990 resultados para Clementine Lewis
Mouse PNAS-4 (mPNAS-4) has 96% identity with human PNAS-4 (hPNAS-4) in primary sequence and has been reported to be involved in the apoptotic response to DNA damage. However, there have been no studies reported of the biological functions of mPNAS-4. In studies conducted by our group (unpublished data), it was interesting to note that overexpression of mPNAS-4 promoted apoptotic death in Lewis lung carcinoma cells (LL2) and colon carcinoma cells (CT26) of mice both in vitro and in vivo. In our studies, mPNAS-4 was cloned into the pGEX-6P-1 vector with GST tag at N-terminal in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3). The soluble and insoluble expression of recombinant protein mPNAS-4 (rmPNAS-4) was temperature-dependent. The majority of rmPNAS-4 was insoluble at 37°C, while it was almost exclusively expressed in soluble form at 20°C. The soluble rmPNAS-4 was purified by one-step affinity purification, using a glutathione Sepharose 4B column. The rmPNAS-4 protein was further identified by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis. The search parameters of the parent and fragment mass error tolerance were set at 0.1 and 0.05 kDa, respectively, and the sequence coverage of search result was 28%. The purified rmPNAS-4 was further used as immunogen to raise polyclonal antibodies in New Zealand white rabbit, which were suitable to detect both the recombinant and the endogenous mPNAS-4 in mouse brain tissue and LL2 cells after immunoblotting and/or immunostaining. The purified rmPNAS-4 and our prepared anti-mPNAS-4 polyclonal antibodies may provide useful tools for future biological function studies for mPNAS.
The immunomodulador glatiramer acetate (GA) has been shown to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms during the course of multiple sclerosis and in its animal model - experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Since GA may influence the response of non-neuronal cells in the spinal cord, it is possible that, to some extent, this drug affects the synaptic changes induced during the exacerbation of EAE. In the present study, we investigated whether GA has a positive influence on the loss of inputs to the motoneurons during the course of EAE in rats. Lewis rats were subjected to EAE associated with GA or placebo treatment. The animals were sacrificed after 15 days of treatment and the spinal cords processed for immunohistochemical analysis and transmission electron microscopy. A correlation between the synaptic changes and glial activation was obtained by performing labeling of synaptophysin and glial fibrillary acidic protein using immunohistochemical analysis. Ultrastructural analysis of the terminals apposed to alpha motoneurons was also performed by electron transmission microscopy. Interestingly, although the GA treatment preserved synaptophysin labeling, it did not significantly reduce the glial reaction, indicating that inflammatory activity was still present. Also, ultrastructural analysis showed that GA treatment significantly prevented retraction of both F and S type terminals compared to placebo. The present results indicate that the immunomodulator GA has an influence on the stability of nerve terminals in the spinal cord, which in turn may contribute to its neuroprotective effects during the course of multiple sclerosis.
Helicobacter pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells constitutes a key step in the establishment of a successful infection of the gastric mucosa. The high representation of outer membrane proteins in the bacterial genome suggests the relevance of those proteins in the establishment of profitable interactions with the host gastric cells. Gastric epithelial cells are protected by a mucous layer gel, mainly consisting of the MUC5AC and MUC6 mucins. In addition to this protective role, mucins harbor glycan-rich domains that constitute preferential binding sites of many pathogens. In this article we review the main players in the process of H. pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells, which contribute decisively to the high prevalence and chronicity of H. pylori infection. The BabA adhesin recognizes both H-type 1 and Lewis b blood-group antigens expressed on normal gastric mucosa of secretor individuals, contributing to the initial steps of infection. Upon colonization, persistent infection induces an inflammatory response with concomitant expression of sialylated antigens. The SabA adhesin mediates H. pylori binding to inflamed gastric mucosa by recognizing sialyl-Lewis a and sialyl-Lewis x antigens. The expression of the BabA and SabA adhesins is tightly regulated, permitting the bacteria to rapidly adapt to the changes of glycosylation of the host gastric mucosa that occur during infection, as well as to escape from the inflammatory response. The growing knowledge of the interactions between the bacterial adhesins and the host receptors will contribute to the design of alternative strategies for eradication of the infection.
Este texto pretende acompanhar os principais movimentos apresentados pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze para propor uma estrutura do sentido, de acordo com a Lógica do sentido (1969). Para tanto, tentando nos alçar ao estruturalismo muito particular de Deleuze, seguiremos especialmente alguns argumentos estabelecidos entre a quarta (Das dualidades) e a oitava (Da estrutura) séries desse livro, bem como pontos do artigo Em que se pode reconhecer o estruturalismo? (1972).
