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Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate the role of key strategic factors in new service development (NSD). In particular, the role of service development strategy, a formalised development process, integrated development teams and customer co-creation were investigated and the results were compared with managers' beliefs. Design/methodology/approach – The study used a sample of more than 500 service development projects to test a NSD conceptual model. Regression analysis was used to test the relative importance of the key strategic factors, and the results were compared with managers' beliefs. Findings – The results show that managers believe that customer co-creation is most important in order to succeed with NSD. However, contrary to management belief, a service development strategy is the “missing link” in improving NSD performance. In addition, the research highlighted an interaction effect between integrated development teams and customer co-creation, which means that project managers should focus on individual competencies on the development team and how they interact with customers throughout the NSD process. Originality/value – For a long time, NSD has failed to receive the attention it deserves, not just in practice but also in service research. This study shows that the number of new services put on the market and then withdrawn because of low sales remains as high as 43 per cent. This paper contributes knowledge on how to reduce the number of failures in NSD by pointing out the key strategic factors that influence NSD performance.
Artikeln problematiserar betydelsen av metaforer i samtal om tvärsektoriell samverkan inom offentlig verksamhet. Samtalens syfte var att förhindra att ungdomar anlägger bränder och annan typ av skadegörelse. Vi använder oss av metaforisk textanalys. Resultatet visar att metaforer har olika funktion i parternas samtal. De har en förklarande eller översättande funktion och innebär då en resurs. Men de har även en kamouflerande funktion, vilket innebär att användandet av metaforer inte är helt oproblematiskt.
This paper presents an eight-firm study, conducted from the service-dominant logic perspective, which makes a contribution regarding knowledge of the anatomy of value propositions and service innovation. The paper suggests that value propositions are configurations of several different practices and resources. The paper finds that ten common practices, organized in three main aggregates, constitute and fulfill value propositions: i.e. provision practices, representational practices, and management and organizational practices. Moreover, the paper suggests that service innovation can be equated with the creation of new value propositions by means of developing existing or creating new practices and/or resources, or by means of integrating practices and resources in new ways. It identifies four types of service innovation (adaptation, resource-based innovation, practice-based innovation, and combinative innovation) and three types of service innovation processes (practice-based, resource-based, and combinative). The key managerial insight provided by the paper is that service innovation must be conducted and value propositions must be evaluated from the perspective of the customers’ value creation, the service that the customer experiences. Successful service innovation is not only contingent on having the right resources, established methods and practices for integrating these resources into attractive value propositions are also needed.
In order to grow and survive, a firm must create value with consumers in ways that both fit in with consumer demands and stand out from competitors. Focusing on and understanding consumer and firm assessments of value and creation of value has become a central scope in the contemporary strategic management and marketing literature for understanding and explaining firm survival and success. Consequently, the overall aim of this thesis is to provide a conceptually and empirically grounded understanding of consumers’ and managers’ value assessments and behavior in value creation. This thesis draws on a consumer experience perspective and theories on social construction, organizational identity, self-congruence, and the theory of attractive quality, and combines multiple qualitative and quantitative studies. The findings in this thesis shed light on the interplay between consumers, firms, and contextual structures in value creation. Contextual structural, cultural, and political forces are shown to affect and be affected by the shared and individual cognitions of value creation that firms and consumers use in their assessment and creation value. The results of the study enhance the understanding of how firms can adopt various strategic schemas or organizing logics to optimize different types of use value creation when choosing between opposing and contradictive demands in their value creation. Furthermore, the thesis provides a deeper understanding of the hierarchical nature of consumer judgments of value that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of firm prioritizations and as a foundation for future value-creating strategies.
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Środowiska, Pracownia Aeropalinologii
wydane też w języku niemieckim:Gesamtheit und τέλος der Erinnerung der Kirche, in: Perspektiven einer Theologie nach Auschwitz, Dialog an der Schwelle von Auschwitz, Band 2, Ed. Manfred Deselaers, Kraków – Oświęcim, UNUM, Centrum für Dialog und Gebet 2011, s. 145-164.
Wydział Biologii
Wydział Biologii
Hur kan lärare på bästa sätt möta elever med religiös positionering i religionskunskapsklassrummet? Hur kan undervisningen utformas för att ge religiösa traditioner en framställning som elever med religiös positionering kan acceptera, relatera till och kanske också lära nytt av? Den här religionsdidaktiska studien handlar om hur elever som positionerar sig inom muslimsk, kristen, buddhistisk och judisk tradition talar om skolans religionskunskapsundervisning. Studien berör tre teman. För det första undersöks mötet mellan undervisningsinnehåll och elevernas erfarenheter av sin egen religiösa tradition och tro. För det andra riktas uppmärksamheten mot hur eleverna talar om sina erfarenheter av att vara eller att förväntas vara representant för sin egen tradition i undervisningen. Ett tredje tema handlar om hur eleverna beskriver ramar och förutsättningar för religionskunskapsundervisningen. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys. Resultaten visar bland annat att eleverna har svårt att känna igen och relatera till sin egen tradition i undervisningen. De befarar att undervisningen snarare förstärker än dekonstruerar stereotypa föreställningar om religion och religiöst liv.
