981 resultados para Cognitive Variables
Objectives:To analyse which are the main variables that influence primary care professionals, in the prescription of antibiotics in patients with acute pharyngitis.To analyse which is the diagnosis pattern used by primary care professionals towards cutepharyngitis. To recognize the clinical and analytical criteria that primary care professionals use, to determine antibiotic treatment in acute pharyngitis.To identify the main clinical variables related with the prescription of antibiotics by primary care professionals, in acute pharyngitis treatment. Design: Cross-‐sectional study Participants:165 primary care professionals from the Sanitary Region of Girona not attending paediatric patients and randomly selected from 29 ABS managed by two of the main health care providers: Insitut Català de la Salut (ICS) and Institut d’Assistència Sanitària (IAS) Main outcome measures: Each participant will fill out a questionnaire with personal and workplace questions, as well as about knowledge and attitude in front of the acute pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci. They will also answer 4 clinical questions about correct treatment and diagnosis of acute pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci
BACKGROUND: Previous cross-sectional studies report that cognitive impairment is associated with poor psychosocial functioning in euthymic bipolar patients. There is a lack of long-term studies to determine the course of cognitive impairment and its impact on functional outcome. Method A total of 54 subjects were assessed at baseline and 6 years later; 28 had DSM-IV TR bipolar I or II disorder (recruited, at baseline, from a Lithium Clinic Program) and 26 were healthy matched controls. They were all assessed with a cognitive battery tapping into the main cognitive domains (executive function, attention, processing speed, verbal memory and visual memory) twice over a 6-year follow-up period. All patients were euthymic (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression score lower than 8 and Young mania rating scale score lower than 6) for at least 3 months before both evaluations. At the end of follow-up, psychosocial functioning was also evaluated by means of the Functioning Assessment Short Test. RESULTS: Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of covariance showed that there were main effects of group in the executive domain, in the inhibition domain, in the processing speed domain, and in the verbal memory domain (p<0.04). Among the clinical factors, only longer illness duration was significantly related to slow processing (p=0.01), whereas strong relationships were observed between impoverished cognition along time and poorer psychosocial functioning (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Executive functioning, inhibition, processing speed and verbal memory were impaired in euthymic bipolar out-patients. Although cognitive deficits remained stable on average throughout the follow-up, they had enduring negative effects on psychosocial adaptation of patients.
The objective of this work was to perform a quantitative analysis of the amino acid composition of soybean seeds as affected by climatic variables during seed filling. Amino acids were determined from seed samples taken at harvest in 31 multi-environment field trials carried out in Argentina. Total amino acids ranged from 31.69 to 49.14%, and total essential and nonessential amino acids varied from 12.83 to 19.02% and from 18.86 to 31.15%, respectively. Variance components expressed as the percentage of total variation showed that the environment was the most important source of variation for all traits, followed by the genotype x environment interaction. Significant explanatory linear regressions were detected for amino acid content regarding: average daily mean air temperature and cumulative solar radiation, during seed filling; precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration, during the whole reproductive period; and the combinations of these climatic variables. Each amino acid behaves differently according to environmental conditions, indicating compensatory effects among them.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar el análisis de componentes principales y de semivarianza para seleccionar variables físicas que explicaran la variabilidad de un suelo aluvial, y establecer el comportamiento espacial de las variables seleccionadas, con el fin de definir técnicamente la localización de parcelas experimentales para estudiar los efectos de la abrasividad del suelo sobre el desgaste de herramientas agrícolas. Las pruebas de campo se realizaron en 2008, en un lote plano de 6.000 m² con suelos de textura media a pesada (Vertic Haplustepts). Se hizo un muestreo intensivo en cuadrícula de 10x14 m. Las variables que mayor peso tuvieron en los tres primeros componentes principales fueron los contenidos de limo, arena fina y media, gravilla media, la humedad a capacidad de campo y el coeficiente higroscópico. A excepción de la arena media y la capacidad de campo, las demás propiedades presentaron alta dependencia espacial y su distribución mostró que en el lote experimental se encuentran tres sectores de acumulación diferencial de limo y de arena fina. La combinación de los análisis de componentes principales y geoestadística permitió definir las propiedades del suelo involucradas en el desgaste de herramientas, su patrón espacial y la manera más adecuada de distribuir parcelas experimentales, para estudiar la abrasividad del suelo.
