929 resultados para Canadian periodicals


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Non-cognitive skills have caught the attention of current education policy writers in Canada. Within the last 10 years, almost every province has produced a document including the importance of supporting non-cognitive skills in K-12 students in the classroom. Although often called different names (such as learning skills, cross curricular competencies, and 20th Century Skills) and occasionally viewed through different lenses (such as emotional intelligence skills, character skills, and work habits), what unifies non-cognitive skills within the policy documents is the claim that students that are strong in these skills are more successful in academic achievement and are more successful in post-secondary endeavors. Though the interest from policy-makers and educators is clear, there are still many questions about non-cognitive skills that have yet to be answered. These include: What skills are the most important for teacher’s to support in the classroom? What are these skills’ exact contributions to student success? How can teachers best support these skills? Are there currently reliable and valid measures of these skills? These are very important questions worth answering if Canadian teachers are expected to support non-cognitive skills in their classrooms with an already burdened workload. As well, it can begin to untangle the plethora of research that exists within the non-cognitive realm. Without a critical look at the current literature, it is impossible to ensure that these policies are effective in Canadian classrooms, and to see an alignment between research and policy. Upon analysis of Canadian curriculum, five non-cognitive skills were found to be the most prevalent among many of the provinces: Self-Regulation, Collaboration, Initiative, Responsibility and Creativity. The available research literature was then examined to determine the utility of teaching these skills in the classroom (can students improve on these skills, do these skills impact other aspects of students’ lives, and are there methods to validly and reliably assess these skills). It was found that Self-Regulation and Initiative had the strongest basis for being implemented in the classroom. On the other hand, Creativity still requires a lot more justification in terms of its impact on students’ lives and ability to assess in the classroom.


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In many advanced democracies, political scientists have lamented the rise of professional politicians as a challenge to the effective representation of diverse electorates. In contrast, their relative absence from Canadian federal politics gives rise to concerns over high levels of political amateurism among Canadian MPs. This study, thus, seeks to account for the numerical weakness of individuals with an occupational background in politics in the Canadian Parliament. It utilizes both individual-level quantitative data on MPs serving between the 35th and 41st Parliaments, inclusive, as well as material from qualitative interviews with over seventy former MPs. Conceptualizing the field of politics as a career in itself, and drawing on career development theory, the study finds that at the key stages of establishing, maintaining, and disengaging from a federal political career, there are specific challenges that are not significantly ameliorated by the possession of professional experience in politics itself. Professional politicians, therefore, have no major advantage over those with non-political occupational backgrounds in their career development. Furthermore, by acknowledging the existence of different types of professional politician, it finds that those whose primary occupational background was in politics itself to be in a distinct minority, but the extent of political amateurism is challenged by a much larger minority of MPs whose primary occupation was non-political but who still possess some secondary or electoral experience prior to entering Parliament.


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The aim of this paper is to explore the role and activities of nurse practitioners (NPs) working in long-term care (LTC) to understand concepts of access to primary care for residents. Utilizing the "FIT" framework developed by Penchanksy and Thomas, we used a directed content analysis method to analyze data from a pan-Canadian study of NPs in LTC. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted at four sites in western, central and eastern regions of Canada with 143 participants, including NPs, RNs, regulated and unregulated nursing staff, allied health professionals, physicians, administrators and directors and residents and family members. Participants emphasized how the availability and accessibility of the NP had an impact on access to primary and urgent care for residents. Understanding more about how NPs affect access in Canadian LTC will be valuable for nursing practice and healthcare planning and policy and may assist other countries in planning for the introduction of NPs in LTC settings to increase access to primary care.


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For over a century, the Canadian state funded a church-run system of residential schools designed to assimilate Aboriginal children into Euro-Canadian culture. In addition to the problems associated with its ethnocentric philosophy, the school system was also characterised by terrible health conditions and physical and sexual abuse of the students was widespread. Recently, the schools have been the object of the most successful struggle for redress in Canadian history. One particularly puzzling aspect about the school system is that it persisted for so long, despite that many of its failings were known very early in its operation. In this article, this puzzle is addressed via a cultural analysis of a political struggle over the residential schools that occurred within Canadian Anglicanism at the outset of the twentieth century. The article concludes that the meaning of the school system as a sacred enterprise contributed to its persistence.


