985 resultados para Capital Productivity


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Tapaustutkimuksessa kansallisesta osaamispääomarekisteristä ja kansalaisen sähköisestä ansioluettelosta selvitettiin julkishallinnon tietojärjestelmän hallinnon sijoittamista, jotta se mahdollisimman hyvin tukisi yhtäältä järjestelmän kehittämistä tuottavasti ja toisaalta saisi käyttöönsä mahdollisimman laajan taustatietämyksen. Tutkimuskysymyksillä selvitettiin, miten järjestelmä tulisi organisoida, jotta palvelut paranisivat ja tuottavuus lisääntyisi. Kysymystä organisoitumisesta ja hallinnoinnista lähestyttiin projektijohtamisen ja tietojohtamisen käsitteistä lähtien. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin erilaisia käyttäjänäkökulmia ja hahmotettiin järjestelmän erilaisia asiakkaita sekä sidosryhmiä. Empiirisenä viitekehyksenä käytettiin valtionhallinnon asiakirjoja, OpetusTIME –valmisteluryhmän kokouskeskusteluja sekä muita aiheeseen liittyviä tietolähteitä. Keskeinen havaintoni oli, että rakennettaessa tietojärjestelmää valtionhallinnon verkostomaisessa tilaaja-tuottaja –toiminnassa on olennaista erottaa prosessivastuu ja tuotantovastuu toisistaan. Toimintamallissa on kriittistä, miten johtoryhmä onnistuu ohjaustehtävässään. Lisäksi on huolehdittava prosessien mallinnuksen onnistumisesta.


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This paper tests the robustness of estimates of market access impact on regional variability in human capital, as previously derived in the NEG literature. Our hypothesis is that these estimates of the coefficient of market access, in fact, capture the effects of regional differences in the industrial mix and the spatial dependence in the distribution of human capital. Results for the Spanish provinces indicate that the estimated impact of market access vanishes and becomes non-significant once these two elements are included in the empirical analysis.


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Emitter spacings of 0.3 to 0.6 m are commonly used for subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) of corn on the deep, silt loam soils of the U.S. Great Plains. Subsurface drip irrigation emitter spacings of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m were examined for the resulting differences in soil water redistribution, corn grain yield, yield components, seasonal water use, and water productivity in a 4‐year field study (2005 through 2008) at the Kansas State University Northwest Research‐Extension Center, Colby, Kansas. The results indicate that there is increased preferential water movement along the dripline (parallel) as compared to perpendicular to the dripline and that this phenomenon partially compensates for wider emitter spacings in terms of soil water redistribution. Corn yield and water productivity (WP) were not significantly affected by the emitter spacing with application of a full irrigation regime


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We provide robust and compelling evidence of the marked impact of tertiary education on the economic growth of less developed countries and of its the relatively smaller impact on the growth of developed ones. Our results argue in favor of the accumulation of high skill levels especially in technologically under-developed countries and, contrary to common wisdom, independently of the fact that these economies might initially produce lower-technology goods or perform technology imitation. Our results are robust to the different measures used in proxying human capital and to the adjustments made for cross-country differences in the quality of education. Country-specific institutional quality, as well as other indicators including legal origin, religious fractionalization and openness to trade have been used to control for the robustness of the results. These factors are also shown to speed up technology convergence thereby confirming previous empirical studies. Our estimates tackle problems of endogeneity by adopting a variety of techniques, including instrumental variables -for both panel and cross-section analyses- and the two-step efficient dynamics system GMM.


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This article analyses the impact that innovation expenditure and intrasectoral and intersectoral externalities have on productivity in Spanish firms. While there is an extensive literature analysing the relationship between innovation and productivity, in this particular area there are far fewer studies that examine the importance of sectoral externalities, especially with the focus on Spain. One novelty of the study, which covers the industrial and service sectors, is that we also consider jointly the technology level of the sector in which the firm operates and the firm size. The database used is the Technological Innovation Panel, PITEC, which includes 12,813 firms for the year 2008 and has been little used in this type of study. The estimation method used is Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares method, IRLS, which is very useful for obtaining robust estimations in the presence of outliers. The results confirm that innovation has a positive effect on productivity, especially in high-tech and large firms. The impact of externalities is more heterogeneous because, while intrasectoral externalities have a poitive and significant effect, especially in low-tech firms independently of size, intersectoral externalities have a more ambiguous effect, being clearly significant for advanced industries in which size has a positive effect.


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The literature has pointed to different causes to explain the productivity gap between Europe and United States in the last decades. This paper tests the hypothesis that the lower European productivity performance in comparison with the US can be explained not only by a lower level of corporate R&D investment, but also by a lower capacity to translate R&D investment into productivity gains. The proposed microeconometric estimates are based on a unique longitudinal database covering the period 1990-2008 and comprising 1.809 US and European companies for a total of 16.079 observations. Consistent with previous literature, we find robust evidence of a significant impact of R&D on productivity, however – using different estimation techniques - the R&D coefficients for the US firms always turn out to be significantly higher. To see to what extent these transatlantic differences may be related to the different sectoral structures in the US and the EU, we differentiated the analysis by sectors. The result is that both in manufacturing, services and high-tech sectors US firms are more efficient in translating their R&D investments into productivity increases.