Contient : Calendrier français à l'usage de Toulouse ; Table du contenu de ce recueil ; Figures et vers français sur les quatre complexions de l'homme « sanguin, colorique, fleumatique et milencolique » ; Tables astronomiques ; « Taula per saber la calitat de las planetas » ; « Taula de la luna per conoysc en cal signe es cada jorn » ; « Taula per saber la hora de las plan[e]tas » ; « Disputacions de cyreurgie sur les condicions de tout le corps, ordonnées sur les oeuvrez de maistre Guidon de Caillac, maistre en medecine. Pour ce que selon Galien, in libro XVIJ° de utilitate particularium, capitulo penultimo, quatre utilités et prouffis sont... — ... est dit proprement pannicule. Expliciunt disputaciones » ; « L'Anothomie mise en disputacions. Cyreurgie est une science qui enseigne la maniere comment ont doit ouvrer... — ... En tout le grant pié y a XXX os. Explicit, » etc. (Figure du squelette humain, fol. 38 v°) ; « Le formulaire de maistre Lenfranc, doctour en medecine, qu'il envoya à son fils Bernard pour luy donner doctrine et congnoissance de cyrurgie en petite forme. Honorable Bernard, je Alenfranc entens de faire ung livre... — ... tu pourras savoir de plus grans choses. Explicit » ; « Le formulaire des aydes des apostemez, postulé et ordonné par maistre Guidon de Cailhac, cyreurgien et maistre en medicine, fait et composé à Montpellier, en l'an de Nostre S[eigneur] M. IIIe. XL. Pour ce que selon G[alien] ou III. de ingenio sanitatis, commancement de la science de ouvrer... — ... est à presumer que vous le savez » ; « Le formulaire des aydes des playes et des ulceres, ordonnées en Avignon par maistre Guidon de Cailhac, qui adonc estoit medecin du pape Clement, en l'an mil trois cens et quarente. Pour la doubte de oblier la necessité... — ... laver avecques de sang chault de bestez » ; « La deuxieme doctrine de la formacion des remedez... des maladies de la teste jusques es piez, selon la diversité des membres... Cy après mettrons les aydes des playes du chief... — ... et fiat emplastrum et est loé » ; « Aucunes bonnes receptes aprouvées par pluseurs ou fait de cyreurgie. Pour clistere. ???... » ; « Les proprietez de certaines eauez esprouvées par pluseurs docteurs en medecine. Eau de saulgie vaut contre toute paralisie... » — A la suite sont différentes recettes, parmi lesquelles la liste des jours périlleux de l'année (fol. 160) ; « Aucunez questions touchant le fait de flebotomye, qui sont extraictez et prises au VIJe livre de Guidon de Cailhac, qui est dit Antidotaire... Qu'est saignée ? Saignée ou flebothomie est incision de vaynez... — ... maladies moult mauvaises et perilleuses » ; « Ung petit traictié fait et compilé par maistre Jehan Le Lievre, tresexcellent maistre et docteur en medecine, sur le fait du nombre de la declairacion des vaynes qui sont assizes sur le corps de la personne. Cy après s'ensuit le nombre de la declairacion... Et premierement dit que au front en a une... — ... sur le corps est plus a plain declairé. Expliciunt les disputacions des saignées par ordre composées et le traictié sur ladite matiere de Me Jehan Le Lievre, docteur en medecine » ; « Le livre des secrez des dames, lequel est deffendu à reveler, sur peine d'escomeniment, en la Clementine, à nulle femme ne à nul homme, se il n'est de l'office de cyreurgie. Une dame m'a prié par courtoisie loyale... — ... avecques vin blanc et tantost enfantera » ; « Le chapitre des aydes de la mayre [matrice] des dames et de leurs medecinez. Il y a pluseurs femmes qui ont la maire chaulde... — ... jusques que le sang soit restraint » ; « Le meilleur livre que Ypocras eust en sa vie, qui traitte de la congnoissance de la vie et de la mort... Ypocras qui en son temps estoit le plus noble... — ... guarira au plaisir de Dieu. Cy finist le secret d'Ypocras » ; « Collacion pour congnoistre toutez les complexions selon la parolle de Me Albubert, dont Rasis, le noble et tresexcellent docteur parle en son livre. Les corps qui sont en complexion colorique... — ... plus fermez et fortez en judicature, etc. » ; « Certaynes curez et regimens d'aucunez oeuvrez perticulieres, faictes par ma[i]stre Jehan Piscis, docteur en medecine et chancellier de la noble faculté... à Montpellier. Et premierement pour le halaynement. Tu eviteras l'air froit... — ... (Ungant... contre la douleur des reins...) des devant dictez herbes ana. m.j. » ; « Aucunez proprietez de certainez viandes,... par maistre Jehan Piscis,... pour donner bonnez et malez humeurs selon la complexion des corps humains. Les viandes qui engendrent bon sang... — ... qui engendrent milencolie. » (Suivent, fol. 317, différentes formules de remedes) ; « Les cynonismes de maistre Guidon de Gailhac [Chauliac], maistre et docteur