925 resultados para Central Executive Function
We present a descriptive analysis of a mechanism to coordinate and implement human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and care in the occupational setting. The mechanism we describe is a multidisciplinary committee composed of stakeholders in the occupational health environment including unions, management, medical researchers, and medical personnel. The site chosen for the analysis was a South African sugar mill in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The factory is situated in an area of high HIV seroprevalence and has a workforce of 400 employees. The committee was initiated to coordinate a combined prevention-care initiative. The issues that were important in the formation of the committee included confidentiality, trust, and the traditional roles of the stakeholder relationships. When these points were addressed through the focus on a common goal, the committee was able to function in its role as a coordinating body. Central to this success was the inclusion of all stakeholders in the process, including those with traditionally opposing, interests and legitimacy conferred by the stakeholders. This committee was functionally effective and demonstrated the benefit of a freestanding committee dedicated to addressing HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) issues. We describe the implementation and feasibility of a multisectoral committee in directing HIV/AIDS initiatives in the occupational setting in rural South Africa.
Objective: Recent evidence suggests that cortical activity associated with voluntary movement is relatively shifted from medial to lateral premotor areas in Parkinson's disease. This shift occurs bilaterally even for unilateral responses. It is not clear whether the shift in processing reflects an overall change in movement strategy, thereby involving alternate cortical areas, or reflects a compensatory change whereby, given the appropriate conditions, less impaired cortical areas are able to provide a similar function in compensation for those areas which are more impaired. This issue was examined in patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease, in whom basal ganglia impairment is most pronounced in one hemisphere. Methods: Fourteen patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease and 15 age-matched control subjects performed a Go/NoGo finger movement task and the contingent negative variation (CNV) was recorded from 21 scalp positions. Results and conclusions: Maximal CNV amplitudes were found over central medial regions for control subjects, but were shifted more frontally for Parkinson's disease patients, reduced in amplitude over the midline and lateralized towards the side ipsilateral to the greatest basal ganglia impairment. This shift in cortical activity from medial to lateral areas in Parkinson's disease patients appears to reflect a compensatory mechanism operating predominantly on the side of greatest basal ganglia impairment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examined the effect of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and/or recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (rhIGF-I) on regional fat loss in postmenopausal women undergoing a weight loss regimen of diet plus exercise. Twenty-seven women aged 59-79 years, 20-40% above ideal body weight, completed a 12-week program consisting of resistance training 2 days/week and walking 3 days/week, while consuming a diet that was 500 kcal/day less than that required for weight maintenance, Participants were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to receive rhGH (0.025 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhIGF-I (0.015 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhGH + rhIGF-I (n = 6), or placebo (PL: n = 7). Regional and whole body fat mass were determined by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Body fat distribution was assessed by the ratios of trunk fat-to-limb fat (TrF/LimbF) and trunk fat-to-total fat (TrF/TotF), Limb and trunk fat decreased in all groups (p < 0.01). For both ratios of fat distribution, the rhGH treated group experienced an enhanced loss of truncal compared to peripheral fat (p less than or equal to 0.01), with no significant change for those administered rhIGF-I or FL. There was no association between change in fat distribution and indices of cardiovascular disease risk as determined by serum lipid/lipoprotein levels and maximal aerobic capacity. These results suggest that administration of rhGH facilitates a decrease in central compared to peripheral fat in older women undertaking a weight loss program that combines exercise and moderate caloric restriction, although no beneficial effects are conferred to lipid/lipoprotein profiles, Further, the effect of rhGH is not enhanced by combining rhCH with rhIGF-I administration. In addition, rhIGF-I does not augment the loss of trunk fat when administered alone.
