de las diferencias ASF-ASI por S y una prueba t de Student para analizar el índice de fatiga (IF) por serie. Se encontró que la diferencia ASF-ASI fue progresivamente incremental desde la S1 hasta la S4 (-2,8 6,2 cm, -6,8 4,9 cm, -8,4 5,6 cm y -9,3 5,9 cm, respectivamente), aunque la diferencia fue mayor solo en S4 con respecto a S1 (p=0,014). Es posible que los períodos de recuperación entre cada S influyeron en el mantenimiento de la fuerza muscular explosiva (FME) durante los primeros 45-s de saltos, sin embargo, la suma de estas ejecuciones generó un aumento de la fatiga al final de la prueba. La FME puede ser afectada por la suma de ejecuciones de SVR aun con la inclusión de períodos cortos de recuperación entre series. La relación trabajo-recuperación en baloncesto es un factor que debe considerarse para planificar el entrenamiento en jugadores de baloncesto.


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Se analizó el impacto de un programa de entrenamiento de flexibilidad sobre el desarrollo de la fuerza muscular en 16 jugadores de futbol con edad de 19.032.7 años. Se entrenó durante 30 días y 5 veces por semanas, donde el grupo "A" realizó entrenamiento de flexibilidad, mientras que "B" el entrenamiento regular. Se midió la flexibilidad, 1RM, salto vertical, peso, talla, circunferencia de pantorrilla y muslo. Los resultados muestran valores para A y B respectivamente, donde el IGF fue de 91.01 18.3 y 111.93 23.5; 78.22 29, y 79.03 29.1. La circunferencia femoral, 48.04 3.6 cms y 49.54 3.4 cms.; 47.56 4.9 y 47.89 5.2. Circunferencia de pantorrilla, 33.83 2.7 cm y 35.21 2.4 cm; 33.83 2 y 33.73 2.8. Fuerza 48.13 7.8 Kg. y 53.38 8.2 Kg.; 52.63 8.6 Kg. y 53.39 9.1 Kg. Potencia anaeróbica, 34.13 2.9 cm. y 36.63 1.7 cm; 38.25 4.7 y 37.06 3.4. Como conclusión se tiene que el uso la flexibilidad impacta de forma positiva en el IGF y por tanto en el desarrollo favorable muscular de jugadoras de fútbol.


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Basalts from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, are vesicular and olivine-phyric. Major, trace, and rare earth element concentrations are similar to those of alkali basalts from ocean islands and seamounts. The rocks are low in MgO, Cr, Ni, and Sc, and high in TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Zr, and LREE contents. The abundance of "primary" biotite and apatite in the matrix indicates the melting of a hydrous mantle. Prevalence of olivine and absence of plagioclase in the rocks suggests that the volatile in the melt was an H2O-CO2 mixture, where H2O was <0.5. Mantle derived xenocrysts in the basalt include corroded orthopyroxene, chromite, apatite, and olivine. Olivine (Fo90) is too magnesian to be in equilibrium with the basalts, as they contain only 5-6 wt% MgO. Based on the presence of mantle xenocrysts, the high concentration of incompatible elements, the spatial and chemical affinity with other ocean island basalts from the area, and the relative age of the basalt (overlain by late Campanian sediments), it is suggested that Maud Rise was probably generated by hot-spot activity, possible during a ridge crest jump prior to 84 Ma (anomaly 34 time). Iddingsite, a complex intergrowth of montmorillonite and goethite, is the major alteration product of second generation olivine. It is suggested that iddingsite crystallized at low temperatures (<200°C) from an oxidized fluid during deuteric alteration. Vesicles are commonly filled by zeolites which have been replaced by K-feldspars.


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The dataset contains measurements of river stage and discharge for one sites along the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River's northern tributary, with 30 minute temporal resolution between June 2008 and August 2013 This river is a tributary to the Watson River discharging into Kangerlussuaq Fjord by the town of Kangerlussuaq, Southwest Greenland. Additional data of water temperature, air pressure are also provided. Compared to version 1.0 of the dataset, this dataset used a total of 36 in situ discharge observations collected between 2008 and 2012 to construct the rating curve. Furthermore, data of Station AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 have been removed from version 2.0 because these values were likely caused by backflow when a jokulhlaup from a large glacier dammed lake caused increased water levels in the downstreams lake. Thus, data measured at AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 are not representative for the AK-004 catchment.


