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Analytical expressions are found for the wavenumbers in an infinite flexible in vacuo I fluid-filled circular cylindrical shell based on different shell-theories using asymptotic methods. Donnell-Mushtari theory (the simplest shell theory) and four higher order theories, namely Love-Timoshenko, Goldenveizer-Novozhilov, Flugge and Kennard-simplified are considered. Initially, in vacuo and fluid-coupled wavenumber expressions are presented using the Donnell-Mushtari theory. Subsequently, the wavenumbers using the higher order theories are presented as perturbations on the Donnell-Mushtari wavenumbers. Similarly, expressions for the resonance frequencies in a finite shell are also presented, using each shell theory. The basic differences between the theories being what they are, the analytical expressions obtained from the five theories allow one to see how these differences propagate into the asymptotic expansions. Also, they help to quantify the difference between the theories for a wide range of parameter values such as the frequency range, circumferential order, thickness ratio of the shell, etc.


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In this article we study bases for projective monomial curves and the relationship between the basis and the set of generators for the defining ideal of the curve. We understand this relationship best for curves in P-3 and for curves defined by an arithmetic progression. We are able to prove that the latter are set theoretic complete intersections.


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In this letter, we investigate the circular differential deflection of a light beam refracted at the interface of an optically active medium. We show that the difference between the angles of deviation of the two circularly polarized components of the transmitted beam is enhanced manyfold near total internal reflection, which suggests a simple way of increasing the limit of detection of chiro-optical measurements. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The stability of a long unsupported circular tunnel (opening) in a cohesive frictional soil has been assessed with the inclusion of pseudo-static horizontal earthquake body forces. The analysis has been performed under plane strain conditions by using upper bound finite element limit analysis in combination with a linear optimization procedure. The results have been presented in the form of a non-dimensional stability number (gamma H-max/c); where H = tunnel cover, c refers to soil cohesion and gamma(max) is the maximum unit weight of soil mass which the tunnel can support without collapse. The results have been obtained for various values of H/D (D = diameter of the tunnel), internal friction angle (phi) of soil, and the horizontal earthquake acceleration coefficient (alpha(h)). The computations reveal that the values of the stability numbers (i) decrease quite significantly with an increase in alpha(h), and (ii) become continuously higher for greater values of H/D and phi. As expected, the failure zones around the periphery of the tunnel becomes always asymmetrical with an inclusion of horizontal seismic body forces. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the effect of a prescribed tangential velocity on the drag force on a circular cylinder in a spanwise uniform cross flow. Using a combination of theoretical and numerical techniques we make an attempt at determining the optimal tangential velocity profiles which will reduce the drag force acting on the cylindrical body while minimizing the net power consumption characterized through a non-dimensional power loss coefficient (C-PL). A striking conclusion of our analysis is that the tangential velocity associated with the potential flow, which completely suppresses the drag force, is not optimal for both small and large, but finite Reynolds number. When inertial effects are negligible (R e << 1), theoretical analysis based on two-dimensional Oseen equations gives us the optimal tangential velocity profile which leads to energetically efficient drag reduction. Furthermore, in the limit of zero Reynolds number (Re -> 0), minimum power loss is achieved for a tangential velocity profile corresponding to a shear-free perfect slip boundary. At finite Re, results from numerical simulations indicate that perfect slip is not optimum and a further reduction in drag can be achieved for reduced power consumption. A gradual increase in the strength of a tangential velocity which involves only the first reflectionally symmetric mode leads to a monotonic reduction in drag and eventual thrust production. Simulations reveal the existence of an optimal strength for which the power consumption attains a minima. At a Reynolds number of 100, minimum value of the power loss coefficient (C-PL = 0.37) is obtained when the maximum in tangential surface velocity is about one and a half times the free stream uniform velocity corresponding to a percentage drag reduction of approximately 77 %; C-PL = 0.42 and 0.50 for perfect slip and potential flow cases, respectively. Our results suggest that potential flow tangential velocity enables energetically efficient propulsion at all Reynolds numbers but optimal drag reduction only for Re -> infinity. The two-dimensional strategy of reducing drag while minimizing net power consumption is shown to be effective in three dimensions via numerical simulation of flow past an infinite circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 300. Finally a strategy of reducing drag, suitable for practical implementation and amenable to experimental testing, through piecewise constant tangential velocities distributed along the cylinder periphery is proposed and analysed.


