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We review a single surgeon and surgical centre's experience with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAML) in relation to clinical spectrum, operative experience, and postoperative course. A retrospective hospital record review was done on surgically treated cases of CCAML over a 10-year period, focusing on number with antenatal diagnosis, spectrum of postnatal presentation, type of surgery performed, and outcome. Forty-seven patients from birth to 14 years of age underwent surgery for CCAML. Antenatal diagnosis (ante) was made in 30 cases. Of these, 10 became symptomatic before surgery. Six of the 17 postnatally-diagnosed (pnd) cases were an asymptomatic incidental finding. Overall, 16 were symptomatic in the 1st year of life, and five were symptomatic beyond 1 year of age. Symptoms varied from respiratory distress (seven ante, six pnd) to chronic cough (three, and recurrent chest infection (three ante, two pnd). All preoperative diagnoses were confirmed with chest CT. Most patients (25) were operated on before 3 months of age. Eleven were operated on in the first 2 weeks of life as emergency surgery for respiratory distress. The most common lobe involved was the right upper lobe (16), and lobectomy was performed in 42 cases, segmentectomy in four, and pneumonectomy in one. Seventeen cases were extubated immediately postoperatively; 29 required postoperative ventilation overnight, and nine needed more prolonged ventilation. Early postoperative complications included pneumothorax (two), pleural effusion (one), and chylous effusion (one). Late complications included recurrence in three cases (all segmentectomy), who then subsequently underwent lobectomy. There was one death from respiratory failure. Because there is an increasing trend in the detection of asymptomatic antenatally-diagnosed CCAML, consideration of early surgical excision to prevent complications is suggested by our series. CT scanning is mandatory for postnatal evaluation because chest x-ray could be normal. Safe elective excision after 3 months is supported by our low morbidity and less need for postoperative ventilation. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice to prevent recurrence.
There is evidence in the literature for both a congenital and a post-traumatic aetiology for os odontoideum. In no series published to date has CT been used to aid in the diagnosis. This is a prospective study of the history of trauma and presence of diagnostic features on CT of 18 consecutive cases with os odontoideum. Our objective was to derive clinically useful radiological features enabling accurate differentiation between congenital and post-traumatic aetiologies. A mid-sagittal CT reconstruction of the atlanto-dens joint was obtained. Hypertrophy of the anterior arch of the atlas was quantified by measurement of the arch-peg-area ratio. The presence of dysplastic features (a positive jigsaw sign) of the atlanto-axial joint were noted. These included narrowing of the cartilage space and interdigitation of the two joint surfaces. A history of a potential traumatic aetiology was only obtained in one of the 18 (6%) in our series. A significant elevation of the arch-peg ratio was found when comparing this series to 85 controls. And a positive jigsaw sign was observed in 75% of cases. These features were not seen in paediatric cases of atlanto-axial instability, including odontoid non-union. In conclusion, an elevated arch-peg ratio and the presence of a jigsaw sign are sensitive and specific diagnostic criteria for os odontoideum. This series supports a congenital aetiology for this condition.
The Australian Pregnancy Registry, affiliated European Register of Antiepileptic drugs in Pregnancy (EURAP), recruits informed consenting women with epilepsy on treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), those untreated, and women on AEDs for other indications. Enrolment is considered prospective if it has occurred before presence or absence of major foetal malformations (FMs) are known, or retrospective, if they had occurred after the birth of infant or detection of major FM. Telephone Interviews are conducted to ascertain pregnancy outcome and collect data about seizures. To date 630 women have been enrolled, with 565 known pregnancy outcomes. Valproate (VPA) above 1100 mg/day was associated with a significantly higher incidence of FMs than other AEDs (P < 0.05). This was independent of other AED use or potentially confounding factors on multivariate analysis (OR = 7.3, P < 0.0001). Lamotrigine (LTG) monotherapy (n = 65), has so far been free of malformations. Although seizure control was not a primary outcome, we noted that more patients on LTG than on VPA required dose adjustments to control seizures. Data indicate an increased risk of FM in women taking VPA in doses > 1100 mg/day compared with other AEDs. The choice of AED for pregnant women with epilepsy requires assessment of balance of risks between teratogenicity and seizure control.
Congenital disorder of glycosylation type Ia presenting as early-onset cerebellar ataxia in an adult
Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society
The purpose of the study was to develop a questionnaire measuring health-related R1 quality of life for children and adolescents with congenital heart disease, the ConQol, that would have both clinical and research applications. We describe here the process of construction of a questionnaire, the piloting and the development of a weighted scoring system, and data on the psychometric performance of the measure in a sample of 640 children and young people recruited via 6 regional centres for paediatric cardiology from across the United Kingdom. The ConQol has two versions, one designed for children aged from 8 to 11 years, and the other for young people aged from 12 to 16 years. Initial findings suggest that it is a valid and reliable instrument, is acceptable to respondents, and is simple to administer in both a research and clinical context.
One of the objectives of the molecular biological study of glaucoma is to establish how the disease develops as a result of the production of aberrant gene products. Many of the genes associated with glaucoma code for proteins which are likely to be directly or indirectly involved in the development and/or function of cells within the trabecular meshwork. The identification of specific defects in these genes is likely to lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in PCG and glaucoma in general and to the development of alternative therapies to surgery. The CYP1B1 gene in particular, which is a linked to congenital glaucoma, and is expressed in the trabecular meshwork, codes for a member of the cytochrome P450 group of proteins. These iron binding proteins constitute a family of enzymes involved in the processes of xenobiotic metabolism, growth, and development. The discovery of the CYP1B1 gene in PCG emphases the importance of abnormalities in the molecular structure of proteins expressed in cells of the trabecular network as a cause of PCG. The identification of specific genetic defects leads to the possibility of more widespread screening for PCG especially in affected families and hence, the possibility of the identification of asymptomatic carriers of the disease. Early identification of 'at risk' parents may then enable earlier detection of PCG and intervention in the infant.
