966 resultados para Chi-square
This study involved observational assessment of work posture in relation to recommended ergonomic posture the requirements necessary for ergonomic posture among students in the final year of a degree program at the School of Dentistry of Araraquara-UNESP/Brazil (n =73) and investigation of the association of work posture with sex, the type of procedure, four-handed dentistry, and the region of the mouth being treated. The work posture of the students during 250 clinical procedures was observed by means of pictures. Each procedure received a posture classification: Adequate, partially adequate, or inadequate. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. The prevalence of final posture classification was calculated using 95% confidence intervals and point estimate. Associations of interest were studied using the chi-square test, with a 5% significance level. It was concluded that the prevalence of procedures performed with partially adequate posture was high, and that the final work posture classification was not associated with the variables of interest. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
The aim was to study the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) from State of Pará, Brazil. Three hundred and nineteen buffaloes were randomly selected into seven municipalities of Marajó Island. For comparative purposes, 128 buffaloes of five municipalities in the state of Pará were also evaluated. The seroprevalence of T. gondii was evaluated by Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (iELISA). The samples diagnosed as positive in iELISA were subjected to Immunofluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). We evaluated risk factors: location, breed, pregnancy and co-infection with Brucella abortus or Mycobacterium bovis. The frequency of animals positive for T. gondii in iELISA were compared by chi-square (x2) with 95% confidence. Variables with p <0.2 were subjected to logistic regression analysis; the model was built based on the odds ratios test. The prevalence of T. gondii in iELISA was 41,6% (186/447). In IFAT, 86,5% (161/186) had their positivity for T. gondii confirmed. The average prevalence in the municipalities of the Marajó Island and of the mainland was 32% (103/319) and 55% (70/128), respectively. The municipalities with the highest prevalence were Soure (53%) and Salvaterra (49%) in Marajó Island, and Castanhal (55%) and Thailândia (50%) in the Continent. The breed and co-infection with Brucella abortus or Mycobacterium bovis presented no influence on the prevalence of T. gondii. Additionally, pregnant animals were 57% more positive for T. gondii than nonpregnant animals. The presence of antibodies is an indicative of T. gondii in buffaloes in the state of Pará, and these findings represent a risk not only for farm animals, but to public health as a source of infection.
Objective. This cross-sectional study assessed the prevalence and severity of the enamel defects, known as Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and its relationship to dental caries. Materials and methods. A sample of 1157 schoolchildren (population based), aged 6-12 years, of the Araraquara city-Brazil, was evaluated according to the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria by two trained examiners. The dental impact caused by MIH was evaluated with the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index (WHO). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Chi-square tests (p < 0.05). The socioeconomic status was collected using a questionnaire answered by parents. Results. The prevalence of MIH was 12.3%. Mild impairment was the most frequent diagnosis. DMFT of children with MIH was 0.89 (±1.18), which are higher than those of the unaffected group (0.43 ± 1.01). An association was found between dental caries only in the permanent dentition of children with MIH (p = 0.0001). Family income was considered low in 85% of the families of children with MIH in the public system, while in private school it was 18% (p < 0.05). Conclusion. The prevalence of MIH in Araraquara was associated with greater caries experience in the permanent dentition. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.
Study design: cross-sectional study. Objective: To assess the association between the presence of cardiovascular risk factor (CRP) and functional capacity of the oldest old. Methods: The sample 9onsisted of 91 elderly aged 80 and 90 years (83.0 ± 2.5 years) with 60 women (82.2 ± 2.1 years) and 31 men (83.2 ± 2,6 years) residing in the city of Presidente Prudente - SP. The FRC were analyzed: arterial hypertension (AH) and excess body fat (total and trunk). The presence of hypertension was verified by means of self-reported questionnaire based on the Standard Health Questionnaire (SHQ). Assessment of body was made by absorpiometria dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and functional capacity was assessed by the functional tests (static balance, normal walking speed and force of the lower limbs). For statistical analysis we carried out the chi-square test, the software used was SPSS (13.0) and the significance level was set at 5%. Results. In males, with hypertension and the presence of excess %BF had lower performance in the lower limbs (83.3% lower and 16.7% higher), p = 0.011 compared to those with only a VCF. The elderly women with hypertension and the presence of excess GTron% also had lower performance on the same test (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.018 and the test of walking speed (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.034. Conclusion: Arterial hypertension and excess body fat (total and trunk) aggregated are FRC, which are associated with reduced functional capacity of the oldest old.
