985 resultados para Compression ignition engines.


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Low-velocity impact damage can drastically reduce the residual strength of a composite structure even when the damage is barely visible. The ability to computationally predict the extent of damage and compression-after-impact (CAI) strength of a composite structure can potentially lead to the exploration of a larger design space without incurring significant time and cost penalties. A high-fidelity three-dimensional composite damage model, to predict both low-velocity impact damage and CAI strength of composite laminates, has been developed and implemented as a user material subroutine in the commercial finite element package, ABAQUS/Explicit. The intralaminar damage model component accounts for physically-based tensile and compressive failure mechanisms, of the fibres and matrix, when subjected to a three-dimensional stress state. Cohesive behaviour was employed to model the interlaminar failure between plies with a bi-linear traction–separation law for capturing damage onset and subsequent damage evolution. The virtual tests, set up in ABAQUS/Explicit, were executed in three steps, one to capture the impact damage, the second to stabilize the specimen by imposing new boundary conditions required for compression testing, and the third to predict the CAI strength. The observed intralaminar damage features, delamination damage area as well as residual strength are discussed. It is shown that the predicted results for impact damage and CAI strength correlated well with experimental testing without the need of model calibration which is often required with other damage models.


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Low-velocity impact damage can drastically reduce the residual mechanical properties of the composite structure even when there is barely visible impact damage. The ability to computationally predict the extent of damage and compression after impact (CAI) strength of a composite structure can potentially lead to the exploration of a larger design space without incurring significant development time and cost penalties. A three-dimensional damage model, to predict both low-velocity impact damage and compression after impact CAI strength of composite laminates, has been developed and implemented as a user material subroutine in the commercial finite element package, ABAQUS/Explicit. The virtual tests were executed in two steps, one to capture the impact damage and the other to predict the CAI strength. The observed intra-laminar damage features, delamination damage area as well as residual strength are discussed. It is shown that the predicted results for impact damage and CAI strength correlated well with experimental testing.


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The structure and properties of melt mixed high-density polyethylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (HDPE/MWCNT) composites processed by compression molding and blown film extrusion were investigated to assess the influence of processing route on properties. The addition of MWCNTs leads to a more elastic response during deformations that result in a more uniform thick-ness distribution in the blown films. Blown film composites exhibit better mechanical properties due to the enhanced orientation and disentanglement of MWCNTs. At a blow up ratio (BUR) of 3 the breaking strength and elongation in the machine direction of the film with 4 wt % MWCNTs are 239% and 1054% higher than those of compression molded (CM) samples. Resistivity of the composite films increases significantly with increasing BURs due to the destruction of conductive pathways. These pathways can be recovered partially using an appropriate annealing process. At 8 wt % MWCNTs, there is a sufficient density of nanotubes to maintain a robust network even at high BURs.


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This paper contributes to the understanding of lime-mortar masonry strength and deformation (which determine durability and allowable stresses/stiffness in design codes) by measuring the mechanical properties of brick bound with lime and lime-cement mortars. Based on the regression analysis of experimental results, models to estimate lime-mortar masonry compressive strength are proposed (less accurate for hydrated lime (CL90s) masonry due to the disparity between mortar and brick strengths). Also, three relationships between masonry elastic modulus and its compressive strength are proposed for cement-lime; hydraulic lime (NHL3.5 and 5); and hydrated/feebly hydraulic lime masonries respectively.

Disagreement between the experimental results and former mathematical prediction models (proposed primarily for cement masonry) is caused by a lack of provision for the significant deformation of lime masonry and the relative changes in strength and stiffness between mortar and brick over time (at 6 months and 1 year, the NHL 3.5 and 5 mortars are often stronger than the brick). Eurocode 6 provided the best predictions for the compressive strength of lime and cement-lime masonry based on the strength of their components. All models vastly overestimated the strength of CL90s masonry at 28 days however, Eurocode 6 became an accurate predictor after 6 months, when the mortar had acquired most of its final strength and stiffness.

The experimental results agreed with former stress-strain curves. It was evidenced that mortar strongly impacts masonry deformation, and that the masonry stress/strain relationship becomes increasingly non-linear as mortar strength lowers. It was also noted that, the influence of masonry stiffness on its compressive strength becomes smaller as the mortar hydraulicity increases.


