970 resultados para Arms transfers.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as políticas de inclusão e as condições de permanência dos alunos com deficiência na Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE). Para tanto, contextualizaram-se as circunstâncias históricas do processo de inclusão/exclusão, reconhecendo as possíveis limitações enfrentadas nos sistemas de ensino superior brasileiro, e abordaram-se as linhas e diretrizes da educação do Estado do Paraná. Utilizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas para abordar alunos com deficiência (física, sensorial e/ou cognitiva), professores, coordenadores de cursos, diretores de Câmpus e de Centros onde esses alunos encontravam-se matriculados, integrantes do Programa Institucional de Ações Relativas às Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais (PEE) e gestores dos cinco Câmpus da Universidade. As declarações apresentadas pelos entrevistados reconhecem a relevância do PEE, destacando serem imprescindíveis as ações desenvolvidas pela equipe nas bancas do processo seletivo vestibular, porém apontaram para a necessidade de medidas para uma real efetivação do Programa, o que implica maiores repasses de subsídios financeiros e a realização de concursos públicos para a contratação de profissionais especializados para atender a demanda existente em todos os Câmpus da instituição. Foi possível identificar que a UNIOESTE não atende os requisitos das normas brasileiras do setor da construção civil (NBR 9050/2004) e a inexistência de políticas de permanência na Instituição impõe limites para a diversidade existente. Correlacionadas a essas questões, identificou-se barreiras que comprometem a inclusão na UNIOESTE, abrangendo as barreiras atitudinais, físicas e sistêmicas. Conclui-se que o debate sobre a inclusão das pessoas com deficiência precisa se enraizar na estrutura interna da universidade e na concepção política e elitista do governo do Estado do Paraná, que ainda possui fortes ondas conservadoras, que muitas vezes sufocam os movimentos contra-hegemônicos, dificultando esse processo de inclusão de todos numa universidade pública, gratuita e de qualidade


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A novel monolithically integrated Michelson interferometer using intersecting twin-contact semiconductor optical amplifiers is proposed and implemented whereby the two arms are gain imbalanced to give enhanced noise suppression. Experimental OSNR improvements of 8.4 dB for pulses with durations 8 ps and by default ER of 14 dB are demonstrated for low driving currents of between 25 and 30 mA. This is believed to be the smallest Michelson interferometer to date.


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There is ample evidence that humans are able to control the endpoint impedance of their arms in response to active destabilizing force fields. However, such fields are uncommon in daily life. Here, we examine whether the CNS selectively controls the endpoint impedance of the arm in the absence of active force fields but in the presence of instability arising from task geometry and signal-dependent noise (SDN) in the neuromuscular system. Subjects were required to generate forces, in two orthogonal directions, onto four differently curved rigid objects simulated by a robotic manipulandum. The endpoint stiffness of the limb was estimated for each object curvature. With increasing curvature, the endpoint stiffness increased mainly parallel to the object surface and to a lesser extent in the orthogonal direction. Therefore, the orientation of the stiffness ellipses did not orient to the direction of instability. Simulations showed that the observed stiffness geometries and their pattern of change with instability are the result of a tradeoff between maximizing the mechanical stability and minimizing the destabilizing effects of SDN. Therefore, it would have been suboptimal to align the stiffness ellipse in the direction of instability. The time course of the changes in stiffness geometry suggests that modulation takes place both within and across trials. Our results show that an increase in stiffness relative to the increase in noise can be sufficient to reduce kinematic variability, thereby allowing stiffness control to improve stability in natural tasks.


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An analytical mathematical model for friction between a fabric strip and the volar forearm has been developed and validated experimentally. The model generalizes the common assumption of a cylindrical arm to any convex prism, and makes predictions for pressure and tension based on Amontons' law. This includes a relationship between the coefficient of static friction (mu) and forces on either end of a fabric strip in contact with part of the surface of the arm and perpendicular to its axis. Coefficients of friction were determined from experiments between arm phantoms of circular and elliptical cross-section (made from Plaster of Paris covered in Neoprene) and a nonwoven fabric. As predicted by the model, all values of mu calculated from experimental results agreed within +/- 8 per cent, and showed very little systematic variation with the deadweight, geometry, or arc of contact used. With an appropriate choice of coordinates the relationship predicted by this model for forces on either end of a fabric strip reduces to the prediction from the common model for circular arms. This helps to explain the surprisingly accurate values of mu obtained by applying the cylindrical model to experimental data on real arms.


