993 resultados para Child-directed speech
Tuberculosis incidence is low in Switzer land. We report here on a Swiss-born toddler. Tuberculosis manifested with a fever of unknown origin, mimicking an inflammatory or autoimmune disorder triggering a high dose of corticosteroid treatment. The disease went unrecognized for several weeks until development of a miliary tuberculosis with advanced central nervous system involvement. This case highlights the difficulties encountered in diagnosing tuberculosis and in identifying the origin of this case. It reminds us that this disease must never be forgotten when facing a child with persistent fever who must be screened for, before starting immunosuppressive therapy.
OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown that premature birth and the immaturity of the child can affect the quality of the parent-child relationship. The present study examines the relationship between maternal and infant interactional behavior over time and infant perinatal risk factors as well as maternal perinatal recollected traumatic experience. Few studies have explored the relationship between maternal stress and the quality of parent-infant interaction. DESIGN: Mother-child interaction was recorded at 6 and 18 months of infant's age, in a population of 47 preterm infants (GA<34 weeks) and 25 full-term infants, born in 1998, during a play interaction. According to the Care Index, sensitivity, control and unresponsiveness have been used to code maternal interactional characteristics, and cooperation, compliance-compulsiveness, difficulty and passivity have been used to code the infant's interactional characteristics. The level of maternal stress was evaluated with the Perinatal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ), and the infant's perinatal risk factors were assessed with the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI). RESULTS: Mothers of high-risk infants, as well as mothers that had experienced traumatic stress in the perinatal period, were less sensitive and more controlling at 6 months. The interactional behavior of the preterm infant was different from that of the full-term infant at 18 months of age, and was correlated with maternal traumatic stress but not with perinatal risk factors. CONCLUSION: These results underline the importance of maternal traumatic experience related to premature birth and its potential long lasting influence on mother-child interactional behavior.
A male infant showed a humeral diaphysis fracture at 5 months of age and a distal tibial physis fracture at 2 years of age. A specialized consultant ruled out child abuse. This child had the characteristic features of type I osteogenesis imperfecta: blue sclerae, osseous fragility, and presumably autosomal dominant inheritance, as his father suffered from similar disorders. Later on, multiple painful osteochondromas were also found and some of these were surgically treated. The child's mother showed several peripheral osteochondromas. We describe the follow-up of this patient up to the age of 18 years. To our knowledge, the fortuitous association of these two inherited conditions has not been reported in medical literature.
We describe a series of experiments in which we start with English to French and English to Japanese versions of an Open Source rule-based speech translation system for a medical domain, and bootstrap correspondign statistical systems. Comparative evaluation reveals that the rule-based systems are still significantly better than the statistical ones, despite the fact that considerable effort has been invested in tuning both the recognition and translation components; also, a hybrid system only marginally improved recall at the cost of a los in precision. The result suggests that rule-based architectures may still be preferable to statistical ones for safety-critical speech translation tasks.
In a system where tens of thousands of words are made up of a limited number of phonemes, many words are bound to sound alike. This similarity of the words in the lexicon as characterized by phonological neighbourhood density (PhND) has been shown to affect speed and accuracy of word comprehension and production. Whereas there is a consensus about the interfering nature of neighbourhood effects in comprehension, the language production literature offers a more contradictory picture with mainly facilitatory but also interfering effects reported on word production. Here we report both of these two types of effects in the same study. Multiple regression mixed models analyses were conducted on PhND effects on errors produced in a naming task by a group of 21 participants with aphasia. These participants produced more formal errors (interfering effect) for words in dense phonological neighbourhoods, but produced fewer nonwords and semantic errors (a facilitatory effect) with increasing density. In order to investigate the nature of these opposite effects of PhND, we further analysed a subset of formal errors and nonword errors by distinguishing errors differing on a single phoneme from the target (corresponding to the definition of phonological neighbours) from those differing on two or more phonemes. This analysis confirmed that only formal errors that were phonological neighbours of the target increased in dense neighbourhoods, while all other errors decreased. Based on additional observations favouring a lexical origin of these formal errors (they exceeded the probability of producing a real-word error by chance, were of a higher frequency, and preserved the grammatical category of the targets), we suggest that the interfering effect of PhND is due to competition between lexical neighbours and target words in dense neighbourhoods.
