886 resultados para Corneal topography
Surface topography has been known to play an important role in the friction and transfer layer formation during sliding. In the present investigation, EN8 steel flats were ground to attain different surface roughness with unidirectional grinding marks. Pure Mg pins were scratched on these surfaces using an Inclined Scratch Tester to study the influence of directionality of surface grinding marks on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. Grinding angle (i.e., the angle between direction of scratch and grinding marks) was varied between 0 degrees and 90 degrees during the tests. Experiments were conducted under both dry and lubricated conditions. Scanning electron micrographs of the contact surfaces of pins and flats were used to reveal the surface features that included the morphology of the transfer layer. It was observed that the average coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation depend primarily on the directionality of the grinding marks but were independent of surface roughness on the harder mating surface. In addition, a stick-slip phenomenon was observed, the amplitude of which depended both on the directionality of grinding marks and the surface roughness of the harder mating surface. The grinding angle effect on the coefficient of friction, which consists of adhesion and plowing components, was attributed to the variation of plowing component of friction. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Den här avhandlingen erbjuder ett nytt perspektiv på marknadskommunikation. Det nya är ett starkt kundfokus, där kunden är en aktiv medpart i kommunikationsprocessen. I det traditionella kommunikationsperspektivet har man sett kunden som ett objekt som blir utsatt för företagets olika åtgärder. Där har det varit företaget som stått för integreringen av de olika budskapen. I det här arbetet står kunden för integrationen och har därmed möjligheten att lägga till budskap eller lämna bort någonting väsentligt. I och med perspektivskiftet kan man upptäcka nya fenomen i kommunikation som inte tidigare beaktats i tillräcklig utsträckning. Eftersom det är kunden som står för den aktiva konstruktionen av budskap, kan kundens uppfattning vara en annan än den som företagen avsett. Kundens uppfattning kan beskrivas med hjälp av begreppen tydlig, otydlig och tyst kommunikation. Inom ramen för tyst kommunikation utvecklas ett nytt begrepp – passiv kommunikation – som kan öppna möjligheter för företag att minska på den aktiva kommunikationen med sina kunder. Även källorna till den här kommunikationen kan variera. Dylika källor kan lokaliseras till relation, händelse eller konsekvens. Dessa fenomen har sammanställts i en modell som kallas relationskommunikationsarenan. Kundernas uppfattningar varierar beroende på om det är fråga om relationskommunikation eller annan kommunikation. Dessa uppfattningar är strukturerade i två olika dimensioner: en tids- och en kontextdimension. Tidsdimensionen består av historiska och framtidsrelaterade faktorer och kontextdimensionen är en situationsdimension som består av interna, personliga faktorer och av externa faktorer i omgivningen. I relations-kommunikation förekommer faktorer från alla dimensioner. Modellen för denna struktur kallas den dynamiska kommunikationsmodellen. I avhandlingen utvecklas även en metod – kommunikationstopografi – med vars hjälp olika uppfattningar kan visualiseras på ett åskådligt sätt. Med topografierna kan olika budskap som annonser analyseras och tydliga, otydliga samt tysta budskap separeras. På motsvarande sätt kan även olika grupper av personer som uppfattar budskap på ett visst sätt särskiljas. Både budskap och personer analyseras här. Förekomsten av relationskommunikation kan i en del fall påvisas. Med kommunikationstopografi kan man visa hur den aktiva kunden konstruerar, lägger till eller lämnar bort budskap.
