800 resultados para Casting
Segmented polyurethane nanocomposites containing three different size fractions of SomasifTM ME100 (synthetic fluoromica) have been prepared via solvent casting. The platelet size was adjusted via a proprietary milling process, and average diameters of approximately 500 nm, 100 nm and 30 nm were measured via TEM. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time the effect of aspect ratio has been studied with the same t-o-t structured mineral. The mechanical properties of these nanocomposites have been found to be highly dependent upon the platelet size. Depending on the aspect ratio and surface treatment selected, significant improvements in tensile strength can be achieved with a minimal reduction in resilience: a problem encountered with elastomeric layered silicate nanocomposites.
The formation of the Al-Si eutectic is generally the final stage of the solidification process of Al-Si foundry alloys. This means that it can be expected to have a significant impact on the feeding of a casting, and consequently the formation of casting defects, in particular porosity. Understanding and controlling the eutectic solidification process are therefore very important. This paper reviews the recent advances and unique techniques used in improving our understanding of both eutectic nucleation and growth. The role of different modifiers in controlling the eutectic solidification mechanisms is presented and the relationship between eutectic solidification mechanisms and porosity formation is outlined. This new approach to aluminium foundry alloy metallurgy is likely to form the basis for further optimisation of alloy performance and master alloys for the future.
Há, dentre os gêneros jornalísticos, especialmente os praticados na imprensa brasileira, um agrupamento a que José Marques de Melo atribui o nome de jornalismo diversional. Diferenciado por sua finalidade afeita à diversão e por abranger matérias reveladoras de histórias interessantes, a estrutura de seus formatos assimila elementos da literatura e da antropologia. Mas que motivações levam repórteres a desenvolver tal gênero e em quais circunstâncias? Quais métodos são adotados para sua feitura? Que forças agem aí? O estudo apresentado nesta tese buscou compreender como se dá esse processo, observando e comparando os modos de fazer adotados por nove jornalistas brasileiros, escolhidos por se submeterem a dois critérios inter-relacionados: 1) serem reconhecidos pelo meio jornalístico e/ou pelo mercado editorial como figuras que se destacam nesse exercício; e 2) terem produzido textos com as características mencionadas para jornais e/ou revistas e que, posteriormente, foram compilados em livro. A metodologia empregada tem vínculo estreito com a perspectiva teórica do newsmaking, valendo-se da técnica apropriada para uma observação que considera diferentes momentos da história (década de 1950 para cá): a entrevista, no seu tipo semiestruturado. O quadro de jornalistas entrevistados é formado por Audálio Dantas, Carlos Wagner, Consuelo Dieguez, Daniela Pinheiro, Eliane Brum, João Moreira Salles, José Hamilton Ribeiro, Ricardo Kotscho e Zuenir Ventura. Como resultado, defendemos que o gênero aqui posto como tema de pesquisa é cultivado por um seleto grupo de profissionais, capazes de direcionar olhares sensíveis sobre a realidade, para dela extrair detalhes e enredos que toquem nos sentimentos dos leitores, divertindo-os, ao propiciar gratificação estética, em contraponto à alienação que se costuma presumir. Trata-se de produção dependente de criatividade e curiosidade, de talento para redigir textos agradáveis e de métodos de apuração e de escrita altamente subjetivos, mas que aparecem como questão bem resolvida no agir profissional desses sujeitos. Essa capacidade também é que os possibilita conquistar espaço, em meio a embates com editores e diretores de redação, para elaborar matérias em que a autoria se sobressai. Por fim, a função de divertir, atribuída ao gênero, é confirmada pelos profissionais, ainda que de modo implícito.
This thesis is a study of three techniques to improve performance of some standard fore-casting models, application to the energy demand and prices. We focus on forecasting demand and price one-day ahead. First, the wavelet transform was used as a pre-processing procedure with two approaches: multicomponent-forecasts and direct-forecasts. We have empirically compared these approaches and found that the former consistently outperformed the latter. Second, adaptive models were introduced to continuously update model parameters in the testing period by combining ?lters with standard forecasting methods. Among these adaptive models, the adaptive LR-GARCH model was proposed for the fi?rst time in the thesis. Third, with regard to noise distributions of the dependent variables in the forecasting models, we used either Gaussian or Student-t distributions. This thesis proposed a novel algorithm to infer parameters of Student-t noise models. The method is an extension of earlier work for models that are linear in parameters to the non-linear multilayer perceptron. Therefore, the proposed method broadens the range of models that can use a Student-t noise distribution. Because these techniques cannot stand alone, they must be combined with prediction models to improve their performance. We combined these techniques with some standard forecasting models: multilayer perceptron, radial basis functions, linear regression, and linear regression with GARCH. These techniques and forecasting models were applied to two datasets from the UK energy markets: daily electricity demand (which is stationary) and gas forward prices (non-stationary). The results showed that these techniques provided good improvement to prediction performance.
