986 resultados para Chaise assis-debout


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This research has as its object of study practiced in the daily curriculum of Youth and Adults in their midst and considered discussion of the concepts of knowledge as regulation and emancipation. The camp of our research relates to the knowing / doing the teachers of this modality of education, in the Escola Centro Educacional Dr. Amorim-CEPA, the city of Assú/RN and is articulated to the emerging desire to understand how cooperating teachers have thought, organized and practiced the curriculum in order to consider the many complex situations that are present in everyday school life. Our tour was guided by the need to study the relationship between the regulated curriculum and practiced in everyday adult education, as well as to understand, from the knowing / doing of the teachers, the conceptions that guide their teaching practices and, therefore, reflect on this Reality curriculum in order to better signify then. In this sense, we turn to the fundamentals of qualitative research, adopting the procedures of documentary research, participant observation and semi-structured interview, which allowed us to enter a universe of complex dimensions, senses, and that add significant difference, because the forms of use of various practitioners are and unique, in that enroll in school life and define their brand identities. The predominance of a traditional teaching practice nature by a process of training and teaching experience, the lines of flight, volatilities and inventiveness promoted by the circumstances of everyday life are some of the conclusions we draw from the data collected. This reality, we infer that the practice of teachers varies between regulation and emancipation, being this time, many challenges to be faced, namely the process of continuing education, the conceptual understanding of the subject curriculum and the existence of relational different knowing / doing produced, used and created in/from the school routine of Youth and Adults


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El concepto de paisaje, caracterizado por la colaboración de distintos dominios cognitivos, atraviesa campos disciplinarios y formas de estructurar la producción de conocimiento a través del Arte. Para Cauquelin (2007), la representación occidental de la mirada paisajística es siempre una mirada estética que indica una conexión inseparable de la forma percibida con la forma sentida. Esa mirada estética recuerda al hombre su condición bioantropológica. En ese sentido, entiendo que un paisaje se presenta como un medio donde el humano puede ejercer su singularidad poética, transitando, así, por campos o capas de conocimientos diversos capaces de ampliar su visión rearticuladora del mundo. Motivada por esa percepción, elegí como campo empírico el Museo Taller de Cerámica Francisco Brennand, en Recife, Pernambuco. Reconstruido por el artista, el lugar, injertado de recuerdos de la infancia, pasa a abrigar, a partir de 1971, el conjunto de su obra de cerámica y pintórica. La frecuentación del artista transformó la estrategia metodológica de la entrevista en sabias y agradables conversaciones, que me proporcionaron la experiencia de otras posibilidades de enfoque durante la realización de la investigación. El objetivo de la investigación es ampliar las relaciones conceptuales entre paisaje y representación, en el sentido de privilegiar a la imaginación creativa. Tomé al paisaje como una metáfora y como un operador cognitivo, imprescindibles para el aprendizaje de la condición humana. Compartir estrategias a la vez complementares y recíprocas es lo que proponen Almeida (2009) y Morin con vistas a volver a enlazar la cultura científica y la cultura humanística, en un metodo mestizo y bricoleur que es necesaria para una reforma del pensamiento que lleva en cuenta el ensueño de la materia propuesto por Bachelard (2008). El arte se convierte, así, en un operador cognitivo capaz de promover cambios en el contexto de la educación, en dirección a una pedagogía con base compleja, como propone Pereira (1999)


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el tratamiento ofrecido al estudio de la lenguaje en la modalidad oral en clases de lengua portuguesa en los 3º y 4º ciclos del Nivel Fundamental a la luz de concepciones sociointeracionistas de lenguaje. Para tal, tomamos como referencia las contribuciones de Bakhtin (1992) Marcuschi (2005), Batista (2001), Antunes (2009), Bagno (2002), Suassuna (2009), Ramos (2002), Castilho (2000), Oliveira (2003), entre otros, como también tomamos como referencia los objetivos establecidos en los programas oficiales, entre los cuales están los PCN de lengua portuguesa, el PNLD y el regimiento escolar. El campo de pesquisa seleccionado fue una escuela pública de la ciudad de Parnamirim donde los datos fueran colectados en visitas, en las entrevistas grabadas con los sujetos y también durante las observaciones a las clases. Hecho estos procedimientos de coleta de datos se hizo su análisis que estuvo vinculada al referencial teórico. Los resultados de la pesquisa indican características en el tratamiento ofrecido al lenguaje oral que refleja, principalmente, una concepción de lengua y lenguaje adoptada por los profesores aún muy vinculada a las concepciones estructuralistas, sin lograr una práctica que contemple la oralidad como objeto de estudio