The simplified model of human tear fluid (TF) is a three-layered structure composed of a homogenous gel-like layer of hydrated mucins, an aqueous phase, and a lipid-rich outermost layer found in the tear-air interface. It is assumed that amphiphilic phospholipids are found adjacent to the aqueous-mucin layer and externally to this a layer composed of non-polar lipids face the tear-air interface. The lipid layer prevents evaporation of the TF and protects the eye, but excess accumulation of lipids may lead to drying of the corneal epithelium. Thus the lipid layer must be controlled and maintained by some molecular mechanisms. In the circulation, phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediate lipid transfers. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the presence and molecular mechanisms of lipid transfer proteins in human TF. The purpose was also to study the role of these proteins in the development of dry eye syndrome (DES). The presence of TF PLTP and CETP was studied by western blotting and mass spectrometry. The concentration of these proteins was determined by ELISA. The activities of the enzymes were determined by specific lipid transfer assays. To study the molecular mechanisms involved in PLTP mediated lipid transfer Langmuir monolayers and asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) was used. Ocular tissue samples were stained with monoclonal antibodies against PLTP to study the secretion route of PLTP. Heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography was used for PLTP pull-down experiments and co-eluted proteins were identified with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or Western blot analysis. To study whether PLTP plays any functional role in TF PLTP-deficient mice were examined. The activity of PLTP was also studied in dry eye patients. PLTP is a component of normal human TF, whereas CETP is not. TF PLTP concentration was about 2-fold higher than that in human plasma. Inactivation of PLTP by heat treatment or immunoinhibition abolished the phospholipid transfer activity in tear fluid. PLTP was found to be secreted from lacrimal glands. PLTP seems to be surface active and is capable of accepting lipid molecules without the presence of lipid-protein complexes. The active movement of radioactively labeled lipids and high activity form of PLTP to acceptor particles suggested a shuttle model of PLTP-mediated lipid transfer. In this model, PLTP physically transports lipids between the donor and acceptor. Protein-protein interaction assays revealed ocular mucins as PLTP interaction partners in TF. In mice with a full deficiency of functional PLTP enhanced corneal epithelial damage, increased corneal permeability to carboxyfluorescein, and decreased corneal epithelial occludin expression was demonstrated. Increased tear fluid PLTP activity was observed among human DES patients. These results together suggest a scavenger property of TF PLTP: if the corneal epithelium is contaminated by hydrophobic material, PLTP could remove them and transport them to the superficial layer of the TF or, alternatively, transport them through the naso-lacrimal duct. Thus, PLTP might play an integral role in tear lipid trafficking and in the protection of the corneal epithelium. The increased PLTP activity in human DES patients suggests an ocular surface protective role for this lipid transfer protein.
Thermal contact conductance (TCC) measurements are made on bare and gold plated (<= 0.5 mu m) oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) Cu and brass contacts in vacuum, nitrogen, and argon environments. It is observed that the TCC in gaseous environment is significantly higher than that in vacuum due to the enhanced thermal gap conductance. It is found that for a given contact load and gas pressure, the thermal gap conductance for bare OFHC Cu contacts is higher than that for gold plated contacts. It is due to the difference in the molecular weights of copper and gold, which influences the exchange of kinetic energy between the gas molecules and contact surfaces. Furthermore, the gap conductance is found to increase with increasing thickness of gold plating. Topography measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of contact surfaces revealed that surfaces become smoother with increasing gold plating thickness, thus resulting in smaller gaps and consequently higher gap conductance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
QSPR-malli kuvaa kvantitatiivista riippuvuutta muuttujien ja biologisen ominaisuuden välillä. Näin ollen QSPR mallit ovat käyttökelpoisia lääkekehityksen apuvälineitä. Kirjallisessa osassa kerrotaan sarveiskalvon, suoliston ja veriaivoesteen permeabiliteetin malleista. Useimmin käytettyjä muuttujia ovat yhdisteen rasvaliukoisuus, polaarinen pinta-ala, vetysidosten muodostuminen ja varaus. Myös yhdisteen koko vaikuttaa läpäisevyyteen, vaikka tutkimuksissa onkin erilaista tietoa tämän merkittävyydestä. Malliin vaikuttaa myös muiden kuin mallissa mukana olevien muuttujien suuruusluokka esimerkkinä Lipinskin ‖rule of 5‖ luokittelu. Tässä luokittelussa yhdisteen ominaisuus ei saa ylittää tiettyjä raja-arvoja. Muussa tapauksessa sen imeytyminen suun kautta otettuna todennäköisesti vaarantuu. Lisäksi kirjallisessa osassa tutustuttiin kuljetinproteiineihin ja niiden toimintaan silmän sarveiskalvossa, suolistossa ja veriaivoesteessä. Nykyisin on kehitetty erilaisia QSAR-malleja kuljetinproteiineille