1000 resultados para Caprinovinocultura Rio Grande do Norte


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A tartaruga-verde, Chelonia mydas, possui ampla distribuio geogrfica circuntropical, ocorrendo em toda zona costeira brasileira. A espcie est includa em diversas listas de animais ameaados de extino, sendo assim fundamental a elaborao de modelos demogrficos que possam vir a subsidiar futuros planos de manejo. Contudo, muitos aspectos referentes histria de vida destes animais ainda so pouco conhecidos, por serem animais marinhos de difcil observao, especialmente durante o perodo que despendem nas reas de alimentao e durante as grandes migraes. As tartarugas marinhas apresentam caractersticas, em seu ciclo de vida, que dificultam a realizao de estudos de marcao e recaptura, para determinao de parmetros importantes como crescimento e determinao de idade. Por esta razo, muitos estudos envolvendo determinao de idade utilizando linhas cclicas de crescimento presentes nos tecidos rgidos - esqueletocronologia, vm sendo acumulados para esta espcie. Muito pouco se sabe sobre quaisquer aspectos relacionados s etapas do ciclo de vida das tartarugas marinhas que habitam o litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, deste modo, este estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar a tcnica histolgica utilizada usualmente nas anlises de esqueletocronologia em tartarugas marinhas a fim de verificar a ocorrncia de crescimento cclico nos ossos e de se obter estimativas de idade para a populao local. As amostras so provenientes de tartarugas-verdes encalhadas no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul e coletadas, de forma sistemtica entre Torres e Mostardas, de maro de 1994 a setembro de 2003. Os 89 exemplares (35%) de tartarugas-verdes registrados indicam que a espcie a segunda em nmero de ocorrncias, sendo menos freqente apenas que Caretta caretta (54%). Foi verificada apenas a ocorrncia de exemplares juvenis (ccc = 29,0 a 52,0 cm, mdia = 38,9cm), que esto iniciando o perodo de desenvolvimento costeiro. A tcnica avaliada no apresentou os resultados esperados, necessitando de algumas modificaes metodolgicas. A partir da observao dos cortes histolgicos pde-se constatar a presena de linhas de crescimento sseo em apenas onze dos vinte e quatro indivduos que apresentaram resultados satisfatrios na preparao histolgica, indicando que a deposio das linhas pode ser varivel e dependente de fatores ambientais. Nos onze indivduos puderam ser distinguidas de uma a cinco linhas de crescimento, indicando uma idade entre 1 e 5 anos para o trmino da fase no ambiente pelgico. Com estes resultados obteve-se o primeiro registro da presena de linhas de crescimento sseo, assim como, a primeira estimativa de idade para a populao de Chelonia mydas no incio de sua fase de desenvolvimento costeiro no Brasil.


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Estuaries are environments prone to the input of chemical pollutants of various kinds and origins, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Anthropogenic PAHs may have two possible sources: pyrolytic (with four or more aromatic rings and low degree of alkylation) and petrogenic (with two and three aromatic rings and high degree of alkylation). This study aimed to evaluate the levels, distribution and possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the estuary of the Potengi river, Natal, Brazil. Samples of bottom sediments were collected in the final 12 km of the estuary until its mouth to the sea, where the urbanization of the Great Natal is more concentrated. Sampling was performed on 12 cross sections, with three stations each, totaling 36 samples, identified as T1 to T36. The non alkylated and alkylated PAHs were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC / MS). PAHs were detected in all 36 stations with total concentration on each varying 174-109407 ng g-1. These values are comparable to those of several estuarine regions worldwide with high anthropogenic influence, suggesting the record of diffuse contamination installed in the estuary. PAHs profiles were similar for most stations. In 32 of the 36 stations, low molecular weight PAHs (with 2 and 3 ring: naphthalene, phenanthrene and their alkylated homologues) prevailed, which ranged from 54% to 100% of the total PAH, indicating that leaks, spills and combustion fuels are the dominant source of PAH pollution in the estuary. The level of contamination by PAHs in most stations suggests that there is potential risk of occasional adverse biological effects, but in some stations adverse impacts on the biota may occur frequently. The diagnostic ratios could differentiate sources of PAHs in sediments of the estuary, which were divided into three groups: petrogenic, pyrolytic and mixing of sources. The urban concentration of the Great Natal and the various industrial activities associated with it can be blamed as potential sources of PAHs in bottom sediments of the estuary studied. The data presented highlight the need to control the causes of existing pollution in the estuary