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芍药属由大约35个灌木和多年生草本种组成,分为三个组:牡丹组(Sect. Moutan)、北美芍药组(Sect. Onaepia)和芍药组(Sect. Paeonia)。四川牡丹(Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti)和块根芍药(P. intermedia Meyer)分别隶属于牡丹组和芍药组。在该属的所有种中,染色体基数均为 x = 5,最短的五号染色体是端部着丝粒染色体,很容易辨认。 本论文研究了块根芍药三个居群22个个体和四川牡丹两个居群13个个体的减数分裂。减数分裂异常广泛发生,以至于发现所有被研究的个体都有数量不等的桥、断片和单价体。结果表明在中期I,块根芍药第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.17个棒状二价体和2.7个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有2.04个棒状二价体和2.86个环形二价体,第三个居群平均每个细胞有2.21个棒状二价体和2.71个环形二价体。而在四川牡丹中,第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.09个棒状二价体和2.81个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有1.85个棒状二价体和3.08个环形二价体。 块根芍药第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.25 I + 4.87 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II,第三个居群是2n = 10 = 0.17 I + 4.92 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.89 II。四川牡丹第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.90 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.14 I + 4.93 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II。在块根芍药中,不同个体的配对系数变化范围在69.5%和81.07%之间,在四川牡丹中在72.97%和81.37%之间。 在后期I和末期I,出现了染色体桥、断片、落后染色体、不等分离等异常现象。最明显的减数分裂异常是后期I桥/断片。尽管在不同的居群中桥/断片异常出现的频率有所变化(块根芍药居群一是26.03%,居群二是11.67%,居群三是13.39%;四川牡丹居群一是7.59%,居群二是9%),但是这种异常出现在所有个体中(块根芍药平均为18.67%,四川牡丹平均为7.69%)。结果表明,所有的个体都是染色体臂内倒位结构杂合体,广泛存在于野生自然居群中,可能存在某些选择优势。而且,桥的出现频率和断片的大小在个体之间是变化的,这因此表明在这两个种中存在不同的倒位。然而,这两个种在野生居群中是如何维持染色体结构杂合的,其维持机制还有待于进一步阐明,还需要更进一步的证据。 该研究还揭示了块根芍药和四川牡丹这两个种具有共同的第五号染色体减数分裂异常:与长臂相比,短臂在遗传距离和物理距离之间存在巨大的背离。短臂的遗传距离,通过交叉频率计算出来,约是长臂的三十分之一(块根芍药)。然而,物理距离用臂的比率表示,大约是长臂的三分之一,物理距离是遗传距离的十倍。 在四川牡丹红心桥居群和其它居群之间,臂比存在微小的差异,而且在芍药属不同的种内也发现了存在差异。在四川牡丹中,环形二价体(两个臂形成交叉)和棒状二价体(仅一个臂形成交叉)的比率是1.94 : 98.06,而在块根芍药中是3.42 : 96.58。在这两个种中,棒状二价体大大多于环形二价体。在第五号染色体的短臂上可能存在某些“搭车效应”,这表明第五号染色体的短臂上存在高度永久杂合,导致短臂高度保守、极为稳定。这与芍药属古老的分布格局、进化历史长可能存在某些联系。四川牡丹第五号染色体的后期I倒位桥出现频率非常低,仅为0.51 - 3.47%,平均为1.43%。而且断片长度是变化的,其变化范围在1.7 - 10.8 µm之间。


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Human subjects easily adapt to single dynamic or visuomotor perturbations. In contrast, when two opposing dynamic or visuomotor perturbations are presented sequentially, interference is often observed. We examined the effect of bimanual movement context on interference between opposing perturbations using pairs of contexts, in which the relative direction of movement between the two arms was different across the pair. When each perturbation direction was associated with a different bimanual context, such as movement of the arms in the same direction versus movement in the opposite direction, interference was dramatically reduced. This occurred over a short period of training and was seen for both dynamic and visuomotor perturbations, suggesting a partitioning of motor learning for the different bimanual contexts. Further support for this was found in a series of transfer experiments. Having learned a single dynamic or visuomotor perturbation in one bimanual context, subjects showed incomplete transfer of this learning when the context changed, even though the perturbation remained the same. In addition, we examined a bimanual context in which one arm was moved passively and show that the reduction in interference requires active movement. The sensory consequences of movement are thus insufficient to allow opposing perturbations to be co-represented. Our results suggest different bimanual movement contexts engage at least partially separate representations of dynamics and kinematics in the motor system.