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The objective of the present work was develop a study about the writing and the algebraic manipulation of symbolical expressions for perimeter and area of some convex polygons, approaching the properties of the operations and equality, extending to the obtaining of the formulas of length and area of the circle, this one starting on the formula of the perimeter and area of the regular hexagon. To do so, a module with teaching activities was elaborated based on constructive teaching. The study consisted of a methodological intervention, done by the researcher, and had as subjects students of the 8th grade of the State School Desembargador Floriano Cavalcanti, located on the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The methodological intervention was done in three stages: applying of a initial diagnostic evaluation, developing of the teaching module, and applying of the final evaluation based on the Mathematics teaching using Constructivist references. The data collected in the evaluations was presented as descriptive statistics. The results of the final diagnostic evaluation were analyzed in the qualitative point of view, using the criteria established by Richard Skemp s second theory about the comprehension of mathematical concepts. The general results about the data from the evaluations and the applying of the teaching module showed a qualitative difference in the learning of the students who participated of the intervention


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This research has as study objective the development of humanescent experience in the process of self-formation of the teachers of the Infantile Educational Unit of the Education Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It has as general objective the description and analysis of how the humanscent experience of life contributes and is manifested in the children educator in his way of being, living and in his pedagogical practice. As specific objectives, the identification of the contributions of the humanescent experiences in the children educator in his way of being, living and in his pedagogical practice; the analysis of the contributions of the humanescent experiences to the children educator from the ludopoetic categories self-esteem, selfworth, self-realization, self-territory and self-connectivity. It is a descriptive study of qualitative nature understood as an existential action research that uses the principles and fundamentals of the etnomethodology and phenomenology. Sixteen teachers six that are effective teachers, six substitute teachers and 4 interns - took part in this investigation. Six humanescent experiences were carried out with them. As main tools we point out: the participative observation, the sand game, the photographic register and the semi-structured interview. The analyses were centered in the categories of the ludopoetic system, described above and referred to in the theoretical fundamentals selected for the study. From the analyses and to the answers to the objectives of the study, we make clear the following considerations: the reports of the teachers reveal that the humanescent experiences have contributed to make them more ludic, sensitive, emotional and lovely people, and this has reflected in their educational practice and has been making sense in their and their students lives. In this way, we make evident that the humanescent experiences have contributed to improve the ludopoesis of the teachers, revealing in the embodiment changes in their way of being, of living together and in their educational practice. In relation to the contributions of the humanescent experiences to the children educator from the ludopoetic categories self-esteem, selfworth, self-realization, self-territory and self-connectivity, we emphasize the following aspects: with the self-esteem, teachers have become more creative, rebuilding their possibilities of intensely experiencing the pleasure of living; in the context of selfterritory, the teachers have provided the realization of the wishes and expresson of oneself while lively interacting with the environment and with the other different territories of the educational process, in a continuous process of demarcation. Concerning the self-connectivity category, we emphasize that the teachers started to become more tuned with themselves, with the environment and with the other teachers because of the general well-being to the success of personal, pedagogical and institutional objectives, promoting a harmonic, lovely and ludic environment. Concerning the self-worth category, the teachers have valued the struggle for a school that is more committed with the search for happiness. From the self-realization, the teachers have shown self-recognition while ludic beings, playing with the beauty in their lives, allowing the flowing in its completeness, the other possibilities of analysis, the educational formation and development. We would like to emphasize that the considerations above are not over after what has been presented because of the richness of experiences revealed in the research


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The present paper is a doctorate thesis, in the area of Education, that has as a goal to describe and to reflect on the construction/systematization of a relation between family and institution of Childhood Education, in favor of sharing the care and education actions of children, in the context of creation of a County Center of Childhood Education, located in the city of Natal-RN. Our intension with this paper is to share some of the ideas and actions collectively constructed by this experience, with the intention of bringing a contribution for the thematic debates concerning Childhood Education - as modality of education, in a general way; and the relations between families and Institutions of Childhood Education, in a more specific way. The paper presented here is endorsed by the postulates of the qualitative research with characteristics of a research-action, having as main instruments of the data construction the open or half-structuralized interviews, the personal notebook of registers, the participant s index cards characterizing the children and comments. Authors as Aries (1981); Bassedas, Huguet and Solé (1999); Bhering and Blatchford (1999); Brasil (1998); Bujes (2001); Didonet (2002 - 2003); Formosinho (2007); Gómez (2000); Heywood (2004); Kramer (2005); Marchesi and Martín (2003); Marschal and Zohar (2006); Thiollent (2004); Tiriba (2006), amongst others, had theoretically based this paper. The experience described here points to the possibilities of sharing the care and education actions between family and Institution of Childhood Education, emphasizing the relevance of participative praxis in the interior of the institution, so that its job can propitiate this sharing with the families, throughout activities as meetings, lectures, workshops, participation in didactic projects, open expositions to the community, commemorative parties and valuation of the local culture, amongst other chances of dialogue and interaction between the educative institution and the families


