919 resultados para Calorie expenditure


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This paper presents a resume of the work carried on the production of 10 million major carp fry by stocking at the rate of 10 million spawn per hectare in 38 nursery ponds covering 2.1 ha. water spread area at Khutelabhata fish seed farm, Durg, Madhya Pradesh. Observations made on the effect of various types of feed on survival and growth rate of Indian Major carp fry in nurseries are reported. Physico-chemical parameters and plankton populations in the three sets of nurseries are given. The experiments indicates that optimum survival rate of fry can be obtained by feeding tender spawn with animal protein feed. The economic viability of the experiment discussed shows that for a little increase in the expenditure on improved artificial food the survival and growth of fry can be enhanced.


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The paper presents a resume on experiments carried on mass breeding of the silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in a cement cistern through administration of crude human chorionic gonadotropin. The experiments proves that human chorionic gonadotropin (H.C.G.) can be used for mass breeding of the fish in simple enclosures, with facilities of some input and output of water and a dose of 5 mg/kg and 18 mg/kg of body weight, for males and females respectively are required for the purpose. Observations were made by using pituitary glands in similar way. For successful breeding of about 80 kg female together, the expenditure towards cost of pituitary gland and H.C.G. are respectively 275 and 117 Rs.


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Studies on nutrient utilisation and growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings (3.13-4.09 g) raised on seven feeding schedules under laboratory conditions (26.3-33.5°C) showed that two days regular feeding on Diet B (high protein, 38.90%) resulted in maximum growth and protein retention efficiency. While regular feeding on low protein diet (Diet A) resulted in poor nutrient utilisation and growth of fish, high protein diet (Diet B) did not show any significant difference in growth from the mixed 2A-3B schedules but exhibited comparatively low protein retention efficiency. The other feeding schedules were 1A-2B, 1A-3B, 2A-2B and 2A-4B, where the numerical value refers to the number of days for continuous feeding of a particular diet. The diets A and B served as the controls which contained 3.40 and 3.67 kcal/g gross energy respectively. The 2A-3B feeding schedule was also found to be highly economic as an expenditure of Rs.11/- only was required for raising the body weight by one kilo as against Rs.17/- with high protein diet (Diet B) as calculated


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Fisher families had been investigated by the Department of Commerce and Industries in earlier economic surveys conducted in 1935, 1938 and 1939 (Das Gupta, 1937 a & b; 1944 a & b). These surveys were directed at the general economic conditions of the urban and rural sectors of the population and therefore did not provide much information in particular on the life of the fisherman or his environment. The Department of Fisheries in 1954 conducted a rapid enquiry into the living conditions of fishermen to obtain some data on their income, indebtedness and general social conditions, at the request of the Canadian Co-operative Consultant for incorporation in his report on the "Status and Possibilities of Co-operative Development of the Fisheries of Ceylon” (MacDonald, 1954). The present survey was undertaken to provide more definite socio-economic information on the fishermen of Ceylon, covering such aspects as income, expenditure, indebtedness and living conditions. The survey was started in June, 1958, but was interrupted by the unsettled conditions of the Island at the time, taking therefore a little over a year for completion. Some of the data collected was used as a basis for a report on the living conditions of fishermen, incorporated in the “Guide to the Fisheries of Ceylon", a hand book published by the Department of Fisheries (Anon. 1958).


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India started mechanization of fishing craft in early 1950. The traditional craft was subjected to technical scrutiny and some of them mechanized with good results. However, due to limitations inherent in the traditional craft, it was found necessary to develop new series of crafts suitable for the operation of modern fishing gears in areas hitherto unexplored. The impetus given to the development of infrastructure like freezing, canning and ice plants, and quickly expanding export market, increased the demand for marine products, hence craft for immediate, as well as long-term needs had to be introduced. In this article the author discusses design of fishing vessels, information from experience used in development of vessels, designs of distant water vessels, productivity studies, income and expenditure, economic values, production cost, and productivity.


