970 resultados para Charles X, King of France, 1757-1836.
A numerical model that combines mass transport and surface kinetics was applied, for the first time, to the chemical vapor epitaxy of GexSi1-x. The temperature, velocity and concentration fields were calculated from the conservation equations for energy, momentum and species coupled with the boundary conditions on the growth surface which were determined by surface kinetics. The deposition rates of Si and Ge were assumed to be limited, respectively, by surface kinetics and mass transport. A theoretical relation between the initial conditions and the Ge composition in the solid was established. The calculated growth rate as well as the Ge composition in the solid and its dependence on growth temperature agree well with experimental data.
The characteristic Ll, Lα, Lβ and Lγx-rays of Au and energy shifts produced by 20–50MeV 16O5+ beams on a thick Au ilm are measured with a Si (Li) detector. Cross-section ratios of σ(Ll)/σ(Lα), σ(Lβ)/σ(Lα) andσ(Lγ)/σ(Lα) versus O5+ energy show that consistent calculations yield considerably better agreements. Energy shifts Ll, Lα, Lβ and Lγ x-rays of Au target increase with more incidence energy. The main application for these measurements is multi-element trace analysis through particle induced x-ray emission.
Jackson, Peter, 'France and the Problems of Security and Disarmament after the First World War', Journal of Strategic Studies (2006) 29(2) pp.247-280 Special Issue: Enforcing arms limits: Germany post 1919; Iraq post 1991 RAE2008
BACKGROUND: Recent National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidance suggests primary surgery should be offered to patients presenting with glaucoma with severe visual field loss. We undertook a survey of UK consultant ophthalmologists to determine if this represents current practice and explore attitudes towards managing patients with advanced glaucoma at presentation.
DESIGN: Questionnaire evaluation study.
PARTICIPANTS: All consultant ophthalmologists currently practicing in the UK.
METHODS: A single-page questionnaire was posted to all consultants (n = 910) currently practicing in the UK along with a pre-paid return envelope. A second questionnaire was sent to non-responders (n = 459).
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Questionnaire responses.
RESULTS: 626 responses were received representing 68.8% of the population surveyed. 152 (24%) volunteered a specialist interest in glaucoma. Consensus opinion for both glaucoma specialists (64.9%) and non-glaucoma specialists (62.4%) was to start with primary medical therapy, most commonly citing surgical risk as the primary reason (23% and 22%, respectively) for this approach. Most felt the highest intraocular pressure measurement during follow up (measured in clinic) was the most important variable for prevention of further visual loss (60% of glaucoma specialists and 55% of non-glaucoma specialists). Eighty-three per cent of all responders suggested they would change their practice if evidence supporting primary surgery as a safe and more effective approach existed.
CONCLUSIONS: Recent National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidance does not reflect the current management approach of UK ophthalmologists. The primary concern was related to potential complications of surgery although most practitioners would be willing to change their practice if evidence existed supporting primary surgery in patients presenting with advanced glaucoma.
France, in particular the Rhône-Alpes region, is one of the three main centres of ragweed (Ambrosia) in Europe. The aim of this study is to develop a gridded ragweed pollen source inventory for all of France that can be used in assessments, eradication plans and by atmospheric models for describing concentrations of airborne ragweed pollen. The inventory combines information about spatial variations in annual Ambrosia pollen counts, knowledge of ragweed ecology, detailed land cover information and a Digital Elevation Model. The ragweed inventory consists of a local infection level on a scale of 0–100% (where 100% is the highest plant abundance per area in the studied region) and a European infection level between 0% and 100% (where 100% relates to the highest identified plant abundance in Europe using the same methodology) that has been distributed onto the EMEP grid with 5 km × 5 km resolution. The results of this analysis showed that some of the highest mean annual ragweed pollen concentrations were recorded at Roussillon in