977 resultados para Burroughs D-machine (Computer)


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Background: It is yet unclear if there are differences between using electronic key feature problems (KFPs) or electronic case-based multiple choice questions (cbMCQ) for the assessment of clinical decision making. Summary of Work: Fifth year medical students were exposed to clerkships which ended with a summative exam. Assessment of knowledge per exam was done by 6-9 KFPs, 9-20 cbMCQ and 9-28 MC questions. Each KFP consisted of a case vignette and three key features (KF) using “long menu” as question format. We sought students’ perceptions of the KFPs and cbMCQs in focus groups (n of students=39). Furthermore statistical data of 11 exams (n of students=377) concerning the KFPs and (cb)MCQs were compared. Summary of Results: The analysis of the focus groups resulted in four themes reflecting students’ perceptions of KFPs and their comparison with (cb)MCQ: KFPs were perceived as (i) more realistic, (ii) more difficult, (iii) more motivating for the intense study of clinical reasoning than (cb)MCQ and (iv) showed an overall good acceptance when some preconditions are taken into account. The statistical analysis revealed that there was no difference in difficulty; however KFP showed a higher discrimination and reliability (G-coefficient) even when corrected for testing times. Correlation of the different exam parts was intermediate. Conclusions: Students perceived the KFPs as more motivating for the study of clinical reasoning. Statistically KFPs showed a higher discrimination and higher reliability than cbMCQs. Take-home messages: Including KFPs with long menu questions into summative clerkship exams seems to offer positive educational effects.


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The majority of sensor network research deals with land-based networks, which are essentially two-dimensional, and thus the majority of simulation and animation tools also only handle such networks. Underwater sensor networks on the other hand, are essentially 3D networks because the depth at which a sensor node is located needs to be considered as well. Due to that additional dimension, specialized tools need to be used when conducting simulations for experimentation. The School of Engineering’s Underwater Sensor Network (UWSN) lab is conducting research on underwater sensor networks and requires simulation tools for 3D networks. The lab has extended NS-2, a widely used network simulator, so that it can simulate three-dimensional networks. However, NAM, a widely used network animator, currently only supports two-dimensional networks and no extensions have been implemented to give it three-dimensional capabilities. In this project, we develop a network visualization tool that functions similarly to NAM but is able to render network environments in full 3-D. It is able to take as input a NS-2 trace file (the same file taken as input by NAM), create the environment, position the sensor nodes, and animate the events of the simulation. Further, the visualization tool is easy to use, especially friendly to NAM users, as it is designed to follow the interfaces and functions similar to NAM. So far, the development has fulfilled the basic functionality. Future work includes fully functional capabilities for visualization and much improved user interfaces.


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The social processes that lead to destructive behavior in celebratory crowds can be studied through an agent-based computer simulation. Riots are an increasingly common outcome of sports celebrations, and pose the potential for harm to participants, bystanders, property, and the reputation of the groups with whom participants are associated. Rioting cannot necessarily be attributed to the negative emotions of individuals, such as anger, rage, frustration and despair. For instance, the celebratory behavior (e.g., chanting, cheering, singing) during UConn’s “Spring Weekend” and after the 2004 NCAA Championships resulted in several small fires and overturned cars. Further, not every individual in the area of a riot engages in violence, and those who do, do not do so continuously. Instead, small groups carry out the majority of violent acts in relatively short-lived episodes. Agent-based computer simulations are an ideal method for modeling complex group-level social phenomena, such as celebratory gatherings and riots, which emerge from the interaction of relatively “simple” individuals. By making simple assumptions about individuals’ decision-making and behaviors and allowing actors to affect one another, behavioral patterns emerge that cannot be predicted by the characteristics of individuals. The computer simulation developed here models celebratory riot behavior by repeatedly evaluating a single algorithm for each individual, the inputs of which are affected by the characteristics of nearby actors. Specifically, the simulation assumes that (a) actors possess 1 of 5 distinct social identities (group memberships), (b) actors will congregate with actors who possess the same identity, (c) the degree of social cohesion generated in the social context determines the stability of relationships within groups, and (d) actors’ level of aggression is affected by the aggression of other group members. Not only does this simulation provide a systematic investigation of the effects of the initial distribution of aggression, social identification, and cohesiveness on riot outcomes, but also an analytic tool others may use to investigate, visualize and predict how various individual characteristics affect emergent crowd behavior.


