974 resultados para Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis


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Flagellin is one of the most abundant proteins in motile bacteria, yet its expression requires a low abundance sigma factor (sigma 28). We show that transcription from the Bacillus subtilis flagellin promoter is stimulated 20-fold by an upstream A+T-rich region [upstream promoter (UP) element] both in vivo and in vitro. This UP element is contacted by sigma 28 holoenzyme bound at the flagellin promoter and binds the isolated alpha 2 subassembly of RNA polymerase. The UP element increases the affinity of RNA polymerase for the flagellin promoter and stimulates transcription when initiation is limited by the rate of RNA polymerase binding. Comparison with other promoters in the flagellar regulon reveals a bipartite architecture: the -35 and -10 elements confer specificity for sigma 28, while promoter strength is determined largely by upstream DNA sequences.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a suplementação de um probiótico composto por cepas de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis, fornecidos via sucedâneo lácteo, no que se refere ao escore e pH fecal, contagem de microrganismos intestinais, parâmetros sanguíneos e desempenho geral dos animais. Foram utilizados 24 animais da raça Holandês que receberam 4L/dia de sucedâneo comercial (15PB:15EE), além de livre acesso a água e concentrado inicial. O desaleitamento ocorreu na 8ª semana de vida. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos: 1) Controle - sem a suplementação de probiótico; 2) Suplementação de 2g/d (1,6 x 109 UFC) de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo lácteo. Semanalmente foram realizadas pesagens e aferições de medidas corporais (altura de cernelha, perímetro torácico e largura de garupa); e colheitas de sangue para determinação de glicose, proteína total, ureia e albumina, além de determinação de hematócrito. Foram colhidas amostras semanalmente para contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e enterobactérias e determinação de pH fecal. O monitoramento do consumo de concentrado e do escore fecal foi realizado diariamente. O peso corporal, o ganho de peso médio diário e as medidas corporais não foram alteradas (P>0,05) pela suplementação do probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis; muito embora tenham apresentado efeito significativo de idade dos animais (P<0,001). O escore fecal, pH fecal e consumo de concentrado diário também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico. No entanto, o consumo de concentrado e o pH fecal sofreram influência da idade em resposta ao crescimento natural dos bezerros. A contagem de bactérias ácido láticas foi maior que número de enterobactérias durante todo o período (P<0,05). Apenas as enterobactérias sofreram efeito da idade (P<0,05), enquanto as bactérias ácido láticas permaneceram variando, porém dentro de um padrão constante. Os parâmetros sanguíneos também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico (P>0,05) mas todos, com a exceção da albumina, tiveram influência da idade (P<0,001). A suplementação com o probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo não apresentou benefícios no desempenho ou no metabolismo de bezerros leiteiros, bem como não reduziu a ocorrência de casos de diarreia.


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"June 21, 1909."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Australian freshwater fish species Melanotaenia duboulayi and Hypseleotris galii were selected for a small plot field evaluation of an integrated pest management strategy using native fish and VectoLex® WG (Bacillus sphaericus) for the control of Culex annulirostris Skuse, the principal freshwater vector of arbovirus Ross River virus in Australia. When tested alone, the level of control afforded by M. duboulayi and H. galii was highly dependent on the prerelease density of mosquito larvae; and even when stocking rates as high as 10 g per pond (>30 kg/ha) were used, larval abundance was too high to attain adequate control from fish alone. In contrast, treatment with VectoLex WG at 500 g/ha resulted in 100% mortality of Cx. annulirostris immatures, but no residual activity was evident. The delayed reduction of Cx. annulirostris immatures in ponds stocked with fish alone, and the recolonization by Cx. annulirostris in ponds after treatment with B. sphaericus, did not occur when both treatments were combined.


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Objective - To evaluate the association between maintaining joint hospital and maternity pens;and persistence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica serovar Newport on 2 dairy farms. Design - Observational study. Sample Population - Feces and environmental samples from 2 dairy herds. Procedure - Herds were monitored for fecal shedding of S enterica Newport after outbreaks of clinical disease. Fecal and environmental samples were collected approximately monthly from pens housing sick cows and calving cows and from pens containing lactating cows. Cattle shedding the organism were tested serially on subsequent visits to determine carrier status. One farm was resampled after initiation of interventional procedures, including separation of hospital and maternity pens. Isolates were characterized via serotyping, determination of antimicrobial resistance phenotype, detection of the CMY-2 gene, and DNA fingerprinting. Results - The prevalence (32.4% and 33.3% on farms A and B, respectively) of isolating Salmonella from samples from joint hospital-maternity pens was significantly higher than the prevalence in samples from pens housing preparturient cows (0.8%, both farms) and postparturient cows on Farm B (8.8%). Multi-drug-resistant Salmonella Newport was isolated in high numbers from bedding material, feed refusals, lagoon slurry, and milk filters. One cow excreted the organism for 190 days. Interventional procedures yielded significant reductions in the prevalences of isolating the organism from fecal and environmental samples. Most isolates were of the C2 serogroup and were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Management practices may be effective at reducing the persistence of MDR Salmonella spp in dairy herds, thus mitigating animal and public health risk.