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Boxicity of a graph G(V, E) is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of k-dimensional axis parallel boxes in Rk. Equivalently, it is the minimum number of interval graphs on the vertex set V such that the intersection of their edge sets is E. It is known that boxicity cannot be approximated even for graph classes like bipartite, co-bipartite and split graphs below O(n0.5-ε)-factor, for any ε > 0 in polynomial time unless NP = ZPP. Till date, there is no well known graph class of unbounded boxicity for which even an nε-factor approximation algorithm for computing boxicity is known, for any ε < 1. In this paper, we study the boxicity problem on Circular Arc graphs - intersection graphs of arcs of a circle. We give a (2+ 1/k)-factor polynomial time approximation algorithm for computing the boxicity of any circular arc graph along with a corresponding box representation, where k ≥ 1 is its boxicity. For Normal Circular Arc(NCA) graphs, with an NCA model given, this can be improved to an additive 2-factor approximation algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithms to approximately compute the boxicity is O(mn+n2) in both these cases and in O(mn+kn2) which is at most O(n3) time we also get their corresponding box representations, where n is the number of vertices of the graph and m is its number of edges. The additive 2-factor algorithm directly works for any Proper Circular Arc graph, since computing an NCA model for it can be done in polynomial time.


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In this paper, a suitable nondimensional `orthotropy parameter' is defined and asymptotic expansions are found for the wavenumbers in in vacuo and fluid-filled orthotropic circular cylindrical shells modeled by the Donnell-Mushtari theory. Here, the elastic moduli in the two directions are greatly different; the particular case of E-x >> E-theta is studied in detail, i.e., the elastic modulus in the longitudinal direction is much larger than the elastic modulus in the circumferential direction. These results are compared with the corresponding results for a `slightly orthotropic' shell (E-x approximate to E-theta) and an isotropic shell. The novelty of this presentation lies in obtaining closed-form expansions for the in vacuo and coupled wavenumbers in an orthotropic shell using perturbation methods aiding in a better physical understanding of the problem.


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We consider wavenumbers in in vacuo and fluid-filled isotropic and orthotropic shells. Using the Donnell-Mushtari (DM) theory we find compact and elegant asymptotic expansions for the wavenumbers in the intermediate frequency range, i.e., around the ring frequency. This frequency range corresponds to the frequencies where there is a rapid change in the values of bending wavenumbers and is found to exist in isotropic and orthotropic shells (in vacua and fluid-filled) for low circumferential orders n only. The same is first identified using the n=0 mode of an orthotropic shell. Following this, using the expression for the intermediate frequency, asymptotic expansions are found for other cases. Here, in order to get compact expansions we consider slight orthotropy (epsilon << 1) and light fluid loading (mu << 1). Thus, the orthotropy parameter epsilon and the fluid loading parameter mu are used as asymptotic parameters along with the non-dimensional thickness parameter beta. The methodology can be extended to any order of epsilon, only the expansions become unwieldy. The expansions are matched with the numerical solutions of the corresponding dispersion relation. The match is found to be good.


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By using the lower-bound finite element limit analysis, the stability of a long unsupported circular tunnel has been examined with an inclusion of seismic body forces. The numerical results have been presented in terms of a non-dimensional stability number (gamma H/c) which is plotted as a function of horizontal seismic earth pressure coefficient (k (h)) for different combinations of H/D and I center dot; where (1) H is the depth of the crest of the tunnel from ground surface, (2) D is the diameter of the tunnel, (3) k (h) is the earthquake acceleration coefficient and (4) gamma, c and I center dot define unit weight, cohesion and internal friction angle of soil mass, respectively. The stability numbers have been found to decrease continuously with an increase in k (h). With an inclusion of k (h), the plastic zone around the periphery of the tunnel becomes asymmetric. As compared to the results reported in the literature, the present analysis provides a little lower estimate of the stability numbers. The numerical results obtained would be useful for examining the stability of unsupported tunnel under seismic forces.


