925 resultados para Colônia de Férias
A thorough search of the sky exposed at the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory reveals no statistically significant excess of events in any small solid angle that would be indicative of a flux of neutral particles from a discrete source. The search covers from -90 degrees to +15 degrees in declination using four different energy ranges above 1 EeV (10(18) eV). The method used in this search is more sensitive to neutrons than to photons. The upper limit on a neutron flux is derived for a dense grid of directions for each of the four energy ranges. These results constrain scenarios for the production of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays in the Galaxy.
A thorough search for large-scale anisotropies in the distribution of arrival directions of cosmic rays detected above 10(18) eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented. This search is performed as a function of both declination and right ascension in several energy ranges above 10(18) eV, and reported in terms of dipolar and quadrupolar coefficients. Within the systematic uncertainties, no significant deviation from isotropy is revealed. Assuming that any cosmic-ray anisotropy is dominated by dipole and quadrupole moments in this energy range, upper limits on their amplitudes are derived. These upper limits allow us to test the origin of cosmic rays above 10(18) eV from stationary Galactic sources densely distributed in the Galactic disk and predominantly emitting light particles in all directions.
The Health Department of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has developed a Health Necessities Index (HNI) to identify priority areas for providing health assistance. In 2008, a survey of the status of oral health was conducted. The objective of this ecological study was to analyze the status of oral health in relation to the HNI. The variables, stratified by the age of 5, 12 and 15 years old were: percentage of individuals with difficulty of access to dental care services; DMFT and DMFS; prevalence of the need for tooth extraction and treatment of dental caries. Data were analyzed for the 25 Health Technical Supervision Units (HTS). The Statistical Covariance Test was used as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression model. A positive correlation was observed between high scores of the HNI and difficulty of access to services. In the HTS with high scores of HNI a higher incidence of dental caries was observed, a greater need for tooth extractions and low caries-free incidence. In order to improve health conditions of the population it is mandatory to prioritize actions in areas of social deprivation.
Although a large amount of data have been published in past years on the taxonomic status of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) species complex, there is still a need to know how many species this complex comprises, the distribution of each one, and their distinguishing features. In this study, we assessed the morphometric variability of 32 populations from the A. fraterculus complex, located in major biogeographical areas from the Neotropics. Multivariate techniques for analysis were applied to the measurements of 21 variables referring to the mesonotum, aculeus, and wing. For the first time, our results identified the presence of seven distinct morphotypes within this species complex. According to the biogeographical areas, populations occurring in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama) were clustered within a single natural entity labeled as the "Mexican" morphotype; whereas in the northwestern South American dominion, samples fell into three distinct groups: the "Venezuelan" morphotype with a single population from the Caribbean lowlands of Venezuela, the "Andean" morphotype from the highlands of Venezuela and Colombia, and the third group or "Peruvian" morphotype comprised the samples from the Pacific coastal lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. Three additional groups were identified from the Chacoan and Paranaense sub-regions: the morphotype "Brazilian-1" was recognized as including the Argentinean samples with most pertaining to Brazil, and widely distributed in these biogeographical areas; the morphotype "Brazilian-2" was recognized as including two samples from the state of Sao Paulo (Ilha-Bela and Sao Sebastiao); whereas the morphotype "Brazilian-3" included a single population from Botucatu (state of Sao Paulo). Based on data published by previous authors showing genetic and karyotypic differentiation, as well as reproductive isolation, we have concluded that such morphotypes indeed represent natural groups and distinct taxonomic entities.
We report a measurement of the proton-air cross section for particle production at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon of 57 TeV. This is derived from the distribution of the depths of shower maxima observed with the Pierre Auger Observatory: systematic uncertainties are studied in detail. Analyzing the tail of the distribution of the shower maxima, a proton-air cross section of [505 +/- 22(stat)(-36)(+28)(syst)] mb is found.
Active tufas in the form of waterfalls and dams occur along drainage channels in the Serra do Andre Lopes region (State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil) and are associated with the karst system that developed on a dolomitic plateau with a superhumid subtropical climate. The predominance of autogenic waters enables the groundwater to become enriched in calcium carbonate, with low terrigenous sediment content. The tufas that were studied are composed of calcite and have high calcium contents and low magnesium contents. Eroded tufa beds that originate from changes in the position of fluvial channels or river flow rates also occur in this region. In the Sapatu deposit, phytohermal tufas with complex morphologies are arranged in levels constituting various temporally repeated sequences that were deposited between 10,570 and 4,972 cal years BP. In the Frias deposit, distal fluvial deposits of tufa are massive with a relatively greater quantity of terrigenous material and show evidence of dissolution and reprecipitation. The base of this deposit is composed of a cemented breccia dated at 25,390 years BP, which is younger than the overlying tufas ([42,000 years BP). In the two deposits, the levels of terrigenous sediments (quartz sand and lithic pebbles) and terrestrial gastropod shells are interpreted as phases of increased flow rate of rivers during intervals of higher rainfall.
