882 resultados para Changes in Australian English Curriculum
Abstract: With the hypothesis that blocking chemokine signaling can ameliorate acute laminitis, the aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of intravenous DF1681B, a selective antagonist for CXCR1 and CXCR2 (chemokine receptors), in an oligofructose equine laminitis model. To twelve mixed breed clinically healthy hoses with no previous history of hoof-related lameness was administered oligofructose (10g/kg given by nasogastric tube) and divided into two groups: treated (intravenous DF1681B at 30mg/kg 6, 12, 18, and 24h after oligofructose) and non-treated groups. Laminar biopsies were performed before and 12, 36, and 72h after administering oligofructose. Samples were stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and scored from 0 to 6 according to epidermal cell and basal membrane changes. The IL-1β, IL-6, and CXCL1 RNA expressions were determined by RT-PCR. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used to compare times within each group (P<0.05). The PAS grades and IL-1β and IL-6 RNA expression increased in the non-treated group, but remained constant in the treated horses. In conclusion, DF1681B therapy reduced laminar inflammation and epidermal deterioration in treated horses. CXCR1/2 blockage should be considered therapeutically for equine acute laminitis.
Resultaten påvisade små, men mätbara försämringar i minnes- och verbal förmåga hos personer som haft Parkinsons sjukdom under tre år. Jämfört med en kontrollgrupp uppvisade Parkinsonpatienter avvikande responser i hjärnans elektriska aktivitet under en korttidsminnesuppgift, och de presterade även sämre i olika typer av andra minnesuppgifter. Försämring i en specifik typ av minnesuppgift korrelerade med förminskad volym i höger hjärnhalva. Samband hittades också mellan sämre verbal förmåga och förminskad volym i djupa hjärnstrukturer. Förminskad hjärnvolym har tidigare påvisats hos dementa patienter i senare sjukdomsstadier. Forskningsresultaten bidrar med ny kunskap om kognitiva symptom och deras neurala bakgrund vid Parkinsons sjukdom. De tyder också på att tidig kognitiv funktionsnedsättning kan identifieras, vilket kan bidra till utvecklingen av sjukdomens behandling. Parkinsons sjukdom är den näst vanligaste neurogeriatriska sjukdomen efter Alzheimers sjukdom. Symptomen uppstår som följd av förminskad produktion av hjärnans transmittorämne dopamin. Parkinsons sjukdom har traditionellt betraktats som en progressiv motorisk sjukdom. Ny forskning tyder på att multipla hjärnsystem skadas, vilket resulterar i att även tankeprocesser påverkas. 75-80% uppskattas insjukna i demens 10-15 år efter diagnos, men det kognitiva sjukdomsförloppet och orsaken till demenssymptomen är tillsvidare okänd. I Finland uppskattas ca 10-12 000 personer ha Parkinsons sjukdom, varav ca 3 000 uppskattas ha demens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutkimuksessa todettiin lieviä muutoksia muisti- ja kielellisissä toiminnoissa alle kolme vuotta sairastaneilla Parkinson-potilailla. Potilailla havaittiin poikkeavia aivosähkötoiminnan vasteita lyhytkestoista muistia mittaavan tehtävän aikana. Potilaat suoriutuivat myös verrokkiryhmää heikommin useissa muistitehtävissä. Heikentynyt tahaton muisti liittyi pienempään aivokuoren harmaan aineen paikalliseen tilavuuteen. Heikompi kielellinen suoriutuminen liittyi pienempään harmaan aineen tilavuuteen aivojen syvissä rakenteissa. Pienentyneitä aivorakenteiden tilavuuksia on aiemmin todettu dementoituneilla Parkinson-potilailla sairauden myöhemmissä vaiheissa. Tutkimustulokset tuovat uutta tietoa Parkinsonin taudin kognitiivisista oireista ja niiden aivoperäisestä taustasta. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista tunnistaa jo varhaisia kognitiivisia muutoksia, mikä voi mahdollistaa tehokkaamman hoidon kohdentamisen. Parkinsonin tauti on Alzheimerin taudin jälkeen toiseksi yleisin neurogeriatrinen sairaus. Oirekuva liittyy aivojen dopaminergisen järjestelmän rappeutumiseen. Perinteisesti liikehäiriösairaudeksi luokiteltu sairaus vaurioittaa lukuisia muita aivojärjestelmiä aiheuttaen muutoksia myös mm. ajattelutoiminnoissa. Pitkään sairastaneista 75–80 prosentilla esiintyy dementiaoireita, mutta oireiden syy ja kehityskaari tunnetaan toistaiseksi huonosti. Suomessa on arviolta 10–12 000 Parkinson-potilasta, joista noin 3 000 arvioidaan kärsivän dementiaoireista.