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Accurate quantitative estimation of exposure using retrospective data has been one of the most challenging tasks in the exposure assessment field. To improve these estimates, some models have been developed using published exposure databases with their corresponding exposure determinants. These models are designed to be applied to reported exposure determinants obtained from study subjects or exposure levels assigned by an industrial hygienist, so quantitative exposure estimates can be obtained. ^ In an effort to improve the prediction accuracy and generalizability of these models, and taking into account that the limitations encountered in previous studies might be due to limitations in the applicability of traditional statistical methods and concepts, the use of computer science- derived data analysis methods, predominantly machine learning approaches, were proposed and explored in this study. ^ The goal of this study was to develop a set of models using decision trees/ensemble and neural networks methods to predict occupational outcomes based on literature-derived databases, and compare, using cross-validation and data splitting techniques, the resulting prediction capacity to that of traditional regression models. Two cases were addressed: the categorical case, where the exposure level was measured as an exposure rating following the American Industrial Hygiene Association guidelines and the continuous case, where the result of the exposure is expressed as a concentration value. Previously developed literature-based exposure databases for 1,1,1 trichloroethane, methylene dichloride and, trichloroethylene were used. ^ When compared to regression estimations, results showed better accuracy of decision trees/ensemble techniques for the categorical case while neural networks were better for estimation of continuous exposure values. Overrepresentation of classes and overfitting were the main causes for poor neural network performance and accuracy. Estimations based on literature-based databases using machine learning techniques might provide an advantage when they are applied to other methodologies that combine `expert inputs' with current exposure measurements, like the Bayesian Decision Analysis tool. The use of machine learning techniques to more accurately estimate exposures from literature-based exposure databases might represent the starting point for the independence from the expert judgment.^


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The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".


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The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".


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The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".


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When Vietnam joined the WTO, it accepted foreign direct investment and started to grow. Technically, it was then greatly influenced by the enterprises that entered the country through direct investment. This report shows that the technology network for machine tools is formed via direct investment and subcontracting.


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This paper describes a preprocessing module for improving the performance of a Spanish into Spanish Sign Language (Lengua de Signos Espanola: LSE) translation system when dealing with sparse training data. This preprocessing module replaces Spanish words with associated tags. The list with Spanish words (vocabulary) and associated tags used by this module is computed automatically considering those signs that show the highest probability of being the translation of every Spanish word. This automatic tag extraction has been compared to a manual strategy achieving almost the same improvement. In this analysis, several alternatives for dealing with non-relevant words have been studied. Non-relevant words are Spanish words not assigned to any sign. The preprocessing module has been incorporated into two well-known statistical translation architectures: a phrase-based system and a Statistical Finite State Transducer (SFST). This system has been developed for a specific application domain: the renewal of Identity Documents and Driver's License. In order to evaluate the system a parallel corpus made up of 4080 Spanish sentences and their LSE translation has been used. The evaluation results revealed a significant performance improvement when including this preprocessing module. In the phrase-based system, the proposed module has given rise to an increase in BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) from 73.8% to 81.0% and an increase in the human evaluation score from 0.64 to 0.83. In the case of SFST, BLEU increased from 70.6% to 78.4% and the human evaluation score from 0.65 to 0.82.


