989 resultados para Borracha natural – Noroeste Paulista


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O Estado de São Paulo apresenta poucos remanescentes de vegetação nativa, ameaçados pela expansão urbana e agricultura. Com a grande expansão das atividades silviculturais no país, estudos sobre as contribuições e impactos das florestas plantadas são de grande importância na análise da sucessão secundária e conservação de ambientes naturais. O trabalho teve como objetivo a análise da composição florística e estrutura fitossiológica do estrato arbustivoarbóreo de uma comunidade vegetal regenerante na face norte dos talhões 91G, 91H e 91I, na Floresta Estadual “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA), em Rio Claro, SP, em uma área anteriormente ocupada por Eucalyptus sp, sendo as espécies classificadas quanto as classes sucessionais e síndromes de dispersão. A área correspondente aos talhões 91G, 91H e 91I está incluída no Plano de Manejo como Zona de Recuperação, para posterior inclusão no zoneamento como área permanente. Foram alocadas 28 parcelas com dimensões de 20x10 metros cada, totalizando 0,56 ha amostrados. Os resultados indicaram a presença de 79 espécies pertencentes a 34 famílias, sendo as famílias Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae e Myrtaceae as mais representativas em número de espécies. Houve grande abundância e dominância de Virola sebifera e Siparuna guianensis, amplamente distribuídas na área. A maior parte das espécies amostradas é pioneira ou secundária inicial, sendo a grande maioria zoocórica, o que sugere presença de fauna. Foram encontradas muitas espécies generalistas, algumas típicas de floresta e cerrado, portanto, a área assemelha-se a um ecótono de cerrado e floresta estacional semidecidual, com maior abundância e biomassa de espécies generalistas e típicas de cerrado. Dessa forma, a riqueza encontrada foi considerada alta em comparação com outros estudos realizados na FEENA, sendo indicada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work presents structural studies in the northwestern portion of the Pitanga Structural High, between the towns of Ipeúna and Charqueada. The area is composed by the sedimentary rocks from Paraná Basin, represented basically by Paleozoic rocks (Itararé Group, Tatuí, Irati and Corumbataí formations) and Mesozoics rocks (Pirambóia and Botucatu formations), in association with lower Cretaceous intrusive basic rocks expressed by dikes and sills. The most important structural features are distensive faults, which put together unleveled tectonic blocks and are frequently filled by diabase dikes. In this context, the main objective of this work is the study of local structures and the recognition of the tectonic association between dropped and uplifted blocks, jointly with the caracterization of a production, migration and storage model for hydrocarbons. Through the interpretation of aerial photos, field recognitions, structural and laboratorial analysis, a normal fault with direction of N30W and a slip of 20-25 meters located south of Ipeúna was recognized this fault puts the Tatuí and Irati Formations side by side. At this place and by the SP-191 route (north of Ipeúna city), sandstones from the top of Tatuí Formation are impregnated by asfaltic material. The data interpretation shows that local fault systems with NW directions have played a determinant part in the fault blocks arrangement, placing sandstone lenses from Tatuí Formation topographically above the oil shales from Irati Formation. In addition, these systems acted as migration paths to transport and storage hydrocarbon in sanstone lenses from Tatuí Formation