en medecyne, composez selon l'alphabetum... Aqua, c'est eaue et est la premiere des froides... — ... Usifur,... in secundo cum stipticitate » ; « Le livre des constellacions, pour savoir en quelle constellacion est homme né, et pour savoir les adventurez qui luy doyvent advenir, selon les dis des grans philosophez Tholomeus et Aristote. Premierement pour savoir la mort et la vie... — ... par le monde serchant son adventure. Cy finissent les XII signez et VII planettez » ; A la fin, on a biffé la mention : « Sed libre est de Piare d'Anjou, barbier de monseigneur le cardinal d'Alebret et sergent d'armes de nostre saint pere le Pape et serviteur de monseigneur le cardinal de Roan, et fut acheptay l'an mil CCCC LII »
A seated Ed Davis points out to (form left to right) Dr. Gunther Doeker, Fencing Coach; Mr. Les Korchok, Basketball Coach; Prof. A. G. Lowenberger, Director of Physical Education and Recreation; Mr. Tony Biernacki, Rowing Coach; Dr. E. Mirynech, Faculty Advisor; and Dr. Cam Lewis, Curling Coach when Brock will open its 1967-68 Ontario Intercollegiate hockey season.
This qualitative study explores the motivation of College Vocational Program (CVP) students at one campus of a large College of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT a) in urban southern Ontario. The study is in response to my close involvement with the CVP students as an instructor for five years, and my observation that a greater understanding of the motivational influences affecting the students' involvement in the program would strengthen teaching and learning, and enhance the CVP educational experience for students and instructors. This study was limited to one CVP program, and a small sample of convenience of 9 CVP male and female students and 6 instructors selected from two classes. The students were chosen based on their verbal abilities to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in regard to answering the research questions posed. Through interviews with students, instructors, and ajob coach, this study addressed four main questions relevant to college vocational students and motivation: defining student success, encouragement, discouragement, and perceptions about academic and vocationalleaming. The interview questions for both students and instructors were designed by me and were based on themes derived from the literature and from my experience in the program. The findings identify that the students and instructors see success in the program in a slightly different way, the importance of relationships and structure, the hindering effect of disabilities and the importance of accommodation, and the strong aspiration of the students wanting to learn in a supportive accepting environment. The study concludes with implications for further research and theory development.
Investigations towards the synthesis of isotope labelled analogues of tocopherols and tocotrienols /
Vitamin E is considered as the most effective lipophilic chain breaking antioxidant. a-Tocopherol and its analogues have been studied thoroughly with regards to its biokinetics and bioavailabily. Deuterated tocopherols have been synthesized and utilized in such studies. Tocotrienols are arousing more and more interest because of their high efficiency as antioxidants. However, to date, there is no effective synthetic method reported for deuterated tocotrienols. This thesis is focused on the investigation of the synthetic methods of deuterated tocotrienols and their analogues: 5-trideuteromethyl-a-tocotrienol, 5- trideuteromethyl-p-tocotrienol, tocotrienol acetate, silyl tocotrienol ether, etc. Several synthetic procedures for the preparation of poly-deuterated tocopherols are known. Mainly the deuterium is introduced by use of labelled formaldehyde and deuterated hydrogen chloride under Lewis acid catalysis. However, these methods are not effective in tocotrienols due to exchange of protons for deuterium at other sites under the acidic conditions. We developed several different approaches to generate polydeuterated tocotrienols by using both morpholinomethylation followed by reduction with NaCNBDs as deuterated reducing reagents and transmetalation strategy. The 5-trideuteromethyl-a-tocotrienol was finally obtained in a satisfactory yield of 60%. In addition, this thesis also discussed the study of structural comparison and the chemical property difference of tocopherols and tocotrienols, which provides hints to explain the reactivity difference of them towards oxidation at the C3-C4 positions.Furthermore, the methodology of halogenation and dehydrohalogenation of tocotrienol was explored to prepare a hexaene tocotrienol derivative as a florescent reporter of tocopherol.