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The maximum grain sizes of plagioclase and magnetite in the groundmass of the sheeted dike complex drilled at Hole 504B have been measured. Downhole variations through a 440-m-long section show a crude zig-zag pattern consisting of a gradual decrease or increase followed by an abrupt jump. The gradual decrease or increase in grain size extends over many lithologic units, and hence, does not reflect variations in grain size within a single dike. Such a zig-zag pattern is well explained by grain-size variations through multiple dikes. By using the observed inclination of sheeted dikes of 81° ± 2.5°, thickness of the multiple dikes varies from 0.7 to 8.5 m and averages to 4 ± 1 m. The average thickness of individual dikes forming multiple dikes is 0.8 m. We expect such multiple dikes to be formed during rifting events beneath mid-oceanic spreading ridges. If the average expansion at rifting episodes is twice as wide as the average width of the multiple dike units, the full spreading rate of 7.2 cm/yr of Cocos Ridge gives 112 ± 33 yr for a time interval of the rifting. A simple one-dimensional conductive cooling model is applied to solidification of multiple dikes. Numerical simulations show that the grain-size variations observed through the drill hole are more consistent with a model where a new injection of a dike occurs periodically with a constant time interval rather than one where the next dike intrudes just after the solidification of the previous one. Grain-size variations within simple dikes from Iritono, Japan, and those for Makaopuhi lava lake, Hawaii, show that square root of crystallization time is linearly correlated with the logarithm of plagioclase size. By using an empirically derived relationship between these two variables, the variations of plagioclase size through Hole 504B are directly compared with the calculated times for crystallization. Each rifting episode at the Costa Rica Rift lasts for several years, and periodic injection of a new dike occurs into the center of a previously solidified multiple dike at time intervals varying from 1 to 12 months.


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In the southeast of the Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island there are outcrops of tectonic outliers composed of low-K medium-Ti tholeiitic basic rocks represented by low altered pillow basalts, as well as by their metamorphosed analogs: amphibolites and blueschists. The rocks are depleted in light rare-earth elements and were melted out of a depleted mantle source enriched in Th, Nb, and Zr also contributed to the rock formation. The magma sources were not affected by subduction-related fluids or melts. The rocks were part of the Jurassic South Anyui ocean basin crust. The blueschists are the crust of the same basin submerged beneath the more southern Anyui-Svyatoi Nos arc to depth of 30-40 km. Pressure and temperature of metamorphism suggest a setting of "warm" subduction. Mineral assemblages of the blueschists record time of a collision of the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc and the New Siberian continental block expressed as a counter-clockwise PT trend. The pressure jump during the collision corresponds to heaping of tectonic covers above the zone of convergence 12 km in total thickness. Ocean rocks were thrust upon the margin of the New Siberian continental block in late Late Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous and mark the NW continuation of the South Anyui suture, one of the main tectonic sutures of the Northeastern Asia.


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We present a 15 kyr sea surface temperature (SST) record for a high sedimentation rate core (KNR51-29GGC) from the Feni Drift off of Ireland, based on an organic geochemical technique for paleotemperature estimation, U37 K'. We compare the U37 K' temperature record to planktonic foraminiferal delta18O and foraminiferal assemblage SST estimates from the same sample horizons. U37 K' gives SST estimates of 13°C for the early deglacial and 18°C for the Holocene and Recent, whereas assemblages give estimates of 9°C and 13°C, respectively. As in nearby core V23-81, we find Ash Zone 1, the Younger Dryas increase in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral abundance, and maximum abundance of this species during glaciation. N. pachyderma dextral oxygen isotopic analyses have a late glacial to interglacial range of 1.5 per mil. A reduction of about 1 per mil in delta18O occurred at about 12 ka, whereas U37 K' and the foraminiferal fauna indicate a 2°C warming. This implies a 0.9 per mil salinity effect on delta18O which we attribute to meltwater freshening. All three parameters indicate cooling during the Younger Dryas. U37 K' SST estimates show that the major shift from deglacial to interglacial temperatures occurred after the Younger Dryas in termination 1b, in contrast to the assemblage data, which show this jump in SST at the end of the glaciation during termination Ia. Differences between the two SST estimators, which may result from their different (floral versus faunal) sources, are more pronounced between transitions Ia and Ib. This may reflect different habitats under the unusual sea surface conditions of the deglaciation.