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La culture sous abris avec des infrastructures de type grands tunnels est une nouvelle technologie permettant d’améliorer la production de framboises rouges sous des climats nordiques. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat était d’étudier les performances de ces technologies (grands tunnels vs. abris parapluie de type Voen, en comparaison à la culture en plein champ) et leur effets sur le microclimat, la photosynthèse, la croissance des plantes et le rendement en fruits pour les deux types de framboisiers non-remontants et remontants (Rubus idaeus, L.). Puisque les pratiques culturales doivent être adaptées aux différents environnements de culture, la taille d’été (pour le cultivar non-remontant), l’optimisation de la densité des tiges (pour le cultivar remontant) et l’utilisation de bâches réfléchissantes (pour les deux types des framboisiers) ont été étudiées sous grands tunnels, abris Voen vs. en plein champ. Les plants cultivés sous grands tunnels produisent en moyenne 1,2 et 1,5 fois le rendement en fruits commercialisables que ceux cultivés sous abri Voen pour le cv. non-remontant ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et le cv. remontant ‘Polka’, respectivement. Comparativement aux framboisiers cultivés aux champs, le rendement en fruits des plants sous grands tunnels était plus du double pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et près du triple pour le cv. ‘Polka’. L’utilisation de bâches réfléchissantes a entrainé un gain significatif sur le rendement en fruits de 12% pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ et de 17% pour le cv. ‘Polka’. La taille des premières ou deuxièmes pousses a significativement amélioré le rendement en fruits du cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’ de 26% en moyenne par rapport aux framboisiers non taillés. Des augmentations significatives du rendement en fruits de 43% et 71% du cv. ‘Polka’ ont été mesurées avec l’accroissement de la densité à 4 et 6 tiges par pot respectivement, comparativement à deux tiges par pot. Au cours de la période de fructification du cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, les bâches réfléchissantes ont augmenté significativement la densité de flux photonique photosynthétique (DFPP) réfléchie à la canopée inférieure de 80% en plein champ et de 60% sous grands tunnels, comparativement à seulement 14% sous abri Voen. Durant la saison de fructification du cv. ‘Polka’, un effet positif de bâches sur la lumière réfléchie (jusqu’à 42%) a été mesuré seulement en plein champ. Dans tous les cas, les bâches réfléchissantes n’ont présenté aucun effet significatif sur la DFPP incidente foliaire totale et la photosynthèse. Pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, la DFPP incidente sur la feuille a été atténuée d’environ 46% sous le deux types de revêtement par rapport au plein champ. Par conséquent, la photosynthèse a été réduite en moyenne de 43% sous grands tunnels et de 17% sous abris Voen. Des effets similaires ont été mesurés pour la DFPP incidente et la photosynthèse avec le cv. Polka. En dépit du taux de photosynthèse des feuilles individuelles systématiquement inférieur à ceux mesurés pour les plants cultivés aux champs, la photosynthèse de la plante entière sous grands tunnels était de 51% supérieure à celle observée au champ pour le cv. ‘Jeanne d’Orléans’, et 46% plus élevée pour le cv. ‘Polka’. Ces résultats s’expliquent par une plus grande (près du double) surface foliaire pour les plants cultivés sous tunnels, qui a compensé pour le plus faible taux de photosynthèse par unité de surface foliaire. Les températures supra-optimales des feuilles mesurées sous grands tunnels (6.6°C plus élevé en moyenne que dans le champ), ainsi que l’atténuation de la DFPP incidente (env. 43%) par les revêtements de tunnels ont contribué à réduire le taux de photosynthèse par unité de surface foliaire. La photosynthèse de la canopée entière était étroitement corrélée avec le rendement en fruits pour les deux types de framboisiers rouges cultivés sous grands tunnels ou en plein champ.