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The Potengi river estuary is located in the region of Natal (RN, Brazil), comprising a population of approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants. Besides the dominant urban presence, the estuary has fragments of mangrove forest. The objective of this study is to determine the aliphatic hydrocarbons found in the bottom sediments of this estuary, identifying their levels, distribution and their possible origins through the diagnostic rates, indexes and results comparisons with the local anthropic and natural characteristics. The samples were obtained according to a plan that allowed sampling of the estuary up to 12 km upstream from it as mounth. 36 stations were selected, grouped into 12 cross sections through the course of the river and spaced on average by 1 km. Each section consisted of three stations: the right margin, the deepest point and the left margin. The hydrocarbon n-alkanes from C10 to C36, the isoprenoids pristane and phytane, the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and the total resolved hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography. N-alkanes, pristane, phytane and UCM were detected only at some stations. In the other, the concentration was below the detection limit defined by the analytical method (0.1 mg / kg), preventing them from being analyzed to determine the origin of the material found. By using different parameters, the results show that the estuary receives both the input of petrogenic hydrocarbons, but also of biogenic hydrocarbons, featuring a mixture of sources and relatively impacted portions. Based on the characteristics and activities found in the region, it is possible to affirm that petrogenic sources related to oil products enter the estuary via urban runoff or boats traffic, boat washing and fueling. Turning to the biogenic source, the predominant origin was terrestrial, characterized by vascular plants, indicating contribution of mangrove vegetation. It was evident the presence of, at specific points in the estuary, hydrocarbon pollution, and, therefore is recommended the adoption of actions aimed at interrupting or, at least, mitigating the sources potentially capable of damp petrogenic hydrocarbons in the estuary studied.


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O sedentarismo cada vez mais acentuado entre os adolescentes em todo o mundo. Objetivou-se neste estudo analisar o estado nutricional e a aptido fsica de escolares norte-rio-grandenses. Participaram 2065 sujeitos, selecionados aleatoriamente (Masc = 1066, Fem = 999) (Natal n=1158; Mossor n= 312; Lajes n= 231), divididos em trs grupos etrios pelos estgios maturacionais: 10 a 12 anos, 13 a 14 anos e _ 15 anos. Foi avaliada a composio corporal (IMC, dobras cutneas trceps e subescapular); o hbito alimentar (questionrio de prevalncia do consumo por grupo alimentar); o ndice de atividade fsica (questionrio Baeck) e o nvel de aptido fsica (testes do salto em distncia, flexibilidade, resistncia abdominal e cardiovascular). Utilizando-se a estatstica descritiva, testes de mdias pela anlise dos intervalos de confiana, o teste de Kruskall-Wallis, teste t, o Qui2 e o coeficiente de contingncia. Encontraram-se diferenas significativas com p < 0001 na distribuio do ndice de massa corporal (n = 1701); Regio Leste Potiguar (RLP) com excesso de peso e obesidade de 16,8 % e 15,2 %, a Regio Oeste 16,3% e 9,6 % e a Regio Central 10,4 % e 3,9 %, com as escolas privadas contribuindo significativamente na prevalncia dessas variveis nas RLP e ROP com p < 0,003 e p < 0,001 respectivamente. O hbito alimentar demonstrou que 98,3% dos sujeitos consomem alimentos do grupo das massas 98,3%; cereais 97,7%; laticnios 94,7%; frutas 92,3%; gorduras 88,3% e as hortalias 61,6%, no havendo diferenas significativas no consumo alimentar entre o tipo de escolas e gnero (n = 300). No ndice de atividade fsica habitual h diferenas entre esses respectivos extratos: 2,650,78 e 2,810,80 (p < 0,014) e 2,890,82 e 2,570,78 (p < 0,001), com as prticas de atividades esportivas, programas de exerccios fsicos e lazer ativo mais significativo em escolas privadas 2,85 1,06 e 3,371,26 (p < 0,001) em prol do sexo masculino com 3,471,24 e 2,751,03 (p <0,001). Resistncia abdominal ( =19) e fora de membros inferiores ( =128,5 cm) foram classificadas como muito fraco , a flexibilidade ( =26,9 cm) razovel e resistncia geral ( =1439 m) como bom . Conclui-se que o hbito alimentar e o baixo ndice de atividade fsica habitual influenciam negativamente os ndices da aptido fsica relacionada sade dos escolares, com menor incidncia em instituies privadas em funo das prticas esportivas. Este estudo apresenta relao de interface multidisciplinar, tendo o seu contedo uma aplicao nos campos da Medicina, Nutrio e Educao Fsica


