998 resultados para Breton, Andre


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O conhecimento das curvas de retenção e da condutividade hidráulica da água do solo é indispensável para a modelagem do transporte de água e de poluentes em sistemas agrícolas. Essas propriedades são afetadas por numerosas fontes de variabilidade, geralmente associadas a fatores espacial e temporal, e relacionadas com o manejo agrícola. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a variabilidade espacial dos parâmetros das curvas de retenção da água (van Genuchten) e da condutividade hidráulica (Brooks & Corey) da água do solo, obtidos com o método "Beerkan", que se baseia em ensaios de infiltração simplificados e nas informações texturais do solo. Esses parâmetros são de forma ou texturais (parâmetros de ajuste que dão forma às curvas) e de normalização ou estruturais (umidade volumétrica saturada, condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo e potencial de entrada de ar). Os ensaios de campo foram conduzidos em uma malha regular de 25 x 25 m num Neossolo Flúvico e num Latossolo Amarelo cultivados com feijão (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Para ambos os solos, os valores dos parâmetros de forma, da umidade volumétrica saturada, dos logaritmos da condutividade hidráulica saturada e do potencial de entrada de ar apresentaram dependência espacial. Os valores da umidade volumétrica saturada e dos logaritmos do potencial de entrada de ar foram mais sensíveis à variação a pouca distância no Neossolo Flúvico do que do Latossolo Amarelo, com semivariogramas apresentando estruturas de variação com fraca dependência espacial.


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Nitrate reductase is the first enzyme in the pathway of nitrate reduction by plants, followed by glutamine synthetase, which incorporates ammonia to glutamine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activity, total soluble protein content, N and Ni content in coffee leaves during fruit development under field conditions to establish new informations to help assess the N nutritional status and fertilizer management. The experimental design was in randomized complete blocks, arranged in a 3 x 6 factorial design, with five replications. The treatments consisted of 3 N rates (0 - control, 150 and 300 kg ha-1) and six evaluation periods (January, February, March, April, May, and June) in six-year-old coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants of Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 cv. The nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activities, leaf soluble protein, and N concentrations increased linearly with the N rates. During fruit development, the enzyme activity, leaf soluble protein and N content decreased, due to the leaf senescence process caused by nutrient mobilization to other organs, e.g, to the berries. Leaf Ni increased during fruit development. Beans and raisin-fruits of plants well-supplied with N had higher Ni contents. Enzyme activities, total leaf N and leaf soluble protein, evaluated during the green fruit stage in March, were significantly correlated with coffee yield. These variables can therefore be useful for an early assessment of the coffee N nutritional status as well as coffee yield and N fertilization management.


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Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are key components of the inflammatory response contributing to the development of pathogen-specific immune responses. Following infection with Leishmania major, neutrophils are recruited within hours to the site of parasite inoculation. C57BL/6 mice are resistant to infection, and BALB/c mice are susceptible to infection, developing unhealing, inflammatory lesions. In this report, we investigated the expression of cell surface integrins, TLRs, and the secretion of immunomodulatory cytokines by PMN of both strains of mice, in response to infection with L. major. The parasite was shown to induce CD49d expression in BALB/c-inflammatory PMN, and expression of CD49d remained at basal levels in C57BL/6 PMN. Equally high levels of CD11b were expressed on PMN from both strains. In response to L. major infection, the levels of TLR2, TLR7, and TLR9 mRNA were significantly higher in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c PMN. C57BL/6 PMN secreted biologically active IL-12p70 and IL-10. In contrast, L. major-infected BALB/c PMN transcribed and secreted high levels of IL-12p40 but did not secrete biologically active IL-12p70. Furthermore, IL-12p40 was shown not to associate with IL-23 p19 but formed IL-12p40 homodimers with inhibitory activity. No IL-10 was secreted by BALB/c PMN. Thus, following infection with L. major, in C57BL/6 mice, PMN could constitute one of the earliest sources of IL-12, and in BALB/c mice, secretion of IL-12p40 could contribute to impaired, early IL-12 signaling. These distinct PMN phenotypes may thus influence the development of L. major-specific immune response.


