918 resultados para Castaldi, Francesca: Choreographies of African identities


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Studies from a wide diversity of taxa have shown a negative relationship between genetic compatibility and the divergence time of hybridizing genomes. Theory predicts the main breakdown of fitness to happen after the F1 hybrid generation, when heterosis subsides and recessive allelic (Dobzhansky-Muller) incompatibilities are increasingly unmasked. We measured the fitness of F2 hybrids of African haplochromine cichlid fish bred from species pairs spanning several thousand to several million years divergence time. F2 hybrids consistently showed the lowest viability compared to F1 hybrids and non-hybrid crosses (crosses within the grandparental species), in agreement with hybrid breakdown. Especially the short- and long-term survival (2 weeks to 6 months) of F2 hybrids was significantly reduced. Overall, F2 hybrids showed a fitness reduction of 21% compared to F1 hybrids, and a reduction of 43% compared to the grandparental, non-hybrid crosses. We further observed a decrease of F2 hybrid viability with the genetic distance between grandparental lineages, suggesting an important role for negative epistatic interactions in cichlid fish postzygotic isolation. The estimated time window for successful production of F2 hybrids resulting from our data is consistent with the estimated divergence time between the multiple ancestral lineages that presumably hybridized in three major adaptive radiations of African cichlids.


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A new hierarchy of "exact" unification types is introduced, motivated by the study of admissible rules for equational classes and non-classical logics. In this setting, unifiers of identities in an equational class are preordered, not by instantiation, but rather by inclusion over the corresponding sets of unified identities. Minimal complete sets of unifiers under this new preordering always have a smaller or equal cardinality than those provided by the standard instantiation preordering, and in significant cases a dramatic reduction may be observed. In particular, the classes of distributive lattices, idempotent semigroups, and MV-algebras, which all have nullary unification type, have unitary or finitary exact type. These results are obtained via an algebraic interpretation of exact unification, inspired by Ghilardi's algebraic approach to equational unification.


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It is a well-documented fact that the Middle Ages have had a long history of instrumentalisation by nationalisms. 19th-century Eu¬rope in particular witnessed an origins craze during the process of nation-building. In the post-Shoah, post-modern West, on the other hand, we might expect this kind of medievalist master nar¬rative to have been consigned to the dustbin of history. And yet, as nationalism surges again in Europe, negotiations of national identi¬ties in medieval dress seem to have become fashionable once more. In order to come to terms with the fragmented and often contradictory presence of the Middle Ages in these discourses of national identity, I propose we consider medievalism a utilitarian product of the cultural memory. Rather than representing any ‘real’ Middle Ages, then, medievalism tailors available knowledge of the medieval past to the diverse social needs and ideologies of the present. This paper looks at a selection of Scottish examples of present-day medievalism in an attempt to investigate, in particular, the place of the medieval Wars of Scottish Independence in contemporary negotiations of ‘Scottishness’. Both the relationships envisioned between self and other and the role played by ‘the land’ in these cultural, social and political instances of national introspection offer starting points for critical inquiry. Moreover, the analysis of a scholarly intervention in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum indicates an intriguing dialogue of academic and non-academic voices in the context of Scottish medievalist cultural memory. We thus find a wide array of uses of the Scottish Middle Ages, some of which feed into the burgeoning nationalism of recent years, while others offer more pensive and ambivalent answers to the question of what it means to be Scottish in the 21st century.


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Following up genetic linkage studies to identify the underlying susceptibility gene(s) for complex disease traits is an arduous yet biologically and clinically important task. Complex traits, such as hypertension, are considered polygenic with many genes influencing risk, each with small effects. Chromosome 2 has been consistently identified as a genomic region with genetic linkage evidence suggesting that one or more loci contribute to blood pressure levels and hypertension status. Using combined positional candidate gene methods, the Family Blood Pressure Program has concentrated efforts in investigating this region of chromosome 2 in an effort to identify underlying candidate hypertension susceptibility gene(s). Initial informatics efforts identified the boundaries of the region and the known genes within it. A total of 82 polymorphic sites in eight positional candidate genes were genotyped in a large hypothesis-generating sample consisting of 1640 African Americans, 1339 whites, and 1616 Mexican Americans. To adjust for multiple comparisons, resampling-based false discovery adjustment was applied, extending traditional resampling methods to sibship samples. Following this adjustment for multiple comparisons, SLC4A5, a sodium bicarbonate transporter, was identified as a primary candidate gene for hypertension. Polymorphisms in SLC4A5 were subsequently genotyped and analyzed for validation in two populations of African Americans (N = 461; N = 778) and two of whites (N = 550; N = 967). Again, SNPs within SLC4A5 were significantly associated with blood pressure levels and hypertension status. While not identifying a single causal DNA sequence variation that is significantly associated with blood pressure levels and hypertension status across all samples, the results further implicate SLC4A5 as a candidate hypertension susceptibility gene, validating previous evidence for one or more genes on chromosome 2 that influence hypertension related phenotypes in the population-at-large. The methodology and results reported provide a case study of one approach for following up the results of genetic linkage analyses to identify genes influencing complex traits. ^


