871 resultados para Collaboration school-family


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi discutir as interferências do acolhimento institucional e da educação escolar na constituição da subjetividade da criança que, por algum motivo, foi afastada da família e/ou responsável e se encontra sob tutela do Estado, aos cuidados de uma casa-lar, no município de Vila Velha. Para a leitura subjetiva das crianças que compuseram o cenário deste trabalho, a pesquisa ancorou-se na Perspectiva Histórico-Cultural do Desenvolvimento Humano, tendo como autores de base Lev Vigotski, Henri Wallon e Mikhail Bakhtin. A investigação ocorreu em dois espaços distintos: na “Casa-Lar Santa Cecília”, instituição que desenvolvia um programa de acolhimento institucional às crianças sob tutela pública; e numa escola de Ensino Fundamental, com crianças que estavam matriculadas no 3º ano. A metodologia utilizada nessa investigação foi o estudo de caso; trata-se, portanto, do estudo de caso de duas crianças sob tutela pública. Os procedimentos utilizados para o recolhimento do material empírico foram a observação participante e as entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais do abrigo e da escola. O estudo teve enfoque em duas crianças – uma menina e um menino, ambos com dez anos de idade. O processo de destituição familiar e o acolhimento institucional sempre deixam marcas. Encontramos as marcas nas cicatrizes deixadas no corpo de Sofia em consequência dos maus-tratos; no seu silêncio, a dor por uma realidade vivida que não se desvanece. Nesse contexto, suas expectativas giravam em torno da adoção, de outro caminho, mas diferente do abrigamento. Deparamo-nos com a dor e a saudade, expressas por meio do choro, que Noah sentia de uma família que, ao longo do tempo, se foi desmembrando e se distanciando em decorrência da destituição familiar e da adoção dos irmãos; as dificuldades para elaborar esses acontecimentos e o sofrimento vivenciado diante do imenso vazio que se delineia com tantas perdas foram identificados nas manifestações de raiva, na intensificação da rispidez e da intolerância em relação, sobretudo, aos colegas de sala de aula. Por outro lado, a escola apresentou-se como um espaço significativo para essas duas crianças, que tinham, nessa instituição, a possibilidade de se constituir como alunos, da mesma forma que as outras crianças, e de vivenciar experiências no encontro com os outros que lhes traziam satisfação e, de certa forma, potencializavam o seu desenvolvimento. Encontramos indícios de ecos dos sentimentos dos outros na vida dessas crianças, bem como do impacto desses sentimentos na constituição subjetiva de cada uma delas; em outras palavras, o sentimento de pertencer a um grupo e de ter um lugar na vida de alguns membros da comunidade escolar, sobretudo, das outras crianças.


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The rise of large developing countries has led to considerable discussions of re-balancing global relations and giving greater priority to understanding South-South relations. This paper, in exploring the central ideas of Chinese and Brazilian foreign policy and the behavior of these two rising Southern countries toward Sub-Saharan Africa, argues that the English School of International Relations is well suited to understanding the intentions and actions that characterize South-South relations.


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ABSTRACTGiven the particular strengths, weaknesses, and peculiarities of family firms as well as the importance of liquidity in today’s marketplace, we analyze the distinct characteristics and strategies of family businesses related to the amount of cash a firm holds. We look beyond the traditional factors that influence decisions related to cash management to examine factors that are particularly important for family firms. Specifically, we outline the relevance of strategic decisions guided by family firms’ conservatism, flexibility, long-term view, and the active control that they have over family members. To our knowledge, no prior studies exist regarding family firms and their strategic adjustment of cash holding. Therefore, we investigate whether the ownership structure of the firm (through the presence of a controlling family) moderates decisions on cash holding. We found that family firms tend to accumulate cash for strategic reasons and as a result of their own idiosyncrasies. Thus, family firms can achieve optimal cash accumulation more efficiently than non-family firms.


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Cadernos de Sociomuseologia Centro de Estudos de Sociomuseologia


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RESUMO: Esta intervenção propõe-se apresentar as relações da escola da actualidade com as famílias dos alunos, com todas as dificuldades e desafios que estas relações implicam. Seguem-se a exposição de dois casos, dois alunos inseridos no Âmbito do projecto Novas Oportunidades. ABSTRACT: This intervention proposes to describe the relationships between School and student’s families of today, with their issues and challenges that are implied. It is followed by the presentation of two students within the context of New Opportunities programme.