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Background and objective: Cefepime was one of the most used broad-spectrum antibiotics in Swiss public acute care hospitals. The drug was withdrawn from market in January 2007, and then replaced by a generic since October 2007. The goal of the study was to evaluate changes in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics after the withdrawal of the cefepime original product. Design: A generalized regression-based interrupted time series model incorporating autocorrelated errors assessed how much the withdrawal changed the monthly use of other broad-spectrum antibiotics (ceftazidime, imipenem/cilastin, meropenem, piperacillin/ tazobactam) in defined daily doses (DDD)/100 bed-days from January 2004 to December 2008 [1, 2]. Setting: 10 Swiss public acute care hospitals (7 with\200 beds, 3 with 200-500 beds). Nine hospitals (group A) had a shortage of cefepime and 1 hospital had no shortage thanks to importation of cefepime from abroad. Main outcome measures: Underlying trend of use before the withdrawal, and changes in the level and in the trend of use after the withdrawal. Results: Before the withdrawal, the average estimated underlying trend (coefficient b1) for cefepime was decreasing by -0.047 (95% CI -0.086, -0.009) DDD/100 bed-days per month and was significant in three hospitals (group A, P\0.01). Cefepime withdrawal was associated with a significant increase in level of use (b2) of piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem/cilastin in, respectively, one and five hospitals from group A. After the withdrawal, the average estimated trend (b3) was greatest for piperacillin/tazobactam (+0.043 DDD/100 bed-days per month; 95% CI -0.001, 0.089) and was significant in four hospitals from group A (P\0.05). The hospital without drug shortage showed no significant change in the trend and the level of use. The hypothesis of seasonality was rejected in all hospitals. Conclusions: The decreased use of cefepime already observed before its withdrawal from the market could be explained by pre-existing difficulty in drug supply. The withdrawal of cefepime resulted in change in level for piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem/cilastin. Moreover, an increase in trend was found for piperacillin/tazobactam thereafter. As these changes generally occur at the price of lower bacterial susceptibility, a manufacturers' commitment to avoid shortages in the supply of their products would be important. As perspectives, we will measure the impact of the changes in cost and sensitivity rates of these antibiotics.


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The public library movement f the early twentieth century was a national phenomenon, in which Iowa, along with its neighboring states, played a prominent role. In 1900, the Iowa Library Commission noted 48 free public libraries in the state. Today there are approximately 500, in towns ranging in size from Beaman, with a population of 222, the Des Moines, the state capitol. Iowans took enthusiastic advantage of Andre Carnegie's library philanthropy. In 1919, the Carnegie Corporation stopped funding libraries, 101 building has been erected in Iowa with Carnegie funds. Iowa place fourth among the states in terms of the number of communities obtaining Carnegie buildings, fifth in dollar appropriation per one hundred population and eighth in the total amount of money given by Carnegie to a state. These figures provide some measure by which interest in popular education among Iowans of the period can be judged. Today these early libraries, often the most distinctive public libraries in small or medium-sized towns, are physical foci in the townscapes of their communities and centers for a variety of educational and social activities. This survey was initiated by the Division of Historic Preservation in 1977. It grew out of the need to provide a framework within which libraries could be evaluated for National Register action. Several libraries (Des Moines, Grinnell, Eagle Grove, Carroll) has been recent candidates for the Register. There was every indication that enthusiasm for old library buildings was increasing and that more nominations could be expected in the future. The attrition rate among early library buildings was (and is) growing. Most libraries were built on limited budgets (Carnegie did not squander his money) and, despite the fact that future expansion was usually a conscious consideration in their design, they are rapidly becoming obsolete, due to expanding collections and changing styles of librarianship. If the protection of the threatened with demolition or alteration, action needed to be taken.


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Many forested areas have been converted to intensive agricultural use to satisfy food, fiber, and forage production for a growing world population. There is great interest in evaluating forest conversion to cultivated land because this conversion adversely affects several soil properties. We examined soil microbial, physical, and chemical properties in an Oxisol (Latossolo Vermelho distrófico) of southern Brazil 24 years after forest conversion to a perennial crop with coffee or annual grain crops (maize and soybeans) in conventional tillage or no-tillage. One goal was to determine which soil quality parameters seemed most sensitive to change. A second goal was to test the hypothesis that no-tillage optimized preservation of soil quality indicators in annual cropping systems on converted land. Land use significantly affected microbial biomass and its activity, C and N mineralization, and aggregate stability by depth. Cultivated sites had lower microbial biomass and mineralizable C and N than a forest used as control. The forest and no-tillage sites had higher microbial biomass and mineralizable C and N than the conventional tillage site, and the metabolic quotient was 65 and 43 % lower, respectively. Multivariate analysis of soil microbial properties showed a clear separation among treatments, displaying a gradient from conventional tillage to forest. Although the soil at the coffee site was less disturbed and had a high organic C content, the microbial activity was low, probably due to greater soil acidity and Al toxicity. Under annual cropping, microbial activity in no-tillage was double that of the conventional tillage management. The greater microbial activity in forest and no-tillage sites may be attributed, at least partially, to lower soil disturbance. Reducing soil disturbance is important for soil C sequestration and microbial activity, although control of soil pH and Al toxicity are also essential to maintain the soil microbial activity high.