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This report documents the results of a an 11-city paired testing study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development of housing discrimination against Asian- Americans and Pacific Islanders. The study shows that one out of every five Asians and Pacific Islanders attempting to buy or rent a home are discriminated against, a rate similar to that of African Americans and Hispanics.


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Background. Racial disparities in healthcare span such areas as access, outcomes after procedures, and patient satisfaction. Previous work suggested that minorities experience less healthcare and worse survival rates. In adult orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) mixed results have been reported, with some showing African-American recipients having poor survival compared to Caucasians, and others finding no such discrepancy. ^ Purpose. This study’s purpose was to analyze the most recent United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data, both before and after the implementation of the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)/Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD) scoring system, to determine if minority racial groups still experience poor outcomes after OLT. ^ Methods. The UNOS dataset for 1992-2001 (Era I) and 2002-2007 (Era II) was used. Patient survival rates for each Era and for adult and pediatric recipients were analyzed with adjustment. A separate multivariate analysis was performed on African-American adult patients in Era II in order to identify unique predictors for poor patient survival. ^ Results. The overall study included 66,118 OLT recipients. The majority were Caucasian (78%), followed by Hispanics (13%) and African-Americans (9%). Hispanic and African-American adults were more likely to be female, have Hepatitis C, to be in the intensive care unit (ICU) or ventilated at time of OLT, to have a MELD score ≥23, to have a lower education level, and to have public insurance when compared to Caucasian adults (all p-values < 0.05). Hispanic and African-American pediatric recipients were more likely have public insurance and less likely to receive a living donor OLT than were Caucasian pediatric OLT recipients (p <0.05). There was no difference in the likelihood of having a PELD score ≥21 among racial groups (p >0.40). African-American adults in Era I and Era II had worse patient survival rates than both Caucasians and Hispanic (pair-wise p-values <0.05). This same disparity was seen for pediatric recipients in Era I, but not in Era II. Multivariate analysis of African-American recipients revealed no unique predictors of patient death. ^ Conclusions. African-American race is still a predictor of poor outcome after adult OLT, even after adjustment for multiple clinical, demographic, and liver disease severity variables. Although African-American and Hispanic subgroups share many characteristics previously thought to increase risk of post-OLT death, only African-American patients have poor survival rates when compared to Caucasians. ^


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African-Americans make up twelve percent of the United States population, yet they experience morbidity and mortality at a rate that, in some cases, is disproportionate to their numbers. There are numerous health areas, including cancer, in which disparities exist. There are also numerous reasons which have been suggested to explain the high rates of cancer morbidity and mortality experienced by African-Americans. Among the reasons given to explain these differences are lack of knowledge and lack of access to medical care (1). This study sought to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions of African-American women attending a Baptist church in Houston with regard to cervical cancer, breast cancer, Pap smear, and mammography. It was hypothesized that a church-based cancer education program would produce the desired change in knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions.^ The quasi-experimental design of the study was untreated control group with pretest and posttest and untreated control group with posttest only. Female members of Mount Ararat Baptist Church took part in an eight-week, cancer education program based on social cognitive theory. Baseline data were collected before the start of the program at Mount Ararat and at Solid Rock Baptist Church, control group one. At the end of the program, the follow-up survey was administered at the program church, control church one, and in a third church, Damascus Missionary Baptist Church, which served as the posttest only group. The data were analyzed by Fisher's exact and paired t-test to determine if the program supported the project's hypotheses.^ Results of data analyses supported the major study hypotheses, the exception being behavioral intention to have Pap smear performed. Although the program appeared to have generally influenced changes in the desired direction, the results are limited due to the quasi-experimental design and small sample size. Longer term studies with larger sample sizes are needed to more fully develop and evaluate programs which impact the health of African-Americans. ^