The objective of this work was to develop and validate linear regression models to estimate the production of dry matter by Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cultivar Tanzania) as a function of agrometeorological variables. For this purpose, data on the growth of this forage grass from 2000 to 2005, under dry‑field conditions in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, were correlated to the following climatic parameters: minimum and mean temperatures, degree‑days, and potential and actual evapotranspiration. Simple linear regressions were performed between agrometeorological variables (independent) and the dry matter accumulation rate (dependent). The estimates were validated with independent data obtained in São Carlos and Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The best statistical results in the development and validation of the models were obtained with the agrometeorological parameters that consider thermal and water availability effects together, such as actual evapotranspiration, accumulation of degree‑days corrected by water availability, and the climatic growth index, based on average temperature, solar radiation, and water availability. These variables can be used in simulations and models to predict the production of Tanzania grass.
In soccer, dead-ball moves are those in which the ball is returned to play from a stationary position following an interruption of play. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of one such dead-ball move, namely corner kicks, and to identify the key variables that determine the success of a shot or header following a corner, thereby enabling a model of successful corner kicks to be proposed. We recorded 554 corner kicks performed during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and carried out a univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of the data. The results indicated that corners were of limited effectiveness in terms of the success of subsequent shots or headers. The analysis also revealed a series of variables that were significantly related to one another, and this enabled us to propose an explanatory model. Although this model had limited explanatory power, it nonetheless helps to understand the execution of corner kicks in practical terms.
HIV escape in the central nervous system (CNS) despite undetectable viral load in the plasma has been observed and may contribute to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Favouring the use of HIV drugs with a good penetration into the CNS has been advocated, leading to the establishment of the CNS penetration-effectiveness (CPE) score. However, the relevance of this score is not fully established. Ciccarelli et al. compared two versions of the CPE scores in their capacity to predict cognitive dysfunction in HIV-infected individuals. The revised CPE score, but not the original one, showed an improved association with cognitive impairment. Prospective studies are warranted to assess the validity of the CPE score.
Genetic diversity between improved banana diploids using canonical variables and the Ward-MLM method
The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic diversity of improved banana diploids using data from quantitative analysis and from simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker, simultaneously. The experiment was carried out with 33 diploids, in an augmented block design with 30 regular treatments and three common ones. Eighteen agronomic characteristics and 20 SSR primers were used. The agronomic characteristics and the SSR were analyzed simultaneously by the Ward-MLM, cluster, and IML procedures. The Ward clustering method considered the combined matrix obtained by the Gower algorithm. The Ward-MLM procedure identified three ideal groups (G1, G2, and G3) based on pseudo-F and pseudo-t² statistics. The dendrogram showed relative similarity between the G1 genotypes, justified by genealogy. In G2, 'Calcutta 4' appears in 62% of the genealogies. Similar behavior was observed in G3, in which the 028003-01 diploid is the male parent of the 086079-10 and 042079-06 genotypes. The method with canonical variables had greater discriminatory power than Ward-MLM. Although reduced, the genetic variability available is sufficient to be used in the development of new hybrids.
The objective of this work was to assess the degree of multicollinearity and to identify the variables involved in linear dependence relations in additive-dominant models. Data of birth weight (n=141,567), yearling weight (n=58,124), and scrotal circumference (n=20,371) of Montana Tropical composite cattle were used. Diagnosis of multicollinearity was based on the variance inflation factor (VIF) and on the evaluation of the condition indexes and eigenvalues from the correlation matrix among explanatory variables. The first model studied (RM) included the fixed effect of dam age class at calving and the covariates associated to the direct and maternal additive and non-additive effects. The second model (R) included all the effects of the RM model except the maternal additive effects. Multicollinearity was detected in both models for all traits considered, with VIF values of 1.03 - 70.20 for RM and 1.03 - 60.70 for R. Collinearity increased with the increase of variables in the model and the decrease in the number of observations, and it was classified as weak, with condition index values between 10.00 and 26.77. In general, the variables associated with additive and non-additive effects were involved in multicollinearity, partially due to the natural connection between these covariables as fractions of the biological types in breed composition.
Se presenta un modelo de análisis del comportamiento informacional global de un colectivo de individuos (estudiantes de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) que tienen una percepción positiva sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y que realizan un uso intensivo de las mismas.A partir de una aproximación cualitativa, mediante 24 entrevistas y un posterior análisis del contenido, se identifican cuatro perfiles distintos de gestión de la información personal (reactivo, pasivo, exhaustivo y proactivo) en base a diez variables subyacentes (acceso, gestión y usos de la información, competenciasinformacionales, perfil cognitivo, actitud, percepción de las TIC, ámbito académico, profesional y de la vida diaria) y se ponen derelieve las diferencias de comportamiento informacional dependiendo del ámbito en el que se encuentren. La identificación de los perfiles es un estadio básico del diseño centrado en los usuarios que facilita la realización de intervenciones específicas para cada tipo de usuario, respetando requerimientos de herramientasy procesos para que puedan desarrollar su comportamiento informacional de forma eficiente y eficaz.