989 resultados para Class relations


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The thermal behaviour and ion-transport properties of a comb polymer electrolyte CP350/LiSCN based on methyl vinyl ether/maleic anhydride copolymer with oligo-oxyethylene side chains were studied by means of DSC and ac impedance method. The two glass transition temperatures which can be attributed to side chains and main chains respectively were found to increase with increasing salt concentration. Conductivities which displayed non-Arrhenius behaviour were analyzed by using Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher equation and interpreted on the basis of the configurational entropy model derived by Gibbs and coworkers. The optimum ionic conductivity at 25 degrees C achieved was 2.19x10(-5)S/cm.


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A comb polymer (CP350) with oligo-oxyethylene side chains of the type -(CH2CH2O)(7)CH3 was prepared from methyl vinyl ether/maleic anhydride copolymer and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether. The polymer can dissolve LiNO3 salt to form homogeneous amorphous polymer electrolyte. This electrolyte system was first found to have two class glass transitions, and the two T(g)s were observed to increase with increasing salt content. The ionic conduction was measured by using the complex impedance method, and conductivities were investigated as functions of temperature and salt concentration. At 25 degrees C, the ionic conductivity maximum of this system can get to 3.72 X 10(-5) S/cm at the [Li]/ [EO] ratio of 0.057. The appearance of the conductivity maximum has been interpreted as being due to the effect of T-g and the so called physical crosslinks. The temperature dependence of the ionic conductivity displaying non-Arrhenius behaviour can be analyzed using the Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher equation and interpreted on the basis of the configurational entropy model.


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Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Three different groups in body weight (large: 2.34 +/- 0.36 g, middle: 1.50 +/- 0.21 g and small: 0.62 +/- 0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24A degrees C decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18A degrees C to 30A degrees C, the oxygen consumption increased before 27A degrees C and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes.


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针对RFID读写器识别多标签过程中出现的冲突问题,研究并实现了EPC Class-1 Gen-2标准中的防冲突算法,即时隙随机算法(SR算法),同时针对SR算法的不足提出改进算法。改进算法采用不避让冲突时隙的处理方式,降低了由时隙的随机选取所导致的标签间冲突的概率。实验结果证明,改进后的算法在通信次数和吞吐率方面均优于原算法,有效提高标签识别效率。


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This paper deals with the relations between the Machangqing rockbody which corresponds to the A-type granites and porphyry copper mineralization in terms of petrochemistry, trace element geochemistry, fluid inclusion geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The results show that the Machangqing porphyry copper deposit was formed from the fluid predominated by mag-matic fluid. This kind of ore-forming fluid was just differentiated from the magma responsible for the A-type granites. therefore,as viewed from whereer they contain water or not,the A-type granites can,at least,be divided into two types: water-bearing and water-free.The water-bearing A-type granites can serve as the host ofporphyry copper deposits under certain geological conditions.


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A new class of silica/polyimide nanocomposites was successfully prepared by the sol-gel reaction, tetraethoxysilane, (TEOS), was hydrolyzed by the water released from imidization at low and high temperature. Silica particles with diameter of around 30-50 nm were observed in the hybrid films by scanning electron microscopy. The flame retardance, decomposition temperature and glass transition temperature of the film increased with increasing silica content. The tensile strength increased slightly while the elongation at break of the films decreased with increasing silica content. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Classification is a kind of basic cognitive process, and category is an important way for human beings to define the world. At the same time, categories are organized in a hierarchical way, which makes it possible for human beings to process information efficiency. For those reasons, the development of classification ability is always one of the foci in developmental psychology. By using the methods of spontaneous and trained classification of both familiar stimuli materials and artificial concepts, this research explored the 4-6 year old children's classification criteria. And by the artificial concept system formed in these classification criteria experiments, the mastery degree of class hierarchy in these young children was analyzed. The main results and conclusions are: 1) The classification ability increases quickly among kindergarteners from 4 to 6 year old: the 4 year old children seemed unable to classify objects by classificatory criteria, however, the 6 year ones had shown the ability in many experimental conditions. But the main basis of classificatory criteria in these young children, including 6 year old ones, was the functional relation of the objects but the conceptual relations, and their classification criteria was not consistent because they seem to be easily affected by experimental conditions. 2) The age of 5 is a more sensitive period of classification ability development: for the children of 5 year old, it was found that their classification ability was easily enhanced by training. The zone of proximal development in classification ability by category standard could probably lie in this period of age. 3) Knowledge is an important factor that affects young children's classification ability, meanwhile, their classification activity are affected by cognitive processing ability: young children exhibited different classification ability as they had different understanding of stimuli materials. Kindergarteners of different age were significantly different in their classification ability as the difference in cognitive processing ability, even if they had the same knowledge about the stimuli materials. 4) Different properties of class hierarchy are different in difficulty for young children: the 5-6 year old children showed that the could master the transitivity of the class hierarchy. No matter under what learning condition, they could answer most of the transitivity questions correctly and infer the property of the sub-class according to that of the super-class. The young children at 5-6 years old had mastered the branching property of class hierarchy at a relative high level, but their answers were easily affected by the hints in the questions. However, it seemed that the asymmetry of class hierarchy was difficult for young children to learn. Because young children could not understand the class inclusion relation, they always drew wrong conclusions about super-class from sub-class in their classification.


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This paper describes the main features of a view-based model of object recognition. The model tries to capture general properties to be expected in a biological architecture for object recognition. The basic module is a regularization network in which each of the hidden units is broadly tuned to a specific view of the object to be recognized.