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on aloittaa lapsille ja nuorille suunnatun The Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA, version 2.1) itsearviointimenetelmän suomenkielisen version käännöstyö. COSA on asiakaslähtöinen itsearviointi, jolla kartoitetaan lasten ja nuorten kokemusta toiminnallisesta pätevyydestään ja jokapäiväisten toimintojen tärkeydestä heille. COSA pohjaa Inhimillisen toiminnan malliin ja sen toteutus seuraa asiakaslähtöistä teoriaa. COSA:n avulla voidaan asettaa toimintaterapialle tavoitteet ja tarkastella niiden toteutumista. Työssämme suomennamme arviointimenetelmän nimen muotoon; Lasten toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearviointi COSA. Arviointimenetelmän käännöstyö tehdään Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian toimintaterapian koulutusohjelmalle. Opinnäytetyössä esittelemme ensin arviointia ja tavoitteiden asettamista lasten toimintaterapiassa sekä itsearvioinnin käyttämistä arviointimenetelmänä. Esittelemme COSA itsearviointimenetelmän sekä sen taustalla vaikuttavat Inhimillisen toiminnan mallin sisällön ja asiakaslähtöisyyden. Kartoitamme myös The Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA, version 2.1 )itsearviointimenetelmän kehittymistä, sitä edeltäneitä arviointimenetelmiä ja COSA:sta aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Opinnäytetyössä suomennamme COSA:n arviointilomakkeen. Arviointilomakkeessa on 25 lasten ja nuorten toiminnallista pätevyyttä ja jokapäiväisten toimintojen tärkeyttä kartoittava väittämää. Suomentamisprosessissa selvitämme COSA:n arviointilomakkeen väittämien suomennosten ymmärrettävyyden onnistumista kahdeksan käyttökokeiluun ja haastatteluun osallistuvan lapsen avulla. Saimme arviointilomakkeen suomentamisprosessiin apua neljältä lasten kanssa työskentelevältä toimintaterapeutilta sekä koulutusohjelmamme koulutuspäälliköltä. Käyttökokeiluiden sekä toimintaterapeuttien palautteiden avulla viimeistelimme suomennetun arviointilomakkeen väittämät. Opinnäytetyön lopuksi pohdimme arviointilomakkeen suomentamisprosessin vaiheita sekä mahdollisia jatkotutkimusehdotuksia. Luovutimme Lasten toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearviointi COSA:n arviointilomakkeen koulutusohjelmamme käyttöön ja mahdollisten jatkotutkimusten kohteeksi.
Typically developing (TD) preschoolers and age-matched preschoolers with specific language impairment (SLI) received event-related potentials (ERPs) to four monosyllabic speech sounds prior to treatment and, in the SLI group, after 6 months of grammatical treatment. Before treatment, the TD group processed speech sounds faster than the SLI group. The SLI group increased the speed of their speech processing after treatment. Posttreatment speed of speech processing predicted later impairment in comprehending phrase elaboration in the SLI group. During the treatment phase, change in speed of speech processing predicted growth rate of grammar in the SLI group.
We report on an 11-year-old female with a history of cervicobrachialgia and progressive weakness of the right arm. Cervical spine MRI showed an enhancing heterogeneous intradural mass occupying the right C6-C7 foramen. She underwent a right C6-C7 foraminotomy with a complete macroscopic removal of the lesion. Pathological examination revealed a synovial sarcoma. Treatment was completed by chemotherapy and proton radiotherapy, and the girl remained free of symptoms for 3 years. After appearance of new symptoms, a local recurrence was confirmed, and despite aggressive treatment with salvage chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the disease progressed beyond medical control, and the child died, 6 years after diagnosis. Early recognition of this rare entity compared to its more benign differential diagnosis is crucial, as an aggressive management is needed.