the Rhône-Valley. This is reflected by the inventory, where the European infection level has been estimated to reach 67.70% of the most infected areas in Europe i.e. Kecskemét in central Hungary. The inventory shows that the Rhône Valley is the most heavily infected part of France. Central France is also infected, but northern and western parts of France are much less infected. The inventory can be entered into atmospheric transport models, in combination with other components such as a phenological model and a model for daily pollen release, in order to simulate the dispersion of ragweed pollen within France as well as potential long-distance transport from France to other European countries.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59846
Contient : 1 « Le proces de Gilles de Rays, mareschal de France. 1440 » ; 2 « Recueil faict par Mr le chancelier DE L'HOSPITAL des principaux articles de traictez de paix, mariages et alliances entre les roys de France, d'Espagne, Angleterre et ducz de Bourgongne, où se voient les noms des personnes les plus nottables qui y ont esté commises et emploiées par lesd. Srs roys, de part et d'autre, et les resolutions et accordz des differendz et affaires les plus importans qui se sont passez dans la suitte de leurs reignes » ; a « Traicté de paix, faict entre le roy Jean et le roy d'Angleterre, par la negociation et entremise de Charles, filz aisné de France, duc de Normandie, dauphin de Vienois et regent dans le royaume, pendant l'absence et prison du roy son pere, contenant la rendition des provinces de part et d'autre, et renonciation par les roys d'Angleterre aux pretentions et tiltre de roy de France. 1360 » ; b « Traicté de paix faict en la ville de Senlis, entre le roy Charles et l'empereur, tant en leurs noms que pour Marguerite d'Autriche, fille de Maximilian et soeur de Philippes, roy d'Espagne, contenant les clauses et conditions accordées, tant pour terminer leurs differendz des restitutions des places et biens d'Eglise, reiglemens des foy et hommages et autres circonstances dependantes dud. traicté, en 1493 » ; c « Traicté d'Arras d'entre le roy Charles VII, le roy d'Angleterre et le duc de Bourgongne, en l'an 1435 » ; d « Traicté de Conflans de l'an 1465, nommé le traicté du Bien public » ; e « Traicté de Peronne, faict entre le roy Louis XI et le duc de Bourgongne, en l'an 1468 » ; f « Traicté de paix et mariage de Charles daulphin, filz du roy Louis XI, avecq Marguerite d'Autriche, fille de Maximilian, en l'année 1483 » ; g « Traicté de paix faict entre le roy Charles VIIIe Ferdinand, roy de Castille, en l'an 1495 » ; h « Ratiffication du traicté de Senlis, apres le decedz du roy Charles VIII, en 1498 » ; i « Traicté des cas et droictz royaulx du roy, en Arthois, accorde le 4 juillet 1499 » ; j « Hommage faict au roy par l'archiduc pour ses comtez de Flandre et Arthois, en l'an 1499 » ; k « Traicté de pa et mariage entre Charles, prince d'Espagne, et René de France, en l'an 1515 » ; l « Traicté de mariage de Charles, roy d'Espagne, et de Mme Louise de France, en l'an 1516 » ; m « Traicté de la neutrallité de la Franche Comté, faict en l'an 1552 » ; n « Éxtraictz de deux traictez de trefve faictz entre le roy et l'empereur, en l'abbaïe de Vaucelle, en l'an 1556 » ; o « Traicté de mariage de François, dauphin de France, et de Marie, roine d'Escosse, en l'an 1558 » ; p « Extraict des principalles plainctes formées par messire Anthoine Duprat, chancelier de France, deputté par le roy François Ier, en l'assemblée de Callais, contre l'empereur Charles Quint ». 1521 ; 3 « Missive de CHARLES, duc DE BOURGONGNE, aux sieurs de Ravenstein et chancelier de Brabant ». 1476 ; 4 « Advis donné au roy René II, allant à Venize pour recevoir la charge et estat de cappitaine general de la seigneurie » ; 5 Recueil de préceptes pour se bien conduire ; 6 Extraits du traité conclu à Câteau-Cambrésis, en 1559, et du traité conclu à Édimbourg, en 1560 ; 7 Ordre du roi HENRI II, daté de Coucy, le 6 avril 1559, pour la publication de la paix conclue « entre le roy d'Espagne [Philippe II], la reine d'Angleterre » Élisabeth, le roi de France et ses « enfans, les roy et reine d'Escosse [François de France et Marie Stuart], dauphins » ; 8 Extrait des registres du parlement de Paris, concernant la proclamation de la paix mentionnée ci-dessus ; 9 « Responce de S. M. [Louis XIV] au bref de S. S. [Innocent X], faicte à M. le nonce, au conseil du roy, tenu au Palais royal, par M. le chancelier, le jeudy 16 novembre 1645 », en faveur du cardinal Antoine Barberin