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Recent-past shoreline changes on reef islands are now subject to intensified monitoring via remote sensing data. Based on these data, rates of shoreline change calculated from long-term measurements (decadal) are often markedly lower than recent short-term rates (over a number of years). This observation has raised speculations about the growing influence of sea-level rise on reef island stability. This observation, however, can also be explained if we consider two basic principles of geomorphology and sedimentology. For Takú Atoll, Papua New Guinea, we show that natural shoreline fluctuations of dynamic reef islands have a crucial influence on the calculation of short-term rates of change. We analyze an extensive dataset of multitemporal shoreline change rates from 1943 to 2012 and find that differing rates between long- and short-term measurements consistently reflect the length of the observation interval. This relationship appears independent from the study era and indicates that reef islands were equally dynamic during the early periods of analysis, i.e. before the recent acceleration of sea-level rise. Consequently, we suggest that high rates of shoreline change calculated from recent short-term observations may simply result from a change in temporal scale and a shift from geomorphic equilibrium achieved over cyclic time towards an apparent disequilibrium during shorter periods of graded time. This new interpretation of short- and long-term shoreline change rates has important implications for the ongoing discussion about reef island vulnerability, showing that an observed jump from low to high rates of change may be independent from external influences, including but not limited to sea-level rise.


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Samples of recent to Miocene fish and marine mammal bones from the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Miocene Maikop deposits (Transcaspian region) are studied by X-ray diffraction technique combined with chemical and energy-dispersive analyses. Changes of lattice parameters and chemical composition of bioapatite during fossilization and diagenesis suggest that development of skeletal apatite proceeds from dahllite-type hydroxyapatite to francolite-type carbonate-fluorapatite. It is assumed that jump-type transition from dahllite to francolite during initial fossilization reflects replacement of biogeochemical reactions in living organisms, which are subject to nonlinear laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, by physicochemical processes according to the linear equilibrium thermodynamics.


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The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in young soccer players. Twenty-one top-class young soccer players (16.1±0.2 years) performed a countermovement jump test and a maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running for 20 min on a treadmill at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate. Two force platforms were used to obtain the following parameters during the countermovement jump: jump height, maximum power, maximum power relative to body mass, maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass, and maximum vertical ground reaction force applied to each leg. Maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass applied to the support leg during the kicks were also calculated with a force platform. The kicking motion was recorded using a three-dimensional motion-capture system. Maximum velocity of the ball, maximum linear velocity of the toe, ankle, knee and hip, and linear velocity of the toe at ball contact during the kicks were calculated. Non-significant differences were found in the parameters measured during the countermovement jump and the maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running, suggesting that the jumping and kicking performances of top-class young soccer players were not significantly affected after 20 min treadmill running at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate.


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The aim of this contribution is to present a theoretical approach and two experimental campaigns (on wind tunnel and on the track) concerning the research work about the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BTIWE) phenomenon. When a high speed train overpasses the critical speed, it produces a wind speed close to the track large enough to start the motion of the ballast elements, eventually leading to the rolling of the stones (Kwon and Park, 2006) and, if these stones get enough energy, they can jump and then initiate a saltation-like chain reaction, as found in the saltation processes of soil eolian erosion (Bagnold, 1941). The expelled stones can reach a height which is larger than the lowest parts of the train, striking them (and the track surroundings) producing considerable damage that should be avoided. There is not much published work about this phenomenon, in spite of the great interest that exists due to its relevant applications in increasing the maximum operative train speed. Particularly, the initiation of flight of ballast due to the pass of a high speed train has been studied by Kwon and Park (2006) by performing field and wind tunnel experiments.


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In Llanas and Lantarón, J. Sci. Comput. 46, 485–518 (2011) we proposed an algorithm (EDAS-d) to approximate the jump discontinuity set of functions defined on subsets of ℝ d . This procedure is based on adaptive splitting of the domain of the function guided by the value of an average integral. The above study was limited to the 1D and 2D versions of the algorithm. In this paper we address the three-dimensional problem. We prove an integral inequality (in the case d=3) which constitutes the basis of EDAS-3. We have performed detailed computational experiments demonstrating effective edge detection in 3D function models with different interface topologies. EDAS-1 and EDAS-2 appealing properties are extensible to the 3D case