Denna studie uppmärksammar kollektivtrafik som transformativ förändringskraft i städer. I studien talas om att se kollektivtrafik som ryggraden i hållbar mobilitet och en möjliggörare för förändring, med visionen att bygga en stad för människor. En levande och attraktiv stad där kollektivtrafik sätts in i ett större sammanhang för att underlätta människors vardag. Sveriges tre största stadsregioner; Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö har studerats. För att på ett djupare plan förstå dessa förändringsprocesser har även sju internationella jämförelsestudier tagits fram (Freiburg, Zürich, London, Paris, Singapore, Kapstaden och Buenos Aires), liksom en konceptuell och teoretisk analys- och tolkningsram. Såväl de svenska som utländska fallstudierna pekar på att det finns många utmaningar i växande stadsregioner. Studien ger en ökad insikt om att kollektivtrafik kan vara ett verktyg att bryta sociala och miljömässiga utmaningar, liksom mobilitetsutmaningar. Det krävs en avancerad produktionslogik för att utveckla kapacitetsstarka kollektivtrafiklösningar, men när allt är på plats i ett samverkande system kan kunden/resenären utnyttja systemet i sin egen värdeskapande process utifrån en kundorienterad tjänstelogik. Det finns ett behov av en fortsatt lärprocess för att använda kollektivtrafik som transformativ kraft. Det är människor som rör sig i staden, kollektivtrafik är endast ett medel. Det är med gemensamma offentliga och privata resurser som en levande, hållbar och attraktiv livsmiljö kan skapas, men det måste ske inom ramen gemensamma värderingar och berättelser. Då utvecklas ett samhälle som bygger på tillit. Att hantera transformation, värdeskapande och hållberhet kräver flernivåstyrning, resursintegration och en utmaningsdriven tjänsteinnovation. Delarna finns där, men det behövs ett mer samlat grepp för att fullt ut utnyttja potentialen i Kollektivtrafik som transformativ kraft för levande och hållbara städer.
In 2012, Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence. The postcolonial era in the country has been marked by political turmoil and civil wars. Uganda, like many other postcolonial states in Africa, cannot be described as an ethnically or culturally homogenous state. However, history education has globally been seen as a platform for constructing national identities in contemporary societies. At the same time, it is assumed that specific historical experiences of countries influence historical understanding. This study takes its starting point in the theories of historical consciousness and narrativity. A narrative could be viewed as a site where mobilization of ideas of the past to envisage the present and possible futures is made and hence the narrative expresses historical orientation. Through the concept of historical orientation historical consciousness can be explored, i.e. what history is viewed as significant and meaningful. The aim in the study is to explore in what ways students connect to their historical pasts. The study explores 219 narratives of 73 Ugandan upper secondary students. Narratives elicited through written responses to three assignments. Designed to capture different approaches to history: either to start from the beginning and narrate history prospectively or to depart from the present narrating retrospectively. The colonial experience of Uganda affected the sampling in the way that students were chosen from two different regions, Central and Northern Uganda. The comparison was a way to handle the concept of ‘nation’ as a presupposed category. Narrative analysis has been used as a method to explore what the students regarded as historically significant and what patterns among the narratives that point towards particular historical orientations. The empirical results show how different approaches to history, a prospective or a retrospective approach, influence the student narratives. For instance, valued judgments on past developments were more common with the retrospective approach. The results also show differences in evaluating past developments according to regional origin. Students from northern Uganda were generally more inclined to tell a story of decline. Also, it is argued that the student narratives were informed by a meta-narrative of Africa. It was as common to identify oneself as African as it was to identify as Ugandan.
Perceived accessibility has been acknowledged as an important aspect of transport policy since the 70s. Nevertheless, very few empirical studies have been conducted in this field. When aiming to improve social inclusion, by making sus-tainable transport modes accessible to all, it is important to understand the factors driving perceived accessibility. Un-like conventional accessibility measures, perceived accessibility focuses on the perceived possibilities and ease of en-gaging in preferred activities using different transport modes. We define perceived accessibility in terms of how easy it is to live a satisfactory life with the help of the transport system, which is not necessarily the same thing as the objec-tive standard of the system. According to previous research, perceived accessibility varies with the subjectively-rated quality of the mode of transport. Thus, improvements in quality (e.g. trip planning, comfort, or safety) increase the per-ceived accessibility and make life easier to live using the chosen mode of transport. This study (n=750) focuses on the perceived accessibility of public transport, captured using the Perceived Accessibility Scale PAC (Lättman, Olsson, & Fri-man, 2015). More specifically, this study aims to determine how level of quality affects the perceived accessibility in public transport. A Conditional Process Model shows that, in addition to quality, feeling safe and frequency of travel are important predictors of perceived accessibility. Furthermore, elderly and those in their thirties report a lower level of perceived accessibility to their day-to-day activities using public transport. The basic premise of this study is that sub-jective experiences may be as important as objective indicators when planning and designing for socially inclusive transport systems.