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Humans use their arms to engage in a wide variety of motor tasks during everyday life. However, little is known about the statistics of these natural arm movements. Studies of the sensory system have shown that the statistics of sensory inputs are key to determining sensory processing. We hypothesized that the statistics of natural everyday movements may, in a similar way, influence motor performance as measured in laboratory-based tasks. We developed a portable motion-tracking system that could be worn by subjects as they went about their daily routine outside of a laboratory setting. We found that the well-documented symmetry bias is reflected in the relative incidence of movements made during everyday tasks. Specifically, symmetric and antisymmetric movements are predominant at low frequencies, whereas only symmetric movements are predominant at high frequencies. Moreover, the statistics of natural movements, that is, their relative incidence, correlated with subjects' performance on a laboratory-based phase-tracking task. These results provide a link between natural movement statistics and motor performance and confirm that the symmetry bias documented in laboratory studies is a natural feature of human movement.


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We have made a set of chromosome-specific painting probes for the American mink by degenerate oligonucleotide primed-PCR (DOP-PCR) amplification of flow-sorted chromosomes. The painting probes were used to delimit homologous chromosomal segments among human, red fox, dog, cat and eight species of the family Mustelidae, including the European mink, steppe and forest polecats, least weasel, mountain weasel, Japanese sable, striped polecat, and badger. Based on the results of chromosome painting and G-banding, comparative maps between these species have been established. The integrated map demonstrates a high level of karyotype conservation among mustelid species. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among mustelids and outgroup species revealed 18 putative ancestral autosomal segments that probably represent the ancestral chromosomes, or chromosome arms, in the karyotype of the most recent ancestor of the family Mustelidae. The proposed 2n = 38 ancestral Mustelidae karyotype appears to have been retained in some modern mustelids, e.g., Martes, Lutra, ktonyx, and Vormela. The derivation of the mustelid karyotypes from the putative ancestral state resulted from centric fusions, fissions, the addition of heterochromatic arms, and occasional pericentric inversions. Our results confirm many of the evolutionary conclusions suggested by other data and strengthen the topology of the carnivore phylogenetic tree through the inclusion of genome-wide chromosome rearrangements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel.


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The Afrotheria, a supraordinal grouping of mammals whose radiation is rooted in Africa, is strongly supported by DNA sequence data but not by their disparate anatomical features. We have used flow-sorted human, aardvark, and African elephant chromosome painting probes and applied reciprocal painting schemes to representatives of two of the Afrotherian orders, the Tubulidentata (aardvark) and Proboscidea (elephants), in an attempt to shed additional light on the evolutionary affinities of this enigmatic group of mammals. Although we have not yet found any unique cytogenetic signatures that support the monophyly of the Afrotheria, embedded within the aardvark genome we find the strongest evidence yet of a mammalian ancestral karyotype comprising 2n = 44. This karyotype includes nine chromosomes that show complete conserved synteny to those of man, six that show conservation as single chromosome arms or blocks in the human karyotype but that occur on two different chromosomes in the ancestor, and seven neighbor-joining combinations (i.e., the synteny is maintained in the majority of species of the orders studied so far, but which corresponds to two chromosomes in humans). The comparative chromosome maps presented between human and these Afrotherian species provide further insight into mammalian genome organization and comparative genomic data for the Afrotheria, one of the four major evolutionary clades postulated for the Eutheria.


