1000 resultados para Argumentative structure
In this article we examine the potential effect of market structureon hospital technical efficiency as a measure of performance controlled byownership and regulation. This study is relevant to provide an evaluationof the potential effects of recommended and initiated deregulation policiesin order to promote market reforms in the context of a European NationalHealth Service. Our goal was reached through three main empirical stages.Firstly, using patient origin data from hospitals in the region of Cataloniain 1990, we estimated geographic hospital markets through the Elzinga--Hogartyapproach, based on patient flows. Then we measured the market level ofconcentration using the Herfindahl--Hirschman index. Secondly, technicaland scale efficiency scores for each hospital was obtained specifying aData Envelopment Analysis. According to the data nearly two--thirds of thehospitals operate under the production frontier with an average efficiencyscore of 0.841. Finally, the determinants of the efficiency scores wereinvestigated using a censored regression model. Special attention waspaid to test the hypothesis that there is an efficiency improvement in morecompetitive markets. The results suggest that the number of competitors inthe market contributes positively to technical efficiency and there is someevidence that the differences in efficiency scores are attributed toseveral environmental factors such as ownership, market structure andregulation effects.
Leaf-litter amount as a factor in the structure of a ponerine ants community (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae) in an eastern Amazonian rainforest, Brazil. Leaf-litter may be an important factor in structuring ponerine ant communities (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae) in tropical rainforests. We specifically examined how leaf-litter affects the structure of a ponerine ant community in primary Amazonian rainforest sites at the Ferreira Penna Scientific Station, Pará, Brazil. A total of 53 species belonging to eight genera of three ponerine tribes were collected with mini-Winkler extractors. The amount of leaf-litter positively affected the abundance and richness of the ponerine ant community, and also influenced species composition. Nearby samples often had low species similarity, especially when adjacent samples differed in the amount of leaf-litter. Leaf-litter availability in Amazonian primary forests is a key factor for distribution of ground-dwelling ponerine species, even at small scales.
This paper investigates the role of employee referrals in the labor market.Using an original data set, I find that industries that pay wage premia andhave characteristics associated with high-wage sectors rely mainly on employeereferrals to fill jobs. Moreover, unemployment rates are higher in industries which use employee referrals more extensively. This paper develops an equilibrium matching model which can explain these empirical regularities. Inthis model, the matching process sorts heterogeneous firms and workers into two distinct groups: referrals match "good" jobs to "good" workers, while formalmethods (e.g., newspaper ads and employment agencies) match less-attractive jobs to disadvantaged workers. Thus, well-connected workers who learn quickly aboutjob opportunities use referrals to jump job queues, while those who are less well placed in the labor market search for jobs through formal methods. The split of firms and workers between referrals and formal search is, however, not necessarily efficient. Congestion externalities in referral search imply that unemployment would be closer to the optimal rate if firms and workers 'at themargin' searched formally.
This paper studies the interaction between ownership structure, taken as a proxy for shareholders commitment, and customer satisfaction - the main driver of consumer loyalty - and their impact on a firm s brand equity. The results show that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one because of reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are mainly customer-oriented. Such result gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies, focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm s brand equity. The empirical analysis uses an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 nations, for the period 2002-2005.