The introduction of single crystal casting techniques has led to the development of existing nickel-base superalloys to produce materials with optimum mechanical properties in the single crystal condition. As single crystals are known to be anisotropic, a study is needed to determine the general mechanical properties of these materials, and determine the effects of crystal orientation upon them. A study has been carried out to identify the effect of orientation and temperature on the creep and fatigue properties of a development single crystal superalloy, SRR 99. Creep testing and crystal rotation experiments have been made on SRR 99 and an earlier development alloy, SRR 9. Fatigue experiments at elevated temperatures have been carried out on both notched and un-notched specimens of alloy SRR 99. To aid in this analysis, several analytical techniques have been employed including Laue x-ray orientation analysis, measurement of strain by photographic methods and microstructural examination. Crystal rotation experiments have indicated that shear of 1 precipitates by lbrace111rbrace< 112> slip systems is operative during primary creep deformation at temperatures of 750oC and 850oC. The effect of orientation variation obtained by standard casting practices was not found to be significant. Creep rupture was found to be associated with multiple crack initiation from micropores. Fatigue crack initiation in un-notched specimens was found to be related to microporosity and microstructural defects. Failure was predominantly by crystallographic crack growth on lbrace111rbrace planes. The use of linear elastic fracture mechanics to describe fatigue crack propagation in alloy SRR 99 was found to be acceptable at temperatures up to 850oC. Variation of temperature, frequency and crystal orientation was found to have only moderate effect upon crack propagation rates.
Water-based latices, used in the production of internal liners for beer/beverage cans, were investigated using a number of analytical techniques. The epoxy-graft-acrylic polymers, used to prepare the latices, and films, produced from those latices, were also examined. It was confirmed that acrylic polymer preferentially grafts onto higher molecular weight portions of the epoxy polymer. The amount of epoxy remaining ungrafted was determined to be 80%. This figure is higher than was previously thought. Molecular weight distribution studies were carried out on the epoxy and epoxy-g-acrylic resins. A quantitative method for determining copolymer composition using GPC was evaluated. The GPC method was also used to determine polymer composition as a function of molecular weight. IR spectroscopy was used to determine the total level of acrylic modification of the polymers and NMR was used to determine the level of grafting. Particle size determinations were carried out using transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. Levels of stabilising amine greatly affected the viscosity of the latex, particle size and amount of soluble polymer but the core particle size, as determined using TEM, was unaffected. NMR spectra of the latices produced spectra only from solvents and amine modifiers. Using solid-state CP/MAS/freezing techniques spectra from the epoxy component could be observed. FT-IR spectra of the latices were obtained after special subtraction of water. The only difference between the spectra of the latices and those of the dry film were due to the presence of the solvents in the former. A distinctive morphology in the films produced from the latices was observed. This suggested that the micelle structure of the latex survives the film forming process. If insufficient acrylic is present, large epoxy domains are produced which gives rise to poor film characteristics. Casting the polymers from organic solutions failed to produce similar morphology.
The principal aim of this work was to determine the role of non-metallic inclusions in the process of hydrogen stepwise cracking (SWC). Additionally, the influence of inclusions upon the notch ductility of hydrogen charged (HC) and uncharged (UN) tensile specimens was examined. To obtain a basis for experiment a series of low carbon-manganese steels were prepared by induction melting. In order to produce variations in the composition, morphology, volume fraction, size and distribution of the inclusions the steel chemistry was adjusted prior to casting by additions of deoxidiser and Ca-Si injection. Sections of each ingot were hot rolled. Metallography, image analysis, mechanical tests and hydrogen SWC tests were then carried out. The volume fraction, morphology, and shape of inclusions influenced the tensile ductility of the steels. Marked anisotropy was found in the steels containing type II MnS inclusions at all rolling temperatures, whereas the fully Ca treated steel was isotropic. It was found that several inclusion parameters (projected length PL, mean free distance MFD, nearest-neighbour distance NND) correlated with fracture strain. An increase in inclusion volume fraction and/or the dimension of inclusions on a plane parallel to the plane of fracture led to a decrease in fracture strain. The inclusion parameters did not correlate with the fracture strains for the HC tensile specimens. However, large or clusters of inclusions acted as the principal sites for crack initiation. `Fisheyes' or areas of `flat' fracture were often found on these fracture surfaces. The criteria for SWC initiation was found to be either large inclusions or clusters of inclusions. As the PL of inclusions increased the probability of large SWCs occurring increased. SWC initiation at inclusions was believed to occur at a critical concentration of hydrogen. Factors which assisted the concentration of hydrogen at inclusions were discussed. None of the proposed mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement could be identified as the single cause of SWC.