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The study was conducted on 238 households in Bangladesh Agricultural University campus and its adjoining areas in Mymensingh. The household were divided into four groups based on their per capita income. Monthly expenditure on fish, income elasticity of demand and marginal propensity to consume were calculated. 'Weighted average' method was used to study the level of preference for fish by sex and age groups and frequency of its purchase. The per capita monthly expenditure on fish of overall households was found to be Tk. 178.83. The consumption increased considerably between and among the income groups rising from Tk. 63.95 in the lowest income group to Tk. 249.11 in the highest income group. Based on income elasticity the proportion of income spent on fish was found to be greater than the proportion of increase in income for lower middle and upper middle income groups. However, percent expenditure decreased from 8.15 in lowest to 5.49 in the highest income group. Female members between 20 and 40yrs had the highest preference for fish in general followed by male members of above 40 yrs. Children (0 to 8 yrs), on the other band, had the least preference for fish, Sing and Magur (Catfishes) were the most preferred fish species for each age and sex group. Rui, a carp, was the single most purchased fish while the introduced exotic fishes were the least bought. Freshness was found to be the most important factor followed by the appearance and taste perception that positively affected the fish purchase.


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A study was conducted among fifty women fish vendors in Kancheepuram and Chennai districts to determine the factors influencing the livelihood index and level of aspiration. The independent variables such as annual income, scientific orientation, expenditure per year and savings per year were found to have highest factor loadings on livelihood index and level of aspiration of fisherwomen. Besides most of the fisherwomen had a high level (score of <50) of livelihood index and a high level (score greater than 13) of aspiration.


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Humans are able to stabilize their movements in environments with unstable dynamics by selectively modifying arm impedance independently of force and torque. We further investigated adaptation to unstable dynamics to determine whether the CNS maintains a constant overall level of stability as the instability of the environmental dynamics is varied. Subjects performed reaching movements in unstable force fields of varying strength, generated by a robotic manipulator. Although the force fields disrupted the initial movements, subjects were able to adapt to the novel dynamics and learned to produce straight trajectories. After adaptation, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was measured at the midpoint of the movement. The stiffness had been selectively modified in the direction of the instability. The stiffness in the stable direction was relatively unchanged from that measured during movements in a null force field prior to exposure to the unstable force field. This impedance modification was achieved without changes in force and torque. The overall stiffness of the arm and environment in the direction of instability was adapted to the force field strength such that it remained equivalent to that of the null force field. This suggests that the CNS attempts both to maintain a minimum level of stability and minimize energy expenditure.


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Black mouth croaker (Atrobucca nibe) is considered as a new valuable fish stock in the Oman Sea. In this study, surimi was manufactured from nonmarket size of the fish, manually and different cryoprotectant agents were added to the surimi. Finally changes in physiochemical, microbiological and sensory quality, characteristics of the surimi and kamaboko gel samples were assessed during 6 months at freezing storage (-18ºC). Surimi samples with the addition of Iranian tragacanth gum (TG), xanthan gum (XG), chitosan (CS) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) at 1% (w/w) were prepared to evaluate their impacts as a cryoprotectant on the surimi, individually. The results showed that the whiteness and lightness indexes in all surimi samples were gradually decreased during frozen storage. This trend of decreasing was more intensity in the control sample from 61.08±0.131 to 54.21±0.067 was recorded (p<0.05). Water holding capacity (WHC) in all treatments was decreased during 6 months. The lowest WHC (g/g) was obtained in the surimi without cryoprotectants and maximum WHC was measured in Tcs and Twpc samples, respectively (p<0.05). The lowest breaking force was calculated in Txg (166.00±22.627 g) and Tc (271.50±263.16 g) during 6 months at frozen storage, respectively (p<0.05), while Twpc treatment with slight variations showed the highest breaking force (p<0.05). Also, the lowest gel strength was obtained in Txg (68.22±6.740 g.cm) after 6 month of frozen storage (p<0.05). All Kamaboko surimi gels texture profile analysis parameters decreaced with increasing shelf life. This decreasing trend in the control sample was more severe. Floding results were reduced in all samples during storage (p<0.05). The best protective results probably were obtained in WPC, chitosan and commercial cryoprotectant agents, respectively due to protein stabilization of myofibrillar proteins and the protein-protein network structure, leading to the formation of surimi gel with strong textural properties during frozen conditions. The average number of surimi polygonal structures were significantly decreased (number per mm2) and their area were significantly increased (μm2) in all treatments (p<0.05). With increasing storage time, moisture, protein contents and pH were decreaced. Maximun TVB-N index was calculated in Tc (7.93±0.400 mg/100g) and Txg (7.88±0.477), respectively (p<0.05). TBRAs index was increased in all treatments during frozen storage, while this trend was reached in maximum value in Tc (p<0.05). Sensory evaluation of the fish finger quality characteristics (color, odor, texture and overall acceptability) preapare from frozen black mouth croaker surimi was decreaced during 6 month frozen storage. After the period of frozen storage the highest quality scores were measured in Twpc, Tcs and Tcc samples, respectively (p<0.05). In this study, coliform bacteria were not found in all treatments during frozen storage. The surimi sample containing chitosan showed lower mesophilic and psychrotropic bacteria (log cfu/g) than other treatments during frozen storage (p<0.05). Salt-soluble proteins extractions of all treatments were decreased during frozen storage. This decreacing trend was highest in Tcs (45.74±0.176%) and lowest in Tc treatments after 6 month of frozen storage (29.92±0.224%) (p<0.05). Although commercial cryoprotectant agents were successful in limiting the denaturation of proteins but sugar contents were not accepted for diabetics or those who disagree with the sweet taste and high calorie food. Hence, commercial cryoprotectant agents can be replaced with whey protein concentrate and chitosan at 1% level (w/w) consider that they were showed proper protection of the surimi myofibrillar proteins during storage.