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This study aims to contribute with the professional development of the Trainers of childhood education teachers of the City Department of Education of Natal/RN, through a formation in context, trying to understand the teaching knowledge required in the practice of these professionals. The focus of the research is in teaching knowledge understood as the ideas, beliefs, conceptions, reasons, arguments, speeches that the trainers builds during his life (ALTET, 2001; PIMENTA, 2002; TARDIF, 2001; 2002). The study inserts itself in the qualitative approach of the educational research and the chosen methodology has characteristics of an inquiryaction. In the process, the following instruments had been used: questionnaires, press conferences, personal documents. The relevance of the present research is in achieving reflections concerning the role of the trainers of teachers, who needs to be seen as a mediator in the formation of teachers, in view of the fact that he interferes and is determinative in such a way in the formative process as in its results. The findings demonstrate that: a) the identity of the trainer is in a development process, what it is resembled to the effective situation of that, symbolically, the trainer exists, however, his attributions still are not enough clear; b) the teaching knowledge of the formation in the childhood education are related, among others points, primordially, to the function / role of the childhood education, child and teacher s point of view of this stage of the basic education; c) the Trainers teaching knowledge, concerning the teaching performance, ratifies the multiplicity of knowledge that the trainer must has, beyond the necessary complementarities and conciliation between the administrative and pedagogical aspects in the exercise of the function; d) the Trainers have knowledge that are according to the speech, consisting as declarative knowledge; e) there is a conflict between the teaching knowledge of the Trainers and the actions that are part of real life, generating contradictions between the formative saying and making


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This thesis objective systemize and discuss the ecological knowledge constructed by means of tradition knowledge with basis in a complex ecology (MORIN, 2002b). The conception of tradition knowledge (ALMEIDA, 2001c) corresponds to a diversity of knowledgement, of men and women, constructed from heteroclite elements of the geographic way, making use of analogies and homologies which serves as the base for this scientific inquiry. These knowledge are extremely related the context where these people are inserted. To construct an ecology of complex base is to understand that the reality is not given previously, and that its construction assumes indissociability among the elements that composes it, that is, between nature and society, material and immaterial elements. To incorporate the disorder, the uncertainty, the unpredictable and the auto-echo-organization as guide principles of a new ecology, constitutes in a new vision of the biological science and the scientific ecology in direction to a science of complexity. The work focuses the ecological knowledge of the Piató lagoon, municipality of Açu, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, having as interlocutor of this boarding Mr. Francisco Lucas da Silva (known in the local as Chico Lucas), fisherman and agriculturist, who was born, and lives until today, in the community of Areia Branca, around the lagoon. Having for base the method as strategy (MORIN, 2001a), the research construction was performed through the realization of more than 10 trips carried out between the years of 2005 and 2007. In these trips the ecological aspects of the environments such as, the flora and the fauna, as well as the environmental impacts on the lagoon, were obtained in recorded dialogues and interviews with Chico Lucas, which were later transcripts. The information from there showed a natural and social complex reality, little known by Cartesian science, since it brings a wealth of details of daily life full, over all, for tradition knowing of the people that had lived there and the ones who remain living there. The thesis looks to understand the strategies of thought and the knowledge production referring to traditional knowing and its ability of interchange between different cognitive operators. The ecological knowledge that emerges of these knows reveals a systemic perception of the environment, presenting the beings and phenomena in its peculiarities and its degrees of complexity, but immutable in its indissociability