Following a scene-setting introduction are detailed reviews of the relevant scientific principles, thermal analysis as a research tool and the development of the zinc-aluminium family of alloys. A recently introduced simultaneous thermal analyser, the STA 1500, its use for differential thermal analysis (DTA) being central to the investigation, is described, together with the sources of support information, chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, ingot cooling curves and fluidity spiral castings. The compositions of alloys tested were from the binary zinc-aluminium system, the ternary zinc-aluminium-silicon system at 30%, 50% and 70% aluminium levels, binary and ternary alloys with additions of copper and magnesium to simulate commercial alloys and five widely used commercial alloys. Each alloy was shotted to provide the smaller, 100mg, representative sample required for DTA. The STA 1500 was characterised and calibrated with commercially pure zinc, and an experimental procedure established for the determination of DTA heating curves at 10°C per minute and cooling curves at 2°C per minute. Phase change temperatures were taken from DTA traces, most importantly, liquidus from a cooling curve and solidus from both heating and cooling curves. The accepted zinc-aluminium binary phase diagram was endorsed with the added detail that the eutectic is at 5.2% aluminium rather than 5.0%. The ternary eutectic trough was found to run through the points, 70% Al, 7.1% Si, 545°C; 50% Al, 3.9% Si, 520°C; 30% Al, 1.4% Si, 482°C. The dendrite arm spacing in samples after DTA increased with increasing aluminium content from 130m at 30% to 220m at 70%. The smallest dendrite arm spacing of 60m was in the 30% aluminium 2% silicon alloy. A 1kg ingot of the 10% aluminium binary alloy, insulated with Kaowool, solidified at the same 2°C per minute rate as the DTA samples. A similar sized sand casting was solidified at 3°C per minute and a chill casting at 27°C per minute. During metallographic examination the following features were observed: heavily cored phase which decomposed into ' and '' on cooling; needles of the intermetallic phase FeAl4; copper containing ternary eutectic and copper rich T phase.
This thesis deals with the problems associated with the planning and control of production, with particular reference to a small aluminium die casting company. The main problem areas were identified as: (a) A need to be able to forecast the customers demands upon the company's facilities. (b) A need to produce a manufacturing programme in which the output of the foundry (or die casting section) was balanced with the available capacity in the machine shop. (c) The need to ensure that the resultant system enabled the company's operating budget to have a reasonable chance of being achieved. At the commencement of the research work the major customers were members of the automobile industry and had their own system of forecasting, from which they issued manufacturing schedules to their component suppliers, The errors in the forecast were analysed and the distributions noted. Using these distributions the customer's forecast was capable of being modified to enable his final demand to be met with a known degree of confidence. Before a manufacturing programme could be developed the actual manufacturing system had to be reviewed and it was found that as with many small companies there was a remarkable lack of formal control and written data. Relevant data with regards to the component and the manufacturing process had therefore to be collected and analysed. The foundry process was fixed but the secondary machining operations were analysed by a technique similar to Component Flow Analysis and as a result the machines were arranged in a series of flow lines. A system of manual production control was proposed and for comparison, a local computer bureau was approached and a system proposed incorporating the production of additional management information. These systems are compared and the relative merits discussed and a proposal made for implementation.
A range of plain carbon, carbon-manganese and low alloy cast steels were tested in order to determine their various fracture toughness values under elastic and elastic-plastic conditions. The main fracture toughness parameters which are considered are (1) Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM), (2) the J-Contour Integral, and (3) Crack Opening Displacement (COD). Results are obtained from fracture toughness specimens of various dimensions and the relevance of the validity criteria to cast steels is considered in some detail. In addition, the effect of casting position on specimen toughness values was noted. Valid KIC results according to LEFM, were obtained for three of the eight cast steels tested. Although KIC values from LEFM were not obtained from the remaining five steels, critical COD and J-integral values were determined. It is postulated that these values and particularly the critical J values can be used, with confidence for material selection or in defect tolerance calculations using these steels. Toughness values were found to vary with casting position in several of the steels tested and the possible reasons for such variations are discussed in the Thesis.
Previously, specifications for mechanical properties of casting alloys were based on separately cast test bars. This practice provided consistently reproducible results; thus, any change in conditions was reflected in changes in the mechanical properties of the test coupons. These test specimens, however, did not necessarily reflect the actual mechanical properties of the castings they were supposed to represent'. Factors such as section thickness and casting configuration affect the solidification rate and soundness of the casting thereby raising or lowering its mechanical properties in comparison with separately cast test specimens. In the work now reported, casting shapes were developed to investigate the variations of section thickness, chemical analysis and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of a high strength Aluminium alloy under varying chilling conditions. In addition, an insight was sought into the behaviour of chills under more practical conditions. Finally, it was demonstrated that additional information could be derived from the radiographs which form an essential part of the quality control of premium quality castings. As a result of the work, it is now possible to select analysis and chilling conditions to optimize the as cast and the heat treated mechanical properties of Aluminum 7% Silicon 0.3% Magnesium alloy.