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O fracasso escolar tem seu enraizamento na implantação de um sistema público de ensino na década de 1920, a qual exerceu decisiva influência sobre os rumos da educação no país nos anos subseqüentes. Embora tenha sido apenas a partir dos anos trinta que o crescimento de uma rede pública de ensino se tornou realidade com o advento do processo de urbanização e industrialização. Tal rede de ensino se orientou pela perspectiva do ideário da Escola Nova. A finalidade deste estudo tem como foco investigar o fracasso escolar a partir da visão de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental das escolas municipais da cidade de Cajazeiras - PB. Neste contexto, os sujeitos estudados foram os professores dos anos iniciais de escolas públicas, situadas na citada localidade. Utilizou-se como fundamentação metodológica, a abordagem qualitativa. Para tanto, os dados foram analisados mediante embasamento teórico contemplando a interlocução com Laurence Bardin (2004) e pelo software Alceste (REINERT1990). Os resultados demonstram que, na construção da visão do professor, as referências mais apontadas como responsáveis diretos pela produção desse fenômeno dentro da escola, foram os alunos e a família.


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Resumo: A intervenção em crianças disléxicas nem sempre é fácil uma vez que, à partida, serão crianças desmotivadas por insucessos repetidos, complexos de inferioridade, timidez, baixa autoconfiança e auto-estima, com pouca capacidade de atenção e concentração. A família, a escola e a sociedade em geral têm um papel decisivo, não deverão exigir nem impor metas complicadas, adaptando sempre uma postura de compreensão da criança. A criança disléxica aprende num ritmo diferente, como tal, precisa que a escola adeqúe as suas práticas educativas tendo em conta as suas características e especificidades. Pretende-se com este trabalho aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a temática da dislexia e sua aplicação, dentro da sala de aula, na disciplina Educação Visual e Tecnológica, numa turma do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico que inclui uma aluna considerada disléxica. Começámos por caracterizar a turma, a aluna e os contextos envolventes em que as mesmas se inserem, seguidamente fez-se uma intervenção estruturada, a longo e curto prazo, numa dinâmica de planificação, acção e reflexão, numa perspectiva de educação inclusiva, com práticas educativas cooperativas e diferenciadas. Ao longo das sessões de trabalho, a turma teve a oportunidade de se manifestar nas assembleias de turma, na negociação das actividades, de trabalhar em pares, em grande e pequeno grupo, criando desta forma um clima de inter-ajuda e de cooperação na sala de aula, funcionando com as duas professoras da disciplina, partilhando momentos de aprendizagem e socialização de saberes. A aluna considerada disléxica passou a interagir na turma com os colegas, de forma positiva, e estes com ela. As suas dificuldades foram superadas com a ajuda dos colegas, partilhando os seus saberes, dúvidas e experiências. Foi uma experiência positiva para o grupo, para a aluna e para as professoras da turma. Abstract: The intervention in dyslexic children is not always easy from the start, a priori, children will be discouraged by repeated failures, inferiority complexes, shyness, low selfconfidence and self- esteem, with little attention span and concentration. The family, school and society in general have a decisive role, should not require or impose complicated goals, always adapting an attitude of understanding of the child. The dyslexic children learn at a different pace, as such, requires the school to adjust its educational practices in view of their characteristics and specificities. The aim of this work to deepen knowledge on the subject of dyslexia and its application in the classroom, Visual and Technological Education as the subject, in a class of the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education that includes a student considered dyslexic. We have began by characterizing the class, the student and the surrounding contexts in which they are involved, then became a structured intervention in the long and short term, in order of creating a dynamic planning, action and reflection, with a inclusive education perspective, with cooperative practical education and differentiated. During the work seasons, the class had the opportunity to express themselves in class meetings, the negotiation activities, working in pairs, in large and small groups, thus creating a climate of mutual help and cooperation in the classroom, working with two teachers of the subject, sharing moments of learning and socialization of knowledge. The student consider as dyslexic has started to interact in the class with the colleagues in a positive way, and they with her. Their difficulties were overcome with the help of colleagues, sharing their knowledge, doubts and experiences. It was a positive experience for the group, to the student and the teachers of the class.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho é um relatório de um projecto de investigação-acção, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Educação Especial: domínio cognitivo e motor. É um trabalho de investigação que pretendeu implicar os vários intervenientes educativos e os próprios pares no desenvolvimento de uma criança, em idade pré-escolar, com atraso global do desenvolvimento e com problemas acentuados ao nível da linguagem, em contexto de sala de aula. Este trabalho foi realizado pela educadora da sala da aula. É um projecto que pretendeu promover o desenvolvimento da linguagem, através de um sistema de comunicação aumentativa, vocabulário Makaton. Este vocabulário foi utilizado por nós e pelas crianças do grupo em sala de aula, pela professora de educação especial, pelos técnicos que dão apoio à criança e pela família da referida criança. Pretendeu-se assim, promover o diálogo, a partilha de conhecimentos e os espaços escolares, entre os vários intervenientes educativos; professores, técnicos e família, com o intuito de desenvolver um trabalho assente em respostas inclusivas dirigidas à criança, aos seus pares e à sua família. Da partilha de conhecimentos e opiniões, resultou um trabalho para o grupo e com o grupo do jardim de infância. ABSTRACT:This work is one report of an action research project within the Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences - Special Education: motor and cognitive domain. It is a research project that seeks to highlight the role of the educational actors in the development of a child in preschool, with global developmental delay, with problems more pronounced at the level of language, in the context of the classroom. This work was carried out by the educator's classroom is a project that aims to promote language development through an augmentative communication system, Makaton vocabulary. This vocabulary was used by us and by the group of children in the classroom, the teacher of special education, by giving technical support to the child and the family of that child. It was intended thus to promote dialogue, knowledge sharing and school spaces between the various educational actors, teachers, coaches and family in order to develop a work based on inclusive responses directed to the child, their peers and his family . Sharing knowledge and opinions resulted in a job for the group and the group of kindergarten.