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This study explores the experiences of a culturally and linguistically diverse group of immigrant adult students as they attended a 12-week employment preparation course for newcomers to Canada. The main aim of the course was to equip the immigrants with knowledge and skills, including English for employment purposes, which are necessary to be competitive in the labour market. Using ethnographic methods, mainly participant observation with audio recording, to collect data, this paper analyses the communicative strategies that this group of multilingual speakers and their Canadian teachers deployed to discursively construct a ‘heterotopia’ defined here as ‘intensely affective spaces that redefine the experiential feeling of being and becoming’. Analysis of transcribed audio recordings reveals that despite differences in communication conventions and sociocultural backgrounds, the research participants from Congo, Haiti, India, Bangladesh, Jordan and the Philippines managed to establish a socially cohesive team that emphasises shared relational identity and in-group membership. The findings show how they creatively mobilised previously acquired pragmatic strategies and resources from their L1 to suit the demands of the ongoing interaction in English. It is suggested that language teaching in the context of preparing immigrants for labour market integration entails a pedagogical approach that foregrounds the affordances of English not only as the language of employment but perhaps more importantly as the ‘language of comity’. It is therefore suggested that the teaching of the host country’s language should focus less on grammatical correctness and focus more on providing the adult learners with opportunities to activate existing pragmatic resources and strategies which have to do with establishing rapport and friendly relations.


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We present the results of the final graduation practice called "Creating the Serials Union Catalogue of Documentary Information Units of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the National University" which consisted of creating a computerized catalog for periodicals by GENISIS program. Unit of documentary information: Faculty of Social Sciences National University: CIDCSO (Documentary Information Centre of Social Sciences), FBEH (Bibliographical School of History), MA (International Relations Specialist Library "Luis and Felipe Molina ") and CINPE (Library of the National Centre for Economic Policy on Sustainable Development).


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Writing instruction in Canadian universities takes a variety of forms. While there are few formal departments for writing studies, many institutions do have a writing centre – a place that offers writing instruction to varying degrees. The writing centre may be housed within a department, a library, or within a student services unit. Its position within a university may indicate the degree to which writing is valued by the administrative body. The goal of our paper is to share insights into the ways that writing professionals perceive, work in, and adapt to current demands for writing instruction in higher education. Using a collaborative ethnographic approach, three scholars at different career stages explore their experiences with writing centre work. Using data consisting of individually written reflections, our analysis revealed four major themes: (a) initial experience with writing centres, (b) community, (c) frustrations and tensions at work, and (d) mentorship. In this paper, we discuss our findings within the framework of positioning theory in order to understand how we position ourselves as scholars, mentors, and educators, and how we are positioned by others within the fields of writing studies and higher education. This study raises awareness about the value of writing centre professionals’ contributions, the place of mentorship within higher education, and the support required for continued writing centre work.


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Dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle, à l’ère des nouvelles technologies de communication électroniques, le courriel est devenu le moyen par excellence pour envoyer et recevoir du contenu privé, remplaçant dès lors l’envoi de lettres papier. Dans ce contexte, pour quelles raisons un individu souhaiterait-il partager ce contenu privé en le publiant ouvertement, publiquement, de plus, dans un format papier, le rendant désormais disponible à l’ensemble des lecteurs désirant en consulter le contenu? Pourtant, telle est la genèse du recueil Lettres à l’Indigène de Joël Des Rosiers dans lequel l’auteur fait don de lettres d’amour qui « deviennent alors des objets communs que partagent la destinataire et l’homme qui lui écrit, le livre et le lecteur » (LALI, p. 7). Ainsi, c’est par la réappropriation d’une pratique épistolaire ancienne que cet ouvrage rend compte d’une écriture intimiste dans laquelle lettres intimes et lettres ouvertes se côtoient. Les lettres intimes comportent plusieurs ressemblances avec les lettres conventionnelles, mais s’en distinguent sur certains points. Les lettres ouvertes, quant à elles, s’apparentent davantage aux publications libres que l’on retrouve dans les divers périodiques papier ou Web, ainsi que dans les divers blogues. Dans les deux types de lettres, nous voyons quelle est la place du destinateur et celle de l’Autre, nous présentons les différentes constructions de l’espace liées à chacune des formes de lettre et nous dévoilons les diverses stratégies formelles qui laissent voir un jeu entre les sphères publique et privée. Nous démontrons ainsi de quelles manières ce recueil questionne l’intimisme du XXIe siècle, ainsi que la pratique d’une écriture intimiste dans le cadre actuel.