Residence time distribution studies of gas through a rotating drum bioreactor for solid-state fermentation were performed using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas. The exit concentration as a function of time differed considerably from profiles expected for plug flow, plug flow with axial dispersion, and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) models. The data were then fitted by least-squares analysis to mathematical models describing a central plug flow region surrounded by either one dead region (a three-parameter model) or two dead regions (a five-parameter model). Model parameters were the dispersion coefficient in the central plug flow region, the volumes of the dead regions, and the exchange rates between the different regions. The superficial velocity of the gas through the reactor has a large effect on parameter values. Increased superficial velocity tends to decrease dead region volumes, interregion transfer rates, and axial dispersion. The significant deviation from CSTR, plug flow, and plug flow with axial dispersion of the residence time distribution of gas within small-scale reactors can lead to underestimation of the calculation of mass and heat transfer coefficients and hence has implications for reactor design and scaleup. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
With the advent of multi-fibre spectrographs such as the 'Two-Degree Field' (2dF) instrument at the Angle-Australian Telescope, quasar surveys that are free of any preselection of candidates and any biases this implies have become possible for the first time. The first of these is that which is being undertaken as part of the Fornax Spectroscopic Survey, a survey of the area around the Fornax Cluster of galaxies, and aims to obtain the spectra of all objects in the magnitude range 16.5 < b(j) < 19.7. To date, 3679 objects in the central pi -deg(2) area have been successfully identified from their spectral characteristics. Of these, 71 are found to be quasars, 61 with redshifts 0.3 < z < 2.2 and 10 with redshifts z > 2.2. Using this complete quasar sample, a new determination of quasar number counts is made, enabling an independent check of existing quasars surveys. Cumulative counts per square degree at a magnitude limit of b(j) < 19.5 are found to be 11.5 +/- 2.2 for 0.3 < z < 2.2, 2.22 +/- 0.93 for z > 2.2 and 13.7 +/- 3.1 for z > 0.3. Given the likely detection of extra quasars in the Fornax survey, we make a more detailed examination of existing quasar selection techniques. First, looking at the use of a stellar criterion, four of the 71 quasars are 'non-stellar' on the basis of the automated plate measuring facility (APM) b(j) classification, however inspection shows all are consistent with stellar, but misclassified due to image confusion. Examining the ultraviolet excess and multicolour selection techniques, for the selection criteria investigated, ultraviolet excess would find 69 +/- 6 per cent of our 0.3 < z < 2.2 quasars and only 50(-18)(+14), per cent of our z > 2.2 quasars, while the completeness level for multicolour selection is found to be 90(-4)(+3) per cent for 0.3 < z < 2.2 quasars and 80(-12)(+14) per cent for z > 2.2 quasars. The extra quasars detected by our all-object survey thus have unusually red star-like colours, and this appears to be a result of the continuum shape rather than any emission features. An intrinsic dust extinction model may, at least partly, account for the red colours.
Neurons in the central amygdala express two distinct types of ionotropic GABA receptor. One is the classical GABA(A) receptor that is blocked by low concentrations of bicuculline and positively modulated by benzodiazepines. The other is a novel type of ionotropic GABA receptor that is less sensitive to bicuculline but blocked by the GABA(C) receptor antagonist (1,2,5,6-tetrohydropyridine-4-yl) methylphosphinic acid (TPMPA) and by benzodiazepines. In this study, we examine the distribution of these two receptor types. Recordings of GABAergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) showed a wide variation in amplitude. Most events had amplitudes of 100 pA. Large-amplitude events also had rise times faster than small-amplitude events. Large-amplitude events were fully blocked by 10 muM bicuculline but unaffected by TPMPA. Small amplitude events were partially blocked by both bicuculline and TPMPA. Focal application of hypertonic sucrose to the soma evoked large-amplitude mIPSCs, whereas focal dendritic application of sucrose evoked small-amplitude mIPSCs. Thus inhibitory synapses on the dendrites of neurons in the central amygdala express both types of GABA receptor, but somatic synapses expressed purely GABA(A) receptors. Minimal stimulation revealed that inhibitory inputs arising from the laterally located intercalated cells innervate dendritic synapses, whereas inhibitory inputs of medial origin innervated somatic inhibitory synapses. These results show that different types of ionotropic GABA receptors are targeted to spatially and functionally distinct synapses. Thus benzodiazepines will have different modulatory effects on different inhibitory pathways in the central amygdala.
Intermittent low-dose heparinised saline flushes were found to be efficacious for maintaining patency of indwelling peripheral and central intravenous catheters in diabetic dogs. The catheters were flushed with 1 mL of 1 U/mL heparinised saline every two hours immediately following blood sample collection, or every 12 hours when not being used for sampling. Central catheters were flushed with saline solution first to clear the line before instillation of the heparinised saline. Patency of 54/57 (95%) of the peripheral catheters and 30/32 (94%) of the central catheters was achieved for up to 36 hours and five days, respectively. No phlebitis, or local or systemic infections were observed and, in each case, catheter failure was attributable to obstruction or extravasation. It is unlikely that there will be any contraindications to this flushing technique and its introduction may improve intravenous catheter survival and reduce catheter-associated complications in hospitalised dogs.