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Pragmatism is the leading motivation of regularization. We can understand regularization as a modification of the maximum-likelihood estimator so that a reasonable answer could be given in an unstable or ill-posed situation. To mention some typical examples, this happens when fitting parametric or non-parametric models with more parameters than data or when estimating large covariance matrices. Regularization is usually used, in addition, to improve the bias-variance tradeoff of an estimation. Then, the definition of regularization is quite general, and, although the introduction of a penalty is probably the most popular type, it is just one out of multiple forms of regularization. In this dissertation, we focus on the applications of regularization for obtaining sparse or parsimonious representations, where only a subset of the inputs is used. A particular form of regularization, L1-regularization, plays a key role for reaching sparsity. Most of the contributions presented here revolve around L1-regularization, although other forms of regularization are explored (also pursuing sparsity in some sense). In addition to present a compact review of L1-regularization and its applications in statistical and machine learning, we devise methodology for regression, supervised classification and structure induction of graphical models. Within the regression paradigm, we focus on kernel smoothing learning, proposing techniques for kernel design that are suitable for high dimensional settings and sparse regression functions. We also present an application of regularized regression techniques for modeling the response of biological neurons. Supervised classification advances deal, on the one hand, with the application of regularization for obtaining a na¨ıve Bayes classifier and, on the other hand, with a novel algorithm for brain-computer interface design that uses group regularization in an efficient manner. Finally, we present a heuristic for inducing structures of Gaussian Bayesian networks using L1-regularization as a filter. El pragmatismo es la principal motivación de la regularización. Podemos entender la regularización como una modificación del estimador de máxima verosimilitud, de tal manera que se pueda dar una respuesta cuando la configuración del problema es inestable. A modo de ejemplo, podemos mencionar el ajuste de modelos paramétricos o no paramétricos cuando hay más parámetros que casos en el conjunto de datos, o la estimación de grandes matrices de covarianzas. Se suele recurrir a la regularización, además, para mejorar el compromiso sesgo-varianza en una estimación. Por tanto, la definición de regularización es muy general y, aunque la introducción de una función de penalización es probablemente el método más popular, éste es sólo uno de entre varias posibilidades. En esta tesis se ha trabajado en aplicaciones de regularización para obtener representaciones dispersas, donde sólo se usa un subconjunto de las entradas. En particular, la regularización L1 juega un papel clave en la búsqueda de dicha dispersión. La mayor parte de las contribuciones presentadas en la tesis giran alrededor de la regularización L1, aunque también se exploran otras formas de regularización (que igualmente persiguen un modelo disperso). Además de presentar una revisión de la regularización L1 y sus aplicaciones en estadística y aprendizaje de máquina, se ha desarrollado metodología para regresión, clasificación supervisada y aprendizaje de estructura en modelos gráficos. Dentro de la regresión, se ha trabajado principalmente en métodos de regresión local, proponiendo técnicas de diseño del kernel que sean adecuadas a configuraciones de alta dimensionalidad y funciones de regresión dispersas. También se presenta una aplicación de las técnicas de regresión regularizada para modelar la respuesta de neuronas reales. Los avances en clasificación supervisada tratan, por una parte, con el uso de regularización para obtener un clasificador naive Bayes y, por otra parte, con el desarrollo de un algoritmo que usa regularización por grupos de una manera eficiente y que se ha aplicado al diseño de interfaces cerebromáquina. Finalmente, se presenta una heurística para inducir la estructura de redes Bayesianas Gaussianas usando regularización L1 a modo de filtro.


