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Recently, reports have suggested grouping different autoimmune conditions that are triggered by external stimuli as a single syndrome called autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). This syndrome is characterized by the appearance of myalgia, myositis, muscle weakness, arthralgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and memory loss, and the possible emergence of a demyelinating autoimmune disease caused by systemic exposure after vaccines and adjuvants. In the current study, the authors reported the first Brazilian case of a woman who developed ASIA, which was characterized by arthralgia, changes in inflammatory markers, and chronic fatigue, after the pandemic anti-influenza A/H1N1 vaccine without causing any other rheumatic disease, and it had a positive outcome.
Neuropsychiatric conditions are common in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with or without vascular thrombosis of the central nervous system. There are frequent descriptions of memory alterations, cognition and mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and even conditions of mania and psychosis preceding the diagnosis of primary APS. However, this study is the first to present primary or secondary APS associated with habit or impulse control disorders. The authors describe the case of a 53-year-old male patient who had been a pathological gambler since adulthood and who has had APS for more than 20 years. We describe the case and review its characteristics, criteria for diagnosis and treatment offered for patients with this specific subtype of impulse disorder. Lupus (2011) 20, 1086-1089.
Direct carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) is a direct communication between the internal carotid artery (ICA) and the cavernous sinus. Some patients treated with detachable balloons develop pseudoaneurysms or present with a true aneurysm recanalization in the cavernous ICA with poorly known long-term radiological and clinical progression. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the long-term clinical and radiological progression of patients treated with detachable balloons. The present study evaluated 13 patients previously treated for direct CCF by an endovascular approach. The follow-up period ranged between 19 and 128 months. Ophthalmological evaluation demonstrated alterations in eight patients (61.5%). All of these alterations were already present from the moment of the treatment and displayed no signs of progression. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) were performed in all patients, and 11 pseudoaneurysms were demonstrated in ten of the 11 patients in whom ICA patency had been preserved. Five patients were submitted for cerebral digital subtraction angiography (DSA) to characterize the pseudoaneurysms previously observed on MRA studies, with no significant differences in morphology, size, aneurismal neck, and number of lesions. Endovascular treatment of direct CCF with detachable balloons has been shown to be a long-term effective and stable therapeutic method. The authors found asymptomatic pseudoaneurysms in 91% of cases where the ICA patency was preserved. MRI and MRA demonstrated an accuracy similar to that of DSA in the diagnosis of pseudoaneurysms of cavernous ICA.
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is a rare disease that includes clinical and laboratorial manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and polymyositis that is associated with high titers of anti-U1RNP antibodies. In general, muscle involvement is subclinical, usually appearing as an increase in muscle enzyme levels that tends to be a characteristic of the initial phases of the disease. Severe clinical muscle weakness is not observed in this disease. The objective of this study is to report a rare case of a patient who presented a severe onset of myositis characterized by dysphagia, an increase in myopathy and a weakening of the cervical musculature. While there was no response to the administration of an initial dose of corticosteroids, improvement was observed after increasing the dose of corticosteroids, in addition to the initiation of pulse therapy with methylprednisolone accompanied by methotrexate treatment. The authors emphasize that there is only one previously reported case regarding a child with MCTD and severe clinical myopathy on electromyography and muscle biopsy, and they report in this article one adult female patient who presented severe myositis and was refractive to corticotherapy. Lupus (2010) 19, 1659-1661.