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Most knowledge and techniques developed by mankind since ancient times had the main purpose to study and understand the various phenomena of Nature. Science, like one of these narratives, works as a translation, transcribing what, is systematically observed. Within the set of transformations on the modern sciences, the dialogue with related areas became quite narrow and, occasionally, functional, and the dialogue with non-related areas, in turn, does not takes place by any matters. The focus of this research is the teaching of Biological Sciences, and the undergraduate courses as strategic places to disseminate a broad understanding of Nature, that broadens the conceptual relations between different disciplinary axes, previously fragmented. In order to do so, I take a four-way metaphorical approach as a methodological construction base. Three of them proposed by Joël de Rosnay, represented by artifacts: The Telescope, The Microscope and the Macroscope. And finally, a proposition that complements the approach, that i named The Naked Eye. In Telescope, which allows a more general construct of a phenomenon, I discuss the teaching of Biological Sciences in Brazil. In the microscope, which allows us to analyze in detail a scenario, I construct a rank of the major courses in biological sciences and propose a discussion on the understanding of nature on the undergraduate programs. In Macroscope, who allows, at the same time, zoom in and out to the phenomenon observed, I call for a transdisciplinary dialogue, based on the authors Ilya Prigogine, Basarab Nicolescu, Henri Atlan and Bruno Latour, which can certainly contribute to the curriculum of the Biologists training programs, that builds knowledge pertinent to a complex observation of Nature. I complete the set of the quaternary reading and understanding of the world from the Naked Eye, as the first strategy of perception in our species. For this, I invite the philosopher of Nature Chico Lucas da Silva as my interlocutor


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This work is an exploratory study based on the principles of qualitative research aiming at the conception of landscape by Geography teachers in the city of Parnamirim (RN), as well as the pedagogical implications originated from such conceptions on the formation of students. In order to start our investigative process, we used, as theoretical and methodological reference, some principles of historical and dialectical materialism by Triviños (2007) and historical cultural approach of education by Freire (1987; 1996) e Vygotsky (1993; 2001; 2007), as well as the meaning of conception by Morin (1996) and Ferreira (2007) and the critical approach of geography by Moraes (2005), Santos (1988; 2004; 2006) and Silva (1989; 2010). Also, we used oral history as a research technique such as Moraes (2004), Bertaux (2010), Ferraroti (2010) and Nóvoa (2010) and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. Our empirical reference is made of four teachers working in four different public schools in the city mentioned above, providing the needed data to start our research. The objective of such interviews is not the verification of the teachers‟ practice in class or outside them, but it highlights the transitoriness of the evidences mentioned in the research. Thus, we conclude that the conception of landscape mostly accepted by the teachers, once it is a process built along their lives and surrounded by their pedagogical practice, prioritizes the visual and morphological aspects and the sentimental livings related to the conception which is situated in a descriptive level of conception. Effectively, the pedagogical implications of these conceptions at school point to a materialization of geography teaching centered on the non-critical reproduction of school subjects which very little instigate the learners to process, via dialogicity, the re-significations of their essential and multiple attributes despite the several attempts and possibilities of some theoretical and methodological renovations on the application of geographical knowledge about landscape, expressed on the report of the interviewees


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During the latest years, the art of storytelling has received special attention from those who make education, art and culture. The storyteller is a singular person who manages to seduce itself and its listeners, by involving them in an atmosphere of pleasure and complicity, dodging situations, space and time, providing delight, stimulating creativity, daydreaming and imagination. This is a study developed with storyteller teachers that takes as its starting point the need to change the landscape of education, which seeks to emphasize the affirmation of embodiment of the teacher, so that it participates in a creative self-dynamic and the context in which they live. In addition , the following purposes accompanied the study : education - liberating practice and human development ; corporality - radiant , first and main focus of educational criteria; playfulness - a human dimension ; autopoiese - as an organization of human beings that produces and continuously transforms itself; flow experience concerns the feeling of full involvement in the activity , the psychic energy toward something that is being produced or performed , something that brings us pleasure , happiness and profound sense of well being. As general objective of the study we analysed the humanescent self-formation and its ludopoiética nature in storyteller teachers from humanescent workshops developed in a state school in Natal / RN. In view of the overall objective , we developed the following specific objectives : to identify the ludopoiéticas properties of self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self realization present in the life of storyteller teachers and the changes in the school environment, from the development of humanescent workshops; reveal the nature of humanescent self-training in storyteller teachers lives. The investigated group had the participation of eight teachers, and had the Escola Estadual Potiguassu as environment for the research. This is a descriptive study, understood as an action-research , developed with basis in the fundamentals and ethnomethodological principles , which used eight humanescents workshops , developed in the context of humanescent experiential pedagogy in conjunction with participant observation .The analyzes were focused on the chosen categories for the study : self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self-, indexicality and reflexivity . In terms of conclusions, we noted that the properties of ludopoiese were unveiled in the lives of the teachers by providing changes in their ways of being and living together. The teachers have become more creative and intensely began to experience their own life, social life, as well as its meaning. The struggle for a more cheerful and happy school was another important development highlighted in the reports of the teachers, also observing that there was a significant improvement in the reduction of violence in the school environment. Thus, we emphasize that the teachers began to recognize themselves like being ludic, playing with the beauty of storytelling and life