ennustamaan mahdollisten substraatittien tai inhibiittorien vuorovaikutuksia kuljetinproteiinin kanssa. Kokeellisen osan tarkoitus oli rakentaa in silico -malli sarveiskalvon passiiviselle permeabiliteetille. Työssä tehtiin QSPR-malli 54 yhdisteen ACDLabs-ohjelmalla laskettujen muuttujien arvojen avulla. Permeabiliteettikertoimien arvot saatiin kirjallisuudesta kanin sarveiskalvon läpäisevyystutkimuksista. Lopullisen mallin muuttujina käytettiin oktanoli-vesijakaantumiskerrointa (logD) pH:ssa 7,4 ja vetysidosatomien kokonaismäärää. Yhtälö oli muotoa log10(permeabiliteettikerroin) = -3,96791 - 0,177842Htotal + 0,311963logD(pH7,4). R2-korrelaatiokerroin oli 0,77 ja Q2-korrelaatiokerroin oli 0,75. Lopullisen mallin hyvyyttä arvioitiin 15 yhdisteen ulkoisella testijoukolla, jolloin ennustettua permeabiliteettia verrattiin kokeelliseen permeabiliteettiin. QSPR-malli arvioitiin myös farmakokineettisen simulaation avulla. Simulaatiossa laskettiin seitsemän yhdisteen kammionestepitoisuudet in vivo vakaassa tilassa käyttäen simulaatioissa QSPR mallilla ennustettuja permeabiliteettikertoimia. Lisäksi laskettiin sarveiskalvon imeytymisen nopeusvakio (Kc) 13 yhdisteelle farmakokineettisen simulaation avulla ja verrattiin tätä lopullisella mallilla ennustettuun permeabiliteettiin. Tulosten perusteella saatiin tilastollisesti hyvä QSPR-malli kuvaamaan sarveiskalvon passiivista permeabiliteettia, jolloin tätä mallia voidaan käyttää lääkekehityksen alkuvaiheessa. QSPR-malli ennusti permeabiliteettikertoimet hyvin, mikä nähtiin vertaamalla mallilla ennustettuja arvoja kokeellisiin tuloksiin. Lisäksi yhdisteiden kammionestepitoisuudet voitiin simuloida käyttäen apuna QSPR-mallilla ennustettuja permeabiliteettikertoimien arvoja.
Landscape is shaped by natural environment and increasingly by human activity. In landscape ecology, the concept of landscape can be defined as a kilometre-scale mosaic formed by different land-use types. In Helsinki Metropolitan Region, the landscape change caused by urbanization has accelerated after the 1950s. Prior to that, the landscape of the region was mainly only shaped by agriculture. The goal of this study was in addition to describing the landscape change to discuss the factors impacting the landscape change and evaluate thelandscape ecological impacts of the change. Three study areas at different distances from Helsinki city centre were chosen in order to look at the landscape change. Study areas were Malmi, Espoo and Mäntsälä regions representing different parts of the urban-to-rural gradient in 1955, 1975, 1990 and 2009. Land-use of the maps was then digitized into five classes: agricultural lands, semi-natural grasslands, built areas, waters and others using GIS methods. First, landscape change was studied using landscape ecological indices. Indices used were PLAND i.e. the proportions of the different land-use types in the landscape; MPS, SHEI and SHDI which describe fragmentation and heterogeneity of the landscape; and MSI and ED which are measures of patch shape. Second, landscape change was studied statistically in relation to topography, soil and urban structure of the study areas. Indicators used concerning urban structure were number of residents, car ownership and travel-related zones of urban form which indicate the degree of urban sprawl within the study areas. For the statistical analyses, each of the 9.25 x 9.25 km sized study areas was further divided into grids with resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 kilometres. Third, the changes in the green structure of the study areas were evaluated. The landscape change reflected by the proportions of the land-use types was the most notable in Malmi area where a large amount of agricultural land was developed from 1955 to 2009. The proportion of semi-natural grasslands also showed an interesting pattern in relation to urbanization. When urbanization started, a great number of agricultural lands were abandoned and turned into semi-natural grasslands but as the urbanization accelerated, the number of semi-natural grasslands started to decline because of urban densification. Landscape fragmentation and heterogeneity were the most widespread in Espoo study area which is not only because of the great differences in relative heights within the region but also its location in the rural-urban fringe. According to the results, urbanization induced agricultural lands to be more regular in shape both spatially and temporally whereas for built areas and semi-natural grasslands the impact of urbanization was reverse. Changes in landscape were the most insignificant in the most rural study area Mäntsälä. In Mäntsälä, built area per resident showed the greatest values indicating a widespread urban sprawl. The values were the smallest in highly urbanized Malmi study area. Unlike other study areas, in Mäntsälä the proportion of developing land in the ecologically disadvantageous cardependent zone was on the increase. On the other hand, the green structure of the Mäntsälä study area was the most advantageous whereas Malmi study area showed the most ecologically disadvantageous structure. Considering all the landscape ecological criteria used, the landscape structure of Espoo study area proved to be the best not least because of the great heterogeneity of its landscape. Thus the study confirmed the previous results according to which landscape heterogeneity is the most significant in areas exposed to a moderate human impact.