Abstract Background Despite evidence that health and disease occur in social contexts, the vast majority of studies addressing dental pain exclusively assessed information gathered at individual level. Objectives To assess the association between dental pain and contextual and individual characteristics in Brazilian adolescents. In addition, we aimed to test whether contextual Human Development Index is independently associated with dental pain after adjusting for individual level variables of socio-demographics and dental characteristics. Methods The study used data from an oral health survey carried out in São Paulo, Brazil, which included dental pain, dental exams, individual socioeconomic and demographic conditions, and Human Development Index at area level of 4,249 12-year-old and 1,566 15-year-old schoolchildren. The Poisson multilevel analysis was performed. Results Dental pain was found among 25.6% (95%CI = 24.5-26.7) of the adolescents and was 33% less prevalent among those living in more developed areas of the city than among those living in less developed areas. Girls, blacks, those whose parents earn low income and have low schooling, those studying at public schools, and those with dental treatment needs presented higher dental-pain prevalence than their counterparts. Area HDI remained associated with dental pain after adjusting for individual level variables of socio demographic and dental characteristics. Conclusions Girls, students whose parents have low schooling, those with low per capita income, those classified as having black skin color and those with dental treatment needs had higher dental pain prevalence than their counterparts. Students from areas with low Human Development Index had higher prevalence of dental pain than those from the more developed areas regardless of individual characteristics.
Esse estudo objetivou identificar a prevalência de lesões por fricção (LF) em pacientes hospitalizados com câncer e avaliar os fatores demográficos e clínicos associados ao seu desenvolvimento. Estudo epidemiológico, de corte transversal, realizado no Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo Octavio Frias de Oliveira. Todos os pacientes adultos, internados entre 10 e 18 de abril de 2010, foram avaliados por meio de entrevista e exame físico. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-Quadrado para comparação das variáveis demográficas e clínicas entre pacientes com e sem LF. Foram avaliados 157 pacientes: cinco apresentaram nove LF, acarretando prevalência de 3,3%. Quanto às variáveis demográficas, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa somente para o número de filhos (p=0,027). Clinicamente, pacientes com LF apresentaram menores escores na escala de Karnofsky (p=0,031) e na Escala de Braden (p=0,026), além de comportamento pouco colaborativo (p=0,042). Esse estudo contribui para um melhor conhecimento acerca das LF em pacientes com câncer.
O texto versa sobre o papel dos mestres-construtores na produção da arquitetura nas vilas e cidades coloniais brasileiras, focalizando o sistema de empreitada em etapas e o papel dos riscos e traças na concepção, execução, louvação e prestação de contas das edificações. Questiona a ideia de autoria única, apontando atores e assinaturas múltiplas. Analisa os conhecimentos necessários, especialmente relacionados à geometria prática, discutindo a relação dialética entre teoria e prática, e as fronteiras tênues entre erudição e costume.
This study presents the strategies for prevention and early detection of oral cancer by means of screening in the elderly population of São Paulo, the richest and the most populous state of Brazil. This research was a retrospective longitudinal study based on the analysis of secondary data. The variables - number of participating cities, coverage of screening, and number of suspicious and confirmed cases of oral cancer - were divided into two periods: 2001-2004 and 2005-2008. Data were analyzed statistically by the chi-square test at 5% significance level. The implementation of a nationwide public oral health policy in 2004 and the reorganization of the secondary and tertiary health care were evaluated as mediator factors able to interfere in the achieved outcomes. From 2001 to 2008, 2,229,273 oral examinations were performed. There was an addition of 205 participating cities by the end of the studied period (p<0.0001). The coverage of oral cancer screening increased from 4.1% to 16% (p<0.0001). There was a decrease in the number of suspicious lesions (from 9% in 2005 to 5% in 2008) (p<0.0001) and in the rate of confirmed oral cancer cases per 100,000 examinations (from 20.89 in 2001 to 10.40 in 2008) (p<0.0001). After 8 years of screening, there was a decrease in the number of suspicious lesions and confirmed cases of oral cancer in the population. The reorganization of secondary and tertiary health care levels of oral care seems to have contributed to modify these numbers, having a positive impact on the outcomes of oral cancer screening in the São Paulo State.
OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo experimental que permita estudar a regeneração de grandes falhas ósseas em condições de infecção. MÉTODO: Falhas ósseas segmentares de 15mm foram criadas cirurgicamente na ulna de 12 coelhos e inoculadas com 5x10(8) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de S. aureus. O desbridamento da infecção foi realizado duas semanas após, seguida da aplicação sistêmica de gentamicina por quatro semanas. Os animais foram acompanhados por um período de 12 semanas para avaliação do controle da infecção e da regeneração óssea. RESULTADOS: A regeneração espontânea foi inferior a 25% do defeito na avaliação radiográfica e histológica. CONCLUSÃO: A Falha óssea infectada de 15mm na ulna de coelhos é incapaz de alcançar a regeneração completa sem tratamentos adicionais. Nível de Evidência V, Estudo experimental.
A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo desenvolveu o Índice de Necessidades em Saúde (INS) para identificar áreas prioritárias para a oferta de serviços. Em 2008 realizou um Levantamento das Condições de Saúde Bucal. Pretende-se, neste estudo ecológico, analisar o perfil de saúde bucal em relação ao INS. As variáveis, estratificadas para as idades de 5, 12 e 15 anos, foram: porcentagem de indivíduos com dificuldade no acesso ao serviço odontológico; média do ceod e CPOD; prevalência da necessidade de extração e de livres de cárie. As informações foram analisadas para as 25 Supervisões Técnicas de Saúde (STS). Empregou-se o teste estatístico de covariância, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e o modelo de regressão linear. Observou-se uma correlação positiva entre maiores INS e a dificuldade de acesso aos serviços. Nas STS com maiores INS houve maior experiência de cárie, maior necessidade de exodontias e menor prevalência de livres de cárie. Reforça-se a necessidade de priorizar as áreas de privação social para melhorar a condição de saúde da população.
O artigo analisa o processo de produção de moradia do imigrante japonês no Vale do Ribeira, na região sul do estado de São Paulo, ocorrido no início do século XX. Partindo do contexto histórico do início da colonização da região e as condicionantes que possibilitaram a criação da colônia, o trabalho busca verificar como foram construídas as casas que, baseados na autoconstrução e tendo a terra e madeira formaram o repertório de quase 500 casas. Põe foco em dois exemplares onde são analisadas a técnica do tsuchikabe e as sambladuras; verificando que mesmo diante das adversidades encontradas na natureza distinta de sua origem construíram casas de elevada qualidade. Os saberes trazidos do extremo oriente foram aplicados e se mesclaram às influências, cabocla, quilombola e europeia que hoje, após um século, representam uma categoria expressiva e variada sob os aspectos construtivo, tipológico e programático.
A exploração do Brasil-Colônia pelos portugueses, franceses e holandeses teve por intuito contrabandear espécies de fauna e da flora, além de pedras e metais preciosos. Esses povos colaboraram intensamente pela devastação do meio ambiente brasileiro nas fases do ciclo do pau-brasil, dos metais preciosos, da canade- açúcar e do gado. E o Direito brasileiro não poderia ficar alheio a esses dilemas socioculturais com tendência de infinita e crescente transformação ao País. O maior avanço coercitivo foi o advento da Lei n. 9.605, de 1998, à defesa e à proteção do meio ambiente, por meio da criação de novos crimes, instituindo-se, assim, um sistema de proteção penal-administrativo eficaz; porém, um dos maiores obstáculos que vem sendo enfrentado pela Polícia Federal brasileira, considerada uma das melhores corporações do mundo, e o Ministério Público é a fragilidade do único tipo penal versado ao combate ao tráfico dos animais.
[ES] La promoción, difusión y educación ambientalista y conservacionista de la biodiversidad marina, en especial del papel de los elasmobranquios, es la misión de la Alianza por los Tiburones de Canarias, por lo que se propone en esta charla presentar la importancia de los tiburones en el medio marino con el tema ‘Tiburones en Peligro’. Existen más de 450 especies de tiburones distintas. Los tiburones crecen lentamente, maduran tarde y producen pocas crías en cada gestación (ésta es la manera natural de regular su población). Se trata de responder a preguntas tales como: Cuál es la importancia de los tiburones para la biodiversidad marina, qué especies son las implicadas y cuáles son las estadísticas de accidentes con tiburones en Canarias, cómo y dónde nadan, cómo se alimentan, cómo se reproducen, por que están en peligro, qué alternativas hay y qué podemos hacer cada uno de nosotros.