The use of herbicides, even in tolerant crops, can cause stress evidenced by increase phytotoxicity affecting growth and development. The objectives of this study were to evaluate herbicides effect from different mechanisms of action in photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters, as well visual phytotoxicity and wild radish control in wheat crop, cultivar Quartzo. Two trials were conducted where the first one evaluated the photosynthetic parameters on wheat plants in two seasons collection, following the application of herbicides bentazon, clodinafop, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D; and the second one evaluated wild radish (Raphanus sativus) control, wheat phytotoxicity and yield due to bentazon, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D herbicides application. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration were negatively affected by metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D herbicides at 24 and 120 HAS (hours after spraying) compared to control. Oxidative stress was similar or lower to control, when herbicide was applied and, in general, there was no difference between application times. Lipid peroxidation, catalase activity and phenols were higher in the first collection time. The application of herbicides iodosulfuron and 2,4-D reduces chlorophylls and carotenoids in wheat. Herbicides bentazon, iodosulfuron, metribuzin, metsulfuron and 2,4-D are selective to wheat, cultivar Quartzo and do not affect wheat yield. 2,4-D, metribuzin and iodosulfuron are more efficient for wild radish control.
The present work analyzes the behavior of banana explants, cv. Nanicão (Musa spp. Group AAA) regarding somatic embryogenesis induction treatments with several auxins. Longitudinal segments of shoot meristematic apices of micropropagated banana plantlets cultivated and rooted in vitro were introduced in culture medium containing dicamba, picloram, 2,4-D or NAA in different concentrations. Explant samples were collected at 0, 7 and 10 days and prepared for light microscopy. Histological sections were used for comparison of the histological changes occurring after induction treatment with different auxins. Embryogenic response was observed only in treatments with picloram or dicamba, with distinct embryogenic regions observed at 14 and 21 days in culture, respectively. Histological sections of embryogenic regions of the explant at 26 days in culture revealed the formation of meristematic regions, structures with multiple root meristems, and somatic embryos at early globular stages. Embryo-like structures morphologically similar to Musa balbisiana zygotic embryos were sectioned and showed a lack of apical meristems and absence of procambial differentiation. These results indicate the induction of non-functional somatic embryos and the need for more studies on developmental aspects and maturation treatments for optimization of the process.
Changes in the polyamine content were analyzed in different embryo developmental stages and tissues during seed development in the conifer Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Free polyamine contents varied according to the tissue and stage of embryo development, the highest levels occurring in the embryonic axis at the early stages, when putrescine and spermidine were most abundant. The levels of spermidine were higher from the stage where cotyledons arise, whereas putrescine decreases. The putrescine/spermine+spermidine ratio was higher during the initial phases of seed development, corresponding to cell multiplication and elongation, with a decrease in the final stages, corresponding to stabilization of the dry matter content.
This work investigated how richness, abundance, composition and structure of woody and herbaceous vegetation were altered by the proximity of an edge between Araucaria forest and pasture in South Brazil. Herbaceous and woody species including seedlings were surveyed in 42 plots of 5 × 5 m randomly placed at the following distances: 5 and 50 m from the edge into the pasture and 0, 25, 50, 100 and 250 m from the edge into the forest. There was a significant increase in vegetation cover, richness and abundance of woody species, woody seedlings and herbaceous plants at the edge (0 m). These variables, in general, decreased from 25 to 50 m from the edge into the forest in comparison to the forest interior. Few seedlings of woody plants were able to establish themselves in the pasture. There were continuous changes in species composition that occurred in the studied gradient due to the invasion of light-demanding species and the disappearance of some shade-tolerant species at the edge. In conclusion, the forest edge studied generated changes in the plant community that extended up to 50 m into the forest.
The cotyledons of Hymenaea courbaril store large amounts of xyloglucan, a cell wall polysaccharide that is believed to serve as storage for the period of seedling establishment. During storage mobilisation, xyloglucan seems to be degraded by a continuous process that starts right after radicle protrusion and follows up to the establishment of photosynthesis. Here we show evidence that events related to the hydrolases activities and production (α-xylosidase, β-galactosidase, β-glucosidase and xyloglucan endo-β-transglucosilase) as well as auxin, showed changes that follow the diurnal cycle. The period of higher hydrolases activities was between 6pm and 6am, which is out of phase with photosynthesis. Among the enzymes, α-xilosidase seems to be more important than β-glucosidase and β-galactosidase in the xyloglucan disassembling mechanism. Likewise, the sugars related with sucrose metabolism followed the rhythm of the hydrolases, but starch levels were shown to be practically constant. A high level of auxin was observed during the night, what is compatible with the hypothesis that this hormone would be one of the regulators of the whole process. The probable biological meaning of the existence of such a complex control mechanism during storage mobilisation is likely to be related to a remarkably high level of efficiency of carbon usage by the growing seedling of Hymenaea courbaril, allowing the establishment of very vigorous seedlings in the tropical forest.
