996 resultados para Camerarius, Joachim, 1500-1574.
We extend the basic concepts of Street's formal theory of monads from the setting of 2-categories to that of double categories. In particular, we introduce the double category Mnd(C) of monads in a double category C and dene what it means for a double category to admit the construction of free monads. Our main theorem shows that, under some mild conditions, a double category that is a framed bicategory admits the construction of free monads if its horizontal 2-category does. We apply this result to obtain double adjunctions which extend the adjunction between graphs and categories and the adjunction between polynomial endofunctors and polynomial monads.
In the recent years, a tremendous body of studies has addressed a broad variety of distinct topics in clinical allergy and immunology. In this update, we discuss selected recent data that provide clinically and pathogenetically relevant insights or identify potential novel targets and strategies for therapy. The role of the microbiome in shaping allergic immune responses and molecular, as well as cellular mechanisms of disease, is discussed separately and in the context of atopic dermatitis, as an allergic model disease. Besides summarizing novel evidence, this update highlights current areas of uncertainties and debates that, as we hope, shall stimulate scientific discussions and research activities in the field.
Le Protévangile de Jacques latin dans l'homélie Inquirendum est pour la fête de la Nativité de Marie
L'article est le fruit d'une recherche sur la survie du Protévangile de Jacques en latin. Il contient l'édition critique et la traduction d'une homélie pour la fête de la Nativité de Marie, désignée par son incipit, Inquirendum est, et conservant les ch. 1-8 du Protévangile de Jacques (PJ). Dans trois des six manuscrits utilisés pour l'édition, l'homélie fait partie d'un recueil de sermons de l'époque carolingienne, l'« Homéliaire de Saint-Père de Chartres ». Elle a été composée en même temps que cet homéliaire, entre 820 et 950, dans un milieu marqué par des échanges entre l'Angleterre et la France. L'auteur de l'homélie a inséré dans un cadre homilétique les ch. 1-8 du PJ. Il a utilisé une version latine amplifiée du Protévangile (traduction II), dont dépendent également plusieurs autres témoins: le manuscrit de Paris, Sainte-Geneviève 2787 (PJlatG); les Latin Infancy Gospels édités par M. R. James (JAr et JHer, formes Arundel et Hereford de la « compilation J »); le récit irlandais de l'enfance du Liber Flavus Fergusiorum (InfLFF). Certaines amplifications du récit primitif sont présentes dans l'ensemble de ces témoins, comme l'épisode de la révélation céleste du nom de Marie (traduction IIa). D'autres sont communes à l'homélie, à JAr-JHer et/ou à InfLFF, comme l'ordre supplémentaire donné par Joachim à ses bergers (traduction IIb). A côté de ces éléments traditionnels, l'article met en évidence une série de particularités rédactionnelles (omissions, retouches, additions). L'auteur de l'homélie tient notamment à souligner le caractère naturel de la conception de Marie.
Multimodel inference and multimodel averaging in empirical modeling of occupational exposure levels.
Empirical modeling of exposure levels has been popular for identifying exposure determinants in occupational hygiene. Traditional data-driven methods used to choose a model on which to base inferences have typically not accounted for the uncertainty linked to the process of selecting the final model. Several new approaches propose making statistical inferences from a set of plausible models rather than from a single model regarded as 'best'. This paper introduces the multimodel averaging approach described in the monograph by Burnham and Anderson. In their approach, a set of plausible models are defined a priori by taking into account the sample size and previous knowledge of variables influent on exposure levels. The Akaike information criterion is then calculated to evaluate the relative support of the data for each model, expressed as Akaike weight, to be interpreted as the probability of the model being the best approximating model given the model set. The model weights can then be used to rank models, quantify the evidence favoring one over another, perform multimodel prediction, estimate the relative influence of the potential predictors and estimate multimodel-averaged effects of determinants. The whole approach is illustrated with the analysis of a data set of 1500 volatile organic compound exposure levels collected by the Institute for work and health (Lausanne, Switzerland) over 20 years, each concentration having been divided by the relevant Swiss occupational exposure limit and log-transformed before analysis. Multimodel inference represents a promising procedure for modeling exposure levels that incorporates the notion that several models can be supported by the data and permits to evaluate to a certain extent model selection uncertainty, which is seldom mentioned in current practice.
We characterize double adjunctions in terms of presheaves and universal squares, and then apply these characterizations to free monads and Eilenberg-Moore objects in double categories. We improve upon an earlier result of Fiore-Gambino-Kock in [7] to conclude: if a double category with cofolding admits the construction of free monads in its horizontal 2-category, then it also admits the construction of free monads as a double category horizontally and vertically, and also in its vertical 2-category. We also prove that a double category admits Eilenberg-Moore objects if and only if a certain parameterized presheaf is representable. Along the way, we develop parameterized presheaves on double categories and prove a double Yoneda Lemma.