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La consola portátil Nintendo DS es una plataforma de desarrollo muy presente entre la comunidad de desarrolladores independientes, con una extensa y nutrida escena homebrew. Si bien las capacidades 2D de la consola están muy aprovechadas, dado que la mayor parte de los esfuerzos de los creadores amateur están enfocados en este aspecto, el motor 3D de ésta (el que se encarga de representar en pantalla modelos tridimensionales) no lo está de igual manera. Por lo tanto, en este proyecto se tiene en vista determinar las capacidades gráficas de la Nintendo DS. Para ello se ha realizado una biblioteca de funciones en C que permite aprovechar las posibilidades que ofrece la consola en el terreno 3D y que sirve como herramienta para la comunidad homebrew para crear aplicaciones 3D de forma sencilla, dado que se ha diseñado como un sistema modular y accesible. En cuanto al proceso de renderizado se han sacado varias conclusiones. En primer lugar se ha determinado la posibilidad de asignar varias componentes de color a un mismo vértice (color material reactivo a la iluminación, color por vértice directo y color de textura), tanto de forma independiente como simultáneamente, pudiéndose utilizar para aplicar diversos efectos al modelo, como iluminación pre-calculada o simulación de una textura mediante color por vértice, ahorrando en memoria de video. Por otro lado se ha implementado un sistema de renderizado multi-capa, que permite realizar varias pasadas de render, pudiendo, de esta forma, aplicar al modelo una segunda textura mezclada con la principal o realizar un efecto de reflexión esférica. Uno de los principales avances de esta herramienta con respecto a otras existentes se encuentra en el apartado de animación. El renderizador desarrollado permite por un lado animación por transformación, consistente en la animación de mallas o grupos de vértices del modelo mediante el movimiento de una articulación asociada que determina su posición y rotación en cada frame de animación. Por otro lado se ha implementado un sistema de animación por muestreo de vértices mediante el cual se determina la posición de éstos en cada instante de la animación, generando frame a frame las poses que componen el movimiento (siendo este último método necesario cuando no se puede animar una malla por transformación). Un mismo modelo puede contener diferentes esqueletos, animados independientemente entre sí, y cada uno de ellos tener definidas varias costumbres de animación que correspondan a movimientos contextuales diferentes (andar, correr, saltar, etc). Además, el sistema permite extraer cualquier articulación para asociar su transformación a un objeto estático externo y que éste siga el movimiento de la animación, pudiendo así, por ejemplo, equipar un objeto en la mano de un personaje. Finalmente se han implementado varios efectos útiles en la creación de escenas tridimensionales, como el billboarding (tanto esférico como cilíndrico), que restringe la rotación de un modelo para que éste siempre mire a cámara y así poder emular la apariencia de un objeto tridimensional mediante una imagen plana, ahorrando geometría, o emplearlo para realizar efectos de partículas. Por otra parte se ha implementado un sistema de animación de texturas por subimágenes que permite generar efectos de movimiento mediante imágenes, sin necesidad de transformar geometría. ABSTRACT. The Nintendo DS portable console has received great interest within the independent developers’ community, with a huge homebrew scene. The 2D capabilities of this console are well known and used since most efforts of the amateur creators has been focused on this point. However its 3D engine (which handles with the representation of three-dimensional models) is not equally used. Therefore, in this project the main objective is to assess the Nintendo DS graphic capabilities. For this purpose, a library of functions in C programming language has been coded. This library allows the programmer to take advantage of the possibilities that the 3D area brings. This way the library can be used by the homebrew community as a tool to create 3D applications in an easy way, since it has been designed as a modular and accessible system. Regarding the render process, some conclusions have been drawn. First, it is possible to assign several colour components to the same vertex (material colour, reactive to the illumination, colour per vertex and texture colour), independently and simultaneously. This feature can be useful to apply certain effects on the model, such as pre-calculated illumination or the simulation of a texture using colour per vertex, providing video memory saving. Moreover, a multi-layer render system has been implemented. This system allows the programmer to issue several render passes on the same model. This new feature brings the possibility to apply to the model a second texture blended with the main one or simulate a spherical reflection effect. One of the main advances of this tool over existing ones consists of its animation system. The developed renderer includes, on the one hand, transform animation, which consists on animating a mesh or groups of vertices of the model by the movement of an associated joint. This joint determines position and rotation of the mesh at each frame of the animation. On the other hand, this tool also implements an animation system by vertex sampling, where the position of vertices is determined at every instant of the animation, generating the poses that build up the movement (the latter method is mandatory when a mesh cannot be animated by transform). A model can contain multiple skeletons, animated independently, each of them being defined with several animation customs, corresponding to different contextual movements (walk, run, jump, etc). Besides, the system allows extraction of information from any joint in order to associate its transform to a static external object, which will follow the movement of the animation. This way, any object could be equipped, for example, on the hand of a character. Finally, some useful effects for the creation of three-dimensional scenes have been implemented. These effects include billboarding (both spherical and cylindrical), which constraints the rotation of a model so it always looks on the camera's direction. This feature can provide the ability to emulate the appearance of a three-dimensional model through a flat image (saving geometry). It can also be helpful in the implementation of particle effects. Moreover, a texture animation system using sub-images has also been implemented. This system allows the generation of movement by using images as textures, without having to transform geometry.