961 resultados para CHROMOSOME-8 LONG ARM
A search for supersymmetry is presented based on events with large missing transverse energy, no isolated electron or muon, and at least three jets with one or more identified as a bottom-quark jet. A simultaneous examination is performed of the numbers of events in exclusive bins of the scalar sum of jet transverse momentum values, missing transverse energy, and bottom-quark jet multiplicity. The sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.4fb-1, consists of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 8TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2012. The observed numbers of events are found to be consistent with the standard model expectation, which is evaluated with control samples in data. The results are interpreted in the context of two simplified supersymmetric scenarios in which gluino pair production is followed by the decay of each gluino to an undetected lightest supersymmetric particle and either a bottom or top quark-antiquark pair, characteristic of gluino mediated bottom- or top-squark production. Using the production cross section calculated to next-to-leading-order plus next-to-leading-logarithm accuracy, and in the limit of a massless lightest supersymmetric particle, we exclude gluinos with masses below 1170GeV and 1020GeV for the two scenarios, respectively. © 2013 CERN.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os cariótipos de Phyllostomus discolor e P. hastatus da Amazônia oriental são estudados por bandeamentos G, C, G/C sequencial e coloração Ag-NOR. Ambas as espécies apresentaram 2n = 32, sendo o complemento autossômico composto por 15 pares bi-armed em P. discolor e 14 bi-armed mais 1 par acrocêntrico em P. hastatus. O cromossomo X é um submetacêntrico médio e o Y é um pequeno acrocêntrico em ambas as espécies. O presente estudo encontrou apenas uma diferença entre os cariótipos de P. discolor e P. hastatus: o menor autossomo (par 15) é metacêntrico em discolor e acrocêntrico em hastatus. Este resultado é melhor explicado por uma inversão pericêntrica. O bandeamento C revelou heterocromatina constitutiva na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos, e os sítios NOR foram localizados na região distal do par 15, em ambas as espécies. O táxon P. discolor é considerado primitivo para o gênero Phyllostomus e supõe-se que a forma metacêntrica do par 15 seja a condição primitiva, que foi rearranjada por uma inversão pericêntrica, originando a forma acrocêntrica encontrada em P. hastatus.
Espécies de Eigenmannia estão amplamente distribuídas na região Neotropical, com oito espécies válidas atualmente reconhecidas. Populações de Eigenmannia de três localidades do leste da Amazônia foram investigadas usando técnicas citogenéticas e morfológicas, revelando dois táxons designados aqui comoEigenmannia sp. "A" e Eigenmannia sp. "B". As espécies diferem em três caracteres morfométricos, dois merísticos e um osteológico. Eigenmannia sp. "A" apresenta 2n = 34 (22 m/sm+12st/a) e Eigenmannia sp. "B" apresenta 2n = 38 (14 m/sm+24st/a) e cromossomos sexuais de diferenciação simples, do tipo XX/XY. Em ambas espécies a Heterocromatina Constitutiva (HC) rica em bases A-T está distribuída na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos. Eigenmannia sp. "B" também apresenta blocos de HC na região intersticial dos pares cromossômicos 8, 9 e X que coraram positivamente para CMA3, indicando regiões ricas em G-C. A NOR está localizada no braço curto do par 17 em Eigenmannia sp. "A" e no braço curto do par 14 em Eigenmannia sp. "B". FISH com sondas de rDNA hibridizaram em regiões de tamanhos diferentes entre os homólogos, sugerindo heteromorfismo. A diferenciação do cromossomo X em Eigenmannia sp. "B" pode ser o resultado de amplificação de sequências repetitivas de DNA.
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term clinical and ultrasonographic outcomes of thrombophilic patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT).METHOD:Cohort study, retrospective case-control with cross-sectional analysis. Thirty-nine thrombophilic patients and 25 non-thrombophilic patients were assessed 76.3 ± 45.8 months after diagnosis. Demographic and family data were collected, as well as data from clinical and therapeutic progress, and physical and ultrasound examinations of the limbs were performed. Groups were matched for age and gender and the variables studied were compared across groups.RESULTS:Deep venous thrombosis was more frequent in women. The most common thrombophilias were antiphospholipid syndrome and factor V Leiden mutation. There was no difference between groups in terms of the number of pregnancies or miscarriages and the majority of women did not become pregnant after DVT. Non-spontaneous DVT prevailed. Proximal DVT and DVT of the left lower limb were more frequent, and the main risk factor was use of oral contraceptives. All patients were treated with anticoagulation. There was a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients. Most patients considered themselves to have a normal life after DVT and reported wearing elastic stockings over at least 2 years. Seventy-one percent of patients had CEAP > 3, with no difference between groups. Deep venous reflux was more frequent in thrombophilic patients.CONCLUSION:There were no significant differences between groups with respect to most of the variables studied, except for a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients and greater frequency of deep venous reflux in thrombophilic patients.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A search for a Higgs boson decaying into a Z boson and a photon is described. The analysis is performed using proton-proton collision datasets recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. Events were collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5.0 fb(-1) and 19.6 fb(-1), respectively. The selected events are required to have opposite-sign electron or muon pairs. No excess above standard model predictions has been found in the 120-160 GeV mass range and the first limits on the Higgs boson production cross section times the H -> Z gamma branching fraction at the LHC have been derived. The observed at 95% confidence level limits are between about 4 and 25 times the standard model cross section times the branching fraction. For a standard model Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV the expected limit at the 95% confidence level is 10 and the observed limit is 9.5. Models predicting the Higgs boson production cross section times the H -> Z gamma branching fraction to be larger than one order of magnitude of the standard model prediction are excluded for most of the 125-157 GeV mass range. (C) 2013 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)