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The present work has the intention to analyze the contribution of the writer and journalist Palmyra Guimares Wanderley to the education, throughout her writings in the period between 1914 to 1920. I search through her journalist writings produced in the feminine magazine Via Lctea (1914-1915) her idealization, and as in the newspaper A Repblica e Dirio de Natal, in the decade of 1920 establishing relationships with education, mostly because of her production in the pages of the paper articles regarding feminine education and women condition. At the same time I sketch the biographic profile of Palmyra Wanderley relating her to the historical moment that she lived. To achieve the proposed goals I begin with a documental research within the available archives and use other sources like pictures and interviews with her relatives. The results of the research show that the worry of Palmira Wanderley with the education in our state, goes beyond her published writings in magazines and newspapers. She has been ahead of Escola de Comrcio Feminino and Aliana Feminina, she has also done a conference in the House of the Young Single Ladies' Protection (Casa de Proteo s Moas Solteiras), institution of the Aliana s responsibility that offered shelter, food, formal and religious education to the workers of the Fabric Factory of Natal (Fbrica Tecidos de Natal). Her involvement evidences her contribution to the historiography of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, specially the history of women education ensuring her presence in the day by day history


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Waste stabilization ponds are the main technology in use for domestic sewage treatment in Rio Grande do Norte State (RN), northeast Brazil. The are around 80 systems, constructed mainly by municipal city halls, being series comprised by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds the most used configuration. Due to problems related with the production and destination of sludge and generation of bad odors, the designers have avoided the use of anaerobic lagoons. The majority of systems are rarely monitored to verify their efficiencies and to get new project parameters for future designing. This work has as purpose to make a diagnosis of efficiency of three series of waste stabilization pond series (WSPS) of Jardim Lola 1, Jardim Lola 2 and Beira Rio, located in the North Zone of the city of the Natal/RN, treating domestic raw sewage, on the removal of organic matter and thermotolerant coliform, comparing the operational conditions of the systems this inside of the bands foreseen in the project, through parameters BOD5, QOD, thermotolerant coliforms, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, ammoniac nitrogen, total and suspended solids. The work was carried through in the WSPS, all constituted by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds. Socioeconomic characteristics of population are predominantly low and all the plants are very near of the contributing basins. The series were monitored from of May the November of 2002, totalizing 20 collections of grab samples of raw sewage and ponds effluents between 8:00 and 9:50 h. The main aspect to be detached by the results was the great concentration of organic matter (BOD and COD) and microorganisms the raw sewage which were around two times more concentrated than those values foreseen one in project. Considering all series the highest removals of organic matter were observed in system Beira Rio (84 and 78% of BOD and COD, respectively), which presented high hydraulic detention time (TDH = 89 days). On the other hand, Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 presented a much lower values of HDT (36 days and 18 days respectively) and their removals of BOD and COD were the same (76% and 60%, respectively). The Beira Rio WSPS, was the most efficient verified in relation to solids and ammonia, proving the great influence of the operational variables such as HDT and applied surface organic loadings on the performance of pond series. Although the treatment plants have reached efficiencies of thermotolerant coliforms around 99,999%, the concentrations in the final effluent can be considered very high for launching in aquatic bodies, particularly those produced by Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 series