Introduction : Le syndrome de Brugada, décrit en 1992 par Pedro et Josep Brugada, est un syndrome cardiaque caractérisé par un sus-décalage particulier du segment ST associé à un bloc de branche droit atypique au niveau des dérivations ECG V1 à V3. Les altérations ECG du syndrome de Brugada sont classifiées en 3 types dont seul le type 1 est diagnostique. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques exacts de ce syndrome sont pour le moment encore controversés. Plusieurs hypothèses sont proposées dans la littérature dont deux principales retiennent l'attention : 1) le modèle du trouble de repolarisation stipule des potentiels d'action réduits en durée et en amplitude liés à un changement de répartition de canaux potassiques 2) le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation spécifie un retard de conduction se traduisant par une dépolarisation retardée. Dans le STEMI, un sus-décalage ST ressemblant à celui du syndrome de Brugada est expliqué par deux théories : 1) le courant de lésion diastolique suggère une élévation du potentiel diastolique transformé artificiellement en sus-décalage ST par les filtres utilisés dans tous les appareils ECG.¦Objectif : Recréer les manifestations ECG du syndrome de Brugada en appliquant les modifications du potentiel d'action des cardiomyocytes rapportées dans la littérature.¦Méthode : Pour ce travail, nous avons utilisé "ECGsim", un simulateur informatique réaliste d'ECG disponible gratuitement sur www.ecgsim.org. Ce programme est basé sur une reconstruction de l'ECG de surface à l'aide de 1500 noeuds représentant chacun les potentiels d'action des ventricules droit et gauche, épicardiques et endocardiques. L'ECG simulé peut être donc vu comme l'intégration de l'ensemble de ces potentiels d'action en tenant compte des propriétés de conductivité des tissus s'interposant entre les électrodes de surface et le coeur. Dans ce programme, nous avons définit trois zones, de taille différente, comprenant la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Pour chaque zone, nous avons reproduit les modifications des potentiels d'action citées dans les modèles du trouble de repolarisation et de dépolarisation et des théories de courant de lésion systolique et diastolique. Nous avons utilisé, en plus des douze dérivations habituelles, une électrode positionnée en V2IC3 (i.e. 3ème espace intercostal) sur le thorax virtuel du programme ECGsim.¦Résultats : Pour des raisons techniques, le modèle du trouble de repolarisation n'a pas pu être entièrement réalisée dans ce travail. Le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation ne reproduit pas d'altération de type Brugada mais un bloc de branche droit plus ou moins complet. Le courant de lésion diastolique permet d'obtenir un sus-décalage ST en augmentant le potentiel diastolique épicardique des cardiomyocytes de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Une inversion de l'onde T apparaît lorsque la durée du potentiel d'action est prolongée. L'amplitude du sus-décalage ST dépend de la valeur du potentiel diastolique, de la taille de la lésion et de sa localisation épicardique ou transmurale. Le courant de lésion systolique n'entraîne pas de sus-décalage ST mais accentue l'amplitude de l'onde T.¦Discussion et conclusion : Dans ce travail, l'élévation du potentiel diastolique avec un prolongement de la durée du potentiel d'action est la combinaison qui reproduit le mieux les altérations ECG du Brugada. Une persistance de cellules de type nodal au niveau de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit pourrait être une explication à ces modifications particulières du potentiel d'action. Le risque d'arythmie dans la Brugada pourrait également être expliqué par une automaticité anormale des cellules de type nodal. Ainsi, des altérations des mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans le maintien du potentiel diastolique pourraient être présentes dans le syndrome de Brugada, ce qui, à notre connaissance, n'a jamais été rapporté dans la littérature.
Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterised by persistent eosinophilia associated with multiple organ damage. The three criteria required for the diagnosis of the disease are: a sustained absolute eosinophilic count in the serum greater than 1500/μl present for longer than 6 months, no aetiology for secondary eosinophilia present and identification of signs and symptoms of end-organ involvement [1][2]. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the pathogenesis of some forms of hypereosinophilic syndrome, the current state of knowledge is still insufficient to formulate a new comprehensive etiologic definition of HES [3]. Very few reports can be retrieved describing ocular involvement in HES. Retinal arteriolar occlusions were observed in the pre-equatorial region and documented by angiography in one report [4], while the principal defects noted in a second report were occlusions of major retinal vessels, choroidal infarct, and patchy or delayed choroidal filling [5]. We present a case of extensive bilateral choroidal infiltrates in a patient suffering from idiopathic hypereosinophilia, potentially attributable to her disease.
A group of experts on schistosomiasis and ultrasonography discussed the experiences and results obtained with the Niamey-Belo Horizonte Protocol on Ultrasonography in Schistosomiasis. A series of recomendations about qualitative and quantitative data obtained by ultrasound in studies performed in Africa and Brazil are presented. Imunological, genetic and epidemiological studies must rely on ultrasound for the identification of patients with periportal thickening/fibrosis.
