999 resultados para Colonialidade do saber
"El estado de Illinois requiere que su doctor le provea este folleto si usted tiene que hacerse una biopsia del seno o ha sido diagnosticada con ca ncer del seno."--P. 3.
In Spanish.
Added t.-p. for El Nuevo Testamento.
Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry.
Este trabajo analiza una de las posibles relaciones entre el modelo médico científico y la reproducción capitalista del sistema de salud. Se estudia el período 1930-1955, como un momento histórico determinado donde se dieron profundos cambios económicos, políticos y sociales, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, al mismo tiempo donde se mostraba la mayor disociación entre los objetivos que se proponía la ciencia médica y las necesidades y problemáticas de salud de la mayoría de la población. Por un lado, se analiza a la Academia Nacional de Medicina como institución de referencia, por ser considerada como un lugar de reconocimiento, prestigio, status y de incuestionable saber médico científico y se analiza el discurso de sus miembros -los 35 sitiales- en ese período, confrontándolo con la real situación de salud de la población argentina y las políticas de salud de la época. Por otra parte se analiza como, los avances de las ciencias y su aplicación en el ámbito de la salud, han sido direccionados hacia enfoques que favorecieron el modelo de acumulación y reproducción capitalista. La intervención del Estado en políticas de inclusión social, intentó romper con el modelo vertical de incuestionable saber biológico. Sin embargo, la resistencia y tensión que en su momento manifestó la Academia para no abandonar los valores y principios propios del decimonónico, lejos de quedar en el olvido han sido rescatados por ciencia-técnica al servicio del capital
Durante los años 90 numerosas empresas se vieron sometidas a procesos de ajuste y reducción, o paralización, de la actividad productiva como consecuencia de la abrupta transformación del contexto socio-económico. Sin embargo, algunas de ellas lograron sobrevivir a dicho entorno gracias al despliegue de estrategias defensivas y a la puesta en juego de recursos cognitivos y simbólicos propios. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar los múltiples factores que intervienen en el devenir de las empresas, prestando especial atención a aquellos elementos que, sin responder a una lógica económica, favorecen la supervivencia productiva de las mismas en contextos económicos fuertemente restrictivos. A partir del análisis de un estudio de caso, la ponencia analiza la relevancia que la preservación de los saberes, las características de la organización del trabajo y la cultura organizacional, expresada en una particular configuración identitaria de sus trabajadores, tienen en los procesos de reactivación de las empresas
A pesquisa analisa e epistemologia ontológica de Paul Tillich. Considerando a influência de F. W. J. Schelling pretende-se destacar o lugar de certas premissas ontológicas que fundamentaram o pensamento de Tillich, principalmente o Princípio de Identidade , como um dos princípios epistemológicos chave. Partindo do pressuposto de que sua ontologia depende do Princípio de identidade a fim de que possa relacionar essência e existência, destaca-se a identidade substancial entre teologia e filosofia, permitindo melhor compreensão da relação entre ontologia e teologia, caracterizando de forma geral tanto a noção teológicofilosófica da experiência de finitude - choque ontológico como sua relação com as importantes noções de Deus como o Ser-em-si, e ultimate concern enquanto categoria ontológico-teológica. A seguir, críticas voltadas para sua construtividade ontológica serão destacadas e analisadas em termos de seus pressupostos e em seu poder de alcance. Neste âmbito crítico, considerar-se-á breve comparação entre a tentativa do sistema ontológicoteológico de Tillich e os sistemas de Kant e Hegel, com o objetivo de apresentar paralelos críticos entre a postura de tais sistemas no campo epistemológico e ontológico, e suas influências sobre a teologia. Ao final, pretende-se entender as implicações de sua ontologiateológica tanto para a forma metodológica de correlação entre situação e resposta, como na relação com outros sistemas teológicos, que possibilitaram ou não, mediações entre cultura e teologia. Neste segmento, notar-se-á como uma das implicações da ontologia-teológica de Tillich, o imprescindível retorno do saber teológico entre os demais saberes delineadores da realidade; considerando-se certas possibilidades críticas a partir de seu pensamento com respeito ao uso da razão instrumental, ética e espiritualidade.
Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa nas obras de Pierre Lévy, sobre as relações entre educação e tecnologia. A investigação está centrada sobre os conceitos de desterritorialização do conhecimento e descentralização do saber. A temática que o referido autor desenvolve, a respeito dos conceitos de ecologia cognitiva, tecnologias da inteligência e inteligência coletiva, assim como o saber e o conhecimento que permeiam a educação do futuro, é o objetivo central deste trabalho. O objeto de pesquisa é a própria produção do autor. Esses conceitos são problematizados levando em conta duas instâncias: de um lado, o conhecimento acadêmico institucionalizado e de outro lado, a proposta de uma inteligência coletiva, que dá espaço para uma dimensão mais ampla do saber humano. Lévy reconhece que cada ser humano sabe alguma coisa, e que, em função disto, entende que o conhecimento no lugar de estar reservado a espaços específicos, está presente na humanidade na forma de uma inteligência coletiva. Acredita que a popularização do acesso ao ciberespaço através das tecnologias da inteligência e da cibercultura resulta em um espaço antropológico onde as inteligências coletivas produzem um espaço de saber democrático , possível a todos os seres humanos e, um espaço de produção de diferentes saberes. Esta pesquisa considera também as resistências à proposta de Pierre Lévy, e, aprofunda, de maneira crítica, a idéia enunciada acima, de uma educação do futuro.(AU)
This thesis has as main objective to reflect about the defining conceptual elements of the embodied curriculum concept, ident ified curriculum conception from the analysis about the rationality employed in the doctoral work of teacher Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, entitled The construction of the curriculum in popular critical perspective: the significant words to the context ualized practices , written and defended in the Postgraduate Program in Education: Curriculum, in the Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo, in 2004. We looked, also, on the problematization of the affinities between postcolonial theories – analytical perspectives towards the discussion about coloniality and their effect on contemporary social weaving – and the embodied curriculum concept. We argue that the reflections present in the aforementioned work bring an articulated curriculum concept based on three conceptual symbiotic elements, namely: negativity, dialogue and praxis, which, by endorsing the possibility of a curricular ingrained practice in the life context of the individuals, have some post - colonial inclinations that lead to the problematizat ion about the neo - colonial manifestations in curricular sphere, outlining a critique of the modus operandi of the colonialism, particularly, in its cultural and epistemic dimension from which the education is inseparable. For that, we used as methodologica l procedure the symbolic cartography, knowledge building strategy systematized by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, which allowed us to construct interpretive maps that enabled the symbolization of the universe which we longed to understand, that is, the concept ual categories mentioned above, which, in our view, underlie the concept of embodied curriculum. In this direction, we anchored ourselves in a meaningful dialogue with the theoretical approach of Paulo Freire and some of his interpreters regarding the disc ussion on curriculum, especially the reflections dev eloped by Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, and authors whose theoretical developments resonate in prospects for humanization, social justice and empowerment, among which we highlight: Theodor Adorno, Hug o Zemelman, Wilfred Carr, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, among others. We seek, in the same manner, on the contributions of authors considered post - colonial, as Hugo Achugar, Gayatri Spivak, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Enrique Dussel, to name a few, the reason s why we consider the embodied curriculum as a place of political - pedagogical enunciation, conducive to an educational praxis that engages in a curricular work of reality translation in order to see what overwhelms it to, then, elicit the construction of a school curriculum as an awareness project for releasing in relation to what is unjust and inhumane. We consider, finally, that the success of this curriculum embodied translation implies a larger number of speakers mobilized in the production of knowledge that yearns for social emancipation and contribute to the enrichment of human capabilities as the maintenance of the life and the dignity of people.
The recognition of the food as determinant and health-disease process etching requires new explanations and interventions of the food and nutrition policy action and demand health care model based on the completeness of the actions and focused on health promotion. This study, characterized as research-action of interventionist character, sought to develop strategies to support the transverse insertion of healthy eating promotion in professionals practices a core of support for the health of the family and a family health strategy Unit in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, from the analysis of perceptions and work processes of these teams. Several methodological strategies were adopted: Dialectical Hermeneutical Circle, direct observation, reflective and Thematic Meetings Workshop "Rethinking the educational practices for promoting healthy eating". For data logging, search diaries - SD were used and moments. The analysis of procedural form occurred in conjunction with research participants, in constant movement of reflection-action-reflection, based on hermeneutics-dialectic. About the results, in relation to the promotion of health, showed the following insights: health promotion and disease prevention-related harms; health promotion related to quality of life and well-being, in its various dimensions; health promotion as a responsibility of the State; health promotion related to the actions of health education; health promotion as an expression of efficaciousness and accessibility to health services. Regarding healthy nutrition, predominated the perceptions relating to nutritional aspects. With regard to food and nutritional education - FNE, it was observed a predominance of perception of FNE as information, guidance and knowledge transfer for changes of dietary practices. As regards the working process, it was observed that among the actions for health promotion, educational activities predominate, such as lectures, conversations, groups that mostly occur in fragmentary form, without joint planning teams, varying according to the professionals and the moment of work in which they are carried out. The results pointed to the need for reorganization of the work processes, in the context of intra-and intersectoral coordination and the construction of new technologies, such as: Health project of the territory – HPT, Unique Therapeutic Project- UPT, Expanded Clinic and educational practices, Shared with active teaching and learning methodologies. From the results we believe that it is necessary to "thought reform", from changes in vocational training and strengthening of the permanent education spaces, whereas the complexity that involves feeding, food and nutrition education and health promotion. The reformation of thought must be articulate and closely tied to the production of knowledge and practices that encourage intersectoral approach, the transversality, dialogue and democratic and supportive attitude, based on the collective construction of know-how. We hope that this study can contribute with reflections and initiatives that encourage building practices that promote healthy eating in primary health care, in terms of completeness of the care and the attainment of food security and nutrition.