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The effects of a 100 mm diameter integrally-flanged hole in a hat-stiffenend carbon-fibre composite panel, loaded in uniaxial compression, were investigated and compared with a similar panel containing an unflanged hole. Details of the manufacturing techniques used in the production of the integral flange are presented. The stiffening effects of the flange reduced the bending strains, which may lead to high interlaminar shear strains, around the cutout while increasing the membrane strains. These membrane strains were well below the limit strains for this composite material. The skin in the unflanged hole also underwent a change in buckling mode shape from three longitudinal half-wavelengths to five half-wavelengths. No such change was observed in the flanged panel and this buckled in four longitudinal half-wavelengths. The ultimate strength of both panels was determined by the load carrying capability of the stiffeners.


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The European Cystic Fibrosis Society Clinical Trial Network (ECFS-CTN) has established a Standardization Committee to undertake a rigorous evaluation of promising outcome measures with regard to use in multicentre clinical trials in cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of this article is to present a review of literature on clinimetric properties of the infant raised-volume rapid thoracic compression (RVRTC) technique in the context of CF, to summarise the consensus amongst the group on feasibility and answer key questions regarding the promotion of this technique to surrogate endpoint status.

METHODS: A literature search (from 1985 onwards) identified 20 papers that met inclusion criteria of RVRTC use in infants with CF. Data were extracted and tabulated regarding repeatability, validity, correlation with other outcome measures, responsiveness and reference values. A working group discussed the tables and answered 4 key questions.

RESULTS: Overall, RVRTC in particular forced expiratory volume in 0.5s, showed good clinimetric properties despite presence of individual variability. Few studies showed a relationship between RVRTC and inflammation and infection, and to date, data remains limited regarding the responsiveness of RVRTC after an intervention. Concerns were raised regarding feasibility in multi-centre studies and availability of reference values.

CONCLUSION: The ECFS-CTN Working Group considers that RVRTC cannot be used as a primary outcome in clinical trials in infants with CF before universal standardization of this measurement is achieved and implementation of inter-institutional networking is in place. We advise its use currently in phase I/II trials and as a secondary endpoint in phase III studies. We emphasise the need for (1) more short-term variability and longitudinal 'natural history' studies, and (2) robust reference values for commercially available devices.


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When orchestrating Web service workflows, the geographical placement of the orchestration engine (s) can greatly affect workflow performance. Data may have to be transferred across long geographical distances, which in turn increases execution time and degrades the overall performance of a workflow. In this paper, we present a framework that, given a DAG-based workflow specification, computes the optimal Amazon EC2 cloud regions to deploy the orchestration engines and execute a workflow. The framework incorporates a constraint model that solves the workflow deployment problem, which is generated using an automated constraint modelling system. The feasibility of the framework is evaluated by executing different sample workflows representative of scientific workloads. The experimental results indicate that the framework reduces the workflow execution time and provides a speed up of 1.3x-2.5x over centralised approaches.


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Purpose: To assess the bacterial contamination risk in cataract surgery associated with mechanical compression of the lid margin immediately after sterilization of the ocular surface.

Setting: Department of Cataract, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.

Design: Prospective randomized controlled double-masked trial.

Methods: Patients with age-related cataract were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. In Group A (153 eyes), the lid margin was compressed and scrubbed for 360 degrees 5 times with a dry sterile cotton-tipped applicator immediately after ocular sterilization and before povidone-iodine irrigation of the conjunctival sac. Group B (153 eyes) had identical sterilization but no lid scrubbing. Samples from the lid margin, liquid in the collecting bag, and aqueous humor were collected for bacterial culture. Primary outcome measures included the rate of positive bacterial culture for the above samples. The species of bacteria isolated were recorded.

Results: Group A and Group B each comprised 153 eyes. The positive rate of lid margin cultures was 54.24%. The positive rate of cultures for liquid in the collecting bag was significantly higher in Group A (23.53%) than in Group B (9.80%) (P=.001).The bacterial species cultured from the collecting bag in Group B were the same as those from the lid margin in Group A. The positive culture rate of aqueous humor in both groups was 0%.

Conclusion: Mechanical compression of the lid margin immediately before and during cataract surgery increased the risk for bacterial contamination of the surgical field, perhaps due to secretions from the lid margin glands.

Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.


