943 resultados para Bacterial Protein Secretion


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The inwardly rectifying K+ channel ROMK1 has been implicated as being significant in K+ secretion in the distal nephron. ROMK1 has been shown by immunocytochemistry to be expressed in relevant nephron segments. The development of the atomic force microscope has made possible the production of high resolution images of small particles, including a variety of biological macromolecules. Recently, a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and ROMK1 (ROMK1-GST) has been used to produce a polyclonal antibody for immunolocalization of ROMK1. We have used atomic force microscopy to examine ROMK1-GST and the native ROMK1 polypeptide cleaved from GST. Imaging was conducted with the proteins in physiological solutions attached to mica. ROMK1-GST appears in images as a particle composed of two units of similar size. Analyses of images indicate that the two units have volumes of approximately 118 nm3, which is close to the theoretical volume of a globular protein of approximately 65 kDa (the molecular mass of ROMK1-GST). Native GST exists as a dimer, and the images obtained here are consistent with the ROMK1-GST fusion protein's existence as a heterodimer. In experiments on ROMK1 in aqueous solution, single molecules appear to aggregate, but contact to the mica was maintained. Addition of ATP to the solution produced a change in height of the aggregates. This change (which was reversible) suggests that ATP induces a structural change in the ROMK1 protein. The data show that atomic force microscopy is a useful tool for examination of purified protein molecules under near-physiological conditions, and furthermore, that structural alterations in the proteins may be continuously investigated.


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A 50-kDa hemolymph protein, having strong affinity to the cell wall of Gram(-) bacteria, was purified from the hemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The cDNA encoding this Gram(-) bacteria-binding protein (GNBP) was isolated from an immunized silkworm fat body cDNA library and sequenced. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with known sequences revealed that GNBP contained a region displaying significant homology to the putative catalytic region of a group of bacterial beta-1,3 glucanases and beta-1,3-1,4 glucanases. Silkworm GNBP was also shown to have amino acid sequence similarity to the vertebrate lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14 and was recognized specifically by a polygonal anti-CD14 antibody. Northern blot analysis showed that GNBP was constitutively expressed in fat body, as well as in cuticular epithelial cells of naive silkworms. Intense transcription was, however, rapidly induced following a cuticular or hemoceolien bacterial challenge. An mRNA that hybridized with GNBP cDNA was also found in the l(2)mbn immunocompetent Drosophila cell line. These observations suggest that GNBP is an inducible acute phase protein implicated in the immune response of the silkworm and perhaps other insects.


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We describe a conserved family of bacterial gene products that includes the VirB1 virulence factor encoded by tumor-inducing plasmids of Agrobacterium spp., proteins involved in conjugative DNA transfer of broad-host-range bacterial plasmids, and gene products that may be involved in invasion by Shigella spp. and Salmonella enterica. Sequence analysis and structural modeling show that the proteins in this group are related to chicken egg white lysozyme and are likely to adopt a lysozyme-like structural fold. Based on their similarity to lysozyme, we predict that these proteins have glycosidase activity. Iterative data base searches with three conserved sequence motifs from this protein family detect a more distant relationship to bacterial and bacteriophage lytic transglycosylases, and goose egg white lysozyme. Two acidic residues in the VirB1 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens form a putative catalytic dyad, Each of these residues was changed into the corresponding amide by site-directed mutagenesis. Strains of A. tumefaciens that express mutated VirB1 proteins have a significantly reduced virulence. We hypothesize that many bacterial proteins involved in export of macromolecules belong to a widespread class of hydrolases and cleave beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds as part of their function.


