959 resultados para Australasian and Oceanian regions


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There are eight genotypes and nine subtypes of HBV. Small differences in geographical origin are associated with sequence changes in the surface gene. Here, we compared core gene sequences from different genotypes and geographical regions. Specific combinations of 24 amino acid substitutions at nine residues allowed allocation of a sequence to a subtype. Six of these nine residues were located in different T cell epitopes depending on HBV geographical area and/or genotype. Thirty-seven nucleotide changes were associated uniquely with specific genotypes and subtypes. Unique amino acid and nucleotide variants were found in a majority of sequences from specific countries as well as within subtype ayw2 and adr. Specific nucleotide motifs were defined for Korean, Indian, Chinese, Italian and Pacific region isolates. Finally, we observed amino acid motifs that were common to either South-east Asian or Western populations, irrespective of subtype. We believe that HBV strains spread within constrained ethnic groups, result in selection pressures that define sequence variability within each subtype. It suggests that particular T cell epitopes are specific for geographical regions, and thus ethnic groups; this may affect the design of immunomodulatory therapies.


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The folding of HIV gp41 into a 6-helix bundle drives virus-cell membrane fusion. To examine the structural relationship between the 6-helix bundle core domain and other regions of gp41, we expressed in Escherichia coli, the entire ectodomain of HIV-2(ST) gp41 as a soluble, trimeric maltose-binding protein (MBP)/gp41 chimera. Limiting proteolysis indicated that the Cys-591-Cys-597 disulfide-bonded region is outside a core domain comprising two peptides, Thr-529-Trp-589 and Val-604-Ser-666. A biochemical examination of MBP/gp41 chimeras encompassing these core peptides; indicated that the N-terminal polar segment, 521-528, and C-terminal membrane-proximal segment, 658-666, cooperate in stabilizing the ectodomain. A functional interaction between sequences outside the gp41 core may contribute energy to membrane fusion. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Objective-To investigate in vitro transdermal absorption of fentanyl from patches through skin samples obtained from various anatomic regions of dogs. Sample Population-Skin samples from 5 Greyhounds. Procedure-Skin samples from the dogs' thoracic, neck, and groin regions were collected postmortem and frozen. After samples were thawed, circular sections were cut and placed in Franz-type diffusion cells in a water bath (32degreesC). A commercial fentanyl patch, attached to an acetate strip with a circular hole, was applied to each skin sample. Cellulose strips were used as control membranes. Samples of receptor fluid in the diffusion cells were collected at intervals for 48 hours, and fentanyl concentrations were analyzed by use of high-performance liquid chromatography. Results-Mean +/- SD release rate of fentanyl from the patch, defined by its absorption rate through the non-rate-limiting cellulose membrane, was linear during the first 8 hours (2.01 +/- 0.05 pg/cm(2) of cellulose membrane/h) and then decreased. Fentanyl passed through skin from the groin region at a faster rate and with a significantly shorter lag time, compared with findings in neck or thoracic skin samples. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In vitro, fentanyl from a patch was absorbed more quickly and to a greater extent through skin collected from the groin region of dogs, compared with skin samples from the thoracic and neck regions. Placement of fentanyl patches in the groin region of dogs may decrease the lag time to achieve analgesia perioperatively; however, in vivo studies are necessary to confirm these findings.


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The effect of region of application on the percutaneous penetration of solutes with differing lipophilicity was investigated in canine skin. Skin from the thorax, neck, back, groin, and axilla regions was harvested from Greyhound dogs and placed in Franz-type diffusion cells. Radiolabelled (C-14) ethanol (Log P 0.19) or hexanol (Log P 1.94) was applied to each skin section for a total of 5 h. The permeability coefficient (k(P), cm h(-1)) and residue of alcohol remaining in the skin were significantly (P = 0.001) higher for hexanol compared to ethanol. In contrast, ethanol had a far greater maximum flux (J(max), mol (cm(2))(-1) h(-1)) than hexanol (P = 0.001). A comparison of regional differences shows the k(P) and Jmax for ethanol in the groin was significantly lower (P = 0.035) than the back. The k(P) and Jmax for hexanol were significantly higher (P = 0.001) in the axilla than the other four skin sites. An understanding of factors influencing percutaneous drug movement is important when formulating topical preparations for the dog. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The role of the abdominal muscles in trunk rotation is not comprehensively understood. This study investigated the electromyographic (EMG) activity of anatomically distinct regions of the abdominal muscles during trunk rotation in six subjects with no history of spinal pain. Fine-wire electrodes were inserted into the right abdominal wall; upper region of transversus abdominis (TrA), middle region of TrA, obliquus internus abdominis (OI) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE), and lower region of TrA and OI. Surface electrodes were placed over right rectus abdominis (RA). Subjects performed trunk rotation to the left and right in sitting by rotating their pelvis relative to a fixed thorax. EMG activity was recorded in relaxed supine and sitting, and during an isometric hold at end range. TrA was consistently active during trunk rotation, with the recruitment patterns of the upper fascicles opposite to that of the middle and lower fascicles. During left rotation, there was greater activity of the lower and middle regions of contralateral TrA and the lower region of contralateral OI. The upper region of ipsilateral TrA and OE were predominately active during right rotation. In contrast, there was no difference in activity of RA and middle OI between directions (although middle OI was different between directions for all but one subject). This study indicates that TrA is active during trunk rotation, but this activity varies between muscle regions. These normative data will assist in understanding the role of TrA in lumbopelvic control and movement, and the effect of spinal pain on abdominal muscle recruitment.