Most epidemiological studies with Wegener`s granulomatosis (WG) patients are based on populations from the Northern hemisphere, whereas very few studies have been conducted in Southern hemisphere populations, particularly from South America. The authors performed a large retrospective, demographic study including clinical and laboratory profiles of 134 consecutive WG patients seen at one Brazilian center from 1999 to 2009. Mean age at initial WG diagnosis was 43.4 +/- 15.5 years, and mean disease duration was 8.6 +/- 6.6 years. Sixty-four (47.8%) patients were male and a total of 113 (84.3%) subjects were white. Ear/nose/throat involvement occurred in 85.8%. The classic lung and renal involvement were observed in 77.6% and 75.4%, respectively, followed by ocular (35.8%), musculoskeletal (33.4%), cutaneous (29.1%), neurological (20.1%), cardiac (11.2%), and genitourinary involvement in 2.2% of cases. Cytoplasmic pattern-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody was detected in 83 (61.9%) cases. Ten (7.5%) individuals presented limited forms of WG. Classic therapy with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide was used in 97 cases (72.4%). There were no cases of tuberculosis or Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, but cutaneous herpes zoster occurred in eight (6.0%) individuals. There were 29 deaths (21.6%). Eighteen patients died of septic shock (mainly bacterial pneumonia), whereas four died of alveolar hemorrhage, four of myocardial infarction, and three of other causes. In summary, our data from a very large retrospective and descriptive study mirrored the main clinical features of WG described in other countries, demonstrating that they may serve as a reference for South American populations.
Background In the World Health Organization book by Murray and Lopez (The Global Burden of Disease), the authors make the point that there are major regional differences across the world for death from injury. In the European market economies, injuries accounted for 6% of all deaths, of which the majority were the result of road traffic accidents. In stark contrast, in Latin America and the Caribbean, injuries account for 12-13% of all deaths, and most of these are the result of violence. An estimated 30% of all male deaths are from external causes, and road traffic accidents are the number two cause of death. Within South American countries, trauma is the second most common cause of death in Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil. In other South American countries, it is the third or fourth most common cause of death. If one examines the Disability Adjusted Life Years, South America is the third highest in the world. Death from injury primarily affects people in the middle- and low-income group. Traffic accidents and suicide are the main causes of trauma in the high-income population. South America is made up of developing and poor countries that have trauma as a very important cause of death and disability. Methods The author has reviewed information on injury from the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, and Brazilian Health Ministry. In addition, a search of injury was performed through MEDLINE. Results and Conclusions The results of this review show that trauma is a major public health problem in South America. At the present time, there is a lack of statewide system development. In addition, there are difficulties in training surgeons to cope with these problems.
Background/Purpose: Central venous catheterization is among the most common procedures performed by pediatric surgeons. Significant morbidity and even mortality can ensue from the widespread approach to the deep veins of the neck and femoral region. The external jugular vein (EJV) is a low-morbidity alternative for percutaneous catheterization in children, but it has yielded a low success rate in previous reports The authors show an improved success rate with this option. Methods: We performed an analysis of 33 patients` charts in which central venous catheterization using Seldinger technique through the EJV was attempted in 2005. Age, diagnosis, maneuvers used for success, fluoroscopy usefulness, and types of inserted catheters were evaluated. Results: The procedure was successful in 26 (78.8%) patients without complications. Diagnosis was neoplasia in almost half of the patients (42%). In half of the successful cases, body maneuvers were used, namely, twisting the head of the patient to the side of the vein and stretching the ipsilateral arm and shoulder. All but one procedure were completed under fluoroscopic guidance. In 6 (23%) patients, a long-term catheter was inserted. Conclusions: The EJV is an excellent option for central venous catheterization in children. The execution of simple maneuvers along with fluoroscopic assistance might allow for an improved success rate not only for short-term but also for long-term catheter insertion. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The spectrum for the decomposition of lambda K-v into 3-perfect 9-cycles is found for all lambda > 1. (The case lambda = 1 was dealt with in an earlier paper by the authors and Lindner.) The necessary conditions for the existence of a suitable decomposition turn out to be sufficient.