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The design and development of spoken interaction systems has been a thoroughly studied research scope for the last decades. The aim is to obtain systems with the ability to interact with human agents with a high degree of naturalness and efficiency, allowing them to carry out the actions they desire using speech, as it is the most natural means of communication between humans. To achieve that degree of naturalness, it is not enough to endow systems with the ability to accurately understand the user’s utterances and to properly react to them, even considering the information provided by the user in his or her previous interactions. The system has also to be aware of the evolution of the conditions under which the interaction takes place, in order to act the most coherent way as possible at each moment. Consequently, one of the most important features of the system is that it has to be context-aware. This context awareness of the system can be reflected in the modification of the behaviour of the system taking into account the current situation of the interaction. For instance, the system should decide which action it has to carry out, or the way to perform it, depending on the user that requests it, on the way that the user addresses the system, on the characteristics of the environment in which the interaction takes place, and so on. In other words, the system has to adapt its behaviour to these evolving elements of the interaction. Moreover that adaptation has to be carried out, if possible, in such a way that the user: i) does not perceive that the system has to make any additional effort, or to devote interaction time to perform tasks other than carrying out the requested actions, and ii) does not have to provide the system with any additional information to carry out the adaptation, which could imply a lesser efficiency of the interaction, since users should devote several interactions only to allow the system to become adapted. In the state-of-the-art spoken dialogue systems, researchers have proposed several disparate strategies to adapt the elements of the system to different conditions of the interaction (such as the acoustic characteristics of a specific user’s speech, the actions previously requested, and so on). Nevertheless, to our knowledge there is not any consensus on the procedures to carry out these adaptation. The approaches are to an extent unrelated from one another, in the sense that each one considers different pieces of information, and the treatment of that information is different taking into account the adaptation carried out. In this regard, the main contributions of this Thesis are the following ones: Definition of a contextualization framework. We propose a unified approach that can cover any strategy to adapt the behaviour of a dialogue system to the conditions of the interaction (i.e. the context). In our theoretical definition of the contextualization framework we consider the system’s context as all the sources of variability present at any time of the interaction, either those ones related to the environment in which the interaction takes place, or to the human agent that addresses the system at each moment. Our proposal relies on three aspects that any contextualization approach should fulfill: plasticity (i.e. the system has to be able to modify its behaviour in the most proactive way taking into account the conditions under which the interaction takes place), adaptivity (i.e. the system has also to be able to consider the most appropriate sources of information at each moment, both environmental and user- and dialogue-dependent, to effectively adapt to the conditions aforementioned), and transparency (i.e. the system has to carry out the contextualizaton-related tasks in such a way that the user neither perceives them nor has to do any effort in providing the system with any information that it needs to perform that contextualization). Additionally, we could include a generality aspect to our proposed framework: the main features of the framework should be easy to adopt in any dialogue system, regardless of the solution proposed to manage the dialogue. Once we define the theoretical basis of our contextualization framework, we propose two cases of study on its application in a spoken dialogue system. We focus on two aspects of the interaction: the contextualization of the speech recognition models, and the incorporation of user-specific information into the dialogue flow. One of the modules of a dialogue system that is more prone to be contextualized is the speech recognition system. This module makes use of several models to emit a recognition hypothesis from the user’s speech signal. Generally speaking, a recognition system considers two types of models: an acoustic one (that models each of the phonemes that the recognition system has to consider) and a linguistic one (that models the sequences of words that make sense for the system). In this work we contextualize the language model of the recognition system in such a way that it takes into account the information provided by the user in both his or her current utterance and in the previous ones. These utterances convey information useful to help the system in the recognition of the next utterance. The contextualization approach that we propose consists of a dynamic adaptation of the language model that is used by the recognition system. We carry out this adaptation by means of a linear interpolation between several models. Instead of training the best interpolation weights, we make them dependent on the conditions of the dialogue. In our approach, the system itself will obtain these weights as a function of the reliability of the different elements of information available, such as the semantic concepts extracted from the user’s utterance, the actions that he or she wants to carry out, the information provided in the previous interactions, and so on. One of the aspects more frequently addressed in Human-Computer Interaction research is the inclusion of user specific characteristics into the information structures managed by the system. The idea is to take into account the features that make each user different from the others in order to offer to each particular user different services (or the same service, but in a different way). We could consider this approach as a user-dependent contextualization of the system. In our work we propose the definition of a user model that contains all the information of each user that could be potentially useful to the system at a given moment of the interaction. In particular we will analyze the actions that each user carries out throughout his or her interaction. The objective is to determine which of these actions become the preferences of that user. We represent the specific information of each user as a feature vector. Each of the characteristics that the system will take into account has a confidence score associated. With these elements, we propose a probabilistic definition of a user preference, as the action whose likelihood of being addressed by the user is greater than the one for the rest of actions. To include the user dependent information into the dialogue flow, we modify the information structures on which the dialogue manager relies to retrieve information that could be needed to solve the actions addressed by the user. Usage preferences become another source of contextual information that will be considered by the system towards a more efficient interaction (since the new information source will help to decrease the need of the system to ask users for additional information, thus reducing the number of turns needed to carry out a specific action). To test the benefits of the contextualization framework that we propose, we carry out an evaluation of the two strategies aforementioned. We gather several performance metrics, both objective and subjective, that allow us to compare the improvements of a contextualized system against the baseline one. We will also gather the user’s opinions as regards their perceptions on the behaviour of the system, and its degree of adaptation to the specific features of each interaction. Resumen El diseño y el desarrollo de sistemas de interacción hablada ha sido objeto de profundo estudio durante las pasadas décadas. El propósito es la consecución de sistemas con la capacidad de interactuar con agentes humanos con un alto grado de eficiencia y naturalidad. De esta manera, los usuarios pueden desempeñar las tareas que deseen empleando la voz, que es el medio de comunicación más natural para los humanos. A fin de alcanzar el grado de naturalidad deseado, no