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O medo é uma emoção natural do ser humano, podendo representar um diferencial importante em relação à performance motora, especialmente quando se focaliza o ambiente das atividades físicas no Circo, mais particularmente do Cirque Du Soleil, por ser este bastante rico em desafios corporais. O Cirque Du Soleil é um império de entretenimento que tem sede nas cidades de Montréal e Quebec no Canadá e a transgressão do natural e a realização do impossível por meio do corpo humano representam as características básicas e marcantes desse espetáculo circense, carregado de emoções. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo centra-se em investigar a presença ou ausência do medo nas performances de um artista do Cirque Du Soleil, identificando seu significado e as maneiras com que este lida com esta emoção, antes e após o espetáculo e durante os treinos e ensaios. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, foi desenvolvido em duas etapas, sendo a primeira referente a uma revisão de literatura acerca das temáticas propostas e a segunda relativa a uma pesquisa exploratória, utilizando-se como instrumento para coleta de dados um questionário contendo perguntas abertas, aplicado a uma amostra intencional composta por 1 integrante do Cirque Du Soleil, com o domínio do idioma português. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temático e indicam que artistas circenses sentem medo, ansiedade e nervosismo, além de alterações corporais, como aceleração do batimento cardíaco, antes de apresentações e diante do aprendizado de novos movimentos, que podem causar acidentes, tendo em vista que interferem na performance. O sujeito tenta controlar essas reações com pensamentos positivos, uma vez que entende que o medo é fruto de algo fictício proveniente da sua mente e utiliza a respiração para se acalmar. Esses resultados ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A comunidade vegetal pode ser constituída por diversas formas de vida, envolvendo desde plantas vasculares a não vasculares, bem como uma ampla gama de grupos taxonômicos e funcionais. Sendo considerada parte integrante do ciclo de crescimento florestal associados às fases iniciais do estabelecimento e desenvolvimento deste ciclo. Espécies herbáceas e subarbustivas, uma guilda importante, mesmo dentro de formações florestais, possuem um grande poder de colonização e modificação da comunidade, com isso o estabelecimento de indivíduos de porte arbóreo pode ser restringido pelo aumento de biomassa dessas espécies, pois tais vegetais por encobrirem o solo podem inviabilizar o processo germinativo do banco de sementes, transitório ou permanente. Este estudo analisou a relação entre cobertura de Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromeliaceae, e a densidade e diversidade da regeneração natural de lenhosas em um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa situada no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho. Formam inventariadas 120 parcelas contidas em 6 transectos. Cada transecto contou com 20 parcelas (1m X 1m), sendo que 10 delas estavam inseridas em locais onde ocorrem manchas de Calathea communis (Maranthaceae) e as outras 10 em locais desprovidos desta espécie. Os indivíduos regenerantes foram divididos em 3 classes de altura, a classe A compreendeu plântulas lenhosas de 10 a 15 cm, a classe B de 16 a 50 cm e a classe C envolveu jovens de 50 a 150 cm.. A quantificação da cobertura das diferentes guildas foi realizada em manchas com presença e ausência de Calathea communis, no interior das parcelas. Através de uma análise de variância, conclui-se que existe uma tendência da Calathea communis interferir na cobertura de todas as formas de vida estudadas. Para as Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromelias, o teste de ANOVA two-way, mostrou uma variação significativa (p<0,05), em pelo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade fazer uma análise do jornal Correio da Noroeste. Os cinco primeiros anos desse jornal (1930-35) de grande circulação na cidade de Bauru, localizada no oeste paulista, serão abordados através das questões urbanas, da sociedade local e da relação com as tendências jornalísticas do início do século XX. Sua importância consiste na explicitação da relação existente entre jornalismo e sociedade local, permitindo delinear os diversos posicionamentos políticos do jornal, bem como diante das transformações que ocorreram na cidade em que o diário circulava