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Rigid splitter plates in the wake of bluff bodies are known to suppress the primary vortex shedding. In the present work, we experimentally study the problem of a flexible splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. In this case, the splitter plate is free to continuously deform along its length due to the fluid forces acting on it; the flexural rigidity (EI) of the plate being an important parameter. Direct visualizations of the splitter plate motions, for very low values of flexural rigidity (EI), indicate periodic traveling wave type deformations of the splitter plate with maximum tip amplitudes of the order of I cylinder diameter. As the Reynolds number based on cylinder diameter is varied, two regimes of periodic splitter plate motions are found that are referred to as mode I and mode II, with a regime of aperiodic motions between them. The frequency of plate motions in both periodic modes is found to be close to the plane cylinder Strouhal number of about 0.2, while the average frequencies in the non-periodic regime are substantially lower. The measured normalized phase speed of the traveling wave for both periodic modes is also close to the convection speed of vortices in the plane cylinder wake. As the flexural rigidity of the plate (EI) is increased, the response of the plate was found to shift to the right when plotted with flow speed or Re. To better capture the effect of varying EI, we define and use a non-dimensional bending stiffness, K*, similar to the ones used in the flag flutter problem, K*=EI/(0.5 rho(UL3)-L-2), where U is the free-stream velocity and L is the splitter plate length. Amplitude data for different EI cases when plotted against this parameter appear to collapse on to a single curve for a given splitter plate length. Measurements of the splitter plate motions for varying splitter plate lengths indicate that plates that are substantially larger than the formation length of the plane cylinder wake have similar responses, while shorter plates show significant differences.


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In this paper control of oblique vortex shedding in the wake behind a straight circular cylinder is explored experimentally and computationally. Towards this, steady rotation of the cylinder about its axis is used as a control device. Some limited studies are also performed with a stepped circular cylinder, where at the step the flow is inevitably three-dimensional irrespective of the rotation rate. When there is no rotation, the vortex shedding pattern is three dimensional as described in many previous studies. With a non-zero rotation rate, it is demonstrated experimentally as well as numerically that the shedding pattern becomes more and more two-dimensional. At sufficiently high rotation rates, the vortex shedding is completely suppressed.


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The stability of two long unsupported circular parallel tunnels aligned horizontally in fully cohesive and cohesive-frictional soils has been determined. An upper bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming is employed to perform the analysis. For different clear spacing (S) between the tunnels, the stability of tunnels is expressed in terms of a non-dimensional stability number (gamma H-max/c); where H is tunnel cover, c refers to soil cohesion, and gamma(max) is maximum unit weight of soil mass which the tunnels can bear without any collapse. The variation of the stability number with tunnels' spacing has been established for different combinations of H/D, m and phi; where D refers to diameter of each tunnel, phi is the internal friction angle of soil and m accounts for the rate at which the cohesion increases linearly with depth. The stability number reduces continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the tunnels. The optimum spacing (S-opt) between the two tunnels required to eliminate the interference effect increases with (i) an increase in H/D and (ii) a decrease in the values of both m and phi. The value of S-opt lies approximately in a range of 1.5D-3.5D with H/D = 1 and 7D-12D with H/D = 7. The results from the analysis compare reasonably well with the different solutions reported in literature. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Since Brutsaert and Neiber (1977), recession curves are widely used to analyse subsurface systems of river basins by expressing -dQ/dt as a function of Q, which typically take a power law form: -dQ/dt=kQ, where Q is the discharge at a basin outlet at time t. Traditionally recession flows are modelled by single reservoir models that assume a unique relationship between -dQ/dt and Q for a basin. However, recent observations indicate that -dQ/dt-Q relationship of a basin varies greatly across recession events, indicating the limitation of such models. In this study, the dynamic relationship between -dQ/dt and Q of a basin is investigated through the geomorphological recession flow model which models recession flows by considering the temporal evolution of its active drainage network (the part of the stream network of the basin draining water at time t). Two primary factors responsible for the dynamic relationship are identified: (i) degree of aquifer recharge (ii) spatial variation of rainfall. Degree of aquifer recharge, which is likely to be controlled by (effective) rainfall patterns, influences the power law coefficient, k. It is found that k has correlation with past average streamflow, which confirms the notion that dynamic -dQ/dt-Q relationship is caused by the degree of aquifer recharge. Spatial variation of rainfall is found to have control on both the exponent, , and the power law coefficient, k. It is noticed that that even with same and k, recession curves can be different, possibly due to their different (recession) peak values. This may also happen due to spatial variation of rainfall. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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By a theorem of Gromov, for an almost complex structure J on CP2 tamed by the standard symplectic structure, the J-holomorphic curves representing the positive generator of homology form a projective plane. We show that this satisfies the Theorem of Desargues if and only if J is isomorphic to the standard complex structure. This answers a question of Ghys. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.