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The DNA sequence of the chromosomal gene cluster encoding the SEF14 fimbriae of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis was determined. Five contiguous open reading frames, sefABCDE, were identified. The sefE gene shared significant homology with araC-like positive regulators. Serovar-associated virulence plasmid (SAP) genes orf7,8,9 and pefI were identified immediately adjacent to the sef operon. The pefI gene encoded a putative regulator of the Plasmid-encoded fimbrial antigen (PEF) expression. The entire sef--pef region, flanked by two IS-like elements, was inserted adjacent to leuX that encoded a transfer RNA molecule. The organisation of this region was suggestive of a classic pathogenicity islet. Southern hybridisation confirmed two copies of the SAP derived orf7,8,9 and pefI region in S. Enteritidis, one in the chromosome and one on the SAP. Of other group D Salmonella, only S. Blegdam and S. Moscow harboured both chromosomal and plasmid copies of pefI--orf9 region although polymorphism was evident.


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The nutritional requirements for the vegetative growth of B. stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) were found to be DL-methionine, biotin, nicotinic acid, thiamin, glucose and mineral salts. Strains NCIB 8920 required in addition L-tryptophan. B. stearothermophilus NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) grew in a medium containing only glucose and mineral salts. Separate chemically defined media for the growth of Bacillus stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, 8920, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) and NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) were developed. Optimally aerated culture of B. stearothermonhilus NCTC lO,OO3(mutant) required 1.0 x 10-4 M. Mn2+ and 2.4 x 10-3 M. glutamic acid for optimal sporulation. Specific nutrient depletion of growth affected percentage sporulation. Spore suspensions of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) were prepared from media in which sulphate (SO4-), nitrogen (N-),phosphate (Po4-), carbon (C-), magnesium-carbon simultaneously (Ng-C-) depleted growth. The heat resistance, dormancy and chemistry of these spores varied considerably. B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 10,00310,00(mutant) spores prepared from carbon depleted cultures containing high and low concentrations of calcium, iron or manganese showed variations in heat resistance,dormancy and chemical composition. Progressive increase in the concentration of medium calciumfrom 1.0 X 10-5  M to 1.4 X 10-4 M. progressively increased theheat resistance of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) spores prepared from nitrogen depleted cultures (N-). The thermodynamic functions for germination rate, magnesium and manganese release of N- and SO4- spores were within the range expected of enzymic reactions. The thermodynamic functions for the breaking of dormancy in SO4- spores and that for the release of D.P.A. were identical. Sublethal heating of SO4- spores (96.5°C and below) induced dormancy in these spores, whereas heating above 96.5°C gave rise to heat activation. Pooled results of the chemical analyses of all spore types studied showed that the concentration of D.P.A. and calcium were positively related to heat resistance whereas magnesium concentration and Mg/Ca molar ratio were inversely proportional to heat resistance.


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Abstract The two-component based chemotaxis signal transduction system allows flagellated bacteria to sense their surrounding chemical environment and move towards more favorable conditions. The attractant signals can be sensed by transmembrane chemoreceptors, and then transmitted to the histidine kinase CheA. Once activated, CheA interacts with the response regulator CheY through phosphorelay, which causes a change in the rotation of the flagella. The direction of flagella rotation determines whether a cell swims straight or just tumbles. Cells also need adaptation to respond to a change in chemical concentrations, and return to their prestimulated level. Adaptation in the B. subtilis chemotaxis system is achieved by three coordinated systems: the methylation system, the CheC/CheD/CheY-p system and the CheV system. CheD, the previously identified receptor deamidase, was shown to be critical to the ability of B. subtilis to perform chemotaxis and is the main focus of this study. This study started from characterization of the enzymatic mechanism of CheD. Results showed that CheD deamidase uses a cysteine hydrolase mechanism. The catalytic triad consisting of Cys33-His50-Thr27, and Ser27 is essential for receptor recognition and binding. In addition, in this study CheC was found to inhibit CheD’s deamidase activity. Through mutant screening, Phe102 on CheD was found to be the essential site to interact with CheC. Furthermore, the CheD/CheC interaction is necessary for the robust chemotaxis in vivo as demonstrated by the cheD (F102E) mutant, which lacks the ability to swim on swarm plates. Despite its deamidase activity, we hypothesized that CheD’s main role is its involvement in the CheD-CheC-CheY-p negative feedback pathway during adaptation. In particular, CheD is likely to help stabilize the transient kinase-activating state through binding to receptors. When CheY-p level is increased, CheC-CheY-p complex may attract CheD away from receptors. In this study, CheC-CheD binding kinetics with CheY or CheYp presence was successfully obtained by a series of SPR experiments. The increased affinity of CheD for CheC in presence of CheYp but not CheY makes likely the hypothesis that CheC-CheD-CheY interact as part of a negative feedback pathway during adaptation. Last, the interaction between CheD and chemoreceptor McpC was studied in order to better understand the role of CheD in adaptation. Results showed that Q304 and Q305 on McpC are essential to recruit CheD. Additionally, the reduced levels of CheD in mcpC (Q304A) or (Q305A) mutants suggested that the dynamic interaction between CheD and receptors is vital to maintain the normal CheD level. These findings suggest more complicated roles of CheD than its previously identified function as a receptor deamidase, and will lead to a clearer picture of the coordination of the three adaptational systems in the B. subtilis chemotactic sensory transduction system.