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Dans la première décennie du XXIe siècle, à l’ère des nouvelles technologies de communication électroniques, le courriel est devenu le moyen par excellence pour envoyer et recevoir du contenu privé, remplaçant dès lors l’envoi de lettres papier. Dans ce contexte, pour quelles raisons un individu souhaiterait-il partager ce contenu privé en le publiant ouvertement, publiquement, de plus, dans un format papier, le rendant désormais disponible à l’ensemble des lecteurs désirant en consulter le contenu? Pourtant, telle est la genèse du recueil Lettres à l’Indigène de Joël Des Rosiers dans lequel l’auteur fait don de lettres d’amour qui « deviennent alors des objets communs que partagent la destinataire et l’homme qui lui écrit, le livre et le lecteur » (LALI, p. 7). Ainsi, c’est par la réappropriation d’une pratique épistolaire ancienne que cet ouvrage rend compte d’une écriture intimiste dans laquelle lettres intimes et lettres ouvertes se côtoient. Les lettres intimes comportent plusieurs ressemblances avec les lettres conventionnelles, mais s’en distinguent sur certains points. Les lettres ouvertes, quant à elles, s’apparentent davantage aux publications libres que l’on retrouve dans les divers périodiques papier ou Web, ainsi que dans les divers blogues. Dans les deux types de lettres, nous voyons quelle est la place du destinateur et celle de l’Autre, nous présentons les différentes constructions de l’espace liées à chacune des formes de lettre et nous dévoilons les diverses stratégies formelles qui laissent voir un jeu entre les sphères publique et privée. Nous démontrons ainsi de quelles manières ce recueil questionne l’intimisme du XXIe siècle, ainsi que la pratique d’une écriture intimiste dans le cadre actuel.


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Arctic regions are expected to experience an increase in both temperature and precipitation over the coming decades, which is likely to impact vegetation dynamics and greenhouse gas exchange. To test this response, an experiment was installed at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, on Melville Island, NU, in 2008 as part of the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX). Snow fences and open top chambers (OTCs) were used to manipulate snow depth and air temperature, respectively. Unlike most ITEX sites to date, enhanced temperature and snowfall were combined here in a factorial design with eight replicates. As an added control, four plots were established well outside the enhanced snow area. Senescence date was recorded at the end of the season, and at the peak of the growing season a vegetation survey was conducted within each plot in order to determine the total percent cover of each plot, as well as the percent cover of individual species. Carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange was also measured within each plot throughout the growing season. The date of senescence occurred significantly earlier in plots which had not been manipulated in any way, compared to all other treatments for all species. Salix arctica showed the greatest increase in cover over time at the species level. Lichen cover increased significantly in the deepened snow plots, and in general there were significant increases in percent cover in some functional groups over time. During June and into July the net CO2 flux was to the atmosphere. It was not until July 27 that these ecosystems became net carbon sinks. However, warming alone resulted in the ecosystem acting as a significant net carbon sink for the entire growing season. Plots exposed to warming alone were estimated to have removed approximately 19.94 g C m-2 from the atmosphere, whereas all other treatments were very similar to one another and estimated to have added approximately 3.12 g C m-2 to the atmosphere. Active layer depth and soil temperatures suggest that plots within the ambient snow zone may be receiving some additional snow due to their proximity to the fences. CO2 fluxes measured within the outer control plots suggest that the effect of warming alone could lead to this ecosystem being an even stronger net C sink under truly ambient snow conditions.


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The objectives of this thesis were to study specific Canadian populations in order to examine; (1) relationships between the neighbourhood-level social capital and injuries in youth, as well as (2) falls in older adults, and; (3) to address methodological issues relevant to the study of such relationships. The thesis is comprised of four manuscripts. The first addresses methodological issues surrounding the validation of neighbourhood-level variables for the study of adolescent health, and demonstrates the existence of structural confounding in the study of related etiological relationships. Informed by the latter, the second manuscript examines the association between neighbourhood-level social capital and injuries in youth, and demonstrates that lower levels of social capital are protective factors for girls but not for boys. Manuscript 3 uses an international database focused on older adults, and shows that our existing measure of social capital is valid at neighbourhood levels, but also that there is a high possibility for the existence of structural confounding among Canadian older adults. The fourth manuscript then examines the association between neighbourhood-level social capital and the occurrence of falls in older adults and determines that differences between neighbourhoods are important factors in the occurrence of falls, and that higher levels of social capital are a risk factor for falls. Taken together, results from this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of neighbourhood-level social capital on the occurrence of injuries in Canadian youth and on the occurrence of falls in older adults. Our contributions were important both methodologically and etiologically.