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Introduction. Distant metastasis remains the leading cause of death among prostate cancer patients. Several genetic susceptibility loci associated with Prostate cancer have been identified by the Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). To date, few studies have explored the ability of these SNPs to identify metastatic prostate cancer. Based on the identification of genetic variants as predictors of aggressive disease, a case comparison study of prostate cancer patients was designed to explore the association of 96 GWAS single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with metastatic disease. ^ Method. 1242 histologically confirmed prostate cancer patients, with and without metastatic disease, were enrolled into the study. Data were collected from personal interviews, hospital database and abstraction of medical records. Ninety six SNPs identified from GWAS studies based on their associations with prostate cancer risk were genotyped in the study population. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to explore the relationships of the variants with metastatic prostate cancer in Whites and African American men. ^ Results. Four SNPs showed independent associations with metastatic prostate cancer (rs721048 in EHBP1 (2p15), rs3025039 in VEGF (6p12), rs11228565 in Intergenic(11q13.2) and rs2735839 in KLK3(19q13.33)) in the White population. For SNP rs2735839 in KLK3, genotype GA was 1.71 times as likely to be associated with metastatic prostate cancer diagnosis as genotype AA after adjusting for other significant SNPs and covariates (95% CI, 1.12-2.60; p=0.012). In men of African descent, three SNPs: rs1512268 in NKX3-1(8p21.2), rs12155172 in intergenic (7p15.3) & rs10486567 in JAZF1 (7p15.2) were positively associated with metastatic disease in the multivariate analysis. The strongest SNP was rs1512268 heterozygous genotype AG in NKX3-1(8p21.2) which was associated with 3.97-fold increased risk of metastatic prostate cancer diagnosis (95% CI, 1.69-9.34; p =0.002). ^ Conclusion. Genetic variants associated with metastatic prostate cancer were different in Whites and African American men. Given the high mortality rate recorded in men diagnosed with metastatic prostate tumor, further studies are needed to validate associations and establish their clinical application.^


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BACKGROUND: Weight has been implicated as a risk factor for symptomatic community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (CA-MRSA). Information from Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston, TX was used to implement a case-control study to assess weight-for-age percentile (WFA), race and seasonal exposure as risk factors. ^ METHODS: A retrospective chart review to collect data from TCH was conducted covering the time period January 1st, 2008 to May 31st, 2011. Cases were confirmed and identified by the infectious disease department and were matched on a 1:1 ratio to controls that were seen by the emergency department for non-infected fractures from June 1st, 2008 to May 31st, 2011. Data abstraction was performed using TCH's electronic medical records (EMR) system (EPIC ®). ^ RESULTS: Of 702 CA-MRSA identified cases, ages 9 to 16.99, 564 (80.3%) had the variable `weight' present in their EMR, were not duplicates and not determined to be outliers. Cases were randomly matched to a pool of available controls (n=1864) according to age and gender, yielding 539 1:1 matched pairs (95.5% case matching success) with a total study sample size, N=1078. Case median age was 13.38 years with the majority being White (66.05%) and male (59.4%). Adjusted conditional logistic regression analysis of the matched pairs identified the following risk factors to presenting with CA-MRSA infection among pediatric patients, ages 9 to 16.99 years: a) Individual weight in the highest (75th-99.9th) WFA quartile (OR=1.36; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.06-1.74; P= 0.016), b) Infection during summer months (OR: 1.69; 95% CI=1.2-2.38; P= 0.003), c) patients of African American race/ethnicity (OR= 1.48; 95% CI=1.13-1.95; P= 0.004). ^ CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric patients, 9 to 16.99 years of age, in the highest WFA quartile (75th-99.9th), or of African-American race had an associated increased risk of presenting with CA-MRSA infection. Furthermore, children in this population were at a higher risk of contracting CA-MRSA infection during the summer season.^


