879 resultados para Correlation Nmr-spectroscopy
Herein we describe the design and synthesis of a redox-dependent single-molecule switch. Appending a ferrocene unit to a diphenylacetylene scaffold gives a redox-sensitive handle, which undergoes reversible one-electron oxidation, as demonstrated by cyclic voltammetry analysis. 1H-NMR spectroscopy of the partially oxidized switch and control compounds suggests that oxidation to the ferrocenium cation induces a change in hydrogen bonding interactions that results in a conformational switch.
Current treatment strategies for the treatment of brain tumor have been hindered primarily by the presence of highly lipophilic insurmountable blood-brain barrier (BBB). The purpose of current research was to investigate the efficiency of engineered biocompatible polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) as drug delivery vehicle to bypass the BBB and enhance biopharmaceutical attributes of anti-metabolite methotrexate (MTX) encapsulated NPs. The NPs were prepared by solvent diffusion method using cationic bovine serum albumin (CBA), and characterized for physicochemical parameters such as particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta-potential; while the surface modification was confirmed by FTIR, and NMR spectroscopy. Developed NPs exhibited zestful relocation of FITC tagged NPs across BBB in albino rats. Further, hemolytic studies confirmed them to be non-toxic and biocompatible as compared to free MTX. In vitro cytotoxicity assay of our engineered NPs on HNGC1 tumor cells proved superior uptake in tumor cells; and elicited potent cytotoxic effect as compared to plain NPs and free MTX solution. The outcomes of the study evidently indicate the prospective of CBA conjugated poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) NPs loaded with MTX in brain cancer bomber with amplified capability to circumvent BBB.
Ketone bodies are the most energy-efficient fuel and yield more ATP per mole of substrate than pyruvate and increase the free energy released from ATP hydrolysis. Elevation of circulating ketones via high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets has been used for the treatment of drug-refractory epilepsy and for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. Ketones may also be beneficial for muscle and brain in times of stress, such as endurance exercise. The challenge has been to raise circulating ketone levels by using a palatable diet without altering lipid levels. We found that blood ketone levels can be increased and cholesterol and triglycerides decreased by feeding rats a novel ketone ester diet: chow that is supplemented with (R)-3-hydroxybutyl (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate as 30% of calories. For 5 d, rats on the ketone diet ran 32% further on a treadmill than did control rats that ate an isocaloric diet that was supplemented with either corn starch or palm oil (P < 0.05). Ketone-fed rats completed an 8-arm radial maze test 38% faster than did those on the other diets, making more correct decisions before making a mistake (P < 0.05). Isolated, perfused hearts from rats that were fed the ketone diet had greater free energy available from ATP hydrolysis during increased work than did hearts from rats on the other diets as shown by using [(31)P]-NMR spectroscopy. The novel ketone diet, therefore, improved physical performance and cognitive function in rats, and its energy-sparing properties suggest that it may help to treat a range of human conditions with metabolic abnormalities.
In the last decades, cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes have drawn a large interest for their unique properties: they are excellent triplet state emitters, thus the emission is phosphorescent in nature; typically high quantum yields and good stability make them good candidates for luminescent materials. Moreover, through an opportune choice of the ligands, it is possible to tune the emission along the whole visible spectra. Thanks to these interesting features, Ir(III) complexes have found different applications in several areas of applied science, from OLEDs to bioimaging. In particular, regarding the second application, a remarkable red-shift in the emission is required, in order to minimize the problem of the tissue penetration and the possible damages for the organisms. With the aim of synthesizing a new family of NIR emitting Ir(III) complexes, we envisaged the possibility to use for the first time 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine as bidentate ligand able to provide the required red-shift of the emission of the final complexes. Exploiting the versatility of the ligand, I prepared two different families of heteroleptic Ir(III) complexes. In detail, in the first case the 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine was used as bis-chelating N^N ligand, leading to cationic complexes, while in the second case it was used as cyclometalating C^N ligand, giving neutral complexes. The structures of the prepared molecules have been characterised by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Moreover, the neutral complexes’ emissive properties have been measured: emission spectra have been recorded in solution at both room temperature and 77K, as well as in PMMA matrix. DFT calculation has then been performed and the obtained results have been compared to experimental ones.
