965 resultados para Armer, Chip


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This paper presents a new technique to generate microwave signal using an electro-absorption modulator (EAM) integrated with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser subject to optical injection. Experiments show that the frequency of the generated microwave can be tuned by changing the wavelength of the external laser or adjusting the bias voltage of the EAM. The frequency response of the EAM is studied and found to be unsmooth due to packaging parasitic effects and four-wave mixing effect occurring in the active layer of the DFB laser. It is also demonstrated that an EA modulator integrated in between two DFB lasers can be used instead of the EML under optical injection. This integrated chip can be used to realize a monolithically integrated tunable microwave source. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The characteristics of whispering-gallery-like modes in the equilateral triangle and square microresonators are introduced, including directional emission triangle and square microlasers connected to an output waveguide. We propose a photonic interconnect scheme by connecting two directional emission microlasers with an optical waveguide on silicon integrated circuit chip. The measurement indicates that the triangle microlasers can work as a resonance enhanced photodetector for optical interconnect.


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A folding nonblocking 4 X 4 optical matrix switch in simplified-tree architecture was designed and fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer. To compress chip size, switch elements (SEs) were connected by total internal reflection mirrors instead of conventional S-bends. For obtaining smooth interfaces, potassium hydroxide (KOH) anisotropic chemical etching of silicon was employed. The device has a compact size of 20 X 3.2 mm(2) and a fast response of 8 +/- 1 mu s. Power consumption of 2 x 2 SE and excess loss per mirror were 145 mW and -1.1 dB, respectively. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A thermo-optic variable optical attenuator module composed of a silicon-on-insulator attenuator chip and driving circuit was designed and fabricated. The module exhibited a maximum attenuation of 21.8 dB and a response time of 10 mu s. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A folding rearrangeable nonblocking 4 x 4 optical matrix switch was designed and fabricated on silicon-on-insulator wafer. To compress chip size, switch elements (SEs) were interconnected by total internal reflection (TIR) mirrors instead of conventional S-bends. For obtaining smooth interfaces, potassium hydroxide anisotropic chemical etching of silicon was utilized to make the matrix switch for the first time. The device has a compact size of 20 x 1.6 mm(2) and a fast response of 7.5 mu s. The power consumption of each 2 x 2 SE and the average excess loss per mirror were 145 mW and -1.1 dB, respectively. Low path dependence of +/- 0.7 dB in total excess loss was obtained because of the symmetry of propagation paths in this novel matrix switch.


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An extended subtraction method of scattering parameters for characterizing laser diode is proposed in this paper. The intrinsic response is extracted from the measured transmission coefficients of laser diode, and the parasitics of packaging net-work laser chip are determined from the measured reflection coefficient of laser diode simultaneously. It is shown that the theories agree well with the experimental results.


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In this paper, the pulsed injection method is extended to measure the chip temperature of various packaged laser modules, such as the DFB laser modules, the FP laser modules, and the EML laser modules. An optimal injection condition is obtained by investigating the dependence of the lasing wavelength on the width and period of the injection pulse in a relatively wide temperature range. The small-signal frequency responses and large-signal performances of packaged laser modules at different chip temperature are measured. The adiabatic small-signal modulation characteristics of packaged LD are first extracted. In the large-signal measurement, the effects of chip temperature, bias current and driving signal on the performances of the laser modules are discussed. It has been found that the large-signal performances of the EML modules depend on the different red-shift speeds of the DFB and EAM sections as chip temperature varying, and the optimal characteristics may be achieved at higher temperature.


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An elaborate analysis of the parasitic network of high-speed through-hole packaging (TO)-type laser modules is presented using a small-signal equivalent circuit model. The intrinsic laser diode is obtained using the optical modulation technique, and is embedded into the model as a separate component. Three step-by-step measurements are made for determining the packaging parasitic network, including the test fixture, TO header, submount, bonding wire, and parasitics of the laser chip. A good agreement between simulated and measured results confirms the validation and accuracy of the characterization procedures. Furthermore, several key parasitic elements are found based on the simulation of the high-frequency responses of the packaged devices. It is expected that the 3-dB bandwidth of 12 GHz or more of the low-cost TO packaged laser module may be achieved using the proposed optimization method.