To identify the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) in Brazilian participants. Sample of 113 individuals aged 80 to 95 years (83.4 + 2.9 years), of both sexes, from Presidente Prudente, São Paulo state. Waist circumference (WC), body mass index, percentage of total body fat (% BF), hypertension, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides, and glucose were used for characterization of risk factors. The chi-square test was used to assess proportions of risk factors and Student's t test to compare the results between the sexes. High prevalence of risk factor was observed, mainly hypertension (67.3%) and % BF (79.6%). Male participants presented higher weight, height, and WC (p <.001), and female participants, higher TC and % BF (p <.001). Only 7.1% of male and 4.2% of female participants showed no risk factors, and 71.3% of male and 85.9% of female participants had three or more. The participants presented a high prevalence of CRFs, particularly percentage of body fat and hypertension, and, in addition, female participants also presented TC. © The Author(s) 2011.
Objective: To associate the nutritional status of elementary schoolchildren with their gender, age group, and economic status based on a cross-sectional study carried out at public schools in the municipality of Cruzeiro do Oeste, Southern Brazil. Methods: The study was performed in 2010 including 939 schoolchildren aged six to ten years-old. The economical status of the families was classified based on a socioeconomic ranking questionnaire (Brazilian Association of Survey Companies), and the body mass index was calculated. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and differences between independent groups were verified by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, while possible associations were verified by the chi-square test, being significant p<0.05. Results: The prevalence of obesity in the sample was 8.0%, and overweight, 16.4%. No association was found between the socioeconomic and nutritional status or between the nutritional status and gender. Conclusions: A high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found in this study, indicating that children of both genders are affected regardless of their economical status and age.
Abstract. Background: The use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) among the elderly is a serious public health problem because it is intrinsically linked to increased morbidity and mortality, causing high costs to public health systems. This study's objective was to verify the prevalence of and the factors associated with the use of PIMs by elderly Brazilians in institutional settings. Methods. We performed a transversal study, by consulting the case files of elderly people living in Long Term Care for the Elderly (LTC) in towns in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, as well as structured interviews with the nurses responsible for them.We identified PIMs using the list of recently updated Beers criteria developed by a group of specialists from the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), who reviewed the criteria based on studies with high scientific evidence levels. We defined the factors studied to evaluate the association with PIM use prior to the statistical analyses, which were the chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Among the elderly who used drugs daily, 82.6% were taking at least one PIM, with antipsychotics (26.5%) and analgesics (15.1%) being the most commonly used. Out of all the medications used, 32.4% were PIMs, with 29.7% of these being PIMs that the elderly should avoid independent of their condition, 1.1% being inappropriate medication for older adults with certain illnesses or syndromes, and 1.6% being medications that older adults should use with caution. In the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with PIM use were: polypharmacy (p = 0.0187), cerebrovascular disease (p = 0.0036), psychiatric disorders (p < 0.0001) and dependency (p = 0.0404). Conclusions: The results of this study showed a high prevalence of PIM use in institutionalized elderly Brazilian patients. and the associated factors were polypharmacy, psychiatric disorders, cerebrovascular diseases and dependency. © 2013 Lima et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Genetic disturbances during dental development influence variation of number and shape of the dentition. In this study, we tested if genetic variation in enamel formation genes is associated with molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH), also taking into consideration caries experience. DNA samples from 163 cases with MIH and 82 unaffected controls from Turkey, and 71 cases with MIH and 89 unaffected controls from Brazil were studied. Eleven markers in five genes [ameloblastin (AMBN), amelogenin (AMELX), enamelin (ENAM), tuftelin (TUFT1), and tuftelin-interacting protein 11 (TFIP11)] were genotyped by the TaqMan method. Chi-square was used to compare allele and genotype frequencies between cases with MIH and controls. In the Brazilian data, distinct caries experience within the MIH group was also tested for association with genetic variation in enamel formation genes. The ENAM rs3796704 marker was associated with MIH in both populations (Brazil: p = 0.03; OR = 0.28; 95% C.I. = 0.06-1.0; Turkey: p = 1.22e-012; OR = 17.36; 95% C.I. = 5.98-56.78). Associations between TFIP11 (p = 0.02), ENAM (p = 0.00001), and AMELX (p = 0.01) could be seen with caries independent of having MIH or genomic DNA copies of Streptococcus mutans detected by real time PCR in the Brazilian sample. Several genes involved in enamel formation appear to contribute to MIH. © 2013.