The damping behaviour of the cold chamber pressure-die-casting alloy: M3, ZA8, ZA27, ZM11, Cosmal, Supercosmal and newly developed ZA27H1 and ZA27H2 was investigated at room temperature and elevated temperatures of up to 90 degrees C. The damping properties of the alloys were established at all temperatures. Formulas were established to predict damping properties of each alloy at any given temperature. The prediction formulae were found to be very accurate. All of the experimental alloys were heterogenous with varying microstructure and grain size; this was the major contribution and dominated the damping properties of the alloys. Super cosmal and ZA27 possessed the highest tensile strength but ZA27H1, ZA27H2 and ZM11 showed the highest damping properties. The relationship between microstructure and damping capacity of all alloys was also examined using back-scattered electron on the SEM. Further more detailed examinations of the microstructures of alloys ZM11, Cosmal and Supercosmal were carried out on the transmission electron microscope in order to establish the phases present in all alloys. These helped to obtain the mechanism of damping in the experimental alloys. The main damping mechanism in most of the experimental alloys was due to grain-boundary-sliding. Micro structural examinations also revealed the absence of -phase in the Cosmal and Supercosmal. This was thought to be due to a change in solid solubility of the alloys, which could have been caused by the addition of Si.
Two zinc-based alloys of high aluminium content, Super Cosmal alloy containing 60% Al, 6% Si, 1% Cu, 0.3% Mn and HAZCA alloy containing 60% Al, 8% Si, 2% Cu, 0.06% Mg were produced by sand casting. Foundry characteristics in particular, fluidity, mode of solidification and feeding ability were examined. Metallographic analysis of structures was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy and their mechanical properties were determined using standard techniques. Dry wear characteristics were determined using a pin-on-disc test, and boundary-lubricated wear was studied using full bearing tests. Results from casting experiments were evaluated and compared with the behaviour of a standard ZA-27 alloy and those from tribological tests with both ZA-27 alloy and a leaded tin-bronze (SAE660) under the same testing conditions. The presence of silicon was beneficial, reducing the temperature range of solidification, improving feeding efficiency and reducing gravity segregation of phases. Use of chills and melt degassing was found necessary to achieve soundness and enhanced mechanical properties. Dry wear tests were performed against a steel counterface for sliding speeds of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2 m/s and for a range of loads up to 15 kgf. The high aluminium alloys showed wear rates as low as those of ZA-27 at speeds of 0.25 and 0.5 m/s for the whole range of applied loads. ZA-27 performed better at higher speeds. The build up of a surface film on the wearing surface of the test pins was found to be responsible for the mild type of wear of the zinc based alloys. The constitution of the surface film was determined as a complex mixture of aluminium, zinc and iron oxides and metallic elements derived from both sliding materials. For full bearing tests, bushes were machined from sand cast bars and were tested against a steel shaft in the presence of a light spindle oil as the lubricant. Results showed that all zinc based alloys run-in more rapidly than bronze, and that wear in Super Cosmal and HAZCA alloys after prolonged running were similar to those in ZA-27 bearings and significantly smaller than those of the bronze.
Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with the aminoglycoside antibiotic, gentamicin sulphate (GS) using the precipitation casting technique by suspension of powder in the PCL solution prior to casting. Improvements in drug loading from 1.8% to 6.7% w/w and distribution in the matrices were obtained by pre-cooling the suspension to 4°C. Gradual release of approximately 80% of the GS content occurred over 11 weeks in PBS at 37°C and low amounts of antibiotic were measured up to 20 weeks. The kinetics of release could be described effectively by the Higuchi model with the diffusion rate constant (D) increasing from of 1.7 to 5.1 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 1.4% to 8.3% w/w. GS-loaded PCL matrices retained anti-bacterial activity after immersion in PBS at 37°C over 14 days as demonstrated by inhibition of growth of S. epidermidis in culture. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of hydrophilic molecules such as anti-bacterial agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Every year production volume of castings grows, especially grows production volume of non-ferrous metals, thanks to aluminium. As a result, requirements to castings quality also increase. Foundry men from all over the world put all their efforts to manage the problem of casting defects. In this article the authors present an approach based on the use of cognitive models that help to visualize inner cause-and-effect relations leading to casting defects in the foundry process. The cognitive models mentioned comprise a diverse network of factors and their relations, which together thoroughly describe all the details of the foundry process and their influence on the appearance of castings’ defects and other aspects.. Moreover, the article contains an example of a simple die casting model and results of simulation. Implementation of the proposed method will help foundry men reveal the mechanism and the main reasons of casting defects formation.