basta con dotar a los sistemas de la abilidad de comprender las intervenciones de los usuarios y reaccionar a ellas de manera apropiada (teniendo en consideración, incluso, la información proporcionada en previas interacciones). Adicionalmente, el sistema ha de ser consciente de las condiciones bajo las cuales transcurre la interacción, así como de la evolución de las mismas, de tal manera que pueda actuar de la manera más coherente en cada instante de la interacción. En consecuencia, una de las características primordiales del sistema es que debe ser sensible al contexto. Esta capacidad del sistema de conocer y emplear el contexto de la interacción puede verse reflejada en la modificación de su comportamiento debida a las características actuales de la interacción. Por ejemplo, el sistema debería decidir cuál es la acción más apropiada, o la mejor manera de llevarla a término, dependiendo del usuario que la solicita, del modo en el que lo hace, etcétera. En otras palabras, el sistema ha de adaptar su comportamiento a tales elementos mutables (o dinámicos) de la interacción. Dos características adicionales son requeridas a dicha adaptación: i) el usuario no ha de percibir que el sistema dedica recursos (temporales o computacionales) a realizar tareas distintas a las que aquél le solicita, y ii) el usuario no ha de dedicar esfuerzo alguno a proporcionar al sistema información adicional para llevar a cabo la interacción. Esto último implicaría una menor eficiencia de la interacción, puesto que los usuarios deberían dedicar parte de la misma a proporcionar información al sistema para su adaptación, sin ningún beneficio inmediato. En los sistemas de diálogo hablado propuestos en la literatura, se han propuesto diferentes estrategias para llevar a cabo la adaptación de los elementos del sistema a las diferentes condiciones de la interacción (tales como las características acústicas del habla de un usuario particular, o a las acciones a las que se ha referido con anterioridad). Sin embargo, no existe una estrategia fija para proceder a dicha adaptación, sino que las mismas no suelen guardar una relación entre sí. En este sentido, cada una de ellas tiene en cuenta distintas fuentes de información, la cual es tratada de manera diferente en función de las características de la adaptación buscada. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, las contribuciones principales de esta Tesis son las siguientes: Definición de un marco de contextualización. Proponemos un criterio unificador que pueda cubrir cualquier estrategia de adaptación del comportamiento de un sistema de diálogo a las condiciones de la interacción (esto es, el contexto de la misma). En nuestra definición teórica del marco de contextualización consideramos el contexto del sistema como todas aquellas fuentes de variabilidad presentes en cualquier instante de la interacción, ya estén relacionadas con el entorno en el que tiene lugar la interacción, ya dependan del agente humano que se dirige al sistema en cada momento. Nuestra propuesta se basa en tres aspectos que cualquier estrategia de contextualización debería cumplir: plasticidad (es decir, el sistema ha de ser capaz de modificar su comportamiento de la manera más proactiva posible, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones en las que tiene lugar la interacción), adaptabilidad (esto es, el sistema ha de ser capaz de considerar la información oportuna en cada instante, ya dependa del entorno o del usuario, de tal manera que adecúe su comportamiento de manera eficaz a las condiciones mencionadas), y transparencia (que implica que el sistema ha de desarrollar las tareas relacionadas con la contextualización de tal manera que el usuario no perciba la manera en que dichas tareas se llevan a cabo, ni tampoco deba proporcionar al sistema con información adicional alguna). De manera adicional, incluiremos en el marco propuesto el aspecto de la generalidad: las características del marco de contextualización han de ser portables a cualquier sistema de diálogo, con independencia de la solución propuesta en los mismos para gestionar el diálogo. Una vez hemos definido las características de alto nivel de nuestro marco de contextualización, proponemos dos estrategias de aplicación del mismo a un sistema de diálogo hablado. Nos centraremos en dos aspectos de la interacción a adaptar: los modelos empleados en el reconocimiento de habla, y la incorporación de información específica de cada usuario en el flujo de diálogo. Uno de los módulos de un sistema de diálogo más susceptible de ser contextualizado es el sistema de reconocimiento de habla. Este módulo hace uso de varios modelos para generar una hipótesis de reconocimiento a partir de la señal de habla. En general, un sistema de reconocimiento emplea dos tipos de modelos: uno acústico (que modela cada uno de los fonemas considerados por el reconocedor) y uno lingüístico (que modela las secuencias de palabras que tienen sentido desde el punto de vista de la interacción). En este trabajo contextualizamos el modelo lingüístico del reconocedor de habla, de tal manera que tenga en cuenta la información proporcionada por el usuario, tanto en su intervención actual como en las previas. Estas intervenciones contienen información (semántica y/o discursiva) que puede contribuir a un mejor reconocimiento de las subsiguientes intervenciones del usuario. La estrategia de contextualización propuesta consiste en una adaptación dinámica del modelo de lenguaje empleado en el reconocedor de habla. Dicha adaptación se lleva a cabo mediante una interpolación lineal entre diferentes modelos. En lugar de entrenar los mejores pesos de interpolación, proponemos hacer los mismos dependientes de las condiciones actuales de cada diálogo. El propio sistema obtendrá estos pesos como función de la disponibilidad y relevancia de las diferentes fuentes de información disponibles, tales como los conceptos semánticos extraídos a partir de la intervención del usuario, o las acciones que el mismo desea ejecutar. Uno de los aspectos más comúnmente analizados en la investigación de la Interacción Persona-Máquina es la inclusión de las características específicas de cada usuario en las estructuras de información empleadas por el sistema. El objetivo es tener en cuenta los aspectos que diferencian a cada usuario, de tal manera que el sistema pueda ofrecer a cada uno de ellos el servicio más apropiado (o un mismo servicio, pero de la manera más adecuada a cada usuario). Podemos considerar esta estrategia como una contextualización dependiente del usuario. En este trabajo proponemos la definición de un modelo de usuario que contenga toda la información relativa a cada usuario, que pueda ser potencialmente utilizada por el sistema en un momento determinado de la interacción. En particular, analizaremos aquellas acciones que cada usuario decide ejecutar a lo largo de sus diálogos con el sistema. Nuestro objetivo es determinar cuáles de dichas acciones se convierten en las preferencias de cada usuario. La información de cada usuario quedará representada mediante un vector de características, cada una de las cuales tendrá asociado un valor de confianza. Con ambos elementos proponemos una definición probabilística de una preferencia de uso, como aquella acción cuya verosimilitud es mayor que la del resto de acciones solicitadas por el usuario. A fin de incluir la información dependiente de usuario en el flujo de diálogo, llevamos a cabo una modificación de las estructuras de información en las que se apoya el gestor de diálogo para recuperar información necesaria para resolver ciertos diálogos. En dicha modificación las preferencias de cada usuario pasarán a ser una fuente adicional de información contextual, que será tenida en cuenta por el sistema en aras de una interacción más eficiente (puesto que la nueva fuente de información contribuirá a reducir la necesidad del sistema de solicitar al usuario información adicional, dando lugar en consecuencia a una reducción del número de intervenciones necesarias para llevar a cabo una acción determinada). Para determinar los beneficios de las aplicaciones del marco de contextualización propuesto, llevamos a cabo una evaluación de un sistema de diálogo que incluye las estrategias mencionadas. Hemos recogido diversas métricas, tanto objetivas como subjetivas, que nos permiten determinar las mejoras aportadas por un sistema contextualizado en comparación con el sistema sin contextualizar. De igual manera, hemos recogido las opiniones de los participantes en la evaluación acerca de su percepción del comportamiento del sistema, y de su capacidad de adaptación a las condiciones concretas de cada interacción.