L-arginine phosphate monohydrate (LAP) is a relatively new organic nonlinear optical material. In this paper, the results of our recent investigations on the growth of this crystal are presented. The growth of the undesirable micro-organisms was prevented by protecting the solution surface by placing a thick layer of n-hexane over it. Colouration of the solution could be avoided by keeping the growth temperature low and by protecting it from light. The effect of pH value of the solution on the solubility and habit was analysed. The grown crystals were characterized by means of X-ray topography.
In meteorology, observations and forecasts of a wide range of phenomena for example, snow, clouds, hail, fog, and tornados can be categorical, that is, they can only have discrete values (e.g., "snow" and "no snow"). Concentrating on satellite-based snow and cloud analyses, this thesis explores methods that have been developed for evaluation of categorical products and analyses. Different algorithms for satellite products generate different results; sometimes the differences are subtle, sometimes all too visible. In addition to differences between algorithms, the satellite products are influenced by physical processes and conditions, such as diurnal and seasonal variation in solar radiation, topography, and land use. The analysis of satellite-based snow cover analyses from NOAA, NASA, and EUMETSAT, and snow analyses for numerical weather prediction models from FMI and ECMWF was complicated by the fact that we did not have the true knowledge of snow extent, and we were forced simply to measure the agreement between different products. The Sammon mapping, a multidimensional scaling method, was then used to visualize the differences between different products. The trustworthiness of the results for cloud analyses [EUMETSAT Meteorological Products Extraction Facility cloud mask (MPEF), together with the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (SAFNWC) cloud masks provided by Météo-France (SAFNWC/MSG) and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SAFNWC/PPS)] compared with ceilometers of the Helsinki Testbed was estimated by constructing confidence intervals (CIs). Bootstrapping, a statistical resampling method, was used to construct CIs, especially in the presence of spatial and temporal correlation. The reference data for validation are constantly in short supply. In general, the needs of a particular project drive the requirements for evaluation, for example, for the accuracy and the timeliness of the particular data and methods. In this vein, we discuss tentatively how data provided by general public, e.g., photos shared on the Internet photo-sharing service Flickr, can be used as a new source for validation. Results show that they are of reasonable quality and their use for case studies can be warmly recommended. Last, the use of cluster analysis on meteorological in-situ measurements was explored. The Autoclass algorithm was used to construct compact representations of synoptic conditions of fog at Finnish airports.
Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) is a relatively new nonlinear optical material with excellent combination of physical properties. This paper presents the combined etching and X-ray topographic studies carried out on KTP crystals with a view to characterizing their defects. KTP crystals employed in this investigation were grown from flux. Optical microscopic study of habit faces revealed growth layers and growth hillocks on (100) and (011) faces respectively. Etching of (011) habit faces proved that growth hillocks corresponded to the emergence point of dislocation out crops on these faces. The suitability of the new etchant to reveal dislocation was confirmed by etching the matched pairs obtained by cleaving. The defects present in the crystal were also studied by X-ray topography. The defect configuration in these crystals is characteristic of crystals grown from solution. The dislocations arc predominantly linear with their origin either at the nucleation centre or inclusions. In general, grown crystals were found to have low dislocation density and often large volumes of crystals free from dislocation could be obtained.
This paper describes the electrical contact resistance (ECR) measurements made on thin gold plated (gold plating of <= 0.5 mu m with a Ni underlayer of similar to 2 mu m) oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) Cu contacts in vacuum environment. ECR in gold plated OFHC Cu contacts is found to be slightly higher than that in bare OFHC Cu contacts. Even though gold is a softer material than copper, the relatively high ECR values observed in gold plated contacts are mainly due to the higher hardness and electrical resistivity of the underlying Ni layer. It is well known that ECR is directly related to plating factor, which increases with increasing coating thickness when the electrical resistivity of coating material is more than that of substrate. Surprisingly, in the present case it is found that the ECR decreases with increasing gold layer thickness on OFHC Cu substrate (gold has higher electrical resistivity than OFHC Cu). It is analytically demonstrated from the topography and microhardness measurements results that this peculiar behavior is associated with thin gold platings, where the changes in surface roughness and microhardness with increasing layer thickness overshadow the effect of plating factor on ECR.