Little is known of the neural mechanisms of marsupial olfaction. However, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has made it possible to visualize dynamic brain function in mammals without invasion. In this study, central processing of urinary pheromones was investigated in the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii, using fMRI. Images were obtained from 18 subjects (11 males, 7 females) in response to conspecific urinary olfactory stimuli. Significant indiscriminate activation occurred in the accessory olfactory bulb, entorhinal, frontal, and parietal cortices in response to both male and female urine. The paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, ventrolateral thalamic nucleus, and medial preoptic area were only activated in response to male urine. Results of this MRI study indicate that projections of accessory olfactory system are activated by chemo-sensory cues. Furthermore, it appears that, based on these experiments, urinary pheromones may act on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis via the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and may play an important role in the unique life history pattern of A. stuartii. Finally, this study has demonstrated that fMRI may be a powerful tool for investigations of olfactory processes in mammals.
An understanding of the biochemical control of dendritic cell (DC) differentiation/activation is essential for improving T cell immunity by various immunotherapeutic approaches, including DC immunization. Ligation of CD40 enhances DC function, including conditioning for CTL priming. NF-kappaB, and particularly RelB, is an essential control pathway for myeloid DC differentiation. Furthermore, RelB regulates B cell Ag-presenting function. We hypothesized that CD40 ligand (CD40L) and TNF-alpha, which differ in their capacity to condition DC, would also differ in their capacity to activate NF-kappaB. DC differentiated for 2 days from monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 were used as a model, as NF-kappaB activity was constitutively low. The capacity of DC to activate T cells following CD40L treatment was enhanced compared with TNF-alpha treatment, and this was NF-kappaB dependent. Whereas RelB/p50 translocation induced by TNF-alpha was attenuated after 6 h, RelB/p50 nuclear translocation induced by CD40L was sustained for at least 24 h. The mechanism of this difference related to enhanced degradation of IkappaBalpha following CD40L stimulation. However, NF-kappaB activation induced by TNF-alpha could be sustained by blocking autocrine IL-10. These data indicate that NF-kappaB activation is essential for T cell activation by DC, and that this function is enhanced if DC NF-kappaB activation is prolonged. Because IL-10 moderates DC NF-kappaB activation by TNF-alpha, sustained NF-kappaB activation can be achieved by blocking IL-10 in the presence of stimuli that induce TNF-alpha.
Analysis of charred plant macro-remains, including wood charcoals, cereals, seeds, tubers and fruits from the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk has indicated complex patterns of plant resource use and exploitation in the Konya plain during the early Holocene. Evidence presented in this paper shows that settlement location was not dictated by proximity to high quality arable land and direct access to arboreal resources (firewood, timber, fruit producing species). A summary of the patterns observed in sample composition and species representation is outlined here together with preliminary interpretations of these results within their broader regional context.
In this study the variations in surface reflectance properties and pigment concentrations of Antarctic moss over species, sites, microtopography and with water content were investigated. It was found that species had significantly different surface reflectance properties, particularly in the region of the red edge (approximately 700 nm), but this did not correlate strongly with pigment concentrations. Surface reflectance of moss also varied in the visible region and in the characteristics of the red edge over different sites. Reflectance parameters, such as the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and cold hard band were useful discriminators of site, microtopographic position and water content. The PRI was correlated both with the concentrations of active xanthophyll-cycle pigments and the photosynthetic light use efficiency, F-v/F-m, measured using chlorophyll fluorescence. Water content of moss strongly influenced the amplitude and position of the red-edge as well as the PRI, and may be responsible for observed differences in reflectance properties for different species and sites. All moss showed sustained high levels of photoprotective xanthophyll pigments, especially at exposed sites, indicating moss is experiencing continual high levels of photochemical stress.
Homologues of MHC class I proteins have been identified in the genomes of human, murine and rat cytomegaloviruses (CMVs). Given the pivotal role of the MHC class I protein in cellular immunity, it has been postulated that the viral homologues subvert the normal antiviral immune response of the host, thus promoting virus replication and dissemination in an otherwise hostile environment. This review focuses on recent studies of the CMV MHC class I homologues at the molecular, cellular and whole animal level and presents current hypotheses for their roles in the CMV life cycle.