970 resultados para Constitutional conventions
Abstract: Constitutional amendment and problem-solving: supermajorities in 34 states.
State compliance with EU Law is crucial to the very existence of the Union. Traditionally, it has been secured through a combination of strong "private" and of weak "centralized" enforcement. However, this arrangement is no longer perceived to be sufficient. By endowing the Union with new tools vis-à-vis its Member States - penalties, conditionality, and the like - current reforms try to complement symbolic sanctioning with real "consequences". The goal is to reinforce the authority of EU Law. In this article, we question whether the new toolbox is fit for the purpose, or whether it risks to produce adverse effects which might even go as far as upsetting the Union's constitutional template.
Ylänimeke: Käsitteitä
Vivim en un món desbordat de sons, olors, imatges,.. que sovint adquirei-xen transparència en els ulls dels adults, no obstant durant la infància es posseeix una mirada molt oberta del món, però el dia a dia, les rutines i convencionalismes redueixen les percepcions que es reben de l’entorn. Tre-ballar i fer ús dels sentits desperta i situa a l’infant en posició de ser partícip del món que l’envolta i ajuda a la comprensió i expressió de tot allò que sent i percep. Mitjançant la metodologia de l’experimentació i l’art és possi-ble el desenvolupament de les percepcions sensorials, a través de les quals la ment comença a construir les seves pròpies idees del món. La sensibilitat en la manera de percebre la realitat permet obtenir noves perspectives, així com maneres d’expressar i comunicar, de forma creativa, tot allò que es percep.
Water planning efforts typically identify problems and needs. But simply calling attention to issues is usually not enough to spur action; the end result of many well-intentioned planning efforts is a report that ends up gathering dust on a shelf. Vague recommendations like “Water conservation measures should be implemented” usually accomplish little by themselves as they don’t assign responsibility to anyone. Success is more likely when an implementation strategy — who can and should do what — is developed as part of the planning process. The more detailed and specific the implementation strategy, the greater the chance that something will actually be done. The question then becomes who has the legal authority or responsibility to do what? Are new laws and programs needed or can existing ones be used to implement the recommendations? ... This document is divided into four main parts. The first, “Carrots and Sticks” looks at two basic approaches — regulatory and non-regulatory — that can be, and are, used to carry out water policy. Both have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. The second, “The powers of federal, state and local governments…,” looks at the constitutional powers the federal government and state and local governments have to carry out water policy. An initial look at the U. S. Constitution might suggest the federal government’s regulatory authority over water is limited but, in fact, its powers are very substantial. States have considerable authority to do a number of things but have to be mindful of any federal efforts that might conflict with those state efforts. And local governments can only do those things the state constitution or state legislature says they can do and must conform to any requirements or limitations on those powers that are contained in the enabling acts. Parts three and four examine in more detail the main programs and agencies at the federal level as well as Iowa’s state and local levels and the roles they play in national and state water policy.
En les diferents recerques sobre la socialització familiar són cada vegada més habituals les referències dels progenitors catalans de classes mitjanes i altes a la complexitat, a les dificultats i a la tensió creixent que implica educar els fills i les filles. Sobre això, i amb la teoria de la civilització de Norbert Elias com a fil conductor, l’article es pregunta pels malestars que actualment travessa la socialització familiar i els posa en relació amb quin és l’objectiu del mateix procés en la nostra societat immersa en un capitalisme financer i flexible. Així, si la finalitat és la «socialització terciària» (Mead, 1964; Bateson, 1984), dins les famílies emergeixen un seguit de neguits i malestars lligats a l’autoritat, l’autonomia, els hàbits, els conflictes i els càstigs, les normes, les convencions i les prohibicions, etc. que, segons el parer de l’autor, cal comprendre dins del nou context social i econòmic i en relació amb els nous objectius de l’educació familiar de les famílies benestants catalanes.