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Aromatic polyketides are assembled by a type 11 (iterative) polyketide synthase (PKS) in bacteria. Understanding the enzymology of such enzymes should provide the information needed for the synthesis of novel polyketides through the genetic engineering of PKSs. Using a previously described cell-free system [B.S. & C.R.H. (1993) Science 262, 1535-1540], we studied a PKS enzyme whose substrate is not directly available and purified the TcmN polyketide cyclase from Streptomyces glaucescens. TcmN is a bifunctional protein that catalyzes the regiospecific cyclization of the Tcm PKS-bound linear decaketide to Tcm F2 and the 0-methylation of Tcm D3 to Tcm B3. In the absence of TcmN, the decaketide formed by the minimal PKS consisting of the TcmJKLM proteins undergoes spontaneous cyclization to form some Tcm F2 as well as SEK15 and many other aberrant shunt products. Addition of purified TcmN to a mixture of the other Tcm PKS components both restores and enhances Tcm F2 production. Interestingly, Tcm F2 but none of the aberrant products was bound tightly to the PKS. The results described support the notion that the polyketide cyclase, not the minimal PKS, dictates the regiospecificity for the cyclization of the linear polyketide intermediate. Furthermore, because the addition of TcmN to the TcmJKLM proteins results in a significant increase of the total yield of decaketide, interactions among the individual components of the Tcm PKS complex must give rise to the optimal PKS activity.


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Life falls into three fundamental domains--Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya (formerly archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes,. respectively). Though Archaea lack nuclei and share many morphological features with Bacteria, molecular analyses, principally of the transcription and translation machineries, have suggested that Archaea are more related to Eucarya than to Bacteria. Currently, little is known about the archaeal cell division apparatus. In Bacteria, a crucial component of the cell division machinery is FtsZ, a GTPase that localizes to a ring at the site of septation. Interestingly, FtsZ is distantly related in sequence to eukaryotic tubulins, which also interact with GTP and are components of the eukaryotic cell cytoskeleton. By screening for the ability to bind radiolabeled nucleotides, we have identified a protein of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei that interacts tightly and specifically with GTP. Furthermore, through screening an expression library of P. woesei genomic DNA, we have cloned the gene encoding this protein. Sequence comparisons reveal that the P. woesei GTP-binding protein is strikingly related in sequence to eubacterial FtsZ and is marginally more similar to eukaryotic tubulins than are bacterial FtsZ proteins. Phylogenetic analyses reinforce the notion that there is an evolutionary linkage between FtsZ and tubulins. These findings suggest that the archaeal cell division apparatus may be fundamentally similar to that of Bacteria and lead us to consider the evolutionary relationships between Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya.


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"Addiction modules" consist of two genes. In most of them the product of one is long lived and toxic while the product of the second is short lived and antagonizes the toxic effect; so far, they have been described mainly in a number of prokaryotic extrachromosomal elements responsible for the postsegregational killing effect. Here we show that the chromosomal genes mazE and mazF, located in the Escherichia coli rel operon, have all of the properties required for an addiction module. Furthermore, the expression of mazEF is regulated by the cellular level of guanosine [corrected] 3',5'-bispyrophosphate, the product of the RelA protein under amino acid starvation. These properties suggest that the mazEF system may be responsible for programmed cell death in E. coli and thus may have a role in the physiology of starvation.


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A group of resident ER proteins have been identified that are proposed to function as molecular chaperones. The best characterized of these is BiP/GRP78, an hsp70 homologue that binds peptides containing hydrophobic residues in vitro and unfolded or unassembled proteins in vivo. However, evidence that mammalian BiP plays a direct role in protein folding remains circumstantial. In this study, we examine how BiP interacts with a particular substrate, immunoglobulin light chain (lambda LC), during its folding. Wild-type hamster BiP and several well-characterized BiP ATPase mutants were used in transient expression experiments. We demonstrate that wild-type lambda LCs showed prolonged association with mutant BiP which inhibited their secretion. Both wild-type and mutant BiP bound only to unfolded and partially folded LCs. The wild-type BiP was released from the incompletely folded LCs, allowing them to fold and be secreted, whereas the mutant BiP was not released. As a result, the LCs that were bound to BiP mutants were unable to undergo complete disulfide bond formation and were retained in the ER. Our experiments suggest that LCs undergo both BiP-dependent and BiP-independent folding steps, demonstrating that both ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of BiP are essential for the completion of LC folding in vivo and reveal that BiP must release before disulfide bond formation can occur in that domain.