A distinctive period of global change occurred during the PUocene between the warm Miocene and subsequent Quaternary cooling. Samples from Ocean Drilling Project Site 11 79 (-5586 mbsl, 41°4'N, 159°57'E), Site 881 (-5765 mbsl, 47°6.133'N, 161°29.490'E) and Site 882 (-3255 mbsl, 50°22'N, 167°36'E) were studied to determine the magnitude and composition ofterrigenous flux to the western mid-latitude North Pacific and its relation to climate change in East Asia since the mid-Pliocene. Dust-sized particles (including pollen), sourced from the arid regions and loess plateaus in East Asia are entrained by prevailing westerly winds and transported to the midlatitude northwest North Pacific Ocean. This is recorded by peaks in the total concentration of pollen and spores, as well as the mean grain size of allochthonous and autochthonous silicate material in abyssal marine sediments. Aridification of the Asian interior due to the phased uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau created the modem East Asian Monsoon system dominated by a strengthening of the winter monsoon. The winter monsoon is further enhanced during glacials due to the expansion of desert and steppe environments at the expense ofwoodlands and forests recorded by the composition of palynological assemblages. The late Pliocene-Pleistocene glacials at ODP Sites 1 179, 881, and 882 are characterized by increases in grain size, magnetic susceptibility, pollen and spore concentrations around 3.5-3.3, 2.6-2.4, 1.7-1.6, and 0.9-0.7 Ma (ages based on magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic datums). The peaks during these times are relatively rich in pollen taxa derived primarily from steppe and boreal vegetation zones, recording cool, dry climates. The overall size increase of sediment and abundance of terrestrial palynomorphs record enhanced wind strength. The increase in magnitude of pollen and spore concentrations as well as grain size record global cooling and Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The peaks in grain size as well as pollen and spore abundance in marine sediments correlate with the mean grain size of loess in East Asia, consistent with the deflation of unarmoured surfaces during glacials. The transport of limiting nutrients to marine environments enhanced sea surface productivity and increased the rate of sediment accumulation.
This narrative case study explored gifted and highly able adolescents' experiences with stress and coping. Nine students, ages 13-18, at 2 independent schools in southern Ontario, participated. They completed the Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993), and I generated individualized graphs of coping strategies. Participants talked about experiences they perceived as stressful in their academic, personal, social, and familial settings during a 60-90 minute one-on-one audiotaped interview. During the interview, each participant made observations about their own coping strategies profile. The interview was analyzed to identify stressor and coping themes. Participants completed a writing or art task to record perceptions of stress and coping. The 3 data sources were used to craft 9 individual story portraits, from which 5 main stressor themes emerged: issues of time; relationships, emotions, and communication; ethical, moral, and spiritual issues; global issues; and silences, or stressors not talked about in depth. Coping themes were: seeking relaxing activities; having positive attitudes and making wise choices; maintaining relationships with peers and family; understanding the role of faith and moral beliefs; having a supportive environment; knowing your own personality type; being aware of negative coping strategies; and keeping busy and avoiding stressfiil issues. The narratives are important because they present teenagers talking about their socioemotional worlds. The present findings provide empirical groundwork for curriculum development in affective education and highlight the importance of socioemotional development for future research in the area of giftedness and adolescence.