Background: We aimed to verify the association of risk behavior aggregation in different categories of physical activity (PA) with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (RF) employees at a public university. Method. We analyzed data of 376 employees, which were visited in their workplace for measurement of weight, height and questionnaires to identify the risk behaviors and risk factors. Chi-square test was used to analyze the association between the dependent and independent variables and binary logistic regression was used to construct a multivariate model for the observed associations. Results: Associations were found between the aggregation of following risk behaviors: smoking, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity, considered in different categories of PA, and the increase in RF, except for the presence of hypertriglyceridemia. Individuals with two or more risk behaviors in occupational PA category are more likely to be hypertensive (3.04 times) and diabetes (3.44 times). For the free time PA category, these individuals were 3.18 times more likely to have hypercholesterolemia and for locomotion PA, more likely to be hypertensive (2.42 times) and obese (2.51 times). Conclusion: There are association between the aggregation of two or more risk behaviors and the presence of cardiovascular RF. © 2013 Bernardo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Meta-analysis of the heterogeneous symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has found a four-factor structure of symptom dimensions consisting of cleaning, forbidden thoughts, symmetry, and hoarding. Research into age of onset of symptom dimensions has yielded inconsistent results, and it is unknown whether symptoms along these dimensions differ in their clinical course. We assessed age of onset and clinical course of different OCD symptom dimensions in a large cohort of adult patients. Nine-hundred fifty-five subjects were assessed using the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. For age of onset analysis, we tested across three methods of classification: (1) primary (more severe) symptom dimension (2) clinically significant symptoms within a dimension or (3) any symptoms within a dimension. Age of onset was defined as the earliest age of onset reported for any individual item within a symptom dimension. For analysis of different types of clinical course, we used chi-square tests to assess for differences between primary symptom dimensions. OCD symptoms in the symmetry dimension had an earlier age of onset than other OCD symptom dimensions. These findings remained significant across all three methods of classification and controlling for gender and comorbid tics. No significant differences were found between the other dimensions. Subjects with primary OCD symptoms in the forbidden thoughts dimension were more likely to report a waxing-and-waning course, whereas symmetry symptoms were less likely to be associated with a waxing-and-waning course. © 2013.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the use of analgesics, describe the attitudes of Brazilian veterinarians towards pain relief in horses and cattle and evaluate the differences due to gender, year of graduation and type of practice. Study design: Prospective survey. Methods: Questionnaires were sent to 1000 large animal veterinarians by mail, internet and delivered in person during national meetings. The survey investigated the attitudes of Brazilian veterinarians to the recognition and treatment of pain in large animals and consisted of sections asking about demographic data, use of analgesic drugs, attitudes to pain relief and to the assessment of pain. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze frequencies. Simple post hoc comparisons were performed using the chi-square test. Results: Eight hundred questionnaires were collected, but 87 were discarded because they were incomplete or blank. The opioid of choice for use in large animals was butorphanol (43.4%) followed by tramadol (39%). Flunixin (83.2%) and ketoprofen (67.6%) were the most frequently used NSAIDs by Brazilian veterinarians. Respondents indicated that horses received preoperative analgesics for laparotomy more frequently (72.9%) than cattle (58.5%). The most frequently administered preoperative drugs for laparotomy in horses were flunixin (38.4%) and xylazine (23.6%), whereas the preoperative drugs for the same surgical procedure in cattle were xylazine (31.8%) and the local administration of lidocaine (48%). Fracture repair was considered the most painful surgical procedure for both species. Most veterinarians (84.1%) believed that their knowledge in this area was not adequate. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Although these Brazilian veterinarians thought that their knowledge on recognition and treatment of pain was not adequate, the use of analgesic in large animals was similar in Brazil to that reported in other countries. © 2013 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia.
Physical inactivity is associated with chronic diseases in older adults. There are different domains of physical activity, such as leisure and locomotion. This study investigate the associations between different domains of physical activity, comorbidities and aging in hypertensive adults. Participants included 192 hypertensive respondents classified in groups of active and insufficiently active for leisure-time, locomotion, occupation and total time. They were stratified in age groups. Waist circumference was measured and comorbidities were self-reported. The chi-square test analyzed these associations; a one-way ANOVA compared the age groups (significance at p <0.05). The mean total time and occupational physical activity were lower for groups ages over 60 and 70 years, respectively. Occupational activity was associated with age in the female group, and with cholesterol and diabetes in males, who also had physical activity of locomotion associated with waist circumference. Physical activity of hypertensive patients is associated with comorbidities in different age groups and sex.