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The relationship between the hygienic habits of children who had typhoid fever (TF) who had recently begun attending school and their family group, is assessed. It is supposed that children, independently of their SES, acquired TF because of inadequate habits which facilitated the oral-fecal cycle. The sample was formed of 40 child-mother dyads: 20 of low SES (group A) and 20 of high SES (group B), the child of each of which had had TF. Results showed that the hygienic habits of children with respect to the oral-fecal cycle, their perception of school toilet cleanliness as well as the mothers' explanation of their children's hygienic habits is very similar in the two groups. The importance of these results is that the SES is seem to be irrelevant in the case of TF but that the hygienic habits of the children are of importance. Public health policy should be modified to include the teaching of proper hygienic habits (oral-fecal cycle).


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Of vital importance to the successful implementation of the teaching of FLs in the 1st Cycle...


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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A case series to study factors related to family expectation regarding schizophrenic patients was conducted in an out-patient setting in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. Patients diagnosed as presenting schizophrenia by the ICD 9th Edition and having had the disease for more than four years were included in the study. Family Expectation was measured by the difference between the Katz Adjustment Scale (R2 and R3) scores based on the relative's expectation and the socially expected activities of the patient (Discrepancy Score), and social adjustment was given by the DSM-III-R Global Assessment Scale (GAS) . Outcome assessments were made independently, and 44 patients comprised the sample (25 males and 19 females). The Discrepancy mean score was twice as high for males as for females (p < 0.02), and there was an inverse relationship between the discrepancy score and social adjustment (r =-0.46, p < 0.001). Moreover, sex and social adjustment exerted independent effects on the discrepancy score when age, age at onset and number of psychiatric admissions were controlled by means of a multiple regression technique. There was an interaction between sex and social adjustment, the inverse relationship between social adjustment and discrepancy score being more pronounced for males. These findings are discussed in the light of the potential association between the family environment, gender and social adjustment of schizophrenic patients, and the need for further research, i.e. ethnographic accounts of interactions between patient and relatives sharing households particularly in less developed countries.


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Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of five elementary schools in Lisbon, Portugal. TPM was collected in polycarbonate filters with a 47 mm diameter, placed inside of uncovered plastic petri dishes. The sampling period was from 19 May to 22 June 2009 (35 days exposure) and the collected TPM masses varied between 0.2 mg and 0.8 mg. The major elements were Ca, Fe, Na, K, and Zn at μg level, while others were at ng level. Pearson′s correlation coefficients above 0.75 (a high degree of correlation) were found between several elements. Soil-related, traffic soil re-suspension and anthropogenic emission sources could be identified. Blackboard chalk was also identified through Ca large presence. Some of the determined chemical elements are potential carcinogenic. Quality control of the results showed good agreement as confirmed by the application of u-score test.


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INTRODUCTION: Brazil has been called a nation in nutrition transitional because of recent increases in the prevalence of obesity and related chronic diseases. With overweight conditions already prevalent among middle-income populations, there exists a need to identify factors that influence nutrition behavior within this group. OBJECTIVE: To address this subject, a research study was implemented among middle-class adolescents attending a large private secondary school in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The study determined the availability and accessibility of snack foods as well as subjects’ attitudes and preferences towards, and the influence of family and friends on healthy (high-nutrient density) snack choices. METHODS: The 4-stage process included: (a) a nutrition expert focus group discussion that reported local nutrition problems in general and factors related to adolescent nutrition, (b) an adolescent pilot survey (n=63) that solicited information about snacking preferences and habits as well as resources for nutrition information and snack money; (c) a survey of various area food market sources to determine the availability and accessibility of high nutrient density snacks; and (d) a follow-up adolescent survey (n=55) that measured snack food preferences and perceptions about their cost and availability. RESULTS: Results included the finding that, although affordable high nutrient density snacks were available, preferences for low nutrient density snacks prevailed. The adolescents were reportedly more likely to be influenced by and obtain nutrition information from family members than friends. CONCLUSION: From study results it is apparent that a focus on food availability will not automatically result in proper nutritional practices among adolescents. This fact and the parental influence detected are evidence of a need to involve adolescents and their parents in nutrition education campaigns to improve adolescent snack food choices.