798 resultados para Cerium alloys
Multilayer CVD coatings for high speed cutting applications were designed to achieve high wear and heat resistance during machining of steel alloys. In this work the microstructure and cutting performance of these novel multilayer CVD coatings are investigated and compared with standard CVD multilayer coatings. 3D-FIB tomography is used to characterize the microstructure of the layers, especially the transition between the Ti(C,N) and the Al(2)O(3) layer. The 3D reconstruction of the surface of the Ti(C,N) layer shows the formation of protruded Ti(C,N) grains with a very particular architecture, which penetrate into the Al(2)O(3) top-layer, providing a mechanical anchoring between both layers. Cemented carbides coated with the novel CVD multilayer present reduced crater and flank wear as well as improved adherence between the Al(2)O(3) top-layer and the Ti(C,N) layer leading to a dramatic improvement of cutting performance.
The different types of thermal crystallisation behaviours observed during continuous heating of M-based metallic glasses have been successfully associated with the topological instability. criterion, which is simply calculated from the alloy composition and metallic radii of the alloying elements and aluminium. In the present work, we report on new results evidencing the correlation between the values of X and the crystallisation behaviours in Al-based alloys of the Al-Ni-Ce system and we compare the glass-forming abilities of alloys designed with compositions corresponding to the same topological instability condition. The results are discussed in terms of compositional and topological aspects emphasizing the relevance of the different types of clusters in the amorphous phase in defining the stability of the glass and the types of thermal crystallisation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A thermodynamic approach to predict bulk glass-forming compositions in binary metallic systems was recently proposed. In this approach. the parameter gamma* = Delta H-amor/(Delta H-inter - Delta H-amor) indicates the glass-forming ability (GFA) from the standpoint of the driving force to form different competing phases, and Delta H-amor and Delta H-inter are the enthalpies for-lass and intermetallic formation, respectively. Good glass-forming compositions should have a large negative enthalpy for glass formation and a very small difference for intermetallic formation, thus making the glassy phase easily reachable even under low cooling rates. The gamma* parameter showed a good correlation with GFA experimental data in the Ni-Nb binary system. In this work, a simple extension of the gamma* parameter is applied in the ternary Al-Ni-Y system. The calculated gamma* isocontours in the ternary diagram are compared with experimental results of glass formation in that system. Despite sonic misfitting, the best glass formers are found quite close to the highest gamma* values, leading to the conclusion that this thermodynamic approach can lie extended to ternary systems, serving as a useful tool for the development of new glass-forming compositions. Finally the thermodynamic approach is compared with the topological instability criteria used to predict the thermal behavior of glassy Al alloys. (C) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Thixocasting of an A356 alloy: Fluidity, porosity distribution and thermomechanical fatigue behavior
An extensive set of experiments was performed on a semi-solid A356 alloy in order to assess its flow behavior, mechanical properties, microstructural evolution and porosity level. Three different microstructural conditioning techniques (raw material preparation) were employed: deformation recrystallization, magnetohydrodynamic stirring and low temperature pouring. Measurement of microstructural parameters such as Al-alpha particle size, shape factor, contiguity and entrapped liquid showed a relative equivalency among the various conditioning techniques. It was found that the strongest influence on semi-solid slurry fluidity is exerted by the mould temperature. Tensile properties and porosity levels were measured on a demonstration part produced with different slurry ingate velocities. Results showed similar strength levels among all thixocast samples, a strong correlation between elongation and pore volume fraction and porosity levels much lower than the typical figure for permanent mould or die cast Al-Si alloys. Finally, thermomechanical fatigue tests results were much more favorable to the semi-solid material when compared with the conventionally cast alloy, a result attributed to lower porosity, spheroidal shape of the Al-alpha phase, and refined Si eutectic particles. alpha 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, a criterion considering the topological instability (lambda) and the differences in the electronegativity of the constituent elements (Delta e) was applied to the Al-La and Al-Ni-La systems in order to predict the best glass-forming compositions. The results were compared with literature data and with our own experimental data for the Al-La-Ni system. The alloy described in the literature as the best glass former in the Al-La system is located near the point with local maximum for the lambda.Delta e criterion. A good agreement was found between the predictions of the lambda.Delta e criterion and literature data in the Al-La-Ni system, with the region of the best glass-forming ability (GFA) and largest supercooled liquid region (Delta T(x)) coinciding with the best compositional region for amorphization indicated by the lambda.Delta e criterion. Four new glassy compositions were found in the Al-La-Ni system, with the best predicted composition presenting the best glass-forming ability observed so far for this system. Although the lambda.Delta e criterion needs