Hybrid halide perovskites have emerged as promising active constituents of next generation solution processable optoelectronic devices. During their assembling process, perovskite components undergo very complex dynamic equilibria starting in solution and progressing throughout film formation. Finding a methodology to control and affect these equilibria, responsible for the unique morphological diversity observed in perovskite films, constitutes a fundamental step towards a reproducible material processability. Here we propose the exploitation of polymer matrices as cooperative assembling components of novel perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 : polymer composites, in which the control of the chemical interactions in solution allows a predictable tuning of the final film morphology. We reveal that the nature of the interactions between perovskite precursors and polymer functional groups, probed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) techniques, allows the control of aggregates in solution whose characteristics are strictly maintained in the solid film, and permits the formation of nanostructures that are inaccessible to conventional perovskite depositions. These results demonstrate how the fundamental chemistry of perovskite precursors in solution has a paramount influence on controlling and monitoring the final morphology of CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) thin films, foreseeing the possibility of designing perovskite : polymer composites targeting diverse optoelectronic applications.
Although the transition metal chemistry of many dialkylamido ligands has been well studied, the chemistry of the bulky di(tert-butyl)amido ligand has been largely overlooked. The di(tert-butyl)amido ligand is well suited for synthesizing transition metal compounds with low coordination numbers; such compounds may exhibit interesting structural, physical, and chemical properties. Di(tert-butyl)amido complexes of transition metals are expected to exhibit high volatilities and low decomposition temperatures, thus making them well suited for the chemical vapor deposition of metals and metal nitrides. Treatment of MnBr₂(THF)₂, FeI₂, CoBr₂(DME), or NiBr₂(DME) with two equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in benzene affords the two-coordinate complex M[N(t-Bu)₂]₂, where M is Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni. Crystallographic studies show that the M-N distances decrease across the series: 1.9365 (Mn), 1.8790 (Fe), 1.845 (Co), 1.798 Å (Ni). The N-M- N angles are very close to linear for Mn and Fe (179.30 and 179.45°, respectively), but bent for Co and Ni (159.2 and 160.90°, respectively). As expected, the d⁵ Mn complex has a magnetic moment of 5.53 μΒ that is very close to the spin only value. The EPR spectrum is nearly axial with a low E/D ratio of 0.014. The d⁶ Fe compound has a room temperature magnetic moment of 5.55 μΒ indicative of a large orbital angular momentum contribution. It does not exhibit a Jahn-Teller distortion despite the expected doubly degenerate ground state. Applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that the effective internal hyperfine field is unusually large, Hint = 105 T. The magnetic moments of Co[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ and Ni[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ are 5.24 and 3.02 μΒ respectively. Both are EPR silent at 4.2 K. Treatment of TiCl₄ with three equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in pentane affords the briding imido compound Ti₂[μ-N(t-Bu)]₂Cl₂[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ via a dealkylation reaction. Rotation around the bis(tert-butyl)amido groups is hindered, with activation parameters of ΔH‡ = 12.8 ± 0.6 kcal mol-1 and ΔS‡ = -8 ± 2 cal K-1 ·mol-1, as evidenced by variable temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy. Treatment of TiCl₄ with two equivalents of HN(t-Bu)₂ affords Ti₂Cl₆[N(t-Bu)₂]₂. This complex shows a close-contact of 2.634(3) Å between Ti and the carbon atom of one of the CH₃ substituents on the tert-butyl groups. Theoretical considerations and detailed structural comparisons suggest this interaction is not agostic in nature, but rather is a consequence of interligand repulsions. Treatment of NiI₂(PPh3)₂ and PdCl₂(PPh₃)₂ with LiN(t-Bu)₂in benzene affords Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I and Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)2(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) respectively. The compound Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I has distorted T-shape in geometry, whereas Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)₂(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) contains a triangular palladium core. Manganese nitride films were grown from Mn[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ in the presence of anhydrous ammonia. The growth rate was several nanometers per minute even at the remarkably low temperature of 80⁰C. As grown, the films are carbon- and oxygen-free, and have a columnar morphology. The spacings between the columns become smaller and the films become smoother as the growth temperature is increased. The composition of the films is consistent with a stoichiometry of Mn₅N₂.