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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The climate is one of the main elements of the natural environment that governs the life of man. Specific conditions of temperature, humidity, light, wind and precipitation have direct influence on physiological conditions that man needs to survive and more than that, besides the influence on human and animal physiology, the climatic elements are also responsible for a significant portion of economic activities such as industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, and others. Therefore, any change in weather patterns has great impact on daily activities, and even more in urban sites, where the most of population is concentrated nowadays. Based on this discussion and concerned in understand the atmospheric structure, this monograph intends to analyze the pattern of atmospheric and temperature element in seven cities of small and medium size located in the state of São Paulo countryside... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Accidents involving insects of the Hymenoptera order occur very often with both human beings and domestic pets and, in Brazil, they include aggravated cases with Africanized bees (Apis mellifera). The aggravation of deforestation and the lack of awareness regarding the subject are factors that contribute to the rise of the number of bees in the urban environment. This fact has been causing several derangements among the population because, once these insects are bothered, they become very aggressive. Considering the risks to population and the great amount of accidents that could be avoided, the development of researches with the goal of determining repelling substances is rather important. Therefore, this research evaluated the repelling action of essential natural oils obtained from rosemary (Rosmarinus oficinalis), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), cedar (Juniperus virginiana), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and mint (Mentha piperita) on A. mellifera Africanized worker bees in both semi-field and aggressiveness tests. Among the evaluated composites, the lemongrass, mint and clove essential natural oils presented a grater repelling effect, inhibiting the bees’ visitation to the managed feeders almost completely. The cedar essential natural oil was the least effective composite, and the rest of the tested oils presented satisfactory repellency, which became less effective over time, according to non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. However, further tests showed that only the lemongrass essential natural oil caused a less aggressive response from the bees, which can confirm the repelling power of this composite. This way, according to the results obtained through this research, lemongrass presents a greater potential to the development of effective repelling formulas against Africanized bees (Apis mellifera)


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Essential oils are products from plants and can be located in parts or in its entirety. There are several methods for its extraction, where the most suitable depends on the plant or the use of the essence. The main species cultivated in Brazil are the Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus staigeriana. The Corymbia citriodora is a species that was introduced in Brazil along with other species, with the initial objective of timber production. The yield of oil can range from 0.5 % to 3.0% according to the literature and this can be optimized by reducing the moisture content of the leaves. Studies show that the lower water content in the leaves allows the vapor stream generated in the extractor can drag, more efficiently, the volatiles stored in the cells as compared with the green material. The drying of the sheets is important for companies, so that there is transport of water, increasing the volume of the sheets to distillation and hence a greater volume of oil. The objective of this study was to compare the drying methods, analyzing the income of the essence and determine the best method to optimize the yield of essential oil. Experimental tests were performed natural drying 10, 15 and 20 days and fluidized with times of 60, 90 and 120 minutes and after drying were extractions of the oil. The results obtained for fresh leave yield was 1.20 % and the drying time which showed the highest yield was 15 and 20 days with 2.90 % and 2.70 % yield, respectively, with the lowest level humidity of 16%. The yields obtained in fluidized bed drying did not change as the natural drying to between 1.64% and 1.7%. It is concluded that the decreased level of the sheets increases the yield of oil and the temperature in the fluidized bed is essential for the removal of water from the leaves necessary to increase the yield


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The aim of this study was to verify if α-tocopherol, the main substance of Vitamin E and also the one with the major antioxidant propriety, could offer citoprotection to a stomach damaged by alcohol. There are many forms of α-tocopherol, two forms of them were evaluated; d-l-α-tocopherol, the synthetic form and d-α-tocopherol, the natural form of α-tocopherol. Three experiments were made, all of them having absolute ethanol as the lesion agent, but the period and the doses changed in each of them. In the first two experiments, each group of animals received a different form of α-tocopherol and in the third experiment, they’ve received α-tocopherol p.o. for the period of seven days before the lesion agent was administrated. Moreover, immunohistochemistry assays were made from the stomachs samples of the third experiment to verify possible mechanisms involving nitric oxide and 2-cyclooxygenase. Satisfactory results of citoprotection have been obtained when the two forms were administered in the period of one week at doses of 100 mg/kg for synthetic form and 150 mg/kg for natural type. Nevertheless, the two forms didn’t differ statistically in their effectiveness against ethanol. The immunohistochemistry assays showed an increase of the levels of NO and COX2 in relation with the negative control, although there was no correlation between this increase and the gastroprotective effect. In conclusion, α-tocopherol has gastroprotection effect in some doses, but apparently there is no such a thing like the better the dose, the better the effect; that citoprotection don’t have a relationship with NO neither with COX2; the natural and the synthetic form don’t differ in their gastroprotection effect. More studies must be done looking forward an effective dose and also to understand the mechanisms underlay the citoprotection of α-tocopherol in the stomach