Résumé de la thèse: Cette thèse vise à analyser l'expérience de la maladie telle qu'elle se donne à lire dans les consultations épistolaires de la seconde moitié du 18e siècle, en particulier dans la correspondance adressée au médecin suisse Samuel Auguste Tissot (1758-1797), qui contient plus d'un millier de documents rendant compte de la situation d'un malade et soumis au praticien en vue de solliciter un diagnostic et des traitements. Il s'agit plus précisément d'étudier les modes de représentation et de réaction face à la maladie du point de vue des patient-e-s et de la communauté des profanes, en inscrivant les récits envoyés au praticien dans le contexte à la fois des conventions d'écriture relatives à la médecine par lettres et des schémas d'appréhension du corps ou de la santé au siècle des Lumières, ainsi que dans le cadre de l'offre thérapeutique disponible à cette époque. La thèse cherche principalement à défendre l'idée de mises en intrigue des maux qui, tout en étant informées par des catégories lexico-sémantiques culturelles et historiques, ne ménagent pas moins une certaine marge interprétative et narrative aux auteur-e-s des consultations épistolaires, révélant de leur part des appropriations complexes et sélectives par rapport à la culture médicale.
La resolución de los recursos de inconstitucionalidad contra los Estatutos de la Comunidad Valenciana y de Cataluña parece haber zanjado el debate sobre licitud de las declaraciones estatutarias de Derechos a la luz de la Constitución. Las sentencias 247/2007 y 31/2010 y la más reciente de 16 de diciembre admiten que los Estatutos de Autonomía puedan contener derechos. La detenida lectura de los fundamentos jurídicos de las citadas sentencias plantea, sin embargo, otro tema de gran importancia desde la perspectiva constitucional: ¿tienen algún valor estas cartas estatutarias de derechos? A este interrogante se da respuesta abordando dos cuestiones distintas aunque complementarias. La primera de ellas hace referencia al contenido de esta parte de la norma estatutaria. Para el Tribunal estos derechos estatutarios no son derechos fundamentales, los cuales sólo pueden ser proclamados en la Constitución. Y son derechos que, además, deben estar conectados al ámbito competencial de la Comunidad Autónoma y solo pueden vincular a los poderes públicos autonómicos. La segunda se centra en la verdadera naturaleza de estos derechos estatutarios. El Tribunal, a pesar de reconocer la existencia de derechos subjetivos en los Estatutos, niega tal condición a los derechos estatutarios que aparezcan vinculados solo a las competencias configurándolos como meros mandatos de la actuación de los poderes públicos autonómicos. La existencia del derecho, en este supuesto, dependerá de la actuación del legislador autonómico. La conclusión es que, contrariamente a lo querido por el legislador estatutario, el Tribunal les reconoce la eficacia de un principio rector al convertir la mayoría de los derechos que las integran en meros mandatos a los poderes públicos. El análisis de las citadas sentencias ha constatado que la licitud constitucional de este nuevo contenido estatutario viene acompañada de una contrapartida: su desactivación normativa.
English summary: Copyright and constitutional rights (s. 533)
The main purpose of this research project is to analyse the major female figures in Wilkie Collins' work of fiction The Law and the Lady, in relation to the times in which the novel was produced and the situation of women in the Victorian era. After taking into account the major events of the life of the author, as well as the sociohistorical conditions of the Victorian period, I try to reach conclusions about whether the author challenges gender-role expectations, presenting the readers with a new form of femininity, of if, on the contrary, he preserves and maintains a conservative, traditional perspective of femininity and female conventions proper to the established parameters of the times in which he lived. Keywords:
English summary: The Committee for Constitutional Law of the Parliament from a constitutional court perspective (s. 723)
AVANT PROPOS L'abus des conventions de double imposition (treaty shopping) est une des problématiques les plus riches de la fiscalité internationale contemporaine. L'utilisation d'une telle convention (ci-après : CDI) par des personnes ne résidant effectivement dans aucun des Etats contractants à la convention constitue pour une majorité de la doctrine internationale un abus de droit. La problématique de l'abus des CDI a été identifiée de longue date en Suisse. Elle a suivi une évolution partiellement différente aux Etats-Unis. Les deux approches se sont rencontrées une première fois lors de la conclusion de la CDI CH-US de 1951 (art. XI). Longtemps évoquée, la révision de cette convention a été finalisée en 1996. Cette deuxième rencontre a fait entrer dans l'ordre juridique suisse une disposition d'un type complètement nouveau, qui aura des répercussions jusque dans la pratique anti-abus au plan interne en Suisse. La présente étude s'attachera à examiner l'évolution comparée de la lutte contre l'abus des CDI en Suisse tout d'abord (première partie), et aux Etats-Unis ensuite (IIe partie), ainsi que les relations entre les normes internes anti-abus et celles découlant d'une convention dans chacun des deux Etats. La clause spécifique de limitation des avantages de la Convention actuelle (art. 22 CDI-US) sera analysée dans la IIIe partie. La dernière partie (IVe partie) sera consacrée à une comparaison entre cette disposition et les mesures anti-abus contenues dans le Modèle de convention de l'OCDE afin de déterminer si cette clause constitue réellement l'instrument optimal pour lutter contre l'utilisation indue des conventions de double imposition.