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The present work studied the problems faced riverine populations of the estuary Potengi, detaching its perception with regard to the environment, as well as in the evaluation of the institucional arrangement that acts in the place. Questionnaires were used in five riverine communities and conducted interviews with agents of public agencies and colonies of fishermen. There is little understanding of the needing to preserve and weakness in the application of the regulation mechanisms


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This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society


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The present study has addressed the issues surrounding the Solidarity Economy and Tourism, their perspectives and contributions to the development process of local communities, as well as the connection point between the two. This study evaluated the extent to which social economy through cooperatives and associations in tourism has generated socio-economic improvements for the artisans of the tourist Serid. The study made as to their objectives, was exploratory and descriptive, since it involved both standard techniques of data collection, questionnaires and systematic observation, and secondary research and case studies, which characterizes an exploratory research, according to Castro (2008 ). The results indicate significant improvements offered by the inclusion of members in groups (associations and cooperatives) in matters concerning health, education, interpersonal relationships, and access to consumer credit to the artisans. Through this study, one might also note that the inclusion of products and services in tourism is not a relevant factor for the socio-economic improvements observed for the elevated presence of middlemen in the marketing process


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This research aims to understand the use of the territory from the Rio Grande do Norte to the circuit spatial of production from the Biodiesel understanding it as part of the national context. The introduction of biodiesel into the Brazilian energy matrix begins to take shape in the year 2005 with the implementation of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (NPPB). This is anchored on three pillars: social inclusion (through family agriculture), environmental sustainability and economic viability. The NPPB consists of a set of standards, which turned into shares and distributed by almost all the national territory. Our reflection assumes that the places accommodating different forms of productive activities and, thus, the performance of the circuit space of biodiesel production depends on several factors, including the configuration of the territory they receive this new nexus economic. Understanding that the places by their technical content determine the realization of productive activities, it was found that the inclusion of this circuit space production in Rio Grande do Norte, reveals the reality expressed in the national territory, where some places are endowed with a privileged technical content and other extremely poor infrastructure. As our research could confirm the circuit space of biodiesel production that is expressed in the way plants are distributed within the country (mostly in South-Central), in more significant participation of small farmers in the South in the supply of raw material for the production of biodiesel and the main raw material used for the production of agrofuels (soybeans, whose production sector is highly consolidated and technified). Already the project materialization of NPPB regarding the settlements and communities of the Rio Grande do Norte State, we observed that the "event" or advent of realization encountered a technical means lacking in infrastructure that need to be molded to the needs of production, or is to cultivate castor beans or sunflower would be needed inputs and implements that farmers dont have. Given the above, the research concludes that, as proposed previously, the use of the territory of Rio Grande do Norte to this circuit has summarized the performance of experiments, either with regard to the participation of family farmers as suppliers of raw materials, including the development of related research in the stage of production fuel oil by Petrobras. This finding came from research done from the concept of "spatial circuits of production," which allowed the verification of the circuit that steps outlined in Potiguar territory. Regarding the inclusion of family farmers in the productive circuit in RN, research reveals that, in the manner as has been done, it is doomed to failure. Furthermore, we dare say that this persistence in trying to put these family farmers, the way is being made, and the resulting successive failures, indicating that social inclusion advocated by NPPB not take place, and that this production circuit relies on the same logic circuit concentrated and exclusive space for ethanol production