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The homeostasis of GABA is critical to normal brain function. Extracellular levels of GABA are regulated mainly by plasmalemmal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporters. Whereas the expression of GABA transporters has been extensively studied in rodents, validation of this data in other species, including humans, has been limited. As this information is crucial for our understanding of therapeutic options in human diseases such as epilepsy, we have compared, by immunocytochemistry, the distributions of the GABA transporters GAT-1 and GAT-3 in rats, cats, monkeys and humans. We demonstrate subtle differences between the results reported in the literature and our results, such as the predominance of GAT-1 labelling in neurons rather than astrocytes in the rat cortex. We note that the optimal localisation of GAT-1 in cats, monkeys and humans requires the use of an antibody against the human sequence carboxyl terminal region of GAT-1 rather than against the slightly different rat sequence. We demonstrate that GAT-3 is localised mainly to astrocytes in hindbrain and midbrain regions of rat brains. However, in species such as cats, monkeys and humans, additional strong immunolabelling of oligodendrocytes has also been observed. We suggest that differences in GAT distribution, especially the expression of GAT-3 by oligodendrocytes in humans, must be accommodated in extrapolating rodent models of GABA homeostasis to humans.


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Background. The mechanisms by which the abdominal muscles move and control the lumbosacral spine are not clearly understood. Descriptions of abdominal morphology are also conflicting and the regional anatomy of these muscles has not been comprehensively examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of regions of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus and externus abdominis. Methods. Anterior and posterolateral abdominal walls were dissected bilaterally in 26 embalmed human cadavers. The orientation, thickness and length of the upper, middle and lower fascicles of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis, and the upper and middle fascicles of obliquus externus abdominis were measured. Findings. Differences in fascicle orientation, thickness and length were documented between the abdominal muscles and between regions of each muscle. The fascicles of transversus abdominis were horizontal in the upper region, with increasing inferomedial orientation in the middle and lower regions. The upper and middle fascicles of obliquus internus abdominis were oriented superomedially and the lower fascicles inferomedially. The mean vertical dimension of transversus abdominis that attaches to the lumbar spine via the thoracolumbar fascia was 5.2 (SD 2.1) cm. Intramuscular septa were observed between regions of transversus abdominis, and obliquus internus abdominis could be separated into two distinct layers in the lower and middle regions. Interpretation. This study provides quantitative data of morphological differences between regions of the abdominal muscles, which suggest variation in function between muscle regions. Precise understanding of abdominal muscle anatomy is required for incorporation of these muscles into biomechanical models. Furthermore, regional variation in their morphology may reflect differences in function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1, Adamts-1, is important for the development and function of the kidney. Mice lacking this protein present with renal lesions comprising enlarged calyces, and reduced cortex and medulla layers. Our current findings are consistent with the defect occurring due to a developmental dysgenesis. Methods. We generated Adamts-1 null mice, and further investigated their kidney phenotype in a time course study ranging from E18.5 to 12 months of age. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess the localization of type IV collagen, TGF-beta and F4/80-positive macrophages in the kidneys of Adcants-1 null mice compared to wild-type control animals. The expression of Adamts-1 mRNA was determined in metanephric kidney explants by in situ hybridization. Results. Adamts-1 null mice have a gross kidney defect. At day 18.5 of gestation, the Adcants-1 null kidney has a normal appearance but at birth when the kidney begins to function, the defect becomes evident. During development of the kidney Adamts-1 expression was specifically detected in the developing loops of Henle, as well as in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Expression was not detected in the ureter, ureteric bud or its derivatives as had been previously suggested. At 6 months and I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed interstitial fibrosis in the cortical and medullary regions of the kidney. At I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed mild interstitial matrix expansion associated with increased collagen type IV expression, without apparent tubular dilatation, compared to wild-type animals. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated TGF-beta protein localized to infiltrating macrophages and glomeruli of Adamts-1 null mice. Conclusions. Adamts-1 is required for the normal development of the kidney. The defect observed in its absence results from a dysgenic malformation affecting the medulla that becomes apparent at birth, once the kidneys start to function.