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Improper land use has lead to deterioration and depletion of natural resources, as well as a significant decline in agricultural production, due to decreased soil quality. Removal of native vegetation to make way for agricultural crops, often managed inadequately, results in soil disruption, decreased nutrient availability, and decomposition of soil organic matter, making sustainable agricultural production unviable. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of growing irrigated mango (over a 20 year period) on the organic carbon (OC) stocks and on the fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) in relation to the native caatinga (xeric shrubland) vegetation in the Lower São Francisco Valley region, Brazil. The study was carried out on the Boa Esperança Farm located in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. In areas under irrigated mango and native caatinga, soil samples were collected at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths. After preparing the soil samples, we determined the OC stocks, carbon of humic substances (fulvic acid fractions, humic acid fractions, and humin fractions), and the light and heavy SOM fractions. Growing irrigated mango resulted in higher OC stocks; higher C stocks in the fulvic acid, humic acid, and humin fractions; and higher C stocks in the heavy and light SOM fraction in comparison to nativecaatinga, especially in the uppermost soil layer.


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A partir de tres ideas -la "impercepción" (el "punctum caecum") en el pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, la "ceguera" en Jacques Derrida, y la teoría del "no ver" en Maurice Blanchot y Michel de Certeau-, se analizan algunos ejemplos del cine contemporáneo que constituyen imágenes representativas de la confluencia entreexperiencia-límite y representación-límite, del apagamiento místico de los sentidos y del estrecho intervalo entre lo visible y lo invisible: "teología cero" de lo "siempre ausente" (Derrida), "éxtasis blanco" (Certeau). Algunos escritores hablan de cerrar los ojos, de ojos vacíos de mirada, de cegarse para ver (A. Breton, P. Celan, J. Joyce, R. M. Rilke): la visión coincide con el desvanecimiento de las cosas vistas para hacer de esta"ausencia de visión el punto culminante de la mirada" (M. Blanchot). En el cine de Theo Angelopoulos, Robert Bresson, Abbas Kiarostami, Majid Majidi y Aleksandr Sokurov se emplean diversos recursos -el fuera de campo, los fundidos en blanco o en negro, la pantalla a oscuras¿- orientados a expresar -por medio de este espacio vacío- aquello de otro modo inexpresable. Estos recursos reflejan la dialéctica visible-invisible, la contraimagen de la mirada, la "mirada sin mirada" (Angelopoulos) hasta "perder por completo la noción de imagen" (Bresson). Se trata, en definitiva, de "la retirada de lo divino al fondo de una presencia-ausencia" (Jean-Luc Nancy) expresada por medio del eclipse o la extinción de las imágenes.


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Infections with Leishmania parasites of the Leishmania Viannia subgenus give rise to both localized cutaneous (CL), and metastatic leishmaniasis. Metastasizing disease forms including disseminated (DCL) and mutocutaneous (MCL) leishmaniasis result from parasitic dissemination and lesion formation at sites distal to infection and have increased inflammatory responses. The presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) in L. guyanensis parasites contributes to the exacerbation of disease and impacts inflammatory responses via activation of TLR3 by the viral dsRNA. In this study we investigated other innate immune response adaptor protein modulators and demonstrated that both MyD88 and TLR9 played a crucial role in the development of Th1-dependent healing responses against L. guyanensis parasites regardless of their LRV status. The absence of MyD88- or TLR9-dependent signaling pathways resulted in increased Th2 associated cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13), which was correlated with low transcript levels of IL-12p40. The reliance of IL-12 was further confirmed in IL12AB-/- mice, which were completely susceptible to infection. Protection to L. guyanensis infection driven by MyD88- and TLR9-dependent immune responses arises independently to those induced due to high LRV burden within the parasites.