877 resultados para Cardiac abnormalities


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A leptospirose apresenta alta prevalência em nossa região. É uma doença infecciosa, multissistêmica, que acomete vários órgãos e o envolvimento cardíaco é freqüente, constituindo atualmente uma das principais causas de morte dos portadores desta afecção. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento clínico-epidemiológico, eletrocardiográfico e radiológico do tórax de pacientes com diagnóstico clínico-epidemiológico, eletrocardiográfico e radiológico do tórax de pacientes em diagnóstico clínico-epidemiológico de leptospirose na fase aguda e em ambiente hospitalar. Para este propósito, foi realizado um estudo transversal com 41 pacientes, seis do sexo feminino e 35 do sexo masculino, com idades entre 15 e 78 anos, internados no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, no período de fevereiro de 2002 a junho de 2003. Os participantes do estudo submeteram-se à anamnese e exame clínico, com ênfase ao aparelho cardiovascular, realizaram de um a três eletrocardiogramas, uma radiografia do tórax e exames laboratoriais de rotina. Analisando-se os achados clínicos, 37 (90,2 %) apresentaram sinais e sintomas compatíveis com envolvimento miocárdico. As anormalidades eletrocardiográficas ocorreram em 20 casos, correspondendo a 48,7 % do total. O nível médio de potássio foi de 3,8 meq/l. A maioria das alterações foram reversíveis e, a principal, correspondeu ao supradesnivelamento de segmento ST, sem diferença estatística significante (p>0,05) entre elas. Nos 37 enfermos que apresentaram sintomas e sinais sugestivos de comprometimento cardíaco, não houve diferença estatística significativa (p> 0,05) entre os eletrocardiogramas normais e os alterados. Em apenas oito indivíduos houve anormalidades radiológicas (19,5 %), sendo que o aumento discreto do ventrículo esquerdo com infiltrado intersticial nas bases pulmonares foi o principal achado, com diferença estatística significante (p<0,05) entre outros tipos de infiltrados pulmonares. Portanto, neste estudo, os principais achados clínicos foram: hepatomegalia e dispnéia; eletrocardiográficos: supradesnível de segmento ST e taquicardia sinusal com reversão na maioria dos caos e radiológicos: aumento ventricular esquerdo discreto com infiltrado pulmonar nas bases.


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Pretendeu-se estabelecer os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos (ECG) para felinos selvagens da Amazônia - Panthera onca (onça pintada), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica), Leopardus wiedii (gato-maracajá) e Herpailurus yaguarondi (gato-mourisco). Dentre estes felinos, 17 animais pertenciam ao Parque Zoobotânico Dr. Adhemar Monteiro (Capitão Poço/PA) e 2 animais ao 2° Batalhão de Infantaria de Selva (Belém/PA). Embora, o exame eletrocardiográfico não cause dor aos animas, é necessária a realização de contenção química, visto que os animais são perigosos e estressados. Dessa forma, instaurou-se um protocolo de contenção química, visando evitar fugas, estresse excessivo e proteger a integridade física dos animais e do examinador/auxiliares. Antes de serem sedados os animais passaram por jejum alimentar de 24 horas e hídrico de 12 horas. Posteriormente, foram contidos quimicamente, através do uso associativo entre os anestésicos cloridrato de ketamina (10mg/Kg) e cloridrato de xilazina (1mg/Kg), utilizando dardos com auxílio de uma zarabatana ou aplicação intra-muscular após contenção física com puçá. Na realização do eletrocardiograma utilizou-se o mesmo protocolo usado para os animais domésticos. A média de batimentos cardíacos foram os seguintes: 90 bpm para jaguatiricas, 106 bpm gato-maracajá, 166 bpm gato-mourisco e 91 bpm onças pintadas. A maioria das espécies apresentaram ritmo sinusal normal. O eixo elétrico médio variou de 90° a 120°. Os complexos QRS foram predominantemente positivos em DI, DII, DIII e AVF, e negativos em AVR e AVL. As derivações pré-cordiais apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos esperados para o gato doméstico. Os parâmetros observados durantes este estudo, correlacionados com os animais domésticos, apresentaram algumas diferenças, que se devem em função das diferenças fisiológicas associadas ao maior tamanho corporal dos felinos selvagens. Este é um estudo pioneiro visando solucionar problemas com relação ao ECG de felinos selvagens da Amazônia. Portanto, investigações mais amplas sobre o mesmo tema são necessárias para estabelecer critérios a respeito de anormalidades nessas espécies, devendo incluir outras drogas anestésicas e relatórios para combinações de características eletrocardiográficas de animais com doença cardíaca e com distúrbios eletrolíticos.