Esta dissertação reporta a síntese de novos derivados de 4-quinolonas com potencial atividade biológica e está dividida em 3 capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é feita uma breve introdução aos compostos do tipo 4quinolona, azepina e indol, focando a nomenclatura, atividade biológica e métodos de síntese mais comuns deste tipo de compostos, e é apresentada a nomenclatura dos compostos sintetizados ao longo deste trabalho. No segundo capítulo são descritas as metodologias desenvolvidas para obtenção dos compostos pretendidos. Foram sintetizados novos derivados de 4-quinolonas via reações de N-metilação seguida de ciclização in situ da (E)-N(2-acetilfenil)-3-(2-nitrofenil)acrilamida, via reações de redução da 1-metil-2-[2(2-nitrofenil)vinil]quinolin-4(1H)-ona e reações de halogenação da 1-metil-2-[2(2-nitrofenil)vinil]quinolin-4(1H)-ona e da 2-[2-(2-aminofenil)vinil]-1metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona. Posteriormente, fizeram-se estudos de reatividade da 1-metil-2-[2-(2-nitrofenil)vinil]quinolin-4(1H)-ona e da 2-[2-(2-aminofenil)vinil]-3bromo-1-metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona. Na reação de redução in situ seguida de ciclização intramolecular da 1-metil-2-[2-(2-nitrofenil)vinil]quinolin-4(1H)-ona obteve-se a 2-(1H-indol-2-il)-1-metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona. Partindo da 2-[2-(2aminofenil)vinil]-3-bromo-1-metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona via reações de BuchwaldHartwig obteve-se a 11-metil-5H-benzo[6,7]azepino[3,2-b]quinolin-6(11H)-ona. Novas N-[2-(2-(3-bromo-1-metil-4-oxo-1,4-di-hidroquinolin-2il)vinil)fenil]alquilamidas foram obtidas via reações de acilação da 2-[2-(2aminofenil)vinil]-3-bromo-1-metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona em piridina seca usando diferentes cloretos de acilo. Numa tentativa de ciclização intramolecular da N[2-(2-(3-bromo-1-metil-4-oxo-1,4-di-hidroquinolin-2-il)vinil)fenil]-hexanamida via reação de Ullmann intramolecular foi obtida a 2-(1-hexanoil-1H-indol-2-il)-1metilquinolin-4(1H)-ona. Após a descrição detalhada das metodologias de síntese são apresentadas as principais conclusões deste trabalho e perspectivas futuras. Por último, no terceiro capítulo, são apresentados os procedimentos experimentais usados para obtenção dos compostos sintetizados e os dados relativos à sua caracterização estrutural, que foi sendo discutida ao longo do segundo capítulo. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados por espetroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear monodimensional (1H e 13C) e bidimensional (HSQC, HMBC) e por espetrometria de massa e sempre que possível por espetrometria de massa de alta resolução.