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The duration compression effect is a phenomenon in which prior adaptation to a spatially circumscribed dynamic stimulus results in the duration of subsequent subsecond stimuli presented in the adapted region being underestimated. There is disagreement over the frame of reference within which the duration compression phenomenon occurs. One view holds that the effect is driven by retinotopic-tuned mechanisms located at early stages of visual processing, and an alternate position is that the mechanisms are spatiotopic and occur at later stages of visual processing (MT+). We addressed the retinotopic-spatiotopic question by using adapting stimuli – drifting plaids - that are known to activate global-motion mechanisms in area MT. If spatiotopic mechanisms contribute to the duration compression effect, drifting plaid adaptors should be well suited to revealing them. Following adaptation participants were tasked with estimating the duration of a 600ms random dot stimulus, whose direction was identical to the pattern direction of the adapting plaid, presented at either the same retinotopic or the same spatiotopic location as the adaptor. Our results reveal significant duration compression in both conditions, pointing to the involvement of both retinotopic-tuned and spatiotopic-tuned mechanisms in the duration compression effect.


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This paper builds on previous work to show how using holistic and iterative design optimisation tools can be used to produce a commercially viable product that reduces a costly assembly into a single moulded structure. An assembly consisting of a structural metallic support and compression moulding outer shell undergo design optimisation and analysis to remove the support from the assembly process in favour of a structural moulding. The support is analysed and a sheet moulded compound (SMC) alternative is presented, this is then combined into a manufacturable shell design which is then assessed on viability as an alternative to the original.
Alongside this a robust material selection system is implemented that removes user bias towards materials for designs. This system builds on work set out by the Cambridge Material Selector and Boothroyd and Dewhurst, while using a selection of applicable materials currently available for the compression moulding process. This material selection process has been linked into the design and analysis stage, via scripts for use in the finite element environment. This builds towards an analysis toolkit that is suggested to develop and enhance manufacturability of design studies.


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Collimated transport of fast electron beam through solid density matter is one of the key issues behind the success of the fast ignition scheme by means of which the required amount of ignition energy can be delivered to the hot spot region of the compressed fuel. Here we report on a hot electron beam collimation scheme in solids by tactfully using the strong magnetic fields generated by an electrical resistivity gradient according to Faraday's law. This was accomplished by appropriately fabricating the targets in such a way that the electron beam is directed to flow in a metal which is embedded in a much lower resistivity and atomic number metal. Experimental results showed guided transport of hot electron beam over hundreds of microns length inside solid density plasma, which were obtained from two experiments examining the scheme for petawatt laser driven hot electron beam while employing various target configurations.


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Os biocombustíveis têm estado na linha da frente das políticas energéticas mundiais visto que as suas vantagens conseguem colmatar as incertezas e resolver alguns dos problemas associados aos combustíveis fósseis. O biodiesel tem provado ser um combustível muito fiável, alternativo ao petrodiesel. É uma mistura de ésteres alquílicos produzidos a partir de óleos vegetais e gorduras animais através de uma reacção de transesterificação. Como combustível, o biodiesel é economicamente viável, socialmente responsável, tecnicamente compatível e ambientalmente amigável. O principal desafio associado ao seu desenvolvimento tem a ver com a escolha de matéria-prima para a sua produção. Nos países do terceiro mundo, óleos alimentares são mais importantes para alimentar pessoas do que fazer funcionar carros. Esta tese tem como objectivos produzir/processar biodiesel a partir de recursos endógenos de Timor-Leste e medir/prever as propriedades termodinâmicas do biodiesel, a partir das dos esteres alquílicos. A síntese do biodiesel a partir dos óleos de Aleurites moluccana, Jatropha curcas e borras de café foram aqui estudados. As propriedades termodinâmicas como densidade, viscosidade, tensão superficial, volatilidade e velocidade do som também foram medidas e estimadas usando modelos preditivos disponíveis na literatura, incluindo as equações de estado CPA e soft-SAFT. Timor-Leste é um país muito rico em recursos naturais, mas a maioria da população ainda vive na pobreza e na privação de acesso a serviços básicos e condições de vida decentes. A exploração de petróleo e gás no mar de Timor tem sido controlado pelo Fundo Petrolífero. O país ainda carece de electricidade e combustíveis que são cruciais para materializar as políticas de redução da pobreza. Como solução, o governo timorense criou recentemente o Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento a 20 anos cujas prioridades incluem trazer o desenvolvimento do petróleo do mar para a costa sul de Timor-Leste e desenvolver as energias renováveis. É neste último contexto que o biodiesel se insere. O seu desenvolvimento no país poderá ser uma solução para o fornecimento de electricidade, a criação de empregos e sobretudo o combate contra a pobreza e a privação. Para ser usado como combustível, no entanto, o biodiesel deve possuir propriedades termodinâmicas coerentes com as especificadas nas normas da ASTM D6751 (nos Estados Unidos) ou EN 14214 (na Europa) para garantir uma adequada ignição, atomização e combustão do biodiesel no motor.