Two new families of building blocks have been prepared and fully characterized and their coordination chemistry exploited for the preparation of molecule-based magnetic materials. The first class of compounds were prepared by exploiting the chemistry of 3,3'-diamino-2,2'-bipyridine together with 2-pyridine carbonyl chloride or 2-pyridine aldehyde. Two new ligands, 2,2'-bipyridine-3,3'-[2-pyridinecarboxamide] (Li, 2.3) and N'-6/s(2-pyridylmethyl) [2,2'bipyridine]-3,3'-diimine (L2, 2.7), were prepared and characterized. For ligand L4, two copper(II) coordination compounds were isolated with stoichiometrics [Cu2(Li)(hfac)2] (2.4) and [Cu(Li)Cl2] (2.5). The molecular structures of both complexes were determined by X-ray crystallography. In both complexes the ligand is in the dianionic form and coordinates the divalent Cu(II) ions via one amido and two pyridine nitrogen donor atoms. In (2.4), the coordination geometry around both Cu11 ions is best described as distorted trigonal bipyramidal where the remaining two coordination sites are satisfied by hfac counterions. In (2.5), both Cu(II) ions adopt a (4+1) distorted square pyramidal geometry. One copper forms a longer apical bond to an adjacent carbonyl oxygen atom, whereas the second copper is chelated to a neighboring Cu-Cl chloride ion to afford chloride bridged linear [Cu2(Li)Cl2]2 tetramers that run along the c-axis of the unit cell. The magnetic susceptibility data for (2.4) reveal the occurrence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the copper(II) ions. In contrast, variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements for (2.5) reveal more complex magnetic properties with the presence of ferromagnetic exchange between the central dimeric pair of copper atoms and weak antiferromagnetic exchange between the outer pairs of copper atoms. The Schiff-base bis-imine ligand (L2, 2.7) was found to be highly reactive; single crystals grown from dry methanol afforded compound (2.14) for which two methanol molecules had added across the imine double bond. The susceptibility of this ligand to nucleophilic attack at its imine functionality assisted via chelation to Lewis acidic metal ions adds an interesting dimension to its coordination chemistry. In this respect, a Co(II) quaterpyridine-type complex was prepared via a one-pot transformation of ligand L2 in the presence of a Lewis acidic metal salt. The rearranged complex was characterized by X-ray crystallography and a reaction mechanism for its formation has been proposed. Three additional rearranged complexes (2.13), (2.17) and (2.19) were also isolated when ligand (L2, 2.7) was reacted with transition metal ions. The molecular structures of all three complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The second class of compounds that are reported in this thesis, are the two diacetyl pyridine derivatives, 4-pyridyl-2,6-diacetylpyridine (5.5) and 2,2'-6,6'-tetraacetyl-4,4'-bipyridine (5.15). Both of these compounds have been designed as intermediates for the metal templated assembly of a Schiff-base N3O2 macrocycle. From compound (5.15), a covalently tethered dimeric Mn(II) macrocyclic compound of general formula {[Mn^C^XJCl-FkO^Cl-lO.SFbO (5.16) was prepared and characterized. The X-ray analysis of (5.16) reveals that the two manganese ions assume a pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry with the macrocycle occupying the pentagonal plane and the axial positions being filled by a halide ion and a H2O molecule. Magnetic susceptibility data reveal the occurrence of antiferromagnetic interactions between covalently tethered Mn(II)-Mn(II) dimeric units. Following this methodology a Co(II) analogue (5.17) has also been prepared which is isostructural with (5.16).
The preparation of chelated difluoroboron cations (DD)BF2+, where DD is a saturated polydentate tertiary-amine or polydentate aromatic ligand, has been systematically studied by using multinuclear solution and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Three new methods of synthesis of (DD)BF2+ cations are reported, and compared with the previous method of reacting a chelating donor with Et20.BF3. The methods most effective for aromatic donors such as 1,1O-phenanthroline are ineffective for saturated polydentate tertiary-amines like N,N,N' ,Nil ,Nil-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine. Polydentate tertiary-amine donors that form 5-membered rings upon bidentate chelation were found to chelate effectively when the BF2 source contained two leaving groups (a heavy halide and a Lewis base such as pyridine =pyr or isoxazole =ISOX), i.e., pyr.BF2X (X = CI or Br), ISOX.BF2X and (pyr)2BF2+. Those that would form 6membered rings upon chelation do not chelate by any of the four methods. Polydentate aromatic ligands chelate effectively when the BF2 source contained a weak Lewis base, e.g., ISOX.BF3, ISOX.BF2X and Et20.BF3. Bidentate chelation by polydentate tertiaryamine and aromatic donors leads to nmr parameters that are significantly different then their (D)2BF2+ relatives (D =monod~ntate t-amines or pyridines). The chelated haloboron cations (DD)BFCI+, and (DD)BFBr+ were generated from D.BFX2 adducts for all ligands that form BF2+ cations above. In addition, the (DD)BCI2+ and (DD)BBr2+ cations were formed from D.BX3 adducts by the chelating aromatic ligands, except for the aromatic ligand 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene, which formed only the (DD)BF2+ cation, apparently due to its extreme steric hindrance. Chelation by a donor is a two-step reaction. For polydentate tertiary-amine ligands, the two rates appear to be very dependent on the two possible leaving groups on the central boron atom. The order of increasing ease of displacement for the donors was: pyr < Cl < Br < ISOX. The rate of chelation by polydentate aromatic ligands appears to be dependent on the displacement of the first ligand from the boron. The order of increasing ease of displacement for the donors was: pyr < CI < ISOX ~ Br < Et20.
