971 resultados para BERNHEIM, ERNST
El presente estudio de caso, busca explicar cuáles son las posibles implicaciones e influencia de la construcción del Proyecto del Canal de Nicaragua en la geografía, la economía y la política exterior del Caribe Occidental. Esta investigación defiende que la construcción de este canal influirá en el largo plazo en la geopolítica de esta región, debido a la posibilidad de una competencia hasta hoy inexistente en la región entre dos canales interoceánicos, que puede llegar a afectar la disponibilidad de recursos naturales de la subregión, y asimismo, fortalecer la presencia asiática en América Latina; sin embargo, las consecuencias de este canal no pueden determinarse de manera específica. Para sustentar lo anterior, se realizará una revisión del proceso de construcción del canal de Panamá y del proyecto del de Nicaragua, para establecer un estudio de prospectiva de los escenarios posibles para la región del Caribe Occidental.
El IV Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Educadores de jóvenes, tuvo lugar en Beaulieu de Lausanne. Las dos ponencias centrales fueron: La formación del educador de jóvenes inadaptados en ejercicio, de Ernst Papanek, director de la Wiltwyck School for Boys, de Nueva York; y Criterios de mantenimiento del joven inadaptado en su medio familiar, de la Directora adjunta del Centro de Observación Le Bercail de Lausanne, la señorita Nanon de Rham. De la primera ponencia se destacan los puntos: si existe un denominador común para todos los centros de reeducación, la elección del profesorado y los métodos de formación. En cuanto a la segunda ponencia, los contenidos principales son: internado y educación familiar posterior, complejidad y evolución del inadaptado, dificultades de la educación familiar del inadaptado e información al gran público. También se realiza una breva referencia a los trabajos prácticos puestos de manifiesto en este congreso.
No nosso tempo, as questões relativas à universidade e educação superior trazem consigo grandes incertezas, quer no que diz respeito às funções da universidade nas sociedades contemporâneas, à sua organização interna, às relações que estabelecem com os centros de poder político, económico e financeiro quer relativas à inclusão de novos públicos, ao saber que se transmite e à relação entre ensino, investigação e inovação. As questões que nos inquietam relacionam-se com a dimensão epistemológica da universidade, ou seja, como ela será capaz ou não de incorporar outros modelos de racionalidade e outras epistemologias que resultam da diversidade e riqueza culturais existentes no mundo. A partir de algumas propostas e análises teóricas (Bernheim & Chauí, Estermann, Freire, Nóvoa, Santos, Teodoro), defende-se a tese de que as universidades convencionais, pelos seus compromissos com o poder económico- financeiro e com as agendas internacionais impostas pelas organizações neoliberais, pela sua estrutura ainda colonial e pelo grau de colonialidade que invade as dimensões do poder e do conhecimento, não têm capacidade para incluir os diversos saberes e promover a interculturalidade. Apresentam-se algumas experiências inovadoras de educação superior na América Latina, sobretudo as universidades interculturais que, enraizadas nas comunidades indígenas e afrodescendentes, os seus projetos pretendem responder aos anseios e necessidades dos povos e nações que historicamente foram excluídos dos processos de construção social. Apresenta-se a proposta de Boaventura Santos da universidade popular dos movimentos sociais (UPMS) e recuperam-se os princípios do pensamento de Paulo Freire aplicados a uma educação superior emancipatória e popular.