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The diversity of the culturable microbial communities was examined in two sponge species-Pseudoceratina clavata and Rhabdastrella globostellata. Isolates were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The bacterial community structures represented in both sponges were found to be similar at the phylum level by the same four phyla in this study and also at a finer scale at the species level in both Firmicutes and Alphaproteobacteria. The majority of the Alphaproteobacteria isolates were most closely related to isolates from other sponge species including alpha proteobacterium NW001 sp. and alpha proteobacterium MBIC3368. Members of the low %G + C gram-positive (phylum Firmicutes), high %G + C gram-positive (phylum Actinobacteria), and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (phylum Bacteroidetes) phyla of domain Bacteria were also represented in both sponges. In terms of culturable organisms, taxonomic diversity of the microbial community in the two sponge species displays similar structure at phylum level. Within phyla, isolates often belonged to the same genus-level monophyletic group. Community structure and taxonomic composition in the two sponge species P. clavata and Rha. globostellata share significant features with those of other sponge species including those from widely separated geographical and climatic regions of the sea.


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Objective-To determine the effects of various vehicles on the penetration and retention of hydrocortisone applied to canine skin. Sample Population-20 canine skin samples obtained from the thorax, neck, and groin regions of 5 Greyhounds. Procedure-Skin was harvested from dogs after euthanasia and stored at -20 degrees C until required. The skin was then defrosted and placed into diffusion cells, which were maintained at approximately 32 degrees C by a water bath. Saturated solutions of hydrocortisone that contained trace amounts of radiolabelled [C-14]-hydrocortisone in each vehicle (ie, PBS solution [PBSS] alone, 50% ethanol [EtOH] in PBSS [wt/wt], and 50% propylene glycol in PBSS [wt/wt]) were applied to the outer (stratum corneum) surface of each skin sample, and aliquots of receptor fluid were collected for 24 hours and analyzed for hydrocortisone. Results-The maximum flux of hydrocortisone was significantly higher for all sites when dissolved in a vehicle containing 50% EtOH, compared with PBSS alone or 50% propylene glycol, with differences more prominent in skin from the neck region. In contrast, higher residues of hydrocortisone were found remaining within the skin when PBSS alone was used as a vehicle, particularly in skin from the thorax and neck. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Penetration of topically applied hydrocortisone is enhanced when EtOH is used in vehicle formulation. Significant regional differences (ie, among the thorax, neck, and groin areas) are also found in the transdermal penetration and skin retention of hydrocortisone. Variability in clinical response to hydrocortisone can be expected in relation to formulation design and site of application.


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Nothofagus moorei (F. Muell.) Krasser has a disjunct and narrow distribution in south-eastern Australian cool temperate rainforest. To assess the conservation-genetic priorities for this species, the genetic diversity of 20 populations sampled from the largest remnant patches at northern and southern distributional extremes, the McPherson and Barrington ranges (a total of 146 individuals), was investigated by using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Regeneration in northern regions of N. moorei has been documented to be predominantly by vegetative means, but our results indicate little evidence of clonality outside the multi-stemmed rings of trees. In addition, genetic diversity was considerably higher in the northern (McPherson, h = 0.1613) than in the southern range (Barrington, h = 0.1159), and genetic differentiation was significantly positively correlated with geographic distance in the former region, but not the latter. Total intraspecific variation was moderate, as measured by Shannon's diversity index, I = 0.2719, and Nei's gene diversity, h = 0.1672, and is considered at the high end of spectrum for estimates of narrow endemic species. An analysis of molecular variation indicated that the majority of genetic variation is partitioned among individuals within population (60%; P < 0.001), rather than among populations within regions (10%; P < 0.001). However, a large and significant component of the measured diversity was partitioned between northern and southern regions (29%; P < 0.001). Several hypotheses are outlined to explain these differences and management implications are discussed. However, given the narrow range, poor dispersal mechanism and restriction to cool temperate rainforest, the continued existence of N. moorei is most threatened by environmental instability and habitat loss resulting from global climate change. In this context the northern regions of the species are most at risk and extinction of such populations would lead to a significant loss of genetic variation for the species as a whole.