RNA is an underutilized target for drug discovery. Once thought to be a passive carrier of genetic information, RNA is now known to play a critical role in essentially all aspects of biology including signaling, gene regulation, catalysis, and retroviral infection. It is now well-established that RNA does not exist as a single static structure, but instead populates an ensemble of energetic minima along a free-energy landscape. Knowledge of this structural landscape has become an important goal for understanding its diverse biological functions. In this case, NMR spectroscopy has emerged as an important player in the characterization of RNA structural ensembles, with solution-state techniques accounting for almost half of deposited RNA structures in the PDB, yet the rate of RNA structure publication has been stagnant over the past decade. Several bottlenecks limit the pace of RNA structure determination by NMR: the high cost of isotopic labeling, tedious and ambiguous resonance assignment methods, and a limited database of RNA optimized pulse programs. We have addressed some of these challenges to NMR characterization of RNA structure with applications to various RNA-drug targets. These approaches will increasingly become integral to designing new therapeutics targeting RNA.
The Iota, Kappa and Lambda commercial carrageenans are rarely pure and normally contain varying amounts of the other types of carrageenans. The exact amount of impurity depends on the seaweed source and extraction procedure. Then, different analysis methods have been applied for determination of the main constituents of carrageenans because these three carrageenans are extensively used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The electrophoresis of these compounds proved that the carrageenans are constituted by sulfated polysaccharides. These compounds were characterized by colorimetric methods and was observed that the Lambda carrageenan shown the greater value (33.38%) of sulfate. These polymers were examined by means of 13C NMR spectroscopy and infrared spectra. The polysaccharides consisted mainly of units alternating of sulfated galactoses and anhydrogalactoses. The aim of the study was also to test the inflammatory action of these different polysaccharides. A suitable model of inflammation is acute sterile inflammation of the rat hind limb induced by carrageenan. Paw edema was induced by injecting carrageenans (κ, ι and λ) in saline into the hind paw of a male Wistar rats (175–200 g). The pathway to acute inflammation by carrageenan (kappa, iota and lambda) were expressed as time-edema dependence and measured by paw edema volume. For this purpose, was used an apparatus (pakymeter), which makes it possible to measure the inflammation (swelling of the rat foot) with sufficient accuracy. The results showed that κ-carrageenan (1%) have an edema of 3.7 mm and the paw edema increase was time and dose dependent; the ι-carrageenan (0.2%) caused an edema of 4 mm and the λ-carrageenan (1%) caused an edema of 3.6 mm. Other model was used in this study based in the inflammation of pleura for comparatives studies. Injection of carrageenans into the pleural cavity of rat induced an acute inflammatory response characterized by fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity, a large number of neutrophils and raised NO production. The levels of NO were measured by Griess reactive. The ι-carrageenan caused the greater inflammation, because it has high concentration of nitrite/nitrate (63.478 nmoles/rat), exudato volume (1.52 ml) and PMNs (4902 x 103 cells). Quantitative evaluation of inflammations of rats is a useful and important parameter for the evaluation of the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs
The interaction of 4-nerolidylcatechol (4-NRC), a potent antioxidant agent, and 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) was investigated by the solubility method using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) methods in addition to UV-Vis, (1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The inclusion complexes were prepared using grinding, kneading and freeze-drying methods. According to phase solubility studies in water a B(S)-type diagram was found, displaying a stoichiometry complexation of 2:1 (drug:host) and stability constant of 6494 +/- A 837 M(-1). Stoichiometry was established by the UV spectrophotometer using Job's plot method and, also confirmed by molecular modeling. Data from (1)H-NMR, and FTIR, experiments also provided formation evidence of an inclusion complex between 4-NRC and HP-beta-CD. 4-NRC complexation indeed led to higher drug solubility and stability which could probably be useful to improve its biological properties and make it available to oral administration and topical formulations.
Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is a heme-containing glycoprotein secreted by the marine fungus Caldariomyces fumago. Chloroperoxidase contains one ferriprotoporphyrin IX prosthetic group per molecule and catalyzes a variety of reactions, such as halogenation, peroxidation and epoxidation. The versatile catalytic activities of CPO coupled with the increasing demands for chiral synthesis have attracted an escalating interest in understanding the mechanistic and structural properties of this enzyme. In order to better understand the mechanisms of CPO-catalyzed enantioselective reactions and to fine-tune the catalytic properties of chloroperoxidase, asparagine 74 (N74) located in the narrow substrate access channel of CPO was replaced by a bulky, nonpolar valine and a polar glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO N74 mutants displayed significantly enhanced activity toward nonpolar substrates compared to wild-type CPO as a result of changes in space and polarity of the heme distal environment. More interestingly, N74 mutants showed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity but significantly enhanced epoxidation activity as a consequence of improved kinetic perfection introduced by the mutation as reflected by the favorable changes in kcat and kcat/KM of these reactions. It is also noted that the N74V mutant is capable of decomposing cyanide, the most notorious poison for many hemoproteins, as judged by the unique binding behavior of N74V with potassium cyanide. Histidine 105 (H105) was replaced by a nonpolar amino acid alanine using site-directed mutagenesis. The CPO H105 mutant (H105A) displayed dramatically decreased chlorination and catalase activity possibly because of the decreased polarity in the heme distal environment and loss of the hydrogen bonds between histidine 105 and glutamic acid 183. However, significantly increased enantioselectivity was observed for the epoxidation of bulky styrene derivatives. Furthermore, my study provides strong evidence for the proposed histidine/cysteine ligand switch in chloroperoxidase, providing experimental support for the structure of the 420-nm absorption maximum for a number of carbon monoxide complexes of heme-thiolate proteins. For the NMR study, [dCPO(heme)] was produced using 90% deuterated growth medium with excess heme precursors and [dCPO(Phe)] was grown in the same highly deuterated medium that had been supplemented with excess natural phenylalanine. To make complete heme proton assignments, NMR spectroscopy has been performed for high-resolution structural characterization of [dCPO(heme)] and [dCPO(Phe)] to achieve unambiguous and complete heme proton assignments, which also allows important amino acids close to the heme active center to be determined.
Self-replication and compartmentalization are two central properties thought to be essential for minimal life, and understanding how such processes interact in the emergence of complex reaction networks is crucial to exploring the development of complexity in chemistry and biology. Autocatalysis can emerge from multiple different mechanisms such as formation of an initiator, template self-replication and physical autocatalysis (where micelles formed from the reaction product solubilize the reactants, leading to higher local concentrations and therefore higher rates). Amphiphiles are also used in artificial life studies to create protocell models such as micelles, vesicles and oil-in-water droplets, and can increase reaction rates by encapsulation of reactants. So far, no template self-replicator exists which is capable of compartmentalization, or transferring this molecular scale phenomenon to micro or macro-scale assemblies. Here a system is demonstrated where an amphiphilic imine catalyses its own formation by joining a non-polar alkyl tail group with a polar carboxylic acid head group to form a template, which was shown to form reverse micelles by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The kinetics of this system were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy, showing clearly that a template self-replication mechanism operates, though there was no evidence that the reverse micelles participated in physical autocatalysis. Active oil droplets, composed from a mixture of insoluble organic compounds in an aqueous sub-phase, can undergo processes such as division, self-propulsion and chemotaxis, and are studied as models for minimal cells, or protocells. Although in most cases the Marangoni effect is responsible for the forces on the droplet, the behaviour of the droplet depends heavily on the exact composition. Though theoretical models are able to calculate the forces on a droplet, to model a mixture of oils on an aqueous surface where compounds from the oil phase are dissolving and diffusing through the aqueous phase is beyond current computational capability. The behaviour of a droplet in an aqueous phase can only be discovered through experiment, though it is determined by the droplet's composition. By using an evolutionary algorithm and a liquid handling robot to conduct droplet experiments and decide which compositions to test next, entirely autonomously, the composition of the droplet becomes a chemical genome capable of evolution. The selection is carried out according to a fitness function, which ranks the formulation based on how well it conforms to the chosen fitness criteria (e.g. movement or division). Over successive generations, significant increases in fitness are achieved, and this increase is higher with more components (i.e. greater complexity). Other chemical processes such as chemiluminescence and gelation were investigated in active oil droplets, demonstrating the possibility of controlling chemical reactions by selective droplet fusion. Potential future applications for this might include combinatorial chemistry, or additional fitness goals for the genetic algorithm. Combining the self-replication and the droplet protocells research, it was demonstrated that the presence of the amphiphilic replicator lowers the interfacial tension between droplets of a reaction mixture in organic solution and the alkaline aqueous phase, causing them to divide. Periodic sampling by a liquid handling robot revealed that the extent of droplet fission increased as the reaction progressed, producing more individual protocells with increased self-replication. This demonstrates coupling of the molecular scale phenomenon of template self-replication to a macroscale physicochemical effect.