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Scattering parameters of photodiode chip, TO header and TO packaged module are measured, and the effects of TO packaging network on the high-frequency response of photodiode are investigated. Based on the analysis, the potential bandwidth of TO packaging techniques is estimated from the scattering parameters of the TO packaging network. Another method for estimating the potential bandwidth from the equivalent circuit for the TO packaged photodiode model is also presented. The results obtained using both methods show that the TO packaging techniques used in the experiments can potentially achieve a frequency bandwidth of 22 GHz.


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A 16 x 16 thermo-optic wavelenght switch matrix has been designed and febricated on silicon-on-insulator wafer. For reducing device lenght, blocking switch matrix configuration is chosen. The building block of a matix is a 2 x 2 cell with Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration, where a multi-mode interferometer serves as splitters/combiners. Spot size converters and isolating grooves are integrated on the same chip to reduce loss and power consumption. Average power consumption of the switch cell is 220 mW. The switching time of a switch cell is less than 3 mu s.


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This paper proposes a novel, fast lock-in, phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. The synthesizer includes a novel mixed-signal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with a direct frequency presetting circuit. The frequency presetting circuit can greatly speed up the lock-in process by accurately the presetting oscillation frequency of the VCO. We fully integrated the synthesizer in standard 0.35 mu m, 3.3 V complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) process. The entire chip area is only 0.4 mm(2). The measured results demonstrate that the synthesizer can speed up the lock-in process significantly and the lock-in time is less than 10 mu s over the entire oscillation frequency range. The measured phase noise of the synthesizer is -85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The synthesizer avoids the tradeoff between the lock-in speed and the phase noise/spurs. The synthesizer monitors the chip temperature and automatically compensates for the variation in frequency with temperature.


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A strained InGaAsP-InP multiple-quantum-well DFB laser monolithically integrated with electroabsorption modulator by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective-area-growth is presented. The integrated chip exhibits superior characteristics, such as low threshold current of 19 mA, single-mode operation around 1550 nm range with side-mode suppression ratio over 40 dB, and larger than 16 dB extinction ratio when coupled into a single-mode fiber. More than 10 GHz modulation bandwidth is also achieved. After packaged in a compact module, the device successfully performs 10-Gb/s NRZ transmission experiments through 53.3 km of standard fiber with 8.7 dB dynamic extinction ratio. A receiver sensitivity of -18.9 dBm at bit-error-rate of 10(-1)0 is confirmed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a novel light source of strained InGaAsP/InGaAsP MQW EAM monolithically integrated with DFB laser is fabricated by ultra-low-pressure (22 x 10(2) Pa) selective area growth ( SAG) MOCVD technique. Superior device performances have been obtained, sue h as low threshold current of 19 mA, output light power of about 7 mW, and over 16 dB extinction ratio at 5 V applied voltage when coupled into a single mode fiber. Over 10 GHz 3 dB bandwidth in EAM part is developed with a driving voltage of 3 V. After the chip is packaged into a 7-pin butterfly compact module, 10-Gb/s NRZ transmission experiments are successfully performed in standard fiber. A clearly-open eye diagram is achieved in the module output with over 8.3 dB dynamic extinction ratio. Power penalty less than 1.5 dB has been obtained after transmission through 53.3 km of standard fiber, which demonstrates that high-speed, low chirp EAM/DFB integrated light source can be obtained by ultra-low-pressure (22 x 102 Pa) SAG method.


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A compact eight-channel flat spectral response arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexer based on siliconon-insulator (SOI) materials has been fabricated on the planar lightwave circuit (PLC). The 1-dB bandwidth of 48 GHz and 3-dB bandwidth of 69 GHz are obtained for the 100 GHz channel spacing. Not only non-adjacent crosstalk but also adjacent crosstalk are less than -25 dB. The on-chip propagation loss range is from 3.5 to 3.9 dB, and the 2 total device size is 1.5 x 1.0 cm(2). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An accurate and simple technique for measuring the input reflection coefficient and the frequency response of semiconductor laser diode chips is proposed and demonstrated. All the packaging parasitics could be obtained accurately using a calibrated probe, and the impedance of the intrinsic diode chip is deduced from the directly measured reflection coefficient. The directly measured impedance of a laser diode is affected strongly by the short bond wire. In the frequency response (S(2)1) measurements of semiconductor laser diode chips, the test fixture consists of a microwave probe, a submount, and a bond wire. The S-parameters of the probe could be determined using the short-open-match (SOM) method. Both the attenuation and the reflection of the test fixture have a strong influence on the directly measured frequency response, and in our proposed technique, the effect of test fixture is completely removed.