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There has been tremendous growth in international trade on fish and fisheries products in the last four decades. In 1970 the value of internationally traded fish was estimated at 3 billion; this increased to US$ 15 billion in 1980, US$ 36 billion in 1990 and US$ 55 billion in 2000 (Ahmed, 2003). Recent statistics show that fish trade has surpassed other agricultural commodities that have traditionally been traded internationally such as coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, cereals, meat, oils and milk. In 2000, fish contributed 22% of the value of all agricultural exports, making it the highest internationally traded food product (Ahmed, 2003). In another perspective, nearly 40% of the world's fish is now sold in the international market. The flow of fish in the international market is highly lopsided. About 50% of fish exportscomefromthedevelopingworld ,ofwhich 20%arefrom low-incomefood deficient countries. Most of this fish, however, is consumed by the developed countries, which account for nearly 80% of all imported fish. The EU, USA and Japan are the major importers, accounting for over 77% of global fish imports. Thus, while developing countries playa big role in fish production , they consume very little of it, instead preferring to sell for the hard currency. In some fish exporting countries, especially those in Asia, there is some link between fish exports and imports of substitute and complementary foods. Much of the increased earning from fish exports in those countries is explained by a corresponding rise in expenditure on imported foods. This is not the case in many of the fish exporter nations in Africa. In their case, fish exports generate foreign exchange that they use to meet other socio-political objectives; hardly is it aimed at solving the wider food needs. Therefore, one of the most immediate concerns of international fish trade is its impact on food security in the poor exporter nations.


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There are concerns, at least among the proponents of development, on how to link policy development processes in Uganda and the associated transformation of the poor to high standards of living. In fact some questions have been posed as to whether it's the absence of poverty-targeted policies that a good proportion of individuals or communities are still poor. In the fisheries sector where most of the fish dependent communities live, poverty indications are still prevalent although arguments have been put that current reforms in the sector have transformed the lives of the fish dependent communities. The 1999/2000 household survey report indicates that the poverty levels reduced to 35% of Uganda's total population from 44% in 1997. The question that arose, which still arises anyway, was to define who is actually poor. When measuring poverty one is ultimately interested in the 'standards of living' of individuals especially those, whose standards of living are inadequate. The basic element of measuring this inadequacy/adequacy, at least in Uganda, is to use the household income or consumption per adult equivalent. Studies have demonstrated that household consumption expenditure is a good approximation of household income1. Therefore, for purpose of this report, we define poor households to mean based on that that one adopted by the Ministry of Finance to mean "households whose expenditure per adult equivalent falls below the poverty line 3 ". Many government documents report that the poverty line is one dollar a day. Therefore someone is below the poverty line if he or she lives on less than one dollar a day. In this paper, we analyse the evolution of poverty-driven policies that have been put in place by government and how these policies are shifting or are likely to shift the lives of fish dependent communities. We argue that combinations of poverty-policies are being translated into increased incomes and welfare of most individuals in the fisheries sector. The reasons for this shift, we argue, is as a result of a combination of factors all supported by non other that poverty-led government policies.