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Non-intrusive methods of diagnosis, such as spectral analysis of the radiation emitted by the system, have been used as a viable alternative for determining the temperature of combustion systems. Among them, the determination of temperature by natural emission spectroscopy has the advantage of requiring relatively simple experimental devices. Once Chemiluminescent species are formed directly in the excited state, the collection and recording of radiation emission spectrum is enough to determine the temperature (CARINHANA, 2008). In this study we used the process of making direct comparisons between the experimental spectra obtained in the laboratory from the plasma of alcohol, and the theoretical spectra plotted from a computer program developed at the IEAv. The objective was to establish a fast and reliable method to measure the rotational temperature of the radical C2*. The results showed that the temperature of the plasma, which in turn can be taken as the rotational temperature of the system, is proportional to the pressure. The temperature values ranged from ca. 2300 ~ 2500 K at a pressure of 19 mmHg to 3100 ~ 3500 K for the pressure of 46 mmHg. The temperature values are somewhat smaller when we consider the theoretical spectrum as a Lorentzian curve. The overlap of the spectra was better when using the profile curve, but still were not exactly superimposed. The solution to improve the overlap of the theoretical with the experimental spectra is the use of a curve that has the convolution of two profiles analyzed: Lorentzian and Gaussian. This curve is called the Voigt profile, which will also be implemented by programmers and studied in a next work


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Acoustic communication is essential in mammals and has three main functions: acquisition of information about the environment, intraspecific communication and detection of predators and prey. Studies indicate that the introduction of sounds produced by anthropogenic activities such as military exercises, use of sonar and activities related to the extraction of oil and natural gas can cause interference in cetacean communication. Recently, the discovery of pre-salt tends to increase these activities. After a decade since the launch date of IBAMA`s licensing and before the imminent increase in exploration activities in Brazil, it is essential to conduct studies to monitor closely the impact of this type of activity on the marine ecosystem. Thus, this study aims to identify potential impacts that the process of oil and natural gas exploration and production might have on the communication of baleen whales. Data from literature on bioacoustics and ecology of these animals were linked with technical-scientific data regarding this type of activity. 310 documents related to the topic were analyzed. Among them only 81 documents are of academic origin, and the others mostly action plans and reports from government agencies. 80% of the documents do not have any species as a focus, and in the remaining 20%, 17% were focused on the Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus) and 22% on the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The main impacts identified in this study were the increased frequency and amplitude of vocalization, reduction or cessation of more elaborate songs and masking problems


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar e quantificar o banco de plântulas em trechos de Mata Ciliar do Rio Moji-Guaçu situados na Academia da Força Aérea (AFA) em Pirassununga-SP. Os trechos definidos para a amostragem foram relacionados com as condições do entorno e com a estrutura da comunidade local. Foi realizada uma avaliação da diversidade e da dominância de guildas que se encontram presentes nesse compartimento da regeneração natural, o que forneceu informações das espécies que contribuem de forma mais expressiva para a manutenção da comunidade florestal, bem como aquelas respectivas a grupos funcionais que caracterizam as condições sucessionais da estrutura atual dos segmentos de mata analisados. Na análise dos parâmetros fitossociológicos encontrou-se um Índice de Shannon-Wiener (H’) de diversidade de 3,843 nits/ind, índice de equabilidade de Pielou (J’) de 0,84, e índice de dominância de Simpson de 0,034. A síndrome de dispersão zoocórica correspondeu a quase 60% das espécies, no trecho ciliar estudado. A classe sucessional das espécies não pioneiras recebeu maior destaque, representada por 50% das espécies amostradas, mas também as lianas ocorreram com expressão no banco de plântulas analisado. Embora os padrões aqui observados possam ser generalizados, no entanto com cautela, o presente trabalho traz resultados importantes, apesar de primários, pois medidas visando à preservação e à restauração florestal dependem, primeiramente, do conhecimento sobre as espécies com ocorrência na área, sua biologia e histórico de abrangência na paisagem