Eyebrow positions differ in many ways. They vary in shape, thickness, length, and distance between the eyebrows, making the face more or less harmonious. When a large distance exists between the eyebrows and the medial brow is slanting downward, the glabellar area is larger, giving the face an awkward appearance. To correct this deformity, the authors propose using two Z-plasties to allow transposition of flaps in the region of the medial brow. The Z-shaped flap is outlined at the medial third of the brow, in the glabellar region, with the eyebrow centered in the lower portion of the ""Z"" and the hairless skin in the upper portion. The flaps then are transposed and sutured. Transposition of the flaps, lifting the brow flap to the glabellar region, results in horizontal positioning of the medial and central third of the eyebrow. The proposed transpositioning of ""Z"" flaps in this region corrects this type of deformity of the medial and central portions of the eyebrows, with an aesthetically satisfactory result.
After massive weight loss, one of the stigmas that afflict women is the remaining deformity of the breasts which become flaccid and ptotic, with an absent or flat upper pole. The authors propose the use of a well-established mammaplasty technique to fill the upper pole, reshape the breast cone, and correct ptosis with nipple-areola complex (NAC) repositioning. A total of 16 patients were analyzed; all underwent gastroplasty between 18 and 24 months prior to mammaplasty. The mean age was 41.6 years (range = 26-62) and the mean BMI previous to the mammaplasty was 29.2 kg/m(2) (range = 24.9-38.9). The technique included a dermo-lipo glandular flap pedicled on the inframammary fold (IMF) together with a superior flap containing the NAC. All patients who underwent surgery were satisfied with the outcomes since a more aesthetic breast shape was achieved, with projection of the upper pole and correction of ptosis. Adverse events included dehiscence at the junction point of the flaps in the inframammary fold, which resolved with secondary-intention wound healing in three patients; partial necrosis of the areola in one patient; epidermolysis in one of the NACs in one patient; and infection in one of the breasts in one patient, which resolved with proper antibiotic therapy. When compared to the current mammaplasty techniques performed in formerly obese patients, this is a good surgical option because it uses tissues adjacent to the breast itself and does not require silicone prosthesis for breast augmentation. The patients reported increased self-esteem and improvement in their quality of life.
Background: Since 1957, when the concept of rotation-advancement repair was introduced by Millard, this technique has become the procedure of choice for unilateral cleft lip worldwide. More recently, modifications described by Noordhoof, Mohler, Skoog, and McComb started being jointly performed so that better results could be obtained. In this study, the nasal position was evaluated and related to the size of the cleft. The primary unilateral cleft lip repair was performed through a modified technique. Methods: Forty-five patients with unilateral cleft lip underwent primary surgical repair through this technique. To analyze aesthetic results, a severity classification of deformities and a scoring system for evaluation of the results were established based on nasal alar lateralization, dome position, alignment of bone segments, and deviation of the columella. Results: By means of the established system, 26.6% of mild forms, 13.4% of moderate forms, and 60% of severe forms were observed. Among aesthetic results, 17.8% were found to be good, and 82.2% were considered excellent. Among aspects considered negative, late deformity of the lower lateral cartilage prevailed. Conclusions: Through the presented evaluation, the authors observed that there was no relation between severity of the cleft and final position of the nose. Among the 27 patients considered to have had severe forms of cleft deformity, 22 were classified as excellent results (81.5%). To obtain better results along time, technical refinements and the critical analysis of results must be performed on a routinely basis.
Background: Treatment of excessive gingival display usually involves procedures such as Le Fort impaction or maxillary gingivectomies. The authors propose an alternative technique that reduces the muscular function of the elevator of the upper lip muscle and repositioning of the upper lip. Methods: Fourteen female patients with excessive gingival exposure were operated on between February of 2008 and March of 2009. They were filmed before and at least 6 months after the procedure. They were asked to perform their fullest smile, and the maximum gingival exposures were measured and analyzed using ImageJ software. Patients were operated on under local anesthesia. Their gingival mucosa was freed from the maxilla using a periosteum elevator. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were dissected bluntly from the underlying musculature of the upper lip. A frenuloplasty was performed to lengthen the upper lip. Both levator labii superioris muscles were dissected and divided. Results: The postoperative course was uneventful in all of the patients. The mean gingival exposure before surgery was 5.22 +/- 1.48 mm; 6 months after surgery, it was 1.91 +/- 1.50 mm. The mean gingival exposure reduction was 3.31 +/- 1.05 mm (p < 0.001), ranging from 1.59 to 4.83 mm. Conclusion: This study shows that the proposed technique was efficient in reducing the amount of exposed gum during smile in all patients in this series. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 126: 1014, 2010.)