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Adherence to HIV/AIDS therapies has been an important health problem since the early 1980s when AZT was first prescribed as a therapy for HIV/AIDS. It became particularly important between 1995 and 1997 with the advent of protease inhibitors (Chesney, Ickovics, Hecht, Sikipa, & Rabkin J., 1999) and became even more significant as persons with HIV/AIDS began to develop resistance to medications. Low-literacy populations have poorer health (Brez & Taylor, 1997) and higher AIDS rates (Simon, Hu, Diaz, & Kerndt, 1995), than their higher literacy counterparts due to delayed treatment (Baker, Parker, Williams, Clark, & Nurss, 1997), shame of literacy skills (Parikh, 1996), and poor access to care (Williams, et al., 1995). Poorer health and higher AIDS rates can also be attributed to poor patient-provider relationships (Crespo-Fierro, 1997; Eldred, Wu, Chaisson, & Moore, 1998) to a poorer understanding of medical protocols (Murphy, 1997), and inadequate patient education (Ungvarski, 1997; Davis, Michielutte, Askov, Williams, & Weiss, 1998, Doak, Doak, & Root, 1996). ^ The ALP intervention was developed for HIV positive low-literacy populations of African American women in Houston, Texas. The intervention was based on a needs assessment, using the PRECEDE model, an innovative process referred to as Intervention Mapping, and validated using formative evaluation methods with 54 individuals. The needs assessment resulted in a list of behavioral, environmental, predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing determinants of adherence. The Intervention Mapping framework was used to refine these determinants and develop a list of objectives describing what must be learned or changed to for the target population to adhere to HIV/AIDS therapies. Methods and strategies, were developed using theoretical constructs from the Health Belief Model (Rosenstock, 1974) and Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986). These theories, empirical evidence, and information from the target population indicated that perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, outcome expectations, and self-efficacy were important and changeable determinants of adherence to HIV/AIDS therapies for this population. ^ These components were brought together in the form of a theory-based color cartoon book and 10-minute cassette tape. The book was developed for people with 2.9 years of U.S. education as measured with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level method and the script was recorded onto a cassette tape to make it suitable for populations with even lower-literacy skills. A formative evaluation was conducted to ensure that the content and structure were accurate, clear, realistic, readable, appropriate, and likely to be used as intended. ^


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Para entender el surgimiento de los llamados nuevos movimientos sociales partiremos del estudio de la posmodernidad. La crisis de los modelos totalizantes de liberación, de los grandes relatos, y de los cambios en la cultura posmoderna, han permitido el advenimiento de identidades locales y grupos fragmentarios de identificación societaria.


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Tal como lo han analizado autores contemporáneos como E. Grüner, E. Lander y A. Mbembe, la forma que adopta el pensamiento occidental es binaria, es decir que se encuentra constituida por dos categorías exclusivas y excluyentes, por pares antagónicos, por polos opuestos. Binaria asimismo es la construcción de las identidades en Occidente, sean éstas identidades de género, de clase, étnicas o políticas. En el presente trabajo nos concentraremos en las teorizaciones de algunos autores del pensamiento poscolonial que, al cruzar las dimensiones ontológica, epistemológica y política de las cosmovisiones y de las identidades, aportaron elementos para la deconstrucción de este binarismo. H. Bhabha, R. Segato, R. Paiva y G. Anzaldúa delinearon, a nuestro entender, posibles salidas a esta cosmovisión identitaria, muy especialmente a través de sus conceptos clave de 'hibridez', pluricultura', 'paridad' y 'mestizaje'.


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Este proyecto de investigación se propone, en términos generales, entender cómo interviene el sistema de medios sobre los modos de producción de la discursividad política en un espacio público mediatizado. Puntualmente, interesa analizar las condiciones que la televisión -concebida en su triple condición de medio, institución y dispositivo tecnológico- impone a la construcción y gestión de identidades colectivas durante el denominado "conflicto del campo" en Argentina, entre Marzo y Julio de 2008. Entendemos que la mediatización es una dimensión misma del conflicto, y no un añadido impropio. En este sentido, nos preguntamos por el vínculo entre la lógica del discurso político y la lógica del discurso mediático cuando se trata de producir o gestionar entidades del imaginario político (colectivos de identificación, meta-colectivos, meta-colectivos singulares, etc.), y por las estrategias específicas, implicadas en cada lógica, para vincular lo individual (el lugar del líder, del representante, del periodista o del ciudadano) y lo colectivo (ya que ninguno de ellos puede evitar gestionar, en su discurso, el contacto con las identidades colectivas en pugna).