The preservation of modern and contemporary art and costume collections in museums requires a complete understanding of their constituent materials which are often synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers. An extraordinary amount of quality information can be gained from instrumental techniques, but some of them have the disadvantage of being destructive. This paper presents a new totally integrated non-invasive methodology, for the identification of polymers and their additives, on plastic artefacts in museums. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and in-situ FTIR-ATR (attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy) combination allowed the full characterization of the structure of thesematerials and correct identification of each one. The NMR technique applied to leached surface exudates identified unequivocally a great number of additives, exceeding the Py–GC–MS analysis of micro-fragments in number and efficiency. Additionally, in-situ FTIR-ATR provided exactly the same information of the destructive μ-FTIR about the polymer structure and confirmed the presence of some additives. Eight costume pieces (cosmetic boxes and purses), dating to the beginning of the 20th century and belonging to the Portuguese National Museum of Costume and Fashion, were correctly identified with this new integrated methodology, as beingmade of plastics derived fromcellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate polymers, contradicting the initial information that these pieces were made of Bakelite. The identification of a surprisingly large number of different additives forms an added value of this methodology and opens a perspective of a quick and better characterization of plastic artefacts in museum environments.
There is a remarkable level of interest in the development of π-conjugated polymers (ICPs) which have been employed, thanks to their promising optical and electronic properties, in numerous applications including photovoltaic cells, light emitting diodes and thin-film transistors. Although high power conversion efficiency can be reached using poly(3-alkylthiophenes) (P3ATs) as electron-donating materials in polymeric solar cells of the Bulk-Heterojunction type (BHJ), their relatively large band gap limits the solar spectrum fraction that can be utilized. The research work described in this dissertation thus concerns the synthesis, characterization and study of the optical and photoactivity properties of new organic semiconducting materials based on polythiophenes. In detail, various narrow band gap polymers and copolymers were developed through different approaches and were characterized by several complementary techniques, such as gel permeation chromatography (GPC), NMR spectroscopy, thermal analyses (DSC, TGA), UV-Vis/PL spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV), in order to investigate their structural and chemical/photophysical properties. Moreover, the polymeric derivatives were tested as active material in air-processed organic solar cells. The activity has also been devoted to investigate the behavior of polythiophenes with chiral side chain, that are fascinating materials capable to assume helix supramolecular structures, exhibiting optical activity in the aggregated state.
This paper describes the NMR observation of 15N—15N and 1H—15N scalar couplings across the hydrogen bonds in Watson–Crick base pairs in a DNA duplex, hJNN and hJHN. These couplings represent new parameters of interest for both structural studies of DNA and theoretical investigations into the nature of the hydrogen bonds. Two dimensional [15N,1H]-transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) with a 15N-labeled 14-mer DNA duplex was used to measure hJNN, which is in the range 6–7 Hz, and the two-dimensional hJNN-correlation-[15N,1H]-TROSY experiment was used to correlate the chemical shifts of pairs of hydrogen bond-related 15N spins and to observe, for the first time, hJHN scalar couplings, with values in the range 2–3.6 Hz. TROSY-based studies of scalar couplings across hydrogen bonds should be applicable for large molecular sizes, including protein-bound nucleic acids.