1000 resultados para Ciência (s)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We report here some outcomes of a research related to a didactical experience aiming to integrate the History of Science to the Physics Teaching, taking as background the historical development of the gravitational attraction. The research, of qualitative approach, is a case study and it was carried out in a sample of eleven students belonging to an undergraduate physics program (called licenciatura in Brazil) designed to from High School physics teachers in a São Paulo State Public University. We tried initially to reveal prospective teachers’ conceptions in order to provide a prepare that was used to guide the activities from the reality’s diagnosis. The aim was to promote discussions on the existence and persistence of alternative conceptions, on the historical evolution of the subject gravitational attraction, through readings and debates of texts contemplating recent subjects on the Science Education research, in order to generate dissatisfaction with traditional teaching models. The future High School physics teachers were asked to construct their own teaching proposal, through the development, in real situations, in a High School, of a minicourse based on: debates and synthesis developed in University classroom, the History of the Science and the student’s alternative conceptions. In this paper we will analyze future teachers’ alternative conceptions, the development of the course proposed, and details of the mini-courses taught by the prospective teachers in real situations, among High School students, its coherence and the posture changes observed in them.
This paper discuss the bases for monitoring studies on A Science Touch, a science popularization product developed at Unesp. There are science initiationlevel researches for critical evaluation of the program, sorted in technical appropriation and reception studies and discourse analysis.
Nowadays it is increasingly required insertion History of Science on content to be worked in education, which raises many doubts and difficulties on the teachers did not have that content in their initial training. This work results from a qualitative empirical study aimed to investigate how a teacher of Biology and Science in a public school in the city of Bauru - SP was not in their initial training courses relating to the History of Science, mobilizes their knowledge to enter such an approach in their teaching practice. In the research methodology used as its theme the history of DNA present in the materials and also conduct open interviews and field notes to identify the knowledge involved in teaching practice and was adopted as the theoretical framework of Maurice Tardif’s Docent Knowledge. The results showed that even with difficulties arising from gaps in initial training, the teacher resorted to their experiential knowledge to meet these needs in addition to appropriate knowledge from the programs and textbooks, but its shortcomings make it difficult to analyze more critically. Thus, these data lead us to a reflection on the role of textbooks for these teachers is the process by which the consolidation of the knowledge they constructed.
This paper relates some considerations resulting from a thesis study in Biological Sciences held at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Bauru Campus. Considering the perceptual act endowed with simultaneous actions of the cognitive apparatus and the individual's life history as the merleau-pontyana phenmomenon tells us, the work aimed to identify how boys and girls in elementary school realize a natural savanna. The study was realized with the extension project "Walking and learning at the cerrado” in the Center for Memory and Dissemination of Science and Technology (CDMCT) of Postgraduate Education for Science in the same institution. Classes were held in these practical activities, monitored by undergraduate and graduate students, and, the project focuses on students from public and private schools in Bauru and region, and other visiting groups. Data collection was performed using the representations in the form of free drawings of students of their environment after the activity. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the results allowed us to highlight differences in the way in which genders perceived and thus represented the fragment of cerrado vegetation. The male drawings contained a larger amount of non-living elements, whereas the representations by women, besides their botanical details, often drew on animals and people. The framework of the drawings by the boys took the nearest way, whereas by the girls more often considered the representations and the entire context of the site visited. So, we emphasize the need for further discussions within the perception of the environment to consider differences in the representations of boys and girls within the context of the teaching of natural sciences, seeking, however, to avoid unsubstantiated preconceptions that may cause any degree of discrimination.
A Revista Toque da Ciência é um produto de divulgação científica do Laboratório de Estudos em Comunicação, Tecnologia e Educação Cidadã (LECOTEC) da UNESP, elaborado por alunos graduandos em Jornalismo, sendo veiculada por meio eletrônico, em site próprio (www.faac.unesp.br/revistatoque). Desenvolvida desde o início de 2009 e com a primeira edição lançada no segundo semestre do mesmo ano, ela visa à compreensão de conceitos e idéias complexas da ciência pelo público leigo, com o uso do Jornalismo Literário e destacando a participação do comunicador na mediação deste processo. Este artigo promove uma discussão acerca do uso de técnicas literárias no Jornalismo Científico e propõe a análise das matérias produzidas pelos participantes do Projeto Toque da Ciência para sua primeira edição.
This study is to provide parameters from theoretical and exploratory research in the creation and institutionalization of information science to establish a link with Information Literacy. Approaches are presented in which contributions allow us to understand the relationships and kinds of science in general and their applicability to the population studied, since these theories have a big relationship with the deepening of the area and their social, cultural and economic relationships. We hope to contribute with selective reference to assist the understanding of the issues arising from information science and the knowledge generated by its researchers. This requires developing new skills of access and use of information, providing an interaction between information literacy and knowledge building in Information Science.
For constituting itself a science, Psychology has coursed along way. From the time he was considered a Philosophy’s discipline until to be recognized as a legitimate science, Psychology had to devoteto the definition of its object of study, the development and refinement of theoretical-methodological frameworks and, in particular, to consolidation process of their research strategies and knowledge construction. Therefore, in order to regard the demands of the classical scientific paradigm, which is very influenced by Positivism, Psychology made use, initially, of quantitative methodology and laboratory research. This article presents some of the process of identity construction of Psychology as a science, focusing on its transition path between the quantitativist paradigm of scientific knowledge production to the qualitativist paradigm, until that is more commonly practiced nowadays: the collaborative use of these methodological strategies. For presenting the qualitative researching Psychology, we discussed, beyond its proposal and differentiation elements in relation to quantitative research, the different methods used for this mode and, in particular, the interview - which is considered the main way of data collection in surveys conducted by psychologists and, therefore, it is an important element the process of knowledge building that science, in addition to being the most qualified space for dialogue between there searcher and the research subject.
This study inserts itself in the research line conceptions on the nature of the science (CNC) in the school atmosphere. More specifically, on that teacher of natural sciences who claims not to be interested in philosophy, it is usually noticed a tendency to understand and to teach a vision of a ready/ finished and unalterable science, which directly influences the students conception of science. Discussed here is the application of a didactic rational reconstruction in high school, the results of which are compatible with a more epistemologically acceptable educational concep tion on the nature of science as something provisory, variable and controversial.
This paper proposes an observation that leads to new ways of thinking regarding to women's in science and technology fields, based on previous researches that report this matter. The first detailed work on the participation and achievement of women in Science was "Women in Science" in 1913, written by HJ Mozans, a Catholic priest. According to Schienbinger (2001), this work used to invite women to develop activities in scientific areas and unleash the energies of half population of the planet. It's also important to consider the role of international organs, such as UNESCO, which since the 1990s develops studies, researches and conferences in order to discuss the inclusion of women in activities which involve science and technology. A survey based on data from literature is necessary to make a assessment on this subject in current times.
In this contribution, we discuss and analyze some aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, based on the approach kwon as Science, Technology and Society (STS), as well as the prospects of Philosophy of Technology. In this context, we specify the constitute the nanoscience and nanotechnology analytic research field. I is also reported its genesis and limits, emphasizing the impacts of nanotechnology in the development of the contemporary society, such as the possible benefits and problems associated to the use of nanotechnology, as well as environmental impacts, doubts and uncertainties that permeate this areas, in addition some ethical questions and public policies for the sector are analyzed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)