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The possibility of using yeast from alcohol distilleries as a source of nutrients in soil was investigated. The following treatments were used: no fertilization (control), 0.5% (w/w) yeast, 1% (w/w) yeast, and NPK. The decomposition of yeast was monitored for 90 days in two soils. The CO, production and the microbial biomass were increased by art average of 1- to 3-fold by yeast incorporation compared to control. Protease activity also was enhanced 3- to 8-fold in the soils supplemented with yeast compared to control. The phosphatase activities were higher than control only during the first days. While nitrate contents increased in all treatments compared to control, available P only increased in the soils amended with 1%, yeast or NPK by 45-119% and 309-489%, respectively. These results indicate that there exists an excellent potential for the use of yeast in the soil as a source of nitrate and available P for plant nutrition. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is an analytic research of a qualitative nature whose purpose is to examine the learning process involving students of the Nursing Program of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN who are attending the Supervised Clerkship in Nursing (SCN) in Family Health Strategy (FHS), based on learning through daily living. In order to do this, a historical overview of this academic activity in the teaching of nursing was presented, and the importance of FHS as the scene where professional health education takes place was discussed. For the empirical investigation, ten eighth-semester students involved in clerkship activities at family health units in the Western Sanitary District of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. The theoretical approach relied, as epistemological presupposition, on the ideas of educator Humberto Maturana who showed that learning, both in nature and among human beings, takes place within dialogic living relationships wherein acceptance of the other, affectivity (love) and dialoguing are essential stimuli to learning. Students discourses gradually became part of the analytic categories that had been established beforehand. There has been verified that the students went through meaningful learning encouraged by all who shared the living environment, that is: nurse/instructor, teacher/supervisor, family health staff, and the community. Several feelings were involved in the process, such as joy, satisfaction, self-reliance, affectivity and, in the opposite direction, sadness, indignation, a feeling of impotence, and fear. The learning of interpersonal relationship was describe as the most relevant of the academic experiences and, therefore, thus emphasizing the relevance of affectivity to the learning process as Maturana points out. It is suggested that the teaching of nursing keep on giving priority to family health units as the Basic Care educational scene, with attention to the importance of placing the students in welcoming environments, in such a way as to encourage learning


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Exploratory descriptive study, with a quantitative approach and prospective data, performed in Pronto Socorro Clóvis Sarinho (PSCS), in Natal/RN, aiming to analyze care given by the nursing and medical staff to victims of violence attended to in an emergency hospital in Natal/RN; to identify care given by the nursing and medical staff as viewed by the victims; to compare data observed during the process of care with the victim s view on the care given by the nursing and medical staff; to identify the existing knowledge on violence and the process of caring for victims and its relation with prejudice; to identify obstacles and perspectives for prevention during the process of caring for victims in the emergency services. The population consisted of 97 physicians, 16 nurses, 75 nursing technicians and assistants and 365 victims of violence, with data collected from April to May 2009. Out of 188 professionals, 52.1% are female; 32% were aged 41 to 50; 99.5% had given care to a victim of violence; 90.4% reported to have given care to patients under custody; among these, 17.3% felt prejudice; 55.3% stated they don t provide different care for assaulted victims and assailants, however 44.7% stated they do; 86.7% feel their workplace is unsafe; 61.7% denied the existence of any obstacle and 38.3% reported the existence of obstacles; among these, 26.1% referred to inadequate facilities; 37.8% believe reinforcing security and professional training are the main solutions. Among the 365 researched violence victims, 82.2% were assaulted; male (69.6%); aged 18 to 24 (24.9%); hailing from the Greater Natal area (89.9%); on 19.7% the event happened on Saturday; during the night (48.8%); victim of physical assault (61.4%); produced by body force (27.7%); 24.4% were injured in the head and neck. 57% had used some drug, among which alcohol was predominant (75.5%). On 621 observations performed during the victim care process, when compared to the report of assaulted victims, there was a statistical difference, at 5% significance level, regarding reception, resistance from the professionals, questioning about the violent event, providing of guidance, interaction with the patient and the understanding of receiving proper care, and care resolution. In comparisons involving the observed and the assailant victims reports, there was a statistical difference regarding the resence of resistance from the professionals, performance of necessary procedures and the nteraction with the patient and the understanding of receiving proper care and 58.1% reported the nursing team was the one that provided the best care. We conclude that professionals had lready given care to assailant patients, acknowledge the importance of knowing how the vent took place and acquired this preparation during their practice. The most often referred bstacles that hinder assistance were: inadequate facilities, material deficit and lack of rofessional preparation. As solutions for these problems, they cited the reinforcement of ecurity and professional training