882 resultados para Congo (Democratic Republic)
Cartledge and Edge (2010) argue that the modern republican tradition offers a useful framework for understanding the Athenian concept of freedom; and that within this framework the Athenians protected their freedoms without reference to any concept of rights. This paper agrees with both of these conclusions but identifies and corrects three assumptions behind Cartledge and Edge’s argument: that the only purpose of rights is to protect individual freedoms against the state; that rights have no place at all in the republican tradition; and that the ancient Greeks did not understand rights. In fact the Athenians did have an understanding of rights but they did not use rights to protect freedoms. The reason for this is that the protected freedom is a very modern and particularly sophisticated application of the concept of rights.
De Gaulle, founder of the Fifth French Republic, cherished the notion that the president of the Republic could somehow stand above party politics. In many ways this belief shaped the early institutional configuration of the new Republic. Party politics, however, rapidly reached the presidency, especially with the move, under the constitutional reform of 1962, to direct election of the president. This article charts the development of France's 'political constitution' and the relationship between president and parties over the first decade of the Fifth Republic. It finds that although the presidency became the prime goal of party political competition, the (often dysfunctional) illusion of a head of state above politics continues to shape the behaviour and perceptions of French presidents.
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of surface deformation at Nyamuragira Volcano between 1996 and 2010 reveal a variety of co-eruptive and inter-eruptive signals. During 7 of the 8 eruptions in this period deformation was measured that is consistent with the emplacement of shallow near-vertical dykes feeding the eruptive fissures and associated with a NNW-trending fissure zone that traverses the summit caldera. Between eruptions the caldera and the summit part of this fissure zone subsided gradually (b3–5 cm/year). We also find evidence of post-eruption subsidence around the sites of the main vents of some flank eruptions (2002, 2004, 2006, and 2010). In the 6 months prior to the 2010 eruption a10-km wide zone centred on the caldera inflated by 1–2 cm. The low magnitude of this signal suggests that the presumed magma reservoir at 3–8 km depth contains highly compressible magma with little stored elastic strain energy. To the north of the caldera the fissure zone splits into WNW and NE branches around a zone that has a distinct InSAR signal. We interpret this zone to represent an elevated, 'stable' block of basement rocks buried by lavas within the Rift Zone.
This empirical study explores successful views and characteristics of leaders and employees in the SMEs of the People's Republic of China during the global financial crisis.
Why has the extreme right Greek Golden Dawn, a party with clear links to fascism experienced a rise defying all theories that claim that such a party is unlikely to win in post-WWII Europe? And, if we accept that economic crisis is an explanation for this, why has such a phenomenon not occurred in other countries that have similar conducive conditions, such as Portugal and Spain? This article addresses this puzzle by (a) carrying out a controlled comparison of Greece, Portugal and Spain and (b) showing that the rise of the extreme right is not a question of intensity of economic crisis. Rather it is the nature of the crisis, i.e. economic versus overall crisis of democratic representation that facilitates the rise of the extreme right. We argue that extreme right parties are more likely to experience an increase in their support when economic crisis culminates into an overall crisis of democratic representation. Economic crisis is likely to become a political crisis when severe issues of governability impact upon the ability of the state to fulfil its social contract obligations. This breach of the social contract is accompanied by declining levels of trust in state institutions, resulting in party system collapse.
In 1659-60, James Harrington and Henry Stubbe, two republican authors, engaged in a bad-tempered pamphlet debate about the constitution of classical Sparta. This took place in the context of political collapse after the fall of the Cromwellian Protectorate, as republicans desperately attempted to devise safeguards which could prevent the return of monarchy. Questions of constitutional form were not always at the forefront of 1650s English republicanism, but Harrington’s ideal constitution of ‘Oceana’ brought these questions to the fore in 1659’s discussions. Sparta formed a key plank of the ‘ancient prudence’ which supported Harrington’s theory, and like Stubbe he drew on Nicolaus Cragius’ De Republica Lacedaemoniorum (1593) for evidence, and was attracted to some of the more apparently ‘aristocratic’ elements of the Spartan constitution. However, classical texts and modern scholarly authority, such as Cragius’, were not the only ingredients in the English version of the ‘classical republican’ tradition; sixteenth- and seventeenth-century political thinkers and current exigencies also shaped Harrington and Stubbe’s arguments. Both Harrington and Stubbe ended up challenging the scholarly and ancient consensus that Sparta was an aristocracy or mixed polity, Harrington reinterpreting it to assimilate it to ‘democracy’, and Stubbe attempting to rehabilitate a model of benign ‘oligarchy’.
Blood-sucking flies are important parasites in animal production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. H. irritans is one of the parasites of cattle that cause significant economic losses in many parts of the world, including South America. In the present work, Brazilian, Colombian and Dominican Republic populations of this species were studied by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) to assess basically genetic variability between populations. Fifteen different decamer random primers were employed in the genomic DNA amplification, yielding 196 fragments in the three H. irritans populations. Among h. irritans samples, that from Colombia produced the smallest numbers of polymorphic hands. This high genetic homogeneity may be ascribed to its geographic origin, which causes high isolation, low gene flow, unlike the other American populations, from Brazil and Dominican Republic. Molecular marker fragments, which its produced exclusive bands, detected in every sample enabled the population origin to be characterized, but they are also potentially useful for further approaches such as the putative origin of Brazilian, Colombian and Dominican Republic populations of horn fly from South America. Similarity indices produced by chemo metric analysis showed the closest relationships between flies from Brazil and Dominican Republic, while flies from Colombia showed the greatest genotypic differentiation relative to the others populations.
