Includes bibliographical references.
"Part I of the present paper was supported by the Arnold Engineering Development Center under Contract no. AF-40-(601)-928. Part II is a part of project DEFENDER sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, under Contract no. DA-30-069-ORD-3443."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Extrait des Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 4e période, t. 5, Juin 1898."
"Sonderabdruck aus Annalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie, 1909."
Mode of access: Internet.
Cover title.
Thesis--University of Kansas, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.
"Purdue Research Foundation. Fellowship no.997. Project Ae-24. This research was supported by the United States Army, through the office of Ordnance Research, under Contract no.DA33-008 ORD-888."
This paper presents a comparative study how reactor configuration, sludge loading and air flowrate affect flow regimes, hydrodynamics, floc size distribution and sludge solids-liquid separation properties. Three reactor configurations were studied in bench scale activated sludge bubble column reactor (BCR), air-lift reactor (ALR) and aerated stirred reactor (ASR). The ASR demonstrated the highest capacity of gas holdup and resistance, and homogeneity in flow regimes and shearing forces, resulting in producing large numbers of small and compact floes. The fluid dynamics in the ALR created regularly directed recirculation forces to enhance the gas holdup and sludge flocculation. The BCR distributed a high turbulent flow regime and non-homogeneity in gas holdup and mixing, and generated large numbers of larger and looser floes. The sludge size distributions, compressibility and settleability were significantly influenced by the reactor configurations associated with the flow regimes and hydrodynamics.
CFD simulations of the 75 mm, hydrocyclone of Hsieh (1988) have been conducted using Fluent TM. The simulations used 3-dimensional body fitted grids. The simulations were two phase simulations where the air core was resolved using the mixture (Manninen et al., 1996) and VOF (Hirt and Nichols, 1981) models. Velocity predictions from large eddy simulations (LES), using the Smagorinsky-Lilly sub grid scale model (Smagorinsky, 1963; Lilly, 1966) and RANS simulations using the differential Reynolds stress turbulence model (Launder et al., 1975) were compared with Hsieh's experimental velocity data. The LES simulations gave very good agreement with Hsieh's data but required very fine grids to predict the velocities correctly in the bottom of the apex. The DRSM/RANS simulations under predicted tangential velocities, and there was little difference between the velocity predictions using the linear (Launder, 1989) and quadratic (Speziale et al., 1991) pressure strain models. Velocity predictions using the DRSM turbulence model and the linear pressure strain model could be improved by adjusting the pressure strain model constants.
We have developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a mantle-convection fluid dynamics code. We use a viscous model of deformation with an orthotropic viscoplasticity (a different viscosity is used for pure shear to that used for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation, neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane, which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. We also allow for strain-weakening of the material. The material can remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-integration-point finite element code and show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2- and 3-dimensional problems.
A sieve plate distillation column has been constructed and interfaced to a minicomputer with the necessary instrumentation for dynamic, estimation and control studies with special bearing on low-cost and noise-free instrumentation. A dynamic simulation of the column with a binary liquid system has been compiled using deterministic models that include fluid dynamics via Brambilla's equation for tray liquid holdup calculations. The simulation predictions have been tested experimentally under steady-state and transient conditions. The simulator's predictions of the tray temperatures have shown reasonably close agreement with the measured values under steady-state conditions and in the face of a step change in the feed rate. A method of extending linear filtering theory to highly nonlinear systems with very nonlinear measurement functional relationships has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The simulation results have proved that the proposed methodology can overcome the typical instability problems associated with the Kalman filters. Three extended Kalman filters have been formulated and tested by simulation. The filters have been used to refine a much simplified model sequentially and to estimate parameters such as the unmeasured feed composition using information from the column simulation. It is first assumed that corrupted tray composition measurements are made available to the filter and then corrupted tray temperature measurements are accessed instead. The simulation results have demonstrated the powerful capability of the Kalman filters to overcome the typical hardware problems associated with the operation of on-line analyzers in relation to distillation dynamics and control by, in effect, replacirig them. A method of implementing estimator-aided feedforward (EAFF) control schemes has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The results have shown that the EAFF scheme provides much better control and energy conservation than the conventional feedback temperature control in the face of a sustained step change in the feed rate or multiple changes in the feed rate, composition and temperature. Further extensions of this work are recommended as regards simulation, estimation and EAFF control.