The Staphylococcus aureus cell wall stress stimulon (CWSS) is activated by cell envelope-targeting antibiotics or depletion of essential cell wall biosynthesis enzymes. The functionally uncharacterized S. aureus LytR-CpsA-Psr (LCP) proteins, MsrR, SA0908 and SA2103, all belong to the CWSS. Although not essential, deletion of all three LCP proteins severely impairs cell division. We show here that VraSR-dependent CWSS expression was up to 250-fold higher in single, double and triple LCP mutants than in wild type S. aureus in the absence of external stress. The LCP triple mutant was virtually depleted of wall teichoic acids (WTA), which could be restored to different degrees by any of the single LCP proteins. Subinhibitory concentrations of tunicamycin, which inhibits the first WTA synthesis enzyme TarO (TagO), could partially complement the severe growth defect of the LCP triple mutant. Both of the latter findings support a role for S. aureus LCP proteins in late WTA synthesis, as in Bacillus subtilis where LCP proteins were recently proposed to transfer WTA from lipid carriers to the cell wall peptidoglycan. Intrinsic activation of the CWSS upon LCP deletion and the fact that LCP proteins were essential for WTA-loading of the cell wall, highlight their important role(s) in S. aureus cell envelope biogenesis.
Clinically, heart failure is an age-dependent pathological phenomenon and displays sex-specific characteristics. The renin-angiotensin system mediates cardiac pathology in heart failure. This study investigated the sexually dimorphic functional effects of ageing combined with angiotensin II (AngII) on cardiac muscle cell function, twitch and Ca(2+)-handling characteristics of isolated cardiomyocytes from young (~13 weeks) and aged (~87 weeks) adult wild type (WT) and AngII-transgenic (TG) mice. We hypothesised that AngII-induced contractile impairment would be exacerbated in aged female cardiomyocytes and linked to Ca(2+)-handling disturbances. AngII-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was evident in young adult mice of both sexes and accentuated by age (aged adult ~21-23 % increases in cell length relative to WT). In female AngII-TG mice, ageing was associated with suppressed cardiomyocyte contractility (% shortening, maximum rate of shortening, maximum rate of relaxation). This was associated with delayed cytosolic Ca(2+) removal during twitch relaxation (Tau ~20 % increase relative to young adult female WT), and myofilament responsiveness to Ca(2+) was maintained. In contrast, aged AngII-TG male cardiomyocytes exhibited peak shortening equivalent to young TG; yet, myofilament Ca(2+) responsiveness was profoundly reduced with ageing. Increased pro-arrhythmogenic spontaneous activity was evident with age and cardiac AngII overexpression in male mice (42-55 % of myocytes) but relatively suppressed in female aged transgenic mice. Female myocytes with elevated AngII appear more susceptible to an age-related contractile deficit, whereas male AngII-TG myocytes preserve contractile function with age but exhibit desensitisation of myofilaments to Ca(2+) and a heightened vulnerability to arrhythmic activity. These findings support the contention that sex-specific therapies are required for the treatment of age-progressive heart failure.
Introduction: The last twenty years has witnessed important changes in the field of obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. In 2007, we conducted a survey to obtain information regarding the clinical practice of obstetric anesthesia in our country. The main objective was to ascertain whether recent developments in obstetric anesthesia had been adequately implemented into current clinical practice. Methodology: A confidential questionnaire was sent to 391 identified wiss obstetric anesthetists. The questionnaire included 58 questions on 5 main topics: activity and organization of the obstetric unit, practice of labor analgesia, practice of anesthesia for caesarean section, prevention of aspiration syndrome, and pain treatment after cesarean section. Results: The response rate was 80% (311/391). 66% of the surveyed anesthetists worked in intermediate size obstetric units (500-1500 deliveries per year). An anesthetist was on site 24/24 hours in only 53% of the obstetric units. Epidural labor analgesia with low dose local anesthetics combined with opioids was used by 87% but only 30% used patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA). Spinal anesthesia was the first choice for elective and urgent cesarean section for 95% of the responders. Adequate prevention of aspiration syndrome was prescribed by 78%. After cesarean section, a multimodal analgesic regimen was prescribed by 74%. Conclusion: When comparing these results with those of the two previous Swiss surveys [1, 2], it clearly appears that Swiss obstetric anesthetists have progressively adapted their practice to current clinical recommendations. But this survey also revealed some insufficiencies: 1. Of the public health system: a. Insufficient number of obstetric anesthetists on site 24 hours/24. b. Lack of budget in some hospitals to purchase PCEA pumps. 2. Of individual medical practice: a. Frequent excessive dosage of hyperbaric bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. b. Frequent use of cristalloid preload before spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. c. Frequent systematic use of opioids when inducing general anesthesia for cesarean section. d. Fentanyl as the first choice opioid during induction of general anesthesia for severe preeclampsia. In the future, wider and more systematic information campaigns by the mean of the Swiss Association of Obstetric Anesthesia (SAOA) should be able to correct these points.