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Este artículo analiza el estado de la reforma de Bolonia en diferentes titulaciones de las universidades públicas catalanas de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona, y cómo las nuevas condiciones de aprendizaje pueden afectar las relaciones sociales de los estudiantes en la universidad. La investigación identifica una tipología de estudiantes según sus relaciones universitarias, y examina la influencia de dichas relaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos mediante una encuesta por cuestionario a 867 estudiantes muestran que, cuanto más variadas y frecuentes son las relaciones (lazos débiles), el estudiante obtiene mejores resultados. Mientras que cuando se trata de buscar recursos para el estudio, los estudiantes tienden a utilizar sus lazos fuertes (compañeros/as de clase o curso), y ello no tiene influencia en el rendimiento.


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Aquest treball pretén desenvolupar algunes de les diferents responsabilitats en què pot incórrer el representant persona física de l'administrador persona jurídica d'una societat mercantil.


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En la present comunicació s'exposen els resultats del projecte ¿Análisis de los procedimientos de interacción entorno-universidad en el proceso de adaptación e implementación de titulaciones oficiales al EEES" finançat pel Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, en la convocatòria d'Estudios y Anàlisis, 2008. Un dels objectius d'aquest projecte era conèixer, de forma exploratòria, quines eines havien emprat lesUniversitats per tal d'adaptar les seves titulacions al nou EEES, considerant diversosfactors. Entre aquests, l'ús del Capital Social del qual disposen les Universitats, entès tant de d¿una òptica interna com externa. A la vegada, es pretenia analitzar si la Universitat disposa de veritables eines d'Intel·ligència Competitiva per tal d'interpretar adequadament el seu entorn. D'entre diverses conclusions, s'extreu que les Universitats no aprofiten suficientment els contactes que generen amb el seu entorn per tal de potenciar la seva competitivitat i les noves titulacions adaptades a l'EEES.


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The fundamental question in the transitional economies of the former Eastern Europe and Soviet Union has been whether privatisation and market liberalisation have had an effect on the performance of former state-owned enterprises. This study examines the effect of privatisation, capital market discipline, price liberalisation and international price exposure on the restructuring of large Russian enterprises. The performance indicators are sales, profitability, labour productivity and stock market valuations. The results do not show performance differences between state-owned and privatised enterprises. On the other hand, the expansion of the de novo private sector has been strong. New enterprises have significantly higher sales growth, profitability and labour productivity. However, the results indicate a diminishing effect of ownership. The international stock market listing has a significant positive effect on profitability, while the effect of domestic stock market listing is insignificant. The international price exposure has a significant positive increasing effect on profitability and labour productivity. International enterprises have higher profitability only when operating on price liberalised markets, however. The main results of the study are strong evidence on the positive effects of international linkages on the enterprise restructuring and the higher than expected role of new enterprises in the Russian economy.


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We explore the relationship between quality in work and aggregate productivity in regions and sectors. Using recent Spanish aggregate data for the period 2001-2006, we find that quality in work may be an important factor to explain productivity levels in sectors and regions. We use two alternatives definitions of quality in work: one from survey data and the other from a social indicators approach. We also use two different measurements of labour productivity to test the robustness of our results. The estimates are run using a simultaneous equation model for our panel of data, and find important differences between high tech and low tech sectors: a positive relationship between quality in work and productivity in the former case, and a negative relationship in the latter. Consequently, on the one hand we see that quality in work is not only an objective per se, but may also be a production factor able to increase the wealth of regions; on the other hand, at the aggregate level, we may also find that high productivity levels coincide with lower quality in work conditions.


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With this paper we build a two-region model where both innovation and imitation are performed. In particular imitation takes the form of technological spillovers that lagging regions may exploit given certain human capital conditions. We show how the high skill content of each region’s workforce (rather than the average human capital stock) is crucial to determine convergence towards the income level of the leader region and to exploit the technological spillovers coming from the frontier. The same applies to bureaucratic/institutional quality which are conductive to higher growth in the long run. We test successfully our theoretical result over Spanish regions for the period between 1960 and 1997. We exploit system GMM estimators which allow us to correctly deal with endogeneity problems and small sample bias.


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We generalize a standard technology diffusion model by allowing for IPRs regimes to be endogenously defined by the development level of each country. Also we insert differences in the composition of human capital between North (leader) and South (followers) which shape the relative costs of innovation and imitation. Results show how an optimal growth trajectory is found for the follower country which initially imitates and that, once a "threshold development stage" is reached, optimally switches to innovation by fully enforcing IPRs achieving a higher proximity with the technology frontier in the long-run. Other scenarios, such as a premature increase in the enforcement of IPRs or a switch from imitation to innovation at early stages of development of the followers are found to be sub-optimal.