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The objective of this study was to define a method for estimating soybean crop area in the Northern Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil). Overall, six different remote sensing methods were proposed based on spectral-temporal profile and minimum and maximum values of NDVI/MODIS related to the stages of sowing, maximum development and harvesting of soybean areas. The resulting estimates were compared to official crop area data provided by the Brazilian government, using statistical analysis and the fuzzy similarity method. The performance of each method depended on information such as crop size, type of crop management, and sowing/harvesting dates. Regression coefficients of determination and fuzzy agreement values were above 0.8 and 0.45, respectively, for all methods. For operational monitoring of soybean crop area, the empirical threshold applied to the image difference with inclusion of harvest image method was the most effective, producing estimates that matched closely the official data. For spatial analysis the application of multitemporal images classification method is recommended that generated a map of better quality. The efficiency of these methods should be evaluated in the areas of soybean expansion in the state.


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O presente trabalho tem por finalidade estudar as relaes estratigrficas das rochas consideradas do Grupo Passa Dois no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudo foi feito atravs de levantamento de seces geolgicas perpendiculares ao mergulho das camadas, em regies cujo reconhecimento preliminar determinou serem as mais propcias para a demonstrao das variaes faciolgicas das unidades. Foi completado com o estudo de testemunhos e perfis de sondagens e estabelecimento de seces colunares em reas consideradas interessantes e que no se prestavam para um perfil contnuo. Foram feitas cinco sees, estudadas trs reas complementares e sete sondagens, cedidas pela Companhia Riograndense de Minerao - CRM. Os trabalhos de campo foram completados com estudos de laboratrio que incluram anlises granulomtricas, lminas delgadas, testes colorimtricos e difrao de Raios X. A integrao dos dados de campo e de laboratrio mostrou que: 1 - O grupo Passa Dois est constitudo pelas Formaes Irati e Estrada Nova, estando ausente a Formao Rio do Rasto, na faixa aflorante no Estado; 2 - A espessura do Grupo Passa Dois, na faixa aflorante no Estado varia ao redor de 100 metros; 3 - A Formao Irati apresenta duas fcies litolgicas no Rio Grande do Sul. A primeira, quando presente, ocupa a posio basal e caracterizada pela ocorrncia de duas camadas de folhelhos pretos pirobetuminosos, associados com lentes calcrias fossilferas. As camadas de folhelhos pretos contm, entre elas, um pacote de folhelhos cinza com fratura concide, com concrees calcrias de colorao amarelo-palha. Estas trs camadas esto sobrepostas a um folhelho semelhante ao que est intercalado aos folhelhos pretos e contm as mesmas lentes calcrias. A essa fcies aqui proposta a designao fcies Tiaraju, indicando como rea tipo a regio a sul e a leste da estao Tiaraju, no municpio de So Gabriel. A segunda fcies, parcialmente sincrnica com a primeira, e que encerra a sedimentao Irati no Estado, atpica da Formao Irati do resto da Bacia e pode ser descrita como folhelhos cinza-claros e cinza-escuros, s vezes com ritmitos na base, com laminao cruzada, com lentes calcrias de cor amarelo-palha. Em algumas reas, como a Mina do Leo, os folhetos esto intercalados com siltitos e arenitos finos, de cor cinza, micceos. A parte superior, a oeste de Pntano Grande, cortada por veios verticalizados, espessura de 2 a 15 cm, preenchidos por slica. Para esta fcies proposta a designao fcies Valente e indicada como rea-tipo a regio a 5 quilmetros a norte do Passo do Valente, na estrada Bag-Acegu; 4 - O contedo fossilfero destas fcies da Formao Irati, no Rio Grande do Sul, o mesmo; 5 - A Formao Estrada Nova tambm se apresenta com duas fcies litolgicas bem distintas, sendo uma peltica e outra arenosa. Em todas as regies em que ambas ocorrem a arenosa situa-se no topo; 6 - O contato inferior da Formao Estrada Nova, com a Formao Irati, marcado pelo aparecimento das cores vermelhas de alterao, que se intercalam com cores cinza-esverdeadas nos folhelhos e folhelhos slticos. considerado como topo da fcies inferior o aparecimento de arenitos muito finos em camadas lenticulares de pequena espessura que se alternam com lamitos vermelhos. Para a litofcies aqui proposto o termo fcies Caveiras, sendo indicada como rea tipo a regio do Cerro das Caveiras no Municpio de Dom Pedrito; 7 - O contato superior da Formao Estrada Nova com a Formao Rosrio do Sul, sendo caracterizado pela ocorrncia de arenitos mdios, de colorao rosa, com estratificao cruzada planar ou acanalada, com conglomerados intraformacionais, ou de arenitos com estratificao ondulada. Este contato , na maioria dos casos, erosivo sobre os sedimentos da Formao Estrada Nova, sendo aqui interpretado como discordante; 8 - O membro superior caracterizado pela incidncia de corpos lenticulares de arenitos muito finos e pela ocorrncia de lentes calcrias com bordos irregulares, e de concrees calcrias elipsoidais de dimetros de mais de dois metros. A este conjunto aqui proposto o termo fcies Armada, sendo indicada como rea tipo a regio a leste do Rio Ibicu da Armada, na estrada BR-293, no Municpio de Dom Pedrito; 9 - O contedo fossilfero da Formao Estrada Nova no Rio Grande do Sul, presentemente conhecido, no permite caracterizar qualquer das duas fcies.