Plants were regenerated from leaf-derived callus culture of Stylosanthes scabra, a polyploid legume tolerant to drought and adapted to acid soils. A total of 168 regenerants were planted out in Leonard jars in a complete randomized design. Nitrogen fixation and vegetative growth were indirectly evaluated by shoot dry weight, root dry weight, shoot N content and acetylene reduction activity. The results showed higher variation in the regenerants than in controls not submitted to tissue culture. Significant differences were found for all nitrogen fixation related-traits
In view of the importance of the intestine in the osmoregulation of freshwater fishes, we determined the effects of oxytocin, urotensin II (UII), and aldosterone added to the serosal side of the isolated posterior intestine of the freshwater-adapted teleost Anguilla anguilla on electrophysiological parameters. Oxytocin decreased the short-circuit current (SCC) and transepithelial potential difference (TPD) at concentrations of 1 and 10 mU/ml (to 50% and 42% of control values, respectively), but did not alter these parameters at a concentration of 0.1 mU/ml. UII reduced SCC and TPD at concentrations of 10 nM, 50 nM and 100 nM (to 85% of control values), but increased these parameters at the concentration of 500 nM (to 115% of control values). Aldosterone did not alter SCC or TPD at the concentrations tested (10 nM and 100 nM). Oxytocin may open Na+ channels in the apical membrane, allowing the flow of Na+ to the serosa, reducing SCC and TPD. Should this hypothesis be correct, oxytocin would be important for freshwater adaptation, since it would increase Na+ absorption. The reduction of SCC and TPD in the posterior intestine of A. anguilla induced by UII is evidence that this neurohormone is also important for freshwater adaptation in teleosts. Aldosterone did not show this effect probably due to the lack of receptors in this organ
We describe the changes in peptide composition by SDS-PAGE analysis of latex from Carica papaya collected at various times after incision of the unripe fruit. The data show that during latex coagulation several peptides are processed in an orderly fashion.
Cholinergic as well as monoaminergic neurotransmission seems to be involved in the etiology of affective disorders. Chronic treatment with imipramine, a classical antidepressant drug, induces adaptive changes in monoaminergic neurotransmission. In order to identify possible changes in cholinergic neurotransmission we measured total, membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase (Achase) activity in several rat brain regions after chronic imipramine treatment. Changes in Achase activity would indicate alterations in acetylcholine (Ach) availability to bind to its receptors in the synaptic cleft. Male rats were treated with imipramine (20 mg/kg, ip) for 21 days, once a day. Twenty-four hours after the last dose the rats were sacrificed and homogenates from several brain regions were prepared. Membrane-bound Achase activity (nmol thiocholine formed min-1 mg protein-1) after chronic imipramine treatment was significantly decreased in the hippocampus (control = 188.8 ± 19.4, imipramine = 154.4 ± 7.5, P<0.005) and striatum (control = 850.9 ± 59.6, imipramine = 742.5 ± 34.7, P<0.005). A small increase in total Achase activity was observed in the medulla oblongata and pons. No changes in enzyme activity were detected in the thalamus or total cerebral cortex. Since the levels of Achase seem to be enhanced through the interaction between Ach and its receptors, a decrease in Achase activity may indicate decreased Ach release by the nerve endings. Therefore, our data indicate that cholinergic neurotransmission is decreased after chronic imipramine treatment which is consistent with the idea of an interaction between monoaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in the antidepressant effect of imipramine
Autonomic neuropathy is a frequent complication of diabetes associated with higher morbidity and mortality in symptomatic patients, possibly because it affects autonomic regulation of the sinus node, reducing heart rate (HR) variability which predisposes to fatal arrhythmias. We evaluated the time course of arterial pressure and HR and indirectly of autonomic function (by evaluation of mean arterial pressure (MAP) variability) in rats (164.5 ± 1.7 g) 7, 14, 30 and 120 days after streptozotocin (STZ) injection, treated with insulin, using measurements of arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability. HR variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive difference of RR intervals (RMSSD). MAP variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of the mean of MAP and by 4 indices (P1, P2, P3 and MN) derived from the three-dimensional return map constructed by plotting MAPn x [(MAPn+1) - (MAPn)] x density. The indices represent the maximum concentration of points (P1), the longitudinal axis (P2), and the transversal axis (P3) and MN represents P1 x P2 x P3 x 10-3. STZ induced increased