This work came from a research question, namely authorizing a child to learn, lifted from the care of a child of 09 years in the school service of a private university located in Natal, whose complaint referred to a learning disorder more specifically, not the formalization of reading and writing. To undertake a survey of the Lacanian psychoanalytic - Freudian literature on learning, we find the concept of knowledge as fundamental to the analysis of this issue which led us to investigate the history of its co nstruction in Freud and Lacan, with a view to shed light on their relationship to learn. This is a theoretical type of research with the proposal to revisit the concept of knowledge in the work of Freud and Lacan's teaching, in which case only served as th e trigger point of this work. We found that in both these authors, the concept of knowledge is associated to the unconscious exclusively and can be hinged to learn the way of the desire to know. It concludes that learning is a process that involves the unconscious knowledge. Consequently, learning disorders may be linked to the impossible into play in the know about the desire to find himself alienated the significant of what operates as forbidden to know when not referred only or also of teaching and / or educational aspects. This shows us that the complaints that come to the clinic can illustrate dilemmas experienced by the speaking, related to subjective questions. Deviations from the possibility of learning may indicate in these cases, a manifestation of what is singular and very impossibility of generalization when it comes to subjects. With this, also attest that the relations of the subject with knowledge effect in learning processes.
This research aimed to verify the vocabulary difficulties faced by 9th year students while understanding the didactic book of Portuguese Language (DBPL) “Vontade de Saber Português”, used at the Municipal School Sebastião Rangel. We noticed the students had some doubts concerning the unknown vocabulary in the texts and, therefore, in text comprehension. The hypothesis is that one “difficult” word and the lexicon used by DBPL author can disturb student comprehension. We adopted some action which could simplify the little vocabulary understanding and contributed to extend it. For that reason, the job was theoretically based on Biderman (1999), Barbosa (1989), Dias (2004), Krieger (2012), Coelho (1993) and on National Curriculum Parameters of Portuguese Language, aiming to ally theory and practice. The application methodology of the proposal was done in order to the students understand that the word needs to be adapted to its context. At the begging of the job, the students read the texts and took notes of the “difficult” words, selecting, corpus. We analyzed the doubts, registering them. Then, we showed to the students the classification of abbreviated words after each entry. The students separated the words for grammar classes – lexical words” (KRIEGER, 2012). Such words have a very significant meaning to the comprehension of the read texts, being interesting to take a look in online dictionaries. In the creative glossary, done by the students, the words were spread in alphabetical order. They transcript the part where was the word and copied again, substituting the word to a clearer word. Finally, we asked the students a writing production using five words from the glossary; we showed them that the meaning of the words is not found only in the dictionary, but they can be used in different contexts. In the analyzes, was discovered that there is one necessity of a pedagogic didactic work more effective with elementary school lexicon. Thus, this proposal is not a closed receipt, but the infield location allowed a reflexive pedagogic practice about lexicon education.
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el conflicto entre texto e imagen en la producción de conocimiento y más especialmente incide sobre la forma en la que tal conflicto opera dentro del ámbito de la investigación en arte y desde el arte. Se parte pues de la hipótesis de que hay un repertorio de imágenes de la materia escrita – como una suerte de imaginación textual desatendida – que es transversal a las humanidades y que a menudo se encuentra naturalizada como algo inerte o simplemente poco atractivo. Una estética insignificante del conocimiento académico que sin embargo sirve de puente entre las llamadas prácticas artísticas y las propiamente científicas y/o universitarias. Para dar lugar a una definición de esta plástica de lo textual – que sería distinta de la prosodia o la poética del texto más literario – la investigación se articula a través de una serie de casos de estudio cuyo eje no es aleatorio sino diagonal tal y como lo planteaba Roger Caillois a principios de los años 60. Así, las categorías de estudio de esta investigación parten de detalles inéditos, en tanto que apenas han sido enunciados con anterioridad, y atraviesan ámbitos que van desde la biología del camuflaje hasta la bibliografía, pasando por la epistemología, el discurso amateur y el diseño del espacio propio de una biblioteca. Estos hilos conductores aparentemente imprevistos tratan de revelar por contra ciertos principios consistentes del texto según se ensaya, se distribuye y se imagina a sí mismo, ejemplificando así los diferentes grados de contaminación – o dicho de otra forma más cercana a lo visual, los diferentes grados de montaje, revisión e instalación – a los que se somete habitualmente todo texto del conocimiento...