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In this paper, we obtain detailed data on road traffic crash (RTC) casualties, by severity, for each of the eight state and territory jurisdictions for Australia and use these to estimate and compare the economic impact of RTCs across these regions. We show that the annual cost of RTCs in Australia, in 2003, was approximately $17b, which is approximately 2.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Importantly, though, there is remarkable intra-national variation in the incident rates of RTCs in Australia and costs range from approximately 0.62 to 3.63% of Gross State Product (GSP). The paper makes two fundamental contributions: (i) it provides a detailed breakdown of estimated RTC casualties, by state and territory regions in Australia, and (ii) it presents the first sub-national breakdown of RTC costs for Australia. We trust that these contributions will assist policy-makers to understand sub-national variations in the road toll better and will encourage further research on the causes of the marked differences between RTC outcomes across the states and territories of Australia. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Early detection and treatment of mental disorders in adolescents and young adults can lead to better health outcomes. Mental health literacy is a key to early recognition and help seeking. Whilst a number of population health initiatives have attempted to improve mental health literacy, none to date have specifically targeted young people nor have they applied the rigorous standards of population health models now accepted as best practice in other health areas. This paper describes the outcomes from the application of a health promotion model to the development, implementation and evaluation of a community awareness campaign designed to improve mental health literacy and early help seeking amongst young people. Method: The Compass Strategy was implemented in the western metropolitan Melbourne and Barwon regions of Victoria, Australia. The Precede-Proceed Model guided the population assessment, campaign strategy development and evaluation. The campaign included the use of multimedia, a website, and an information telephone service. Multiple levels of evaluation were conducted. This included a cross-sectional telephone survey of mental health literacy undertaken before and after 14 months of the campaign using a quasi-experimental design. Randomly selected independent samples of 600 young people aged 12 - 25 years from the experimental region and another 600 from a comparison region were interviewed at each time point. A series of binary logistic regression analyses were used to measure the association between a range of campaign outcome variables and the predictor variables of region and time. Results: The program was judged to have an impact on the following variables, as indicated by significant region-by-time interaction effects ( p < 0.05): awareness of mental health campaigns, self-identified depression, help for depression sought in the previous year, correct estimate of prevalence of mental health problems, increased awareness of suicide risk, and a reduction in perceived barriers to help seeking. These effects may be underestimated because media distribution error resulted in a small amount of print material leaking into the comparison region. Conclusion: We believe this is the first study to apply the rigorous standards of a health promotion model including the use of a control region to a mental health population intervention. The program achieved many of its aims despite the relatively short duration and moderate intensity of the campaign.


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Background: Current methods to find significantly under- and over-represented gene ontology (GO) terms in a set of genes consider the genes as equally probable balls in a bag, as may be appropriate for transcripts in micro-array data. However, due to the varying length of genes and intergenic regions, that approach is inappropriate for deciding if any GO terms are correlated with a set of genomic positions. Results: We present an algorithm - GONOME - that can determine which GO terms are significantly associated with a set of genomic positions given a genome annotated with (at least) the starts and ends of genes. We show that certain GO terms may appear to be significantly associated with a set of randomly chosen positions in the human genome if gene lengths are not considered, and that these same terms have been reported as significantly over-represented in a number of recent papers. This apparent over-representation disappears when gene lengths are considered, as GONOME does. For example, we show that, when gene length is taken into account, the term development is not significantly enriched in genes associated with human CpG islands, in contradiction to a previous report. We further demonstrate the efficacy of GONOME by showing that occurrences of the proteosome-associated control element (PACE) upstream activating sequence in the S. cerevisiae genome associate significantly to appropriate GO terms. An extension of this approach yields a whole-genome motif discovery algorithm that allows identification of many other promoter sequences linked to different types of genes, including a large group of previously unknown motifs significantly associated with the terms 'translation' and 'translational elongation'. Conclusion: GONOME is an algorithm that correctly extracts over-represented GO terms from a set of genomic positions. By explicitly considering gene size, GONOME avoids a systematic bias toward GO terms linked to large genes. Inappropriate use of existing algorithms that do not take gene size into account has led to erroneous or suspect conclusions. Reciprocally GONOME may be used to identify new features in genomes that are significantly associated with particular categories of genes.


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Pooled serum samples from 3802 Australian residents were analyzed for four perfluoroalkylsulfonates, seven perfluoroalkylcarboxylates, and perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA). Serum was collected from men and women of five different age groups and from rural and urban regions in Australia. The highest mean concentration was obtained for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS, 20.8 ng/mL) followed by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, 7.6 ng/mL), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS, 6.2 ng/mL), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA, 1.1 ng/mL), and PFOSA (0.71 ng/mL). Additional four PFCs were detected in 5-18 % of the samples at concentrations near the detection limits (0.1-0.5 ng/mL). An increase in PFOS concentration with increasing age in both regions and genders was observed. The male pool levels of some of the age groups compared to females were higher for PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS. In contrast, PFNA concentrations were higher in the female pools. No substantial difference was found in levels of PFCs between the urban and rural regions. The levels are equal or higher than previously reported serum levels in Europe and Asia but lower compared to the U. S. A. These results suggest that emissions from production in the Northern Hemisphere are of less importance for human exposure.