To investigate whether teenagers' knowledge about oral health is influenced by educational methods and to verify the most effective method according to their perception. The study was performed in Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with 127 teenagers from a vocational school. It was realised in 3 steps: 1. An evaluation of knowledge about oral health using a self-applied questionnaire. 2. An application of educational methods, where the students were divided into two groups (A and B). Group A participated in three educational activities that involved lectures, individual demonstration, and participatory activity. Group B was divided into three subgroups (B1, B2, B3) and each of them participated in only one of the methods. 3. The acquired knowledge was evaluated. Group A created a focus group to give their opinion about strategies. With regards to knowledge after the application of the different methods in all groups, there was a statistically significant difference concerning periodontitis, gingivitis and herpes. In group A, after the three activities, and in group B2 after the individual demonstration, an association was found between 'healthy teeth' and 'general health' (P = 0.004 and P = 0.022, respectively). After the individual demonstration, an association was shown between variables of acquired knowledge about 'harmful diet' and 'dental caries' (P = 0.002) as well as 'good diet' and 'prevention of oral diseases' (P = 0.032). The favourite method was individual demonstration, due to the contact with educational materials, followed by participatory activity because it encouraged learning in a more dynamic way. Educational methods influenced knowledge about oral health, with individual demonstration proving to be the most effective method for acquiring knowledge. In the adolescents' view, the participatory activity was the preferred method.
Aim: To determine the potential aetiological factors related to molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in Brazilian children. Methods: A total of 1,151 children aged 7-12 years (mean 8.86 ± 1.28), born and living in the urban area of Araraquara, Brazil, were examined by two examiners evaluating the presence of MIH according to criteria suggested by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (2003). Their mothers completed a structured questionnaire about medical history, from pregnancy to the first 3 years of the children's life. Descriptive analyses of data and odds ratios (OR) with 95 % test-based confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the differences between groups. Results: The prevalence of MIH in the children was 12.3 %. The interviewing response rate was 90.4 %. The prevalence of miscarriage history (25 vs. 15.4 %; OR = 1.21; 95 % CI 0.30-4.92) and occurrence of anaemia (23 vs. 12.4 %; OR = 2.07; 95 % CI 0.50-8.63) were higher in mothers from MIH group than those from non-MIH group. However, these associations were not statically significant. In the children's medical history, rhinitis, bronchitis (56.5 vs. 52.5 %; OR = 1.17; 95 % CI 0.82-1.68), and high fever (20.4 vs. 18.2 %; OR = 1.14; 0.73-1.76) were more prevalent in MIH group, but there were no significant differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: No possible aetiological factor investigated was associated with MIH. Prospective studies are needed to define the aetiological factors involved with MIH. © 2013 European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry.
Pulmonary adhesions in dogs are a common sequel after surgical intervention, undermining any interventions. This study aimed to determine in dogs, the efficacy of sodium chloride solution 0.9% with or without dexamethasone in order to prevent adhesions after intercostal thoracotomy. Fifteen dogs were separated into three groups of five animals, A, B and C and underwent thoracotomy in the fifth left intercostal space. Three other dogs were submitted to a previous study. In the dogs of Group A it was performed only a thoracotomy and thoracorraphy; in group B, it was performed a thoracotomy, thoracorraphy and injection into the pleural cavity of isotonic sodium chloride (10ml) and dexamethasone (1mg kg-1). In the dogs of the group C, it was performed the thoracotomy thoracorraphy and injected isotonic sodium chloride (10ml kg-1) into the pleural cavity. After 15 days of thoracotomy, it was performed transdiaphragmatic thoracocospy to determine the presence and score of adhesions between the lung and chest wall. The results demonstrated the presence of adhesions in the majority of group A and reduced or no adhesions in the other groups. For statistical evaluation, it was pplied the chi-square test with significance level of 5% (P≤0.05). The sodium chloride solution 0.9% with or without dexamethasone in the pleural space prevented or reduced lung adhesions after intercostal thoracotomy.