urinary glucose in diabetic (D) rats compared to controls (C). Seven days after STZ, diabetes reduced resting HR from 380.6 ± 12.9 to 319.2 ± 19.8 bpm, increased HR variability, as demonstrated by increased SDNN, from 11.77 ± 1.67 to 19.87 ± 2.60 ms, did not change MAP, and reduced P1 from 61.0 ± 5.3 to 51.5 ± 1.8 arbitrary units (AU), P2 from 41.3 ± 0.3 to 29.0 ± 1.8 AU, and MN from 171.1 ± 30.2 to 77.2 ± 9.6 AU of MAP. These indices, as well as HR and MAP, were similar for D and C animals 14, 30 and 120 days after STZ. Seven-day rats showed a negative correlation of urinary glucose with resting HR (r = -0.76, P = 0.03) as well as with the MN index (r = -0.83, P = 0.01). We conclude that rats with short-term diabetes mellitus induced by STZ presented modified autonomic control of HR and MAP which was reversible. The metabolic control may influence these results, suggesting that insulin treatment and a better metabolic control in this model may modify arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability
Thiobarbituric acid reactant substances (TBARs) content, and the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDh), citrate synthase (CS), Cu/Zn- and Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) were measured in the lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)) and skeletal muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) of adrenodemedullated (ADM) rats. The results were compared with those obtained for sham-operated rats. TBARs content was reduced by adrenodemedullation in the lymphoid organs (MLN (28%), thymus (40%) and spleen (42%)) and gastrocnemius muscle (67%). G6PDh activity was enhanced in the MLN (69%) and reduced in the spleen (28%) and soleus muscle (75%). CS activity was reduced in all tissues (MLN (75%), spleen (71%), gastrocnemius (61%) and soleus (43%)), except in the thymus which displayed an increment of 56%. Cu/Zn-SOD activity was increased in the MLN (126%), thymus (223%), spleen (80%) and gastrocnemius muscle (360%) and was reduced in the soleus muscle (31%). Mn-SOD activity was decreased in the MLN (67%) and spleen (26%) and increased in the thymus (142%), whereas catalase activity was reduced in the MLN (76%), thymus (54%) and soleus muscle (47%). It is particularly noteworthy that in ADM rats the activity of glutathione peroxidase was not detectable by the method used. These data are consistent with the possibility that epinephrine might play a role in the oxidative stress of the lymphoid organs. Whether this fact represents an important mechanism for the establishment of impaired immune function during stress remains to be elucidated.
We have observed that acute blood volume expansion increases the gastroduodenal resistance to the flow of liquid in anesthetized dogs, while retraction decreases it (Santos et al. (1991) Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 143: 261-269). This study evaluates the effect of blood volume expansion and retraction on the gastric emptying of liquid in awake rats using a modification of the technique of Scarpignato (1980) (Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 246: 286-294). Male Wistar rats (180-200 g) were fasted for 16 h with water ad libitum and 1.5 ml of the test meal (0.5 mg/ml phenol red solution in 5% glucose) was delivered to the stomach immediately after random submission to one of the following protocols: 1) normovolemic control (N = 22), 2) expansion (N = 72) by intravenous infusion (1 ml/min) of Ringer-bicarbonate solution, volumes of 1, 2, 3 or 5% body weight, or 3) retraction (N = 22) by controlled bleeding (1.5 ml/100 g). Gastric emptying of liquid was inhibited by 19-51.2% (P<0.05) after blood volume expansion (volumes of 1, 2, 3 or 5% body weight). Blood volume expansion produced a sustained increase in central venous pressure while mean arterial pressure was transiently increased during expansion (P<0.05). Blood volume retraction increased gastric emptying by 28.5-49.9% (P<0.05) and decreased central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure (P<0.05). Infusion of the shed blood 10 min after bleeding reversed the effect of retraction on gastric emptying. These findings suggest that gastric emptying of liquid is subject to modulation by the blood volume.
Adult Channa punctatus murrels of both sexes (60-80 g) were collected locally from Ramgarh Lake during the second week of every month (10 individuals of each sex/month) throughout the year. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for serum calcium and phosphate levels by the methods of Trinder (1960) and Fiske and Subbarow (1925), respectively. Gonads were fixed to judge the state of maturation of the fish. Males exhibited no change in serum calcium levels throughout the year in correlation with testicular maturation. However, serum phosphate levels exhibited a rise in correlation with the increased gonadosomatic index. Females showed marked seasonal changes in serum calcium and phosphate levels which were associated with ovarian maturation (vitellogenesis).