Purpose: To report the outcome of retinal artery macroaneurysm associated with a congenital anomalous retinal artery. Methods: The patient was examined with ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography. Results: A 60-year-old woman presented with visual acuity of 20/80 in her right eye. She was found to have an abnormal retinal vessel emerging from the optic disk, passing toward the center of the macula, and looping back toward the disk. The center of the loop had a leaking macroaneurysm, which was treated conservatively. At the 4-month follow-up visit, the visual acuity in the right eye had improved to 20/20 with resolution of most of the macular edema, exudates, and hemorrhage. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that retinal artery macroaneurysm can be successfully managed with a conservative approach, even when associated with a congenital anomalous retinal vessel.
Background: Introducing neonatal screening procedures may not be readily accepted by parents and may increase anxiety. The acceptability of pulse oximetry screening to parents has not been previously reported. Objective: To assess maternal acceptability of pulse oximetry screening for congenital heart defects and to identify factors predictive of participation in screening. Design and setting: A questionnaire was completed by a cross-sectional sample of mothers whose babies were recruited into the PulseOx Study which investigated the test accuracy of pulse oximetry screening. Participants: A total of 119 mothers of babies with false-positive (FP) results, 15 with true-positive and 679 with true-negative results following screening. Main outcome measures: Questionnaires included measures of satisfaction with screening, anxiety, depression and perceptions of test results. Results: Participants were predominantly satisfied with screening. The anxiety of mothers given FP results was not significantly higher than that of mothers given true-negative results (median score 32.7 vs 30.0, p=0.09). White British/Irish mothers were more likely to participate in screening, with a decline rate of 5%; other ethnic groups were more likely to decline with the largest increase in declining being for Black African mothers (21%, OR 4.6, 95% CI 3.8 to 5.5). White British mothers were also less anxious (p<0.001) and more satisfied (p<0.001) than those of other ethnicities Conclusions: Pulse oximetry screening was acceptable to mothers and FP results were not found to increase anxiety. Factors leading to differences in participation and satisfaction across ethnic groups need to be identified so that staff can support parents appropriately.
Background: Screening for congenital heart defects (CHDs) relies on antenatal ultrasound and postnatal clinical examination; however, life-threatening defects often go undetected. Objective: To determine the accuracy, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of pulse oximetry as a screening test for CHDs in newborn infants. Design: A test accuracy study determined the accuracy of pulse oximetry. Acceptability of testing to parents was evaluated through a questionnaire, and to staff through focus groups. A decision-analytic model was constructed to assess cost-effectiveness. Setting: Six UK maternity units. Participants: These were 20,055 asymptomatic newborns at = 35 weeks’ gestation, their mothers and health-care staff. Interventions: Pulse oximetry was performed prior to discharge from hospital and the results of this index test were compared with a composite reference standard (echocardiography, clinical follow-up and follow-up through interrogation of clinical databases). Main outcome measures: Detection of major CHDs – defined as causing death or requiring invasive intervention up to 12 months of age (subdivided into critical CHDs causing death or intervention before 28 days, and serious CHDs causing death or intervention between 1 and 12 months of age); acceptability of testing to parents and staff; and the cost-effectiveness in terms of cost per timely diagnosis. Results: Fifty-three of the 20,055 babies screened had a major CHD (24 critical and 29 serious), a prevalence of 2.6 per 1000 live births. Pulse oximetry had a sensitivity of 75.0% [95% confidence interval (CI) 53.3% to 90.2%] for critical cases and 49.1% (95% CI 35.1% to 63.2%) for all major CHDs. When 23 cases were excluded, in which a CHD was already suspected following antenatal ultrasound, pulse oximetry had a sensitivity of 58.3% (95% CI 27.7% to 84.8%) for critical cases (12 babies) and 28.6% (95% CI 14.6% to 46.3%) for all major CHDs (35 babies). False-positive (FP) results occurred in 1 in 119 babies (0.84%) without major CHDs (specificity 99.2%, 95% CI 99.0% to 99.3%). However, of the 169 FPs, there were six cases of significant but not major CHDs and 40 cases of respiratory or infective illness requiring medical intervention. The prevalence of major CHDs in babies with normal pulse oximetry was 1.4 (95% CI 0.9 to 2.0) per 1000 live births, as 27 babies with major CHDs (6 critical and 21 serious) were missed. Parent and staff participants were predominantly satisfied with screening, perceiving it as an important test to detect ill babies. There was no evidence that mothers given FP results were more anxious after participating than those given true-negative results, although they were less satisfied with the test. White British/Irish mothers were more likely to participate in the study, and were less anxious and more satisfied than those of other ethnicities. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of pulse oximetry plus clinical examination compared with examination alone is approximately £24,900 per timely diagnosis in a population in which antenatal screening for CHDs already exists. Conclusions: Pulse oximetry is a simple, safe, feasible test that is acceptable to parents and staff and adds value to existing screening. It is likely to identify cases of critical CHDs that would otherwise go undetected. It is also likely to be cost-effective given current acceptable thresholds. The detection of other pathologies, such as significant CHDs and respiratory and infective illnesses, is an additional advantage. Other pulse oximetry techniques, such as perfusion index, may enhance detection of aortic obstructive lesions.