Modern capitalism is not singular. There are varieties of capitalism in the contemporary world. This thesis aims to apply the Varieties of Capitalism approach developed by Hall and Soskice (2001) to the case of the Czech Republic and ascertain whether the Czech market economy is approaching a liberal or a coordinated ideal type defined by these authors. At the same time, such findings might provide an answer to whether the Varieties of Capitalism approach designed for advanced industrialized economies is fully applicable for analysis of a post-socialist country that underwent a complicated process of economic and institutional transformation.
Nowadays, the western societies are based on parliamentary democracy. Therefore, weak legislative power of the European Parliament is alleged for the democratic deficit in the EU. How it can be possible that the parliamentary democracy which is practiced on the national level can be achieved beyond the nation-states without diminishing the democracy at the nation-states? If not, how legitimacy can be obtained so that the continued existence and expansion of the EU should be justified? Since expectations for democratization of the EU are still unmet, finding answers to the actual questions is a great appeal. The thesis will explore the fundamental debates and arguments contributing to the democracy in the EU through the parliaments. I will try to reflect to the different ways of thinking and the prospects of establishing parliamentary democracy beyond the nation states.
Esta tese oferece uma explicação para a existência de políticas governamentais que não alcançam estabilidade após conjunturas críticas que afetam seu equilíbrio, enfocando a gestão da infraestrutura rodoviária no Brasil. A política do setor entrou em crise financeira e institucional em meados da década de 70, que se acentuou na década de 80, pressionando os Governos democráticos a perseguiram uma agenda de reformas que envolviam a revisão dos mecanismos de financiamento e investimento públicos, a mudança estrutural dos órgãos e competências do setor e a parceria com o mercado, através de políticas de concessões rodoviárias. Através de estudos de caso dos Governos da Nova República entre os anos de 1985 e 2010, a pesquisa responde o porquê de as reformas intentadas no setor apresentarem uma seqüência de falhas e sucesso parciais, proporcionando novos desequilíbrios e tentativas de reforma. Por intermédio do referencial teórico do institucionalismo, demonstramos que as transformações institucionais ocorridas no Brasil a partir do fim da década de 70 contribuíram para a configuração de um setor mais pluralista e sob menor autonomia dos órgãos setoriais, levando a contradições institucionais com as quais os sucessivos Governos lidaram sob dilemas estratégicos entre manter a governabilidade política e perseguir um bom desempenho. Esta interação entre um setor competitivo e estratégias políticas conduziu a um equilíbrio desarticulado, que sacrifica o desempenho setorial e demanda permanentes agendas de reformas.
A obra infantil de Monteiro Lobato apresenta a ciência de forma diferenciada em três fases. Na primeira, a ciência é inútil e representa um empecilho no desenrolar das aventuras. Na segunda,ela é o próprio motor das histórias. Na terceira, é vista como ferramenta mal utilizada pela civilização. Monteiro Lobato se vinculou a um grupo ontelectual de São Paulo cuja ação está na base da formação do Partido Democritico na década de vinte. A estrutura das fases identificadas na obra infantil corresponde à trajetória política do grupo. Num primeiro momento, ele luta por afirmar-se, por se estabelecer na política regional contra o conservadorismo do PRP. Num segundo momento ele se faz vitorioso, dirigindo o estado; finalmente ele é derrotado pelo golpe de 1937, se desagrega. Seus membros são cooptados ou perseguidos. Assim, a obra infantil de Lobato retrata a saga do liberalismo oligárquico em São Paulo durante a Primeira República.
Esta tese analisa uma amostra de cartas pessoais que integram o fundo documental Coleção Memória da Constituinte, depositado no Arquivo Histórico do Museu da República. Esse fundo reúne documentos produzidos no curso do processo político que resultou na promulgação da atual Constituição Federal brasileira. O Brasil vivenciava um momento de transição democrática, que tinha por objetivo pôr fim ao regime autoritário instalado no país a partir do golpe civil-militar de 1964. A reconstitucionalização colocava-se como a via democrática de luta contra o autoritarismo, recebendo forte e crescente apoio social e tornando-se inclusive um ponto-chave na articulação da eleição indireta de Tancredo Neves e José Sarney à Presidência e Vice-Presidência da República em 1985. Com a eleição e morte de Tancredo, Sarney assume a Presidência e propõe oficialmente a convocação de uma Assembleia Nacional Constituinte no país. Tem início um intenso debate na sociedade e negociações em torno do tipo de Constituinte que se desejava estabelecer, com destaque para a organização de um amplo e bem estruturado movimento social em prol da participação popular na Constituinte, então aclamada como uma condição para a construção de um Brasil verdadeiramente democrático. As cartas analisadas nesta tese inserem-se no quadro das iniciativas de participação na Constituinte empreendidas no país. Elas foram escritas por populares, em razão daquele momento de reconstitucionalização, e enviadas a autoridades do mundo da política. Registram reivindicações, pedidos, comentários, críticas, denúncias e sugestões da população para a futura Constituição. O objetivo da tese é, por um lado, mostrar que essas cartas são formas de participação política, singulares e especiais, que valorizam a dimensão democrática da política. Por outro, identificar os sentidos atribuídos nas cartas às noções de “direitos do cidadão” e “deveres dos representantes políticos”, naquele momento em que o país se colocava a tarefa de elaborar uma nova Constituição – a “Constituição Cidadã”.