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In this paper we present a tool to carry out the multifractal analysis of binary, two-dimensional images through the calculation of the Rényi D(q) dimensions and associated statistical regressions. The estimation of a (mono)fractal dimension corresponds to the special case where the moment order is q = 0.


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The great developments that have occurred during the last few years in the finite element method and its applications has kept hidden other options for computation. The boundary integral element method now appears as a valid alternative and, in certain cases, has significant advantages. This method deals only with the boundary of the domain, while the F.E.M. analyses the whole domain. This has the following advantages: the dimensions of the problem to be studied are reduced by one, consequently simplifying the system of equations and preparation of input data. It is also possible to analyse infinite domains without discretization errors. These simplifications have the drawbacks of having to solve a full and non-symmetric matrix and some difficulties are incurred in the imposition of boundary conditions when complicated variations of the function over the boundary are assumed. In this paper a practical treatment of these problems, in particular boundary conditions imposition, has been carried out using the computer program shown below. Program SERBA solves general elastostatics problems in 2-dimensional continua using the boundary integral equation method. The boundary of the domain is discretized by line or elements over which the functions are assumed to vary linearly. Data (stresses and/or displacements) are introduced in the local co-ordinate system (element co-ordinates). Resulting stresses are obtained in local co-ordinates and displacements in a general system. The program has been written in Fortran ASCII and implemented on a 1108 Univac Computer. For 100 elements the core requirements are about 40 Kwords. Also available is a Fortran IV version (3 segments)implemented on a 21 MX Hewlett-Packard computer,using 15 Kwords.