further refinements for completely describe the glass-forming ability in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems, the results demonstrated that this criterion is a good tool to predict new glass-forming compositions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The effects of different tempering temperatures (300-600 degrees C) on abrasive wear resistance of mottled cast iron were studied. Abrasive wear tests were carried out using the rubber-wheel test on quartz sand and the pin test on Al(2)O(3) abrasive cloths. The retained austenite content of the matrix was determined by X-ray diffraction. The wear surface of the specimens was examined by scanning electron microscopy for identifying the wear micromechanism. Bulk hardness and matrix hardness before and after the tests were measured. The results showed that in the two-body (pin-on-disc test) system, the main wear mechanism was microcutting and high matrix hardening was presented. The wear rates presented higher correlation with the retained austenite than with the bulk and matrix hardness. In the three-body system (sand-rubber wheel), the wear surfaces presented indentations due to abrasive rolling. The wear rates had better correlation with both the bulk and matrix hardness (before and after the wear test) than with the retained austenite content. There are two groups of results, high and low wear rates corresponding to each tribosystem, two-body abrasive wear and three-body abrasive wear, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aluminum white dross is a valuable material principally due to its high metallic aluminum content. The aim of this work is to develop a method for quantitative analysis of aluminum white dross with high accuracy. Initially, the material was separated into four granulometric fractions by means of screening. Two samples of each fraction were obtained, which were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence and energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to determine the elements present in the samples. The crystalline phases aluminum, corundum, spinel, defect spinel, diaoyudaoite, aluminum nitride, silicon and quartz low were identified by X-ray diffraction. The quantitative phase analysis was performed by fitting the X-ray diffraction profile with the Rietveld method using the GSAS software. The following quantitative results were found: 77.8% aluminum, 7.3% corundum, 2.6% spinel, 7.6% defect spinel, 1.8% diaoyudaoite, 2.9% aluminum nitride, and values not significant of quartz and silicon.
High-angle grain boundary migration is predicted during geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) by two types of mathematical models. Both models consider the driving pressure due to curvature and a sinusoidal driving pressure owing to subgrain walls connected to the grain boundary. One model is based on the finite difference solution of a kinetic equation, and the other, on a numerical technique in which the boundary is subdivided into linear segments. The models show that an initially flat boundary becomes serrated, with the peak and valley migrating into both adjacent grains, as observed during GDRX. When the sinusoidal driving pressure amplitude is smaller than 2 pi, the boundary stops migrating, reaching an equilibrium shape. Otherwise, when the amplitude is larger than 2 pi, equilibrium is never reached and the boundary migrates indefinitely, which would cause the protrusions of two serrated parallel boundaries to impinge on each other, creating smaller equiaxed grains.
This work studied the electrochemical behavior of a solution treated or 550 degrees C aged Cu10Ni-3Al-1.3Fe alloy, in 0.01 M NaCl aqueous solution, through potentiodynamic polarization in both stagnant condition or under erosion process. Results showed the occurrence of a passivity break potential (E(pb)), related to the beginning of the denickelification process, which occurred as a localized attack under stagnant electrolyte. Under erosion conditions localized denickelification was not observed, despite of the presence of E(pb). This could indicate that selective corrosion of Ni, which caused the observed E(pb), occurred as a dissolution-redeposition process, with removal of the Cu deposits during erosion process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The technology of self-reducing pellets for ferro-alloys production is becoming an emerging process due to the lower electric energy consumption and the improvement of metal recovery in comparison with the traditional process. This paper presents the effects of reduction temperature, addition of ferro-silicon and addition of slag forming agents for the production of high carbon ferro-chromium by utilization of self-reducing pellets. These pellets were composed of Brazilian chromium ore (chromite) concentrate, petroleum coke, Portland cement, ferro-silicon and slag forming components (silica and hydrated lime). The pellets were processed at 1 773 K, 1 823 K and 1 873 K using an induction furnace. The products obtained, containing slag and metallic phases, were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analyses (XEDS). A large effect on the reduction time was observed by increasing the temperature from 1 773 K to 1 823 K for pellets without Fe-Si addition: around 4 times faster at 1 823 K than at 1 773 K for reaction fraction close to one. However, when the temperature was further increased from 1 823 K to 1 873 K the kinetics improved by double. At 1 773 K, the addition of 2% of ferro-silicon in the pellet resulted in an increasing reaction rate of around 6 times, in comparison with agglomerate without it. The addition of fluxing agents (silica and lime), which form initial slag before the reduction is completed, impaired the full reduction. These pellets became less porous after the reduction process.