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The diagnosis of nutritional status is extremely re levant in clinical practice and population assessment, due to the association betwe en body fat and metabolic alterations. The aim of this study is to analyze th e prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components in the pubertal stages of f emale students in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, in accordance with Internation al Diabetes Federation criteria. This is a cross-sectional study with 449 students aged betw een 8 and 19 years, stratified into pubertal stages systematized by Marshal and Tanner (1969), as follows: 27.6% prepubertal, 44.3% pubertal and 28.1% postpubertal, with mean ages of 9.41.27, 12.42.23 and 15.11.88 years, respectively. Preval ences were analyzed using distribution of frequencies and their respective 95 % confidence intervals, while the chi- square test and odds ratio were applied to analyze the associations between variables. The general prevalence of MS was 3.3% (CI: 2% - 5%) , without occurrences in the prepubertal stage, observing that it emerges from t he pubertal stage onwards with a prevalence of 2.5% (CI 95% 0.1% - 5%), 1% (CI 95% 0.4% - 2.3%) of cases with overweight and 1.5% (CI 95% -0.1% - 3.2%) with obes e individuals, while in the postpubertal stage the prevalence is 7.9% (CI 95% 3 .2% - 12.6%), 0.8% (CI 95% -0.8% - 2.3%) normal weight cases, 4% (CI 95% 0.6% - 7.4% ) overweight and 3.1% (CI 0.1% - 6.2%) obese individuals. There was an association (p<0.02) between pubertal stages and MS ( x 2 =5.2), with an OR of 3.3 (CI: 1.2 - 5), showing tha t postpubertal adolescents are more prone to SM than pubertals, while the OR i n obese individuals was 2.1 (CI: 2 2.2) compared to the overweight. Body mass index (B MI) ( x 2 = 29.4; p<0.001) and age range ( x 2 = 13.1; p<0.001) showed a significant linear assoc iation with MS. Of the adolescents with MS, those aged ten years or younge r exhibited higher %G. The most prevalent components in all the stages were altered waist circumference (27.2% [CI 23% - 31%]) and low HDL cholesterol (39.6% [CI 35% 44%]), which, coupled with hypertension, displayed significant differences in the postpubertal stage in relation to the other stages. The results show that MS emerges from the pubertal stage onwards in proportion to excess childhood body fat, a fact tha t calls for prevention strategies using an educational approach, reducing the large demand on the National Health System. Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, pubertal stages, risk factors.


