954 resultados para Blunt chest trauma
Non-invasive systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurement is a commonly used triaging tool for trauma patients. A SBP of <90mmHg has represented the threshold for hypotension for many years, but recent studies have suggested redefining hypotension at lower levels. We therefore examined the association between SBP and mortality in penetrating trauma patients.
Purpose:To determine the potential of minimally invasive postmortem computed tomographic (CT) angiography combined with image-guided tissue biopsy of the myocardium and lungs in decedents who were thought to have died of acute chest disease and to compare this method with conventional autopsy as the reference standard.Materials and Methods:The responsible justice department and ethics committee approved this study. Twenty corpses (four female corpses and 16 male corpses; age range, 15-80 years), all of whom were reported to have had antemortem acute chest pain, were imaged with postmortem whole-body CT angiography and underwent standardized image-guided biopsy. The standard included three biopsies of the myocardium and a single biopsy of bilateral central lung tissue. Additional biopsies of pulmonary clots for differentiation of pulmonary embolism and postmortem organized thrombus were performed after initial analysis of the cross-sectional images. Subsequent traditional autopsy with sampling of histologic specimens was performed in all cases. Thereafter, conventional histologic and autopsy reports were compared with postmortem CT angiography and CT-guided biopsy findings. A Cohen k coefficient analysis was performed to explore the effect of the clustered nature of the data.Results:In 19 of the 20 cadavers, findings at postmortem CT angiography in combination with CT-guided biopsy validated the cause of death found at traditional autopsy. In one cadaver, early myocardial infarction of the papillary muscles had been missed. The Cohen κ coefficient was 0.94. There were four instances of pulmonary embolism, three aortic dissections (Stanford type A), three myocardial infarctions, three instances of fresh coronary thrombosis, three cases of obstructive coronary artery disease, one ruptured ulcer of the ascending aorta, one ruptured aneurysm of the right subclavian artery, one case of myocarditis, and one pulmonary malignancy with pulmonary artery erosion. In seven of 20 cadavers, CT-guided biopsy provided additional histopathologic information that substantiated the final diagnosis of the cause of death.Conclusion:Postmortem CT angiography combined with image-guided biopsy, because of their minimally invasive nature, have a potential role in the detection of the cause of death after acute chest pain.© RSNA, 2012.
We present here the case of an adolescent female near-drowning victim who was reportedly discovered submerged and unconscious by family members in a whirlpool spa. Physical examination revealed extensive posterior soft tissue bruising, which raised the suspicion of nonaccidental trauma. Detailed forensic evaluation of the injuries and the scene proved that the soft tissue findings represented an unusual manifestation of whirlpool-spa suction-vent injury. Medical evaluation indicated that epilepsy onset might have contributed to the near-drowning, although forensic evaluation of this possibility was less convincing. In this article we review these rare but important injuries, which have the potential to be confused with child abuse, and detail the atypical presentation and clinically presumed etiologic event in our case.
Accurate diagnosis of the causes of chest pain and dyspnea remain challenging. In this preliminary observational study with a 5-year follow-up, we attempted to find a simplified approach to selecting patients with chest pain needing immediate care based on the initial evaluation in ED. During a 24-month period were randomly selected 301 patients and a conditional inference tree (CIT) was used as the basis of the prognostic rule. Common diagnoses were musculoskeletal chest pain (27%), ACS (19%) and panic attack (12%). Using variables of ACS symptoms we estimated the likelihood of ACS based on a CIT to be high at 91% (32), low at 4% (198) and intermediate at 20.5-40% in (71) patients. Coronary catheterization was performed within 24 hours in 91% of the patients with ACS. A culprit lesion was found in 79%. Follow-up (median 4.2 years) information was available for 70% of the patients. Of the 164 patients without ACS who were followed up, 5 were treated with revascularization for stable angina pectoris, 2 were treated with revascularization for myocardial infarction, and 25 died. Although a simple triage decision tree could theoretically help to efficient select patients needing immediate care we need also to be vigilant for those presenting with atypical symptoms.
Hemorrhage and traumatic coagulopathyis are major causes of early death in multiply injured patients. Thrombelastography (TEG) seems to be a fast and accurate coagulation test in trauma care. We suggest that multiply injured trauma patients would benefit the most from an early assessment of coagulation by TEG, mainly RapidTEG, to detect an acute traumatic coagulopathy and especially primary fibrinolysis, which is related with high mortality. This review gives an overview on TEG and its clinical applications.
Courses in the Advanced Trauma Life Support are a well-accepted concept throughout the world for training in the emergency treatment of polytraumatized patients. Switzerland, a multilingual country with a long tradition of multidisciplinary collaboration in trauma care, introduced its first student courses in 1998. Unlike some countries where the courses are attended only by surgeons, instructors and students in Switzerland include surgeons, anaesthetists and physicians from other specialties.
Adrenalin-seeking airborne sports like BASE-jumping, paragliding, parachuting, delta-gliding, speedflying, and skysurfing are now firmly with us as outdoor lifestyle activities and are associated with a high frequency of severe injuries, especially to the spine.
Pulmonary hypertension presenting with apnea, cyanosis and failure to thrive in a young child. Chest
INTRODUCTION: Guidelines for the treatment of patients in severe hypothermia and mainly in hypothermic cardiac arrest recommend the rewarming using the extracorporeal circulation (ECC). However,guidelines for the further in-hospital diagnostic and therapeutic approach of these patients, who often suffer from additional injuries—especially in avalanche casualties, are lacking. Lack of such algorithms may relevantly delay treatment and put patients at further risk. Together with a multidisciplinary team, the Emergency Department at the University Hospital in Bern, a level I trauma centre, created an algorithm for the in-hospital treatment of patients with hypothermic cardiac arrest. This algorithm primarily focuses on the decision-making process for the administration of ECC. THE BERNESE HYPOTHERMIA ALGORITHM: The major difference between the traditional approach, where all hypothermic patients are primarily admitted to the emergency centre, and our new algorithm is that hypothermic cardiac arrest patients without obvious signs of severe trauma are taken to the operating theatre without delay. Subsequently, the interdisciplinary team decides whether to rewarm the patient using ECC based on a standard clinical trauma assessment, serum potassium levels, core body temperature, sonographic examinations of the abdomen, pleural space, and pericardium, as well as a pelvic X-ray, if needed. During ECC, sonography is repeated and haemodynamic function as well as haemoglobin levels are regularly monitored. Standard radiological investigations according to the local multiple trauma protocol are performed only after ECC. Transfer to the intensive care unit, where mild therapeutic hypothermia is maintained for another 12 h, should not be delayed by additional X-rays for minor injuries. DISCUSSION: The presented algorithm is intended to facilitate in-hospital decision-making and shorten the door-to-reperfusion time for patients with hypothermic cardiac arrest. It was the result of intensive collaboration between different specialties and highlights the importance of high-quality teamwork for rare cases of severe accidental hypothermia. Information derived from the new International Hypothermia Registry will help to answer open questions and further optimize the algorithm.