Exchange reactions between molecular complexes and excess acid
or base are well known and have been extensively surveyed in the
literature(l). Since the exchange mechanism will, in some way
involve the breaking of the labile donor-acceptor bond, it follows
that a discussion of the factors relating to bonding in molecular complexes
will be relevant.
In general, a strong Lewis base and a strong Lewis acid form a
stable adduct provided that certain stereochemical requirements are
A strong Lewis base has the following characteristics (1),(2)
(i) high electron density at the donor site.
(ii) a non-bonded electron pair which has a low ionization potential
(iii) electron donating substituents at the donor atom site.
(iv) facile approach of the site of the Lewis base to the
acceptor site as dictated by the steric hindrance of the
Examples of typical Lewis bases are ethers, nitriles, ketones,
alcohols, amines and phosphines.
For a strong Lewis acid, the following properties are important:(
i) low electron density at the acceptor site.
(ii) electron withdrawing substituents. (iii) substituents which do not interfere with the close
approach of the Lewis base.
(iv) availability of a vacant orbital capable of accepting
the lone electron pair of the donor atom.
Examples of Lewis acids are the group III and IV halides such
(M=B, AI, Ga, In) and MX4 - (M=Si, Ge, Sn, Pb).
The relative bond strengths of molecular complexes have been
investigated by:-
dipole moment measurements (3).
shifts of the carbonyl peaks in the IIIR. (4) ,(5), (6) ..
NMR chemical shift data (4),(7),(8),(9).
D.V. and visible spectrophotometric shifts (10),(11).
equilibrium constant data (12), (13).
heats of dissociation and heats of reactions (l~),
(16), (17), (18), (19).
Many experiments have bben carried out on boron trihalides in
order to determine their relative acid strengths. Using pyridine,
nitrobenzene, acetonitrile and trimethylamine as reference Lewis
bases, it was found that the acid strength varied in order:RBx3 >
3 >BF 3
• For the acetonitrile-boron trihalide and trimethylamine
boron trihalide complexes in nitrobenzene, an-NMR study (7) showed
that the shift to lower field was. greatest for the BB~3 adduct ~n~
smallest for the BF 3 which is in agreement with the acid strengths. If electronegativities of the substituents were the only
important effect, and since c~ Br ,one would expect
the electron density at the boron nucleus to vary as BF3
Genetic chimeras made by aggregating early mouse embryos have many uses in developmental biology and have also provided insights into embryonic growth regulation. There is an indication that the embryo can regulate for an increase in size because although aggregation chimeras are twice as big as normal embryos when made, they are born of normal size. Upward regula..... tion of size reduced embryos is also possible. Half embryos made by the isolation or destruction of one of the blastomeres of a 2-cell embryo are also born of normal size. Little is known about the timing or the mechanism of this size regulation. In this study, the timing of size regulation in double and half embryos was clearly established by comparison of cell numbers derived from serial reconstruction of light microscope sections of control and experimental embryos. It was shown that size regulation in double embryos occurred around 6dl6h and in half embryos by 7dOh. Size regulation occurred in all tissues at the same time indicating a single control mechanism for the entire embryo. More detailed examination of the growth of double embryos revealed that size regulation occurred by alteration in cell cycle length~ No excessive cell death was found in double embryos compared to the controls and continuous labelling with [3H] thymidine showed no large non-dividing cell population in double embryos. However, a comparison of the mitotic index of double and control embryos after colcemid treatment, revealed a large difference between the two around 5dl6h to 6d16h. During this period, control embryos underwent a proliferative burst not shown by the double embryos. The mechanism for cell cycle control is not clear; it may be intrinsic to the embryo or determined by the uterine environment. Evidence was found suggesting that differentiation in the postimplantation embryo was cell number dependent. The timing of differentiative events was examined in half, double and control embryos. Proamnion formation, which occurs prior to size regulation, occurs at the same cell number but at different times in the three groups of embryos. However mesoderm which appears after size regulation was seen at the same time in all grollps of embryos.