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The work presented here aims to make an analysis of the socio-spatial dynamics of associative supermarket chains and their importance in redefining the roles of small urban North Rio Grande cities. The theoretical approach gives priority to business as a city constituent whose understanding allows us to seize the new socio-spatial dynamics of small towns in the face of globalization and which caused changes in the scope of its commercial forms. In this sense, we understand that trade, as an essentially urban activity has a very specific characteristic, with respect to its ability to transform the content and meaning of places. Another important factor in the construction work was the context of changes in the capitalist production system with the advent of flexible production and the determinations of the economic globalization process that brought new ways of organizing trade. The empirical analysis of the research includes two associative supermarket chains, the Rede 10 and the Rede Serid, bringing together basic elements for understanding the genesis and evolution of this new organizational model of trade in small towns of the state, as well as allowed -In understand the main changes in this segment of commercial activity. The methodology we used literature in books and periodicals, collected mainly secondary data collection with the SEBRAE and the ABRAS and was still a field research where interviews were conducted forwarded along to the associative network managers to supermarkets, owners of associated facilities and with consumers of the surveyed networks .Finally, we conclude that the formation and expansion of associative supermarket chains in the context of small cities potiguares is essentially in a survival alternative traditional small traders, that sharing the associative principles albeit somewhat rigidly guided by the training cooperation networks can not only stay in the market , but to impose as a new agent in the capital of the reproduction process. Thus, the associative supermarket chains in the search for new spaces, particularly within small towns end up promoting new momentum in these cities providing different flows and interconnections with different places, giving new content and urban roles. By taking not only the condition of the place of living, but also the place to reproduce the capital, small towns offer their population better able to make purchases, thus avoiding the mandatory population shifts to other urban centers in order to meet their consumption needs.


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This study was conducted in the adjacent Brazilian equatorial inner shelf to Rio Grande do Norte, between the region of Porto do Mangue and Galinhos. The main objective is the characterization of biogenic sediments, especially foraminifera and ostracod collected on the surface of the seafloor. The methodology involved standard procedures including literature, surveys, processing of samples in the laboratory and identification of foraminifera and ostracods by genera or species under stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multivariate statistical analyzes and study of ecological indexes were also applied to the study of foraminifera. Three transects, from inner shelf to slope were sampled: profile 01 (east, near Galos), profile 02 (center, near the city of Macau) and profile 03 (west, near Ponta do Mel). Results indicated the predominance of benthic foraminifera and little plankton occurrence. Benthic foraminifera genera observed in abundance were Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Globigerina and Pyrgo, Quinqueloculina, Textularia, Pyrgo, Ammonia, Elphidium, Pseudononion, Peneroplis, Bolivina and Poroeponides, occurred more frequently. Less frequently been described Amphistegina, Archaias, Bigenerina, Cibicides, Cassidulina, Amphicorina, Cornuspira, Paterina, Hopkunsina, Oolina, Uvigerina, Fusenkoina, Nonionella, Amphisorus, Wiesrella, Reussella, Reophax, Nodosaria, Marginulina and Cyclogyra. Six genera of ostracods were also identified: Puriana variabilis / P. convoluted?, Loxoconcha sp, Bairdiidae, Xestoleberis sp, Hemicytheridae and Ruggiericythere sp. Groups of organisms found in the studied shelf presented chemical composition of Ca, C, O, Na, Cl, Al, Mg, and Si. The proportions of chemical elements may vary according to the type of biogenic sediment, with the highest values identified as Ca, C, Cl, Na and O. The absolute dating by carbon 14 method indicated sediments of different colors (light and dark), correspond to a single age from 3000 to 6000 years BP, related to the Quaternary. These data intend to complement information about biogenic sediments in the Brazilian continental shelf, especially in the Northeast, where there is a lack of such studies.