A novel approach to estimate fringe order in Moire topography is proposed. Along with the light source used to create shadow of the grating on the object (as in conventional moire), proposed method uses a second light source which illuminates the object with color bands from the side. Width of each colored band is set to match that height which leads to a 2 pi phase shift in moire fringes. This facilitates one to rule the object with colored bands, which can be used to estimate fringe order using a color camera with relatively low spatial resolution with out any compromise in height sensitivity. Current proposal facilitates one to extract 3D profile of objects with surface discontinuities. It also deals with the possible usage of moire topography (when combined with the proposed method) in extracting 3D surface profile of many objects with height discontinuities using a single 2D image. Present article deals with theory and simulations of this novel side illumination based approach.
Among various MEMS sensors, a rate gyroscope is one of the most complex sensors from the design point of view. The gyro normally consists of a proof mass suspended by an elaborate assembly of beams that allow the system to vibrate in two transverse modes. The structure is normally analysed and designed using commercial FEM packages such as ANSYS or MEMS specific commercial tools such as Coventor or Intellisuite. In either case, the complexity in analysis rises manyfolds when one considers the etch hole topography and the associated fluid flow calculation for damping. In most cases, the FEM analysis becomes prohibitive and one resorts to equivalent electrical circuit simulations using tools like SABER in Coventor. Here, we present a simplified lumped parameter model of the tuning fork gyro and show how easily it can be implemented using a generic tool like SIMULINK. The results obtained are compared with those obtained from more elaborate and intense simulations in Coventor. The comparison shows that lumped parameter SIMULINK model gives equally good results with fractional effort in modelling and computation. Next, the performance of a symmetric and decoupled vibratory gyroscope structure is also evaluated using this approach and a few modifications are made in this design to enhance the sensitivity of the device.
In correlation filtering we attempt to remove that component of the aeromagnetic field which is closely related to the topography. The magnetization vector is assumed to be spatially variable, but it can be successively estimated under the additional assumption that the magnetic component due to topography is uncorrelated with the magnetic signal of deeper origin. The correlation filtering was tested against a synthetic example. The filtered field compares very well with the known signal of deeper origin. We have also applied this method to real data from the south Indian shield. It is demonstrated that the performance of the correlation filtering is superior in situations where the direction of magnetization is variable, for example, where the remnant magnetization is dominant.
Single crystals of the metalorganic nonlinear optical material zinc tris (thiourea) sulfate (ZTS) were grown from aqueous solution. The morphology of the crystals was indexed. The grown crystals were characterized by recording the powder X-ray diffraction pattern and by identifying the diffracting planes. Spectrophotometric studies on ZTS reveal that it has good transparency for the Nd: YAG laser fundamental wavelength. Differential thermal analysis of ZTS indicates that the material does not sublime before melting but decomposes immediately after melting. The defect content of the crystals was estimated using etching and X-ray topography. The mechanical hardness anisotropy was evaluated in the (100) plane, which indicates the presence of soft directions.
In this paper, we propose the first approximation for thickness of Quaternary sediment and late Quaternary early Tertiary topography for the part of lower reaches of Narmada valley in a systematic way using the shallow seismic method, that records both horizontal and vertical components of the microtremor (ambient noise) caused by natural processes. The measurements of microtremors were carried out at 31 sites spaced at a grid interval of 5 km s using Lennartz seismometer (5 s period) and City shark-II data acquisition system. The signals recorded were analysed for horizontal to the vertical (H/V) spectral ratio using GEOPSY software. For the present study, we concentrate on frequency range between 0.2 Hz and 10 Hz. The thickness of unconsolidated sediments at various sites is calculated based on non-linear regression equations proposed by Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg (1999) and Parolai et al. (2002). The estimated thickness is used to plot digital elevation model and cross profiles correlating with geomorphology and geology of the study area. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.