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From the educational point of view, the most widespread method in developing countries is on-site education. Technical and economic resources cannot support conventional distance learning infrastructures and it is even worse for courses in universities. They usually suffer a lack of qualified faculty staff, especially in technical degrees. The literature suggest that e-learning is a suitable solution for this problem, but its methods are developed attending to educational necessities of the First World and cannot be applied directly to other contexts. The proposed methodology is a variant of traditional e-learning adapted to the needs of developing countries. E-learning for Cooperation and Development (c&d-learning) is oriented to be used for educational institutions without adequate technical or human resources. In this paper we describe the c&d-learning implementation architecture based on three main phases: hardware, communication and software; e.g. computer and technical equipping, internet accessing and e-learning platform adaptation. Proper adaptation of educational contents to c&d-learning is discussed and a real case of application in which the authors are involved is described: the Ngozi University at Burundi.


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El mundo tecnológico está cambiando hacia la optimización en la gestión de recursos gracias a la poderosa influencia de tecnologías como la virtualización y la computación en la nube (Cloud Computing). En esta memoria se realiza un acercamiento a las mismas, desde las causas que las motivaron hasta sus últimas tendencias, pasando por la identificación de sus principales características, ventajas e inconvenientes. Por otro lado, el Hogar Digital es ya una realidad para la mayoría de los seres humanos. En él se dispone de acceso a múltiples tipos de redes de telecomunicaciones (3G, 4G, WI-FI, ADSL…) con más o menos capacidad pero que permiten conexiones a internet desde cualquier parte, en todo momento, y con prácticamente cualquier dispositivo (ordenadores personales, smartphones, tabletas, televisores…). Esto es aprovechado por las empresas para ofrecer todo tipo de servicios. Algunos de estos servicios están basados en el cloud computing sobre todo ofreciendo almacenamiento en la nube a aquellos dispositivos con capacidad reducida, como son los smarthphones y las tabletas. Ese espacio de almacenamiento normalmente está en los servidores bajo el control de grandes compañías. Guardar documentos, videos, fotos privadas sin tener la certeza de que estos no son consultados por alguien sin consentimiento, puede despertar en el usuario cierto recelo. Para estos usuarios que desean control sobre su intimidad, se ofrece la posibilidad de que sea el propio usuario el que monte sus propios servidores y su propio servicio cloud para compartir su información privada sólo con sus familiares y amigos o con cualquiera al que le dé permiso. Durante el proyecto se han comparado diversas soluciones, la mayoría de código abierto y de libre distribución, que permiten desplegar como mínimo un servicio de almacenamiento accesible a través de Internet. Algunas de ellas lo complementan con servicios de streaming tanto de música como de videos, compartición y sincronización de documentos entre múltiples dispositivos, calendarios, copias de respaldo (backups), virtualización de escritorios, versionado de ficheros, chats, etc. El proyecto finaliza con una demostración de cómo utilizar dispositivos de un hogar digital interactuando con un servidor Cloud, en el que previamente se ha instalado y configurado una de las soluciones comparadas. Este servidor quedará empaquetado en una máquina virtual para que sea fácilmente transportable e utilizable. ABSTRACT. The technological world is changing towards optimizing resource management thanks to the powerful influence of technologies such as Virtualization and Cloud Computing. This document presents a closer approach to them, from the causes that have motivated to their last trends, as well as showing their main features, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the Digital Home is a reality for most humans. It provides access to multiple types of telecommunication networks (3G, 4G, WI-FI, ADSL...) with more or less capacity, allowing Internet connections from anywhere, at any time, and with virtually any device (computer personal smartphones, tablets, televisions...).This is used by companies to provide all kinds of services. Some of these services offer storage on the cloud to devices with limited capacity, such as smartphones and tablets. That is normally storage space on servers under the control of important companies. Saving private documents, videos, photos, without being sure that they are not viewed by anyone without consent, can wake up suspicions in some users. For those users who want control over their privacy, it offers the possibility that it is the user himself to mount his own server and its own cloud service to share private information only with family and friends or with anyone with consent. During the project I have compared different solutions, most open source and with GNU licenses, for deploying one storage facility accessible via the Internet. Some supplement include streaming services of music , videos or photos, sharing and syncing documents across multiple devices, calendars, backups, desktop virtualization, file versioning, chats... The project ends with a demonstration of how to use our digital home devices interacting with a cloud server where one of the solutions compared is installed and configured. This server will be packaged in a virtual machine to be easily transportable and usable.