1000 resultados para Calder v. Bull
Aquest llibre reuneix un estudi arqueològic extraordinàriament acurat referit a tot un seguit d'actuacions detectades a partir del registre arqueològic, que caracteritzen l'espai urbà de l'antiga Iluro durant el període de l'Antiguitat tardana. S'hi estudia amb molt deteniment cadascuna de les accions detectades -així com tot el mobiliari ceràmic relacionat- amb la finalitat de situar-les correctament en el temps, però també per entendre, a trav��s de la cultura material, la dinàmica que pren la ciutat a les darreries de l'Antiguitat; per a poder intuir, més que saber, quina societat es desenvolupa darrere d¿aquests contenidors plens de productes alimentaris arribats d¿un ultramar llunyà i alhora molt proper; una societat capaç de respondre a l¿estímul exterior amb una producció pròpia que competirà o substituirà una gran part de la que ve de fora.
Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques.
The Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Family Health and the Child Health Specialty Clinics embarked on a five-year needs assessment in March 2008 with a daylong strategic planning session involving key administrative and staff personnel from both agencies. As part of the strategic planning, the participants began preparation of a comprehensive assessment to identify the need in Iowa for: preventive and primary care services for pregnant women, mothers, and infants; preventive and primary care services for children; and services for children and youth with special health care needs.
In recent years, several vasopressin antagonists have been developed that block V-1 receptors either selectively or nonselectively.(1,2) To date, one combined V-1/V-2 antagonist (primarily a V-2 antagonist, as determined on the basis of human receptor binding data), conivaptan, has been approved for the treatment of euvolemic hyponatremia.(3,4) We have previously shown that the vascular properties of a vasopressin V-1 antagonist can be investigated safely and reliably in healthy subjects. We used the measurement of skin blood flow after intradermic injection of exogenous arginine vasopressin on a skin area prevasodilated with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).(3,5) This technique enables the documentation of the dose-dependent effects of vasopressin or vasopressin antagonists. In this study, we have characterized the V-1a pharmacodynamic profile of increasing doses of RWJ-676070, a new orally active dual V-1a/V-2 receptor antagonist, in healthy subjects.(5)
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
En las páginas siguientes se estudian las diatomeas contenidas en una serie de recolecciones que no han sido utilizadas en la preparación de trabajos de tipo regional publicados anteriormente, aunque una parte de estos materiales inéditos se aprovechó para un estudio sobre la vegetación de las aguas dulces de Cataluña (Vegetatio, vol. i, págs. 258-284, 1949), en el que se pueden encontrar algunas referencias complementarias sobre ecología y biocenología de las especies.
Asplenio (onopteridis)-quercetum ilicis
Like numerous other eukaryotic organelles, the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes coordinated cycles of membrane fission and fusion in the course of the cell cycle and in adaptation to environmental conditions. Organelle fission and fusion processes must be balanced to ensure organelle integrity. Coordination of vacuole fission and fusion depends on the interactions of vacuolar SNARE proteins and the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p. Here, we identify a novel factor that impinges on the fusion-fission equilibrium: the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) performs two distinct roles in vacuole fission and fusion. Fusion requires the physical presence of the membrane sector of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase sector, but not its pump activity. Vacuole fission, in contrast, depends on proton translocation by the V-ATPase. Eliminating proton pumping by the V-ATPase either pharmacologically or by conditional or constitutive V-ATPase mutations blocked salt-induced vacuole fragmentation in vivo. In living cells, fission defects are epistatic to fusion defects. Therefore, mutants lacking the V-ATPase display large single vacuoles instead of multiple smaller vacuoles, the phenotype that is generally seen in mutants having defects only in vacuolar fusion. Its dual involvement in vacuole fission and fusion suggests the V-ATPase as a potential regulator of vacuolar morphology and membrane dynamics.