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Rab8 is a small GTP-binding protein that plays a role in vesicular transport from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral plasma membrane in polarized epithelial cells (MDCK), and to the dendritic surface in hippocampal neurons. As is the case for most other rab proteins, the precise molecular interactions by which rab8 carries out its function remain to be elucidated. Here we report the identification and the complete cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of a murine rab8-interacting protein (rab8ip) that specifically interacts with rab8 in a GTP-dependent manner. Rab8ip displays 93% identity with the GC kinase, a serine/threonine protein kinase recently identified in human lymphoid tissue that is activated in the stress response. Like the GC kinase, rab8ip has protein kinase activity manifested by autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the classical serine/threonine protein kinase substrates, myelin basic protein and casein. When coexpressed in transfected 293T cells, rab8 and the rab8ip/GC kinase formed a complex that could be recovered by immunoprecipitation with antibodies to rab8. Cell fractionation and immunofluorescence analyses indicate that in MDCK cells endogenous rab8ip is present both in the cytosol and as a peripheral membrane protein concentrated in the Golgi region and basolateral plasma membrane domains, sites where rab8 itself is also located. In light of recent evidence that rab proteins may act by promoting the stabilization of SNARE complexes, the specific GTP-dependent association of rab8 with the rab8ip/GC kinase raises the possibility that rab-regulated protein phosphorylation is important for vesicle targeting or fusion. Moreover, the rab8ip/GC kinase may serve to modulate secretion in response to stress stimuli.


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Accurate quantum mechanical simulations of the primary charge transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers are reported. The process is modeled by three coupled electronic states corresponding to the photoexcited chlorophyll special pair (donor), the reduced bacteriopheophytin (acceptor), and the reduced accessory chlorophyll (bridge) that interact with a dissipative medium of protein and solvent degrees of freedom. The time evolution of the excited special pair is followed over 17 ps by using a fully quantum mechanical path integral scheme. We find that a free energy of the reduced accessory chlorophyll state approximately equal to 400 cm(-1) lower than that of the excited special pair state yields state populations in agreement with experimental results on wild-type and modified reaction centers. For this energetic configuration electron transfer is a two-step process.


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Various compounds that affect signal transduction regulate the relative utilization of alternative processing pathways for the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta APP) in intact cells, increasing the production of nonamyloidogenic soluble beta APP (s beta APP) and decreasing that of amyloidogenic beta-amyloid peptide. In a recent study directed toward elucidating the mechanisms underlying phorbol ester-stimulated s beta APP secretion from cells, it was demonstrated that protein kinase C increases the formation from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of beta APP-containing secretory vesicles. Here we present evidence that forskolin increases s beta APP production from intact PC12 cells, and protein kinase A stimulates formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles. Although protein kinase A and protein kinase C converge at the level of formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles, additional evidence indicates that the regulatory mechanisms involved are distinct.


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The codon usage of a hybrid bacterial gene encoding a thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase was modified to match that of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene. Both the modified and unmodified bacterial genes were fused to a DNA segment encoding the barley high-pI alpha-amylase signal peptide downstream of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene promoter. When introduced into barley aleurone protoplasts, the bacterial gene with adapted codon usage directed synthesis of heat stable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase, whereas activity of the heterologous enzyme was not detectable when protoplasts were transfected with the unmodified gene. In a different expression plasmid, the codon modified bacterial gene was cloned downstream of the barley high-pI alpha-amylase gene promoter and signal peptide coding region. This expression cassette was introduced into immature barley embryos together with plasmids carrying the bar and the uidA genes. Green, fertile plants were regenerated and approximately 75% of grains harvested from primary transformants synthesized thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase during germination. All three trans genes were detected in 17 progenies from a homozygous T1 plant.