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Argentina, desde mediados de la década de los noventa se fue convirtiendo en escenario para movilizaciones y acciones colectivas de protesta, entre las cuales se ubicaron los movimientos de trabajadores desocupados. La relevancia de estos sucesos despertó atracción en el campo científico el cual viene desarrollando investigaciones vinculadas a la historia, las condiciones de emergencia del nuevo actor colectivo (los piqueteros) y las (re)definiciones en el juego de fuerzas que supuso su ingreso en la política nacional. No obstante, en el transcurso de los últimos años están aconteciendo ciertos procesos de cambio en el escenario político nacional que generan transformaciones dentro de las organizaciones de desocupados así como, también, abren nuevas articulaciones y (re)definiciones de sus proyectos políticos con consecuencias sustanciales en la dimensión identitaria y en el accionar militante. Por tanto, el proyecto busca analizar representaciones y prácticas políticas de los militantes de organizaciones de desocupados con el propósito de indagar en la constitución de "identidades militantes". Para ello se propone reconstruir, desde la perspectiva de los militantes, los sentidos colectivos, lógicas de acción e interacciones presentes en la constitución de los proyectos políticos de las agrupaciones políticas: MTD- Evita y MTD- Aníbal Verón de Gran La Plata.


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En esta tesis se aborda la historia de la lectura en la escuela primaria argentina en el contexto de la construcción de identidades nacionales entre 1900 y 1940. Para esto, partimos de un análisis de las políticas educativas que se implementaron durante ese período, en tanto marco sociohistórico, para luego abocarnos a un relevamiento exhaustivo de las prácticas de lectura concretas que se llevaron a cabo en las aulas. En esta tesis, entonces, nos ocupamos de relevar en múltiples fuentes los discursos y representaciones sobre la lectura Iiteraria en la escuela desde la perspectiva de funcionarios, pedagogos, docentes y lectores alumnos; el lugar de los dispositivos didácticos en la formación de los lectores en edad escolar y la diversidad de géneros de libros de lectura de acuerdo a los objetivos didácticos. Por otro lado, también nos ocupamos de indagar cuales fueron los modos de leer y practicas de lectura habituales en la escuela y cómo se fue constituyendo el canon de textos Iiterarios que ingresaba en el circuito escolar. En este sentido, tomamos como caso testigo el episodio de censura y traducción cultural a los códigos argentinos de la novela Corazón de Edmundo De Amicis que fue retirada del circuito escolar durante la gestión de Ramos Mejia al frente del Consejo Nacional de Educación por considerar que era una amenaza a la nacionalización cultural y lingüística y fue sustituida por traducciones culturales argentinas. Para esto, analizamos la polémica en tomo a la inclusión de la novela como lectura escolar; las practicas de lectura, apropiaciones y propuestas didácticas en torno al texto y, por ultimo, hacemos un análisis descriptivo comparativo de los textos de las traducciones culturales. Nuestra investigación se enmarca en una perspectiva transdisciplinar y se establecen relaciones con dimensiones políticas, pedagógicas, culturales, sociales e históricas. Para ello fue necesario crear un aparato metodológico cualitativo que diera cuenta de la multiplicidad de fuentes, va sea par el formato -escritas, orales e icónicas- o por el origen -de la burocracia escolar, textos de sistematización didáctica, narrativas de la practica, artículos de revistas pedagógicas y escolares, libros de lectura, etc-. Estas fuentes son analizadas desde una perspectiva textual pero, fundamentalmente, desde una mirada sociocultural que permite acercamos alas micropolíticas escolares, a la vida cotidiana y a aspectos del contexto sociohistórico. En este sentido, nuestra tesis propone dar cuenta de un espacio vacante en la investigación realizada hasta el momento dando cuenta del lugar del lector y su formación como ciudadano argentino a partir de las practicas de lectura escolares; es decir, plantearnos la hipótesis de que durante el periodo estudiado uno de los mecanismos de nacionalización puestos en juego en la escuela fue la utilización del discurso literario y sus practicas de lectura en pos de la argentinización. Además, plantearnos que a pesar de los mecanismos, rituales y modos de intervención del Estado para la nacionalización, los lectores alumnos y los maestros se apropiaron de la literatura desde sus propias experiencias socioculturales, resistiendo al discurso hegemónico