Le neuroscienze occupano oggi un ruolo essenziale nel dibattito scientifico e filosofico, nonché in quello delle scienze umane. Esse costituiscono la sfida più seria al sapere fin qui elaborato intorno ai fondamenti dell'esperienza di coscienza, poiché si propongono come capaci di rispondere alla domanda di origine e funzionamento della coscienza. Le neuroscienze cognitive stanno, oggi, rivoluzionando la nostra concezione della mente e delle sue funzioni. Ci forniscono nuovi dati sulla natura delle sensazioni, della memoria, della percezione e dei processi di astrazione. L'epistemologia è rientrata così pienamente nell'ambito di una disciplina sperimentale, come diversi filosofi (da Hume a Quine) hanno auspicato. È, alla fine, evoluta nell'esperienza odierna della cosiddetta "epistemologia sperimentale", luogo che coniuga il rigore sperimentale della scienza con la profondità e la sofisticazione argomentativa della tradizione filosofica. Come arriviamo a conoscere? Quali vincoli poniamo a quello che deve essere conosciuto? Perché seguiamo certe vie invece di altre? Come arriviamo a formulare giudizi e a prendere decisioni? Che valore ha la conoscenza già acquisita nell'elaborazione di nuove esperienze? In particolare, che peso hanno le aspettative e i ricordi in questo processo? Qual è il rapporto fra esperienza, conoscenza e memoria? Come si fissano e come si richiamano i ricordi? Qual è il rapporto fra coscienza e memoria? Sono alcune delle domande che l'autore si pone in questa ottica e alle quali cerca di rispondere, a partire dall'analisi e valutazione del dialogo-dibattito fra J.-P. Changeux e P. Ricoeur, per apprenderne il linguaggio, capire i problemi sollevati, adattarsi alla complessità della materia. Nel contesto della filosofia della mente, la "lettura" della discussione ripercorre i relativi percorsi attraverso l'analisi delle loro opere, da un lato quelle dello scienziato (sulla struttura e dinamica del cervello, la teoria dell'epigenesi e stabilizzazione selettiva, le speculazioni sull'uomo neuronale e i rilievi antropologici, le teorie della conoscenza e della coscienza, oltre che sulla conoscenza matematica, gli argomenti di estetica ed etica); dall'altro lato quelle del filosofo (dal Cogito riflessivo alla scoperta dell'ermeneutica, dalle eterogenee riflessioni sul Conflitto delle interpretazioni alla grande teoria sulla creatività del linguaggio, le conclusioni teoriche sull'ermeneutica del sé e l'ontologia dell'agire). Il punto di arrivo è la determinazione delle relative posizioni: quella di Changeux tra i neuroscienziati che si occupano di questioni filosofiche, epistemologiche ed etiche, e quella di Ricoeur tra i filosofi che si occupano di neuroscienze. La conclusione della tesi si svolge in un approfondimento teoretico che dalla nozione di "traccia" porta all'esperienza della "memoria", al fine di intrecciare i fili della discussione ripercorsa ed offrire una sponda non forzata al dibattito più ampio. Il tema della memoria è privilegiato per ragioni intrinseche, poiché si tratta di uno dei temi precipui delle neuroscienze, della filosofia della mente e della fenomenologia. A un primo livello viene instaurato su questo punto un confronto epistemologico tra la proposta della neurofenomenologia (Varala, ad esempio) e la posizione tenuta in particolare da Ricoeur rispetto ad essa e al suo "progetto unificante", posizione defilata e, per certi aspetti, criticamente dubbiosa sul fatto che si possa davvero giungere a un "terzo discorso". Si riferisce poi del largo interesse e dei risultati più significativi della riflessione fenomenologica antica e moderna sulla memoria. A un secondo livello vengono illustrati i programmi di ricerca recenti della neurofenomenologia su questo argomento all'interno delle scienze cognitive e si dà conto dei risultati più significativi. Ad un terzo e conclusivo livello, si approfondisce il significato teologico della memoria. Les neurosciences ont aujourd'hui un rôle essentiel dans le débat scientifique et philosophique, ainsi que dans celui des sciences humaines. Elles constituent le défi le plus sérieux aux savoir qu'on a construit jusqu'ici sur les fondements de l'expérience de conscience, attendu qu'elles-mêmes se considèrent capables de répondre à la demande sur l'origine e le fonctionnement de la conscience. Les neurosciences cognitives sont aujourd'hui en train de révolutionner notre conception de l'esprit et des ses fonctions. Elles nous offrent des nouvelles données au sujet de la nature de nos sensations, mémoire, perception et procédés d'abstraction. Aussi l'épistémologie est rentrée pleinement dans le domaine d'une discipline expérimentale, comme plusieurs philosophes (de Hume à Quine) l'ont souhaité. Elle s'est enfin adressée, dans l'expérience actuelle, vers la soi-disant "épistémologie expérimentale", lieu qui met en accord la rigueur expérimentale de la science avec la profondeur et la sophistiquée finesse argumentative de la tradition philosophique. Comment en arrivons-nous à connaître? Quels liens mettons-nous à ce qu'on doit être connu? Pourquoi suivons-nous certaines vois au lieu d'autres? Comment en arrivons-nous à formuler des opinions et à prendre des décisions? Quelle valeur a la connaissance qu'on a déjà acquise par l'élaboration des nouvelles expériences? En particulier, quelle est l'importance des attentes et des souvenirs dans cette évolution? Quel est le rapport entre expérience, connaissance e mémoire? Comment fixons et rappelons-nous nos souvenirs? Quel est le