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C factor, an intercellular signaling protein, is required for aggregation and sporulation of the social bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus. We report that C factor, which normally is associated with the cell surface, provides input to the Frz signal transduction cascade. Elements of this cascade have sequence homology to bacterial chemotaxis systems and are known to control the frequency of gliding reversal. Exposure of developing cells of a C-factor-less mutant (csgA) to purified C factor increases the ratio of methylated to nonmethylated FrzCD protein, the Frz homolog of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. Methylation depends on the cognate methyltransferase FrzF, and its extent increases with the concentration of C factor. C-factor-induced methylation also depends on the product of a gene, called class II, which is necessary in vivo for all known responses to C factor. A model for aggregation is proposed in which C factor stimulates the Frz cascade and thereby decreases cell reversals in a way that preferentially leads cells into an aggregate.


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Activation of macrophages by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces transcription of genes that encode for proinflammatory regulators of the immune response. Previous work has suggested that activation of the transcription factor activator protein 1 (AP-1) is one LPS-induced event that mediates this response. Consistent with this notion, we found that LPS stimulated AP-1-mediated transcription of a transfected reporter gene in the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. As AP-1 activity is regulated in part by activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which phosphorylates and subsequently increases the transcriptional activity of c-Jun, we examined whether LPS treatment of macrophages resulted in activation of this kinase. LPS treatment of RAW 264.7 cells, murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, and the human monocyte cell line THP-1 resulted in rapid activation of the p46 and p54 isoforms of JNK. Treatment with wild-type and rough mutant forms of LPS and synthetic lipid A resulted in JNK activation, while pretreatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A inhibited this response. Binding of LPS-LPS binding protein (LBP) complexes to CD14, a surface receptor that mediates many LPS responses, was found to be crucial, as pretreatment of THP-1 cells with the monoclonal antibody 60b, which blocks this binding, inhibited JNK activation. These results suggest that LPS activation of JNK in monocyte/macrophage cells is a CD14- and protein tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent event that may mediate the early activation of AP-1 in regulating LPS-triggered gene induction.


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A satellite RNA of 836 nt depends on the bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) for its replication and encapsulation. The BaMV satellite RNA (satBaMV) contains a single open reading frame encoding a 20-kDa nonstructural protein. A full-length infectious cDNA clone has been generated downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. To investigate the role of the 20-kDa protein encoded by satBaMV, satBaMV transcripts containing mutations in the open reading frame were tested for their ability to replicate in barley protoplasts and in Chenopodium quinoa using BaMV RNA as a helper genome. Unlike other large satellite RNAs, mutants in the open reading frame did not block their replication, suggesting that the 20-kDa protein is not essential for satBaMV replication. Precise replacement of the open reading frame with sequences encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resulted in high level expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase in infected C. quinoa, indicating that satBaMV is potentially useful as a satellite-based expression vector.


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Thyrotropin is the primary hormone that, via one heptahelical receptor, regulates thyroid cell functions such as secretion, specific gene expression, and growth. In human thyroid, thyrotropin receptor activation leads to stimulation of the adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C cascades. However, the G proteins involved in thyrotropin receptor action have been only partially defined. In membranes of human thyroid gland, we immunologically identified alpha subunits of the G proteins Gs short, Gs long, Gi1, Gi2, Gi3, G(o) (Go2 and another form of Go, presumably Go1), Gq, G11, G12, and G13. Activation of the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor by bovine TSH led to increased incorporation of the photoreactive GTP analogue [alpha-32P]GTP azidoanilide into immunoprecipitated alpha subunits of all G proteins detected in thyroid membranes. This effect was receptor-dependent and not due to direct G protein stimulation because it was mimicked by TSH receptor-stimulating antibodies of patients suffering from Grave disease and was abolished by a receptor-blocking antiserum from a patient with autoimmune hypothyroidism. The TSH-induced activation of individual G proteins occurred with EC50 values of 5-50 milliunits/ml, indicating that the activated TSH receptor coupled with similar potency to different G proteins. When human thyroid slices were pretreated with pertussis toxin, the TSH receptor-mediated accumulation of cAMP increased by approximately 35% with TSH at 1 milliunits/ml, indicating that the TSH receptor coupled to Gs and G(i). Taken together, these findings show that, at least in human thyroid membranes, in which the protein is expressed at its physiological levels, the TSH receptor resembles a naturally occurring example of a general G protein-activating receptor.