Coatings based on NiCrAlC intermetallic based alloy were applied on AISI 316L stainless steel substrates using a high velocity oxygen fuel torch. The influence of the spray parameters on friction and abrasive wear resistance were investigated using an instrumented rubber wheel abrasion test, able to measure the friction forces. The corrosion behaviour of the coatings were studied with electrochemical techniques and compared with the corrosion resistance of the substrate material. Specimens prepared using lower O(2)/C(3)H(8) ratios showed smaller porosity values. The abrasion wear rate of the NiCrAlC coatings was much smaller than that described in the literature for bulk as cast materials with similar composition and one order of magnitude higher than bulk cast and heat treated (aged) NiCrAlC alloy. All coatings showed higher corrosion resistance than the AISI 316L substrate in HCl (5%) aqueous solution at 40 degrees C.
This paper discusses the effects of temperature, addition of ferro-silicon and fluxing agents for the production of high carbon ferro-chromium by self-reducing process. The use of self-reducing agglomerates for ferro-alloys production is becoming an emerging processing technology due to lowering the electric energy consumption and improving the metal recovery in comparison with traditional ones. The self-reducing pellets were composed by chromite, petroleum coke, cement and small (0.1% - 2%) addition of ferro-silicon. The slag composition was adjusted by addition of fluxing agents. The reduction of pellets was carried out at 1773K (1500 degrees C), 1823K (1550 degrees C) and 1873K (1600 degrees C) by using induction furnace. The products obtained, containing slag and metallic phases, were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analyses (XEDS). By increasing temperature from 1773K to 1823K large effect on the reduction time was observed. It decreased from 30 minutes to 10 minutes, for reaching around 0.98 reduction fraction. No significant effect on reduction time was observed when the reduction temperature was increased from 1823K to 1873K. At 1773K, the addition of 2% of ferro-silicon in the pellet resulted in an increasing reaction rate of around 6 times, in comparison with agglomerate without this addition. The addition of fluxing agents (silica and hydrated lime) has effect on reduction time (inverse relationship) and the pellets become less porous after reduction.
The production of electronic equipment, such as computers and cell phones, and, consequently, batteries, has increased dramatically. One of the types of batteries whose production and consumption has increased in recent times is the nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery. This study evaluated a hydrometallurgical method of recovery of rare earths and a simple method to obtain a solution rich in Ni-Co from spent NiMH batteries. The active materials from both electrodes were manually removed from the accumulators and leached. Several acid and basic solutions for the recovery of rare earths were evaluated. Results showed that more than 98 wt.% of the rare earths were recovered as sulfate salts by dissolution with sulfuric acid, followed by selective precipitation at pH 1.2 using sodium hydroxide. The complete process. precipitation at pH 1.2 followed by precipitation at pH 7, removed about 100 wt.% of iron and 70 wt.% of zinc from the leaching solution. Results were similar to those found in studies that used solvent extraction. This method is easy, economic, and does not pose environmental threats of solvent extraction. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For specific blanket and divertor applications in future fusion power reactors a replacement of presently considered reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) steels as a structural material by suitable oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic martensitic steels would allow a substantial increase of the operating temperature from similar to 823 to about 923 K. Due to this reason the RAFM-alloy ODS-Eurofer has already been developed and produced with industrial partners. In the He-cooled modular divertor concept, where temperatures above 923 K will arise, an ODS-steel with a purely ferritic matrix is advantageous, because of missing phase transitions. Due to this reason, a special ferritic ODS-steel is being manufactured as well. In this work the microstructures of these two ODS-alloy types, analysed mainly by high resolution TEM are compared, with respect to different manufacturing processes. In addition first results of high resolution EBSD scans together with determined orientation maps of the RAFM steel ODS-Eurofer will also be presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wetting balance tests of copper sheets submerged in tin solder baths were carried out in a completely automatic wetting balance. Wetting curves were examined for three different values of sheet thickness and four different solder bath temperatures. Most of the wetting curves showed a distorted shape relative to that of a standard curve, preventing calculation of important wetting parameters, such as the wetting rate and the wetting force. The wetting tests showed that the distortion increased for a thicker sheet thickness and a lower solder bath temperature, being the result of solder bath solidification around the submerged sheet substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.