This research paper provides the basis of a future doctoral thesison the construction of foreign news. We aim to highlight similarities and differences in the online news coverage of the nationalist movments in Scotland and Catalonia in the Canadian Anglophone and Francophone press. Through a qualitative and quantitative content analysis of The Montreal Gazette, The National Post, The Globe and Mail, Le Devoir and La Presse, we attempt to show the frames used in the coverage of the political developments in both “stateless regions” from January 2011 to September 2014, when a referendum on the constitutional status of Scotland has beenagreed on. In parallel to the analysis of daily online newspapers, we will use semi-structured interviews of journalists from each news organization to obtain more in-depth knowledge of the factors influencing the construction of news. Lastly, we want to find out to the extent to which the coverage on the nationalist movements in Scotland and Catalonia serve to revive the debate on the independence question of Québec
How communication systems emerge and remain stable is an important question in both cognitive science and evolutionary biology. For communication to arise, not only must individuals cooperate by signaling reliable information, but they must also coordinate and perpetuate signals. Most studies on the emergence of communication in humans typically consider scenarios where individuals implicitly share the same interests. Likewise, most studies on human cooperation consider scenarios where shared conventions of signals and meanings cannot be developed de novo. Here, we combined both approaches with an economic experiment where participants could develop a common language, but under different conditions fostering or hindering cooperation. Participants endeavored to acquire a resource through a learning task in a computer-based environment. After this task, participants had the option to transmit a signal (a color) to a fellow group member, who would subsequently play the same learning task. We varied the way participants competed with each other (either global scale or local scale) and the cost of transmitting a signal (either costly or noncostly) and tracked the way in which signals were used as communication among players. Under global competition, players signaled more often and more consistently, scored higher individual payoffs, and established shared associations of signals and meanings. In addition, costly signals were also more likely to be used under global competition; whereas under local competition, fewer signals were sent and no effective communication system was developed. Our results demonstrate that communication involves both a coordination and a cooperative dilemma and show the importance of studying language evolution under different conditions influencing human cooperation.
My study is based on an ethnography of two groups of young people from working-class neighbourhoods in Barcelona. I was interested in researching the impact of Catalan language policies on the identities of young people of Spanish-speaking immigrant families. I sought to go beyond the constraints of traditional structuralist approaches in Sociolinguistics in order to make my analysis relevant to people working for gender equality, the promotion of the Catalan language, or other social causes. I combine ideas from Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Fairclough, Foucault and Goffman to build a dialectical, historical, process-centred perspective that conceptualises practices in terms of social and political struggles.I analyse young people's peer-group activities in terms of their significance for the construction of gender identities. I propose a variety of forms of masculinity and femininity according to the various ways in which members organised their gender displays in face-to-face interaction.I also show how their use of argot and dialectal Spanish was part of the processes whereby members defined their relationships, constructed particular subject positions in interaction and struggled to legitimate their own values.I explore the meanings constructed through Catalan and Spanish by looking into the code-switching practices of my participants. I analysed their talk in terms of narratives that present particular sequential dramatisations of events for conversational audiences. These narratives follow the expressive intention of the author, and are populated with multiple voices of animated characters. I argue that, in the groups I studied, Catalan was generally not used to animate the voices that were central to the identities of the peer-group, and particularly to masculine identities.In order to contextualise these practices within the wider society, I also look into the processes of language choice in face-to-face encounters. I argue that existing conventions made it difficult for people to find opportunities to speak Catalan. I also pointed to the difficulties that my participants had to find employment, which were particularly acute amongst the more politically aware individuals. I conclude that these young working-class people had little possibilities of investing in more egalitarian forms of identity given their lack of resources and opportunities to develop their identities in other social spaces, such as the workplace.