The objective of this master's thesis is to evaluate the optimum performance of sixsectored hexagonal layout of WCDMA (UMTS) network and analyze the performance at the optimum point. The maximum coverage and the maximum capacity are the main concern of service providers and it is always a challenging task for them to achieve economically. Because the optimum configuration of a network corresponds to a configuration which minimizes the number of sites required to provide a target service probability in the planning area which in turn reduces the deployment cost. The optimum performance means the maximum cell area and themaximum cell capacity the network can provide at the maximum antenna height satisfying the target service probability. Hexagon layout has been proven as the best layout for the cell deployment. In this thesis work, two different configurations using six-sectored sites have been considered for the performance comparison. In first configuration, each antenna is directed towards each corner of hexagon, whereas in second configurationeach antenna is directed towards each side of hexagon. The net difference in the configurations is the 30 degree rotation of antenna direction. The only indoor users in a flat and smooth semi-urban environment area have been considered for the simulation purpose where the traffic distribution is 100 Erl/km2 with 12.2 kbps speech service having maximum mobile speed of 3 km/hr. The simulation results indicate that a similar performance can be achieved in both the configurations, that is, a maximum of 947 m cellrange at antenna height of 49.5 m can be achieved when the antennas are directed towards the corner of hexagon, whereas 943.3 m cell range atantenna height of 54 m can be achieved when the antennas are directed towards the side of hexagon. However, from the interference point of view the first configuration provides better results. The simulation results also show that the network is coverage limited in both the uplink and downlink direction at the optimum point.
PURPOSE: To identify clinical risk factors for Dravet syndrome (DS) in a population of children with status epilepticus (SE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Children aged between 1 month and 16 years with at least one episode of SE were referred from 6 pediatric neurology centers in Switzerland. SE was defined as a clinical seizure lasting for more than 30min without recovery of normal consciousness. The diagnosis of DS was considered likely in previously healthy patients with seizures of multiple types starting before 1 year and developmental delay on follow-up. The presence of a SCN1A mutation was considered confirmatory for the diagnosis. Data such as gender, age at SE, SE clinical presentation and recurrence, additional seizure types and epilepsy diagnosis were collected. SCN1A analyses were performed in all patients, initially with High Resolution Melting Curve Analysis (HRMCA) and then by direct sequencing on selected samples with an abnormal HRMCA. Clinical and genetic findings were compared between children with DS and those with another diagnosis, and statistical methods were applied for significance analysis. RESULTS: 71 children with SE were included. Ten children had DS, and 61 had another diagnosis. SCN1A mutations were found in 12 of the 71 patients (16.9%; ten with DS, and two with seizures in a Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures+(GEFS+) context). The median age at first SE was 8 months in patients with DS, and 41 months in those with another epilepsy syndrome (p<0.001). Nine of the 10 DS patients had their initial SE before 18 months. Among the 26 patients aged 18 months or less at initial SE, the risk of DS was significantly increased for patients with two or more episodes (56.3%), as compared with those who had only one episode (0.0%) (p=0.005). CONCLUSION: In a population of children with SE, patients most likely to have DS are those who present their initial SE episode before 18 months, and who present with recurrent SE episodes.
Modern thinking about human nature is notoriously divided between two contradictory notions: The Hobbesian tradition portrays men as driven by selfish desires, while the Rousseauian tradition recognizes altruistic proclivities as truemotivations to cooperate. We tested preschoolers' predictions about the prosocial or antisocial manner in which people would behave toward each other. Four stories were presented to 3- and 4-year-old children. In each story, the protagonists could either cooperate, act in terms of their own interests, or adopt a behavior unrelated to the ongoing scenario. Children as young as 3 years of age expected the protagonists to behave prosocially - and even more so if the protagonists were female. The results suggest that, even at an early age, children are inclined to adopt a "Rousseau-like" stance rather than a "suspicious" or "pessimistic" Hobbesian stance.
We investigated the moderating effect of family relationships on the links between maternal postpartum depression and child symptoms in a low-risk community sample of families with 3-month-old infants (n = 57). The level of maternal depression was assessed by the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale from a clinical interview, child symptoms by the Symptom Check List completed by both parents, and family relationships by direct observation of father-mother-baby interactions (Lausanne Trilogue Play). Families were categorized as high coordination or low coordination from their overall coordination level throughout the play. Results showed no significant links between maternal depression level and child symptoms reported by both parents. Mothers with a high depressive level in high coordination families tended to report more symptoms in their child than did mothers with lower depressive scores, whereas this link was not found in low coordination families. Prevention perspectives and clinical implications of these results are discussed.