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In virtual assembly verification or remote maintenance tasks, bimanual haptic interfaces play a crucial role in successful task completion. This paper proposes a method for objectively comparing how well a haptic interface covers the reachable workspace of human arms. Two system configurations are analyzed for a recently introduced haptic device that is based on two DLR-KUKA light weight robots: the standard configuration, where the device is opposite the human operator, and the ergonomic configuration, where the haptic device is mounted behind the human operator. The human operator directly controls the robotic arms using handles. The analysis is performed using a representation of the robot arm workspace. The merits of restricting the comparisons to the most significant regions of the human workspace are discussed. Using this method, a greater workspace correspondence for the ergonomic configuration was shown. ©2010 IEEE.


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The karyotypes of three species (N. coucang, N. intermedius, and N. pygmaeus) of genus Nycticebus, collected from the southern Yunnan of China, have been studied. All individuals from three species possess 2n=50 chromosomes, and all chromosomes in their complement are biarm chromosomes. The karyotype of slow loris (N. coucang) is characterized by having a secondary constriction and Ag-NORs in the short arms of pair No. 1. The G-banding patterns of three species are very similar. Three species are found to have multiple Ag-NORs. In N. coucang, NORs were observed on five pairs (Nos. 1, 6, 9, 15, and 23) and in N. intermedius and N. pygmaeus, NORs were found on four pairs (Nos. 6, 9, 15, and 20). This finding indicates that slow lorises, as primitive primates, also have multiple NOR-bearing chromosomes. Finally, the classification of genus Nycticebus by karyotype analysis is discussed, and our results suggest that there are at least two valid species, namely: N. coucang and N. pygmaeus.


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The first spawnings were obtained 12 days after ablation with 4 spawners yielding 784,000 eggs and a harvest of 250,000 P SUB-10 fry. Survival of females after 1 month was approximately 30%. Mortalities were mostly due to handling stress during the regular ovarian samplings as well as disease frm the accumulated excess feeds on the bottom of the tank. Male survival could not be recorded because of transfers to other tanks and addition of new stocks. Development seemed to peak 3 weeks after ablation. The average number of eggs per ablated spawner was 120,000. However, many of the partially spawned females were removed from the spawning tanks the following day so that remaining eggs released in the next 2 to 3 days could not be recorded. Estimate of the average number of eggs per ablated spawner is 120,000-150,000 in contrast to 500,000 per wild spawner. However, the low production cost more than compensates for the difference. Fry reared in the Wet Laboratory were used for experiments, mostly on feeding. Therefore, survival at harvest is not to be taken as a reflection of stock quality. Although fewer in number, larvae from ablated prawns are as healthy in terms of vigor in swimming and feeding as those from wild females. Most mortalities are due to inability to molt caused by lower water temperatures and inadequate feeding.


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Since the first intein was found, more and more attention were paid on it. It not only enrichs the content of the process that the gene transfers its information but also can be used in protein purification. The recent advance in the sequence characterist


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A new species of trematodes Pleorchis heterorchis is described from the fishes Lutjanus johnii and Otolithus argenteus of Karachi coast. The new species is characterized by having a lanceolate body with a notch at the middle of the posterior end of the body. Body surface is smooth, ventral sucker rounded, situated at the anterior middle region of the body, pre-pharynx is well developed, widened posteriorly, pharynx muscular, oesophagus short, intestine H-shaped with anterior arms much shorter than the posterior, intestinal bifurcation almost in the middle of fore body, anterior caeca wide and short extending as far as anterior limit of pharynx. Posteriorly caeca reach to posterior end of the body with no lateral out pocketing. Testes 44 in number, intercecal arranged in 2 parallel rows, sub-globular, entire to slightly irregular, almost of same sizes extending immediately from posterior of the ovary to anterior of excretory vesicle. Cirrus pouch overlaps the ventral sucker, extends into hind body, terminating above the ovary, containing bipartite seminal vesicle, pars prostatica and ejaculatory duct. Genital pore behind the intestinal bifurcation and pre-acetabular. Ovary pre-testicular, consists of 16 follicles of varying sizes. Vitellaria lateral, follicular, extending from post bifurcal to posterior extremity. Excretory vesicle reaches to the posterior level of last pair of testes.


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This workshop was implemented as part of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA). The main focus was on the shrimp and fish aquaculture sectors and addressed issues such as aquatic animal health and transfers of aquatic animals and plants.