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The frequency of spontaneous micronucleus (MN) formation in fish species needs to be determined to evaluate their usefulness for genotoxic biomonitoring. The definition of a good bioindicator takes into account the current knowledge of its metabolic traits as well as other factors including its feeding behavior and relationship to the environment. In this study, we compared the basal frequencies of micronucleated erythrocytes and nuclear abnormalities (NA) among different species of the fish Order Gymnotiformes (Rhamphichthys marmoratus, Steatogenys elegans, Sternopygus macrurus, Parapteronotus hasemani, Gymnotus mamiraua, Gymnotus arapaima, Brachyhypopomus beebei, Brachyhypopomus n. sp. BENN) sampled in several localities of the Eastern Amazon. A baseline of MN and NA frequency in these fish was determined, enabling the identification of potentially useful species as models for genotoxicity studies. Only one impacted sample collected at a site in the River Caripetuba showed a significant number of NAs, which may be due to the release of wastewater by neighbouring mining industries and by the burnt fuel released by the small boats used by a local community. Our results may provide support for further studies in areas of the Eastern Amazon affected by mining, deforestation and other anthropogenic activities.


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The frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and morphological nuclear abnormalities (NA) in erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), treated with 2 mg.L-1 methylmercury (MeHg), were analyzed. Two groups (nine specimens in each) were exposed to MeHg for different periods (group A - 24 h; group B - 120 h). A third group served as negative control (group C, untreated; n = 9). Although, when compared to the control group there were no significant differences in MN frequency in the treated groups, for NA, the differences between the frequencies of group B (treated for 120 h) and the control group were extremely significant (p < 0.02), thus demonstrating the potentially adverse effects of MeHg on C. macropomum erythrocytes after prolonged exposure.


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This paper describes the occurrence of cor triatriatum sinister, a rare cardiac malformation in dogs, associated with pulmonary edema and pulmonary hypertension in a 5-year-old Poodle female with history of acute dyspnea and cyanosis. The animal presented acute respiratory failure, heart failure with low cardiac output, progressing to acute tubular necrosis and death. The diagnosis was made posmortem due to the clinical instability of the dog. This malformation was diagnosed by the subdivision of the left atrium into two compartments separated by an abnormal fibromuscular membrane, absence of structural abnormalities of the mitral valve and thickening of pulmonary artery tunica media associated with renal tubular degeneration. The occurrence of cor triatriatum in dogs is most common in the right atrium, defined as cor triatriatum dexter. Additionally, pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with this malformation is described only in humans with this heart defect.


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B type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and its precursor, the inactive form of NT-pro-BNP, are currently the most studied laboratory parameters in the heart disease spectrum. The assessment of their blood concentrations provides invaluable information on the likelihood, severity and prognosis of the disease. The present review aims to describe the biological determinants, the factors that influence these peptide concentrations, the suggested cutoff values for the diagnosis of heart failure and the use of this biomarker in the assessment of cardiac function.


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OBJECTIVE: After acute myocardial infarction, during the cardiac repair phase, periostin is released into the infarct and activates signaling pathways that are essential for the reparative process. However, the role of periostin in chronic cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction remains to be elucidated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between tissue periostin and cardiac variables in the chronic cardiac remodeling induced by myocardial infarction. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were assigned to 2 groups: a simulated surgery group (SHAM; n = 8) and a myocardial infarction group (myocardial infarction; n = 13). After 3 months, morphological, functional and biochemical analyses were performed. The data are expressed as means±SD or medians (including the lower and upper quartiles). RESULTS: Myocardial infarctions induced increased left ventricular diastolic and systolic areas associated with a decreased fractional area change and a posterior wall shortening velocity. With regard to the extracellular matrix variables, the myocardial infarction group presented with higher values of periostin and types I and III collagen and higher interstitial collagen volume fractions and myocardial hydroxyproline concentrations. In addition, periostin was positively correlated with type III collagen levels (r = 0.673, p = 0.029) and diastolic (r = 0.678, p = 0.036) and systolic (r = 0.795, p = 0.006) left ventricular areas. Considering the relationship between periostin and the cardiac function variables, periostin was inversely correlated with both the fractional area change (r = -0.783, p = 0.008) and the posterior wall shortening velocity (r = -0.767, p = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Periostin might be a modulator of deleterious cardiac remodeling in the chronic phase after myocardial infarction in rats.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hearts of 30 dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi were evaluated histologically and immunohistochemically. Myocardial lesions were detected in all dogs, including lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis (27/30), myonecrosis (24/30), increased interstitial collagen (22/30), lepromatous-type granulomatous myocarditis (7/30), fibrinoid vascular change (3/30), and vasculitis (1/30). The parasite was detected in the hearts of 20 of 30 dogs. The number of parasitized cells correlated with the intensity of the inflammation and with the number of granulomas. The results indicate that cardiac lesions are prevalent in dogs with naturally occurring leishmaniasis even in the absence of clinical signs of cardiac disease.