El movimiento de derechos humanos internacional, reconoció tardíamente dos formas de violencia, posiblemente las más comunes en el mundo, como violaciones a los derechos humanos, estas son la violencia intrafamiliar y la violencia basada en el género. La Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos, celebrada en Viena el año 1993 en el numeral 18, señala textualmente “Los derechos humanos de la mujer y de la niña, son parte inalienable, integrante e indivisible de los derechos humanos universales (...)La violencia, y todas las formas de acoso y explotación sexuales, en particular las derivadas de prejuicios culturales y de la trata internacional de personas, son incompatibles con la dignidad y la valía de la persona humana y deben ser eliminadas (…) La Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos, insta a los gobiernos, las instituciones intergubernamentales y las organizaciones no gubernamentales a que intensifiquen sus esfuerzos a favor de la protección y la promoción de los derechos humanos de la mujer y de la niña”. En este numeral se enfatizan tres aspectos: se reconoce sin ningún lugar a duda que los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas son universales; que la violencia, en todas sus formas es una violación a los derechos humanos y que los estados, las agencias de cooperación y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deben preocuparse e intensificar sus esfuerzos por erradicar este gran problema social.
While Nalimov’s endgame tables for Western Chess are the most used today, their Depth-to-Mate metric is not the only one and not the most effective in use. The authors have developed and used new programs to create tables to alternative metrics and recommend better strategies for endgame play.
A reference model of Fallible Endgame Play has been implemented and exercised with the chess engine WILHELM. Various experiments have demonstrated the value of the model and the robustness of decisions based on it. Experimental results have also been compared with the theoretical predictions of a Markov model of the endgame and found to be in close agreement.
From the beginning, the world of game-playing by machine has been fortunate in attracting contributions from the leading names of computer science. Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, John McCarthy, Alan Newell, Herb Simon and Ken Thompson all come to mind, and each reader will wish to add to this list. Recently, the Journal has saluted both Claude Shannon and Herb Simon. Ken’s retirement from Lucent Technologies’ Bell Labs to the start-up Entrisphere is also a good moment for reflection.
Chess endgame tables should provide efficiently the value and depth of any required position during play. The indexing of an endgame’s positions is crucial to meeting this objective. This paper updates Heinz’ previous review of approaches to indexing and describes the latest approach by the first and third authors. Heinz’ and Nalimov’s endgame tables (EGTs) encompass the en passant rule and have the most compact index schemes to date. Nalimov’s EGTs, to the Distance-to-Mate (DTM) metric, require only 30.6 × 10^9 elements in total for all the 3-to-5-man endgames and are individually more compact than previous tables. His new index scheme has proved itself while generating the tables and in the 1999 World Computer Chess Championship where many of the top programs used the new suite of EGTs.
Chess endgame tables should provide efficiently the value and depth of any required position during play. The indexing of an endgame’s positions is crucial to meeting this objective. This paper updates Heinz’ previous review of approaches to indexing and describes the latest approach by the first and third authors. Heinz’ and Nalimov’s endgame tables (EGTs) encompass the en passant rule and have the most compact index schemes to date. Nalimov’s EGTs, to the Distance-to-Mate (DTM) metric, require only 30.6 × 109 elements in total for all the 3-to-5-man endgames and are individually more compact than previous tables. His new index scheme has proved itself while generating the tables and in the 1999 World Computer Chess Championship where many of the top programs used the new suite of EGTs.
Discussion of the epigraphical exploits of the Danish scholar Henrik Ernst during the Thirty-Years war.
The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, the BIPM, was established by Article 1 of the Convention du Mètre, on 20 May 1875, and is charged with providing the basis for a single, coherent system of measurements to be used throughout the world. The decimal metric system, dating from the time of the French Revolution, was based on the metre and the kilogram. Under the terms of the 1875 Convention, new international prototypes of the metre and kilogram were made and formally adopted by the first Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) in 1889. Over time this system developed, so that it now includes seven base units. In 1960 it was decided at the 11th CGPM that it should be called the Système International d’Unités, the SI (in English: the International System of Units). The SI is not static but evolves to match the world’s increasingly demanding requirements for measurements at all levels of precision and in all areas of science, technology, and human endeavour. This document is a summary of the SI Brochure, a publication of the BIPM which is a statement of the current status of the SI. The seven base units of the SI, listed in Table 1, provide the reference used to define all the measurement units of the International System. As science advances, and methods of measurement are refined, their definitions have to be revised. The more accurate the measurements, the greater the care required in the realization of the units of measurement.