Hepatectomy may prolong the survival of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. Two-stage liver surgery is a valid option for the treatment of bilobar colorectal liver metastasis. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a two-stage pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for bilateral liver metastasis. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first description of a two-stage laparoscopic liver resection in the English literature. A 54-year-old man with right colon cancer and synchronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis underwent laparoscopic right colon resection followed by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The patient then was referred for surgical treatment of liver metastasis. Liver volumetry showed a small left liver remnant. Surgical planning was for a totally laparoscopic two-stage liver resection. The first stage involved laparoscopic resection of segment 3 and ligature of the right portal vein. The postoperative pathology showed high-grade liver steatosis. After 4 weeks, the left liver had regenerated, and volumetry of left liver was 43%. The second stage involved laparoscopic right hepatectomy using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. Intrahepatic access to the main right Glissonian pedicle was achieved with two small incisions, and an endoscopic vascular stapling device was inserted between these incisions and fired. The line of liver transection was marked following the ischemic area. Liver transection was accomplished with the Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device. The specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. The falciform ligament was fixed to maintain the left liver in its original anatomic position, avoiding hepatic vein kinking and outflow syndrome. The operative time was 90 min for stage 1 and 240 min for stage 2 of the procedure. The recoveries after the first and second operations were uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative days 2 and 7, respectively. Two-stage liver resections can be performed safely using laparoscopy. The intrahepatic Glissonian approach is a useful tool for pedicle control of the right liver, especially after previous dissection of the hilar plate.
A 14-year-old patient had a low-energy facial blunt trauma that evolved to right facial paralysis caused by parotid hematoma with parotid salivary gland lesion. Computed tomography and angiography demonstrated intraparotid collection without pseudoaneurysm and without radiologic signs of fracture in the face. The patient was treated with serial punctures for hematoma deflation, resolving with regression and complete remission of facial paralysis, with no late sequela. The authors discuss the relationship between facial nerve traumatic injuries associated or not with the presence of facial fractures, emphasizing the importance of early recognition and appropriate treatment of such cases.
Background: Tessier no. 4 facial cleft is a rare, complex, and challenging craniofacial malformation. The present article aims to describe different clinical features evidenced in 21 cases of this malformation, discussing a 20-year experience with and evolution of its surgical treatment. Methods: Some demographic data, clinical features, and reconstructive results were evaluated retrospectively. These patients have been evaluated and treated in three specialized Brazilian craniofacial centers. Nineteen were already operated on, with a mean follow-up of 3.5 years (range, 1 to 20 years). Results: Sex distribution showed a male prevalence (2: 1). The average age of initial treatment was 5.4 years. Four cases were affected on the right side of the face, seven on the left, and 10 bilaterally. Six patients had other rare associated facial clefts, including nos. 5 (three patients), 7, 9, and 10. Cleft upper lip was evidenced in all patients, and maxillary hypoplasia was present in five and maxilla cleft in eight. Lower eyelid coloboma was seen in almost every case (19 patients); 10 of these had medial canthus dystopia. Four patients had amniotic bands in the limbs. Surgical repair was individualized to each patient. Surgical experience gained with these patients allowed the authors to develop some technical modifications, which have improved aesthetic results, camouflaging scars into natural folds and anatomical units, without compromising functional outcomes. Conclusions: The great majority of Tessier no. 4 facial clefts can be appropriately treated using local flaps. Classic techniques are extremely useful, but long-term results could be improved if the technical modifications described were adopted. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 122: 1505, 2008.)