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MIT SchMUSE (pronounced "shmooz") is a concurrent, distributed, delegation-based object-oriented interactive environment with persistent storage. It is designed to run in a "capricious" network environment, where servers can migrate from site to site and can regularly become unavailable. Our design introduces a new form of unique identifiers called "globally unique tickets" that provide globally unique time/space stamps for objects and classes without being location specific. Object location is achieved by a distributed hierarchical lazy lookup mechanism that we call "realm resolution." We also introduce a novel mechanism called "message deferral" for enhanced reliability in the face of remote delegation. We conclude with a comparison to related work and a projection of future work on MIT SchMUSE.


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We provide a theory of the three-dimensional interpretation of a class of line-drawings called p-images, which are interpreted by the human vision system as parallelepipeds ("boxes"). Despite their simplicity, p-images raise a number of interesting vision questions: *Why are p-images seen as three-dimensional objects? Why not just as flatimages? *What are the dimensions and pose of the perceived objects? *Why are some p-images interpreted as rectangular boxes, while others are seen as skewed, even though there is no obvious distinction between the images? *When p-images are rotated in three dimensions, why are the image-sequences perceived as distorting objects---even though structure-from-motion would predict that rigid objects would be seen? *Why are some three-dimensional parallelepipeds seen as radically different when viewed from different viewpoints? We show that these and related questions can be answered with the help of a single mathematical result and an associated perceptual principle. An interesting special case arises when there are right angles in the p-image. This case represents a singularity in the equations and is mystifying from the vision point of view. It would seem that (at least in this case) the vision system does not follow the ordinary rules of geometry but operates in accordance with other (and as yet unknown) principles.


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This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The quadratic transforms of the signal are examined, a large class that includes, for example, the spectrograms and the Wigner distribution. Quasi-stationarity is not assumed, since this would neglect dynamic regions. A set of desired properties is proposed for the representation: (1) shift-invariance, (2) positivity, (3) superposition, (4) locality, and (5) smoothness. Several relations among these properties are proved: shift-invariance and positivity imply the transform is a superposition of spectrograms; positivity and superposition are equivalent conditions when the transform is real; positivity limits the simultaneous time and frequency resolution (locality) possible for the transform, defining an uncertainty relation for joint time-frequency energy representations; and locality and smoothness tradeoff by the 2-D generalization of the classical uncertainty relation. The transform that best meets these criteria is derived, which consists of two-dimensionally smoothed Wigner distributions with (possibly oriented) 2-D guassian kernels. These transforms are then related to time-frequency filtering, a method for estimating the time-varying 'transfer function' of the vocal tract, which is somewhat analogous to ceptstral filtering generalized to the time-varying case. Natural speech examples are provided. The second question addressed is how to obtain a rich, symbolic description of the phonetically relevant features in these time-frequency energy surfaces, the so-called schematic spectrogram. Time-frequency ridges, the 2-D analog of spectral peaks, are one feature that is proposed. If non-oriented kernels are used for the energy representation, then the ridge tops can be identified, with zero-crossings in the inner product of the gradient vector and the direction of greatest downward curvature. If oriented kernels are used, the method can be generalized to give better orientation selectivity (e.g., at intersecting ridges) at the cost of poorer time-frequency locality. Many speech examples are given showing the performance for some traditionally difficult cases: semi-vowels and glides, nasalized vowels, consonant-vowel transitions, female speech, and imperfect transmission channels.


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We present the results of an implemented system for learning structural prototypes from grey-scale images. We show how to divide an object into subparts and how to encode the properties of these subparts and the relations between them. We discuss the importance of hierarchy and grouping in representing objects and show how a notion of visual similarities can be embedded in the description language. Finally we exhibit a learning algorithm that forms class models from the descriptions produced and uses these models to recognize new members of the class.


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During the 1990s attempts to identify a feminist trade union agenda have focused on both the content and process of such a potential agenda. In a period in which trade unions have changed significantly, the general national agenda appears to be changing, acknowledging issues of importance to women. UNISON, Britain's largest trade union, has enshrined proportionality and fair representation in its constitution, developing national initiatives aimed at improving opportunities in work and in the union for women, black workers, manual workers, disabled workers, etc. who traditionally have been less well represented. Many issues affecting women generally have moved to centre stage, yet issues affecting women ancillary workers seem as excluded as ever. Through a study of cleaners in the National Health Service this article argues that workplace interests reflect wider social divisions, but in a variety of patterns depending on the social organization of work. Despite thewidening trade union agenda, particular interests — more specifically the workplace interests of working-class women and black women — continue to be neglected.


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This study seeks both to describe and account for the patterns of industrial relations which have emerged in the UK coal industry since privatisation in 1994. In doing so, it also aims to address some of the wider questions concerning the relationship between ownership and industrial relations. A series of hypotheses are advanced concerning how changes in ownership might affect industrial relations within the industry, and whether such changes would have positive or negative implications for organised labour. A case study approach is utilised to analyse labour relations developments at a number of collieries, and it is shown that the industrial relations strategies adopted by management within the new coal enterprises have had a determining effect upon the patterns of labour relations within the privati sed industry. This study also demonstrates that the emergent pattern of labour relations in the privatised industry is characterised by both continuity and change. However, whilst continuity with the patterns of labour relations established during the final decade of public ownership is shown to have had negative implications for organised labour within the industry, the changes associated with privatisation are demonstrated to have been a more ambivalent force. Change has, in different contexts, had some positive implications for organised labour, but in the majority of cases, the implications for labour have been negative. Overall, therefore, this study concludes that privatisation has had a significant influence upon industrial relations within the coal industry, and that organised labour has been detrimentally affected by these developments.