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The drive to reduce carbon emissions from domestic housing has led to a recent shift of focus from new-­‐build to retrofit. However there are two significant differences. Firstly more work is needed to retrofit existing housing to the same energy efficiency standards as new-­‐build. Secondly the remaining length of service life is potentially shorter. This implies that the capital expenditure – both financial and carbon -­‐ of retrofit may be disproportionate to the savings gained over the remaining life. However the Government’s definition of low and zero carbon continues to exclude the capital (embodied) carbon costs of construction, which has resulted in a lack of data for comparison. The paper addresses this gap by reporting the embodied carbon costs of retrofitting four individual pilot properties in Rampton Drift, part of an Eco-­‐Town Demonstrator Project in Cambridgeshire. Through collecting details of the materials used and their journeys from manufacturer to site, the paper conducts a ‘cradle-­‐to-­‐gate’ life cycle carbon assessment for each property. The embodied carbon figures are calculated using a software tool being developed by the Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge. The key aims are to assess the real embodied carbon costs of retrofit of domestic properties, and to test the new tool; it is hoped that the methodology, the tool and the specific findings will be transferable to other projects. Initial changes in operational energy as a result of the retrofit works will be reported and compared with the embodied carbon costs when presenting this paper.


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Provisioning along pedestrian trails by tourists much increased the nutrient quality and patchiness of food (NqPF)for Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt Emei in spring and summer. In the habitat at a temperate-subtropical transition zone, the mncaque's NqPF could be ordered in a decreasing rank from spring summer to autumn to winter With the aid of a radio-tracking system, I collected ranging data on a multigroup community in three 70-day periods representing the different seasons in 1991-92, Rank-order correlation on the data show that with the decline of NqPF; the groups tended to increase days away from the trail, their effective range size (ERS) their exclusive area (EA) and the number of days spent in the EA, and reduced their group/community density and the ratio of the overlapped range to the seasonal range (ROR). In icy/snowy winter; the macaques searched for mature leaves slowly and carefully in the largest seasonal range with a considerable portion that was nor used in other seasons. Of the responses, the ROR decreased with the reduction in group/community density; and the ERS was the function of both group size (+) and intergroup rank (-) when favorite food was highly clumped. All above responses were clearly bound to maximize foraging effectiveness and minimize energy expenditure, and their integration in term of changes in time and space leads to better understanding macaque ecological adaptability. Based on this study and previous work on behavioral and physiological factors, I suggest a unifying theory of intergroup interactions. Ir! addition, as the rate of behavioral interactions,was also related to the group density, I Waser's (1976) gas model probably applies to behavioral, as well as spatial, data on intergroup interactions.


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We collected data on diet and activity budget in a group of Rhinopithecus bieti at Tacheng (99degrees 18'E, 27degrees 36' N, between 2,700 - 3,700 m asl), Yunnan, from March 1999 to December 2000. We mainly recorded species-parts eaten with feeding scores from scanning state behaviors of one-male units in tree-crowns. We also conducted microscopic analysis of feces collected monthly. The subjects consumed 59 plant species, belonging to 42 genera in 28 families, of which 90 species-parts were distributed as follows: 21 in Winter, 38 in spring, 39 in Summer, 47 in autumn. Conversely, the group annually spent, on average, 35% of daytime feeding, 33% resting, 15% moving, and 13% in social activities. Seasonal changes are apparent in daytime budget and food item-related feeding time in tree-crowns, food remains in feces, and the number of species-parts eaten. Correlations within and between food items and time budget clearly indicate maximization of foraging effectiveness and minimization of energy expenditure. In consideration of reports from northern and southern groups, that which underlay the specific adaptation to the habitat appeared to be similar to those of other colobines. Thus, the ultimate factors for survival of the species are more hopeful than expected.


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The use of catenary steel-compliant-riser (SCR) systems has increased as hydrocarbon production has moved progressively farther offshore and into deeper waters. The issue of fatigue damage caused by cyclic interaction of a riser with the seabed has gained prominence with the widespread use of SCRs and with the lengthening of the spans. The problem involves a number of complex factors, including trench configuration, nonlinear soil stiffness, breakaway of the riser from the seafloor, and degradation of soil resistance during cyclic loading. This paper presents a soilinteraction model capable of modeling these complexities, using input parameters that can be obtained with reasonable expenditure. Model simulations for typical offshore soft-soil conditions indicate that the model is capable of realistic predictions of cyclic bending moments. The degradation of soil resistance has a major effect on cyclic bending moments, particularly when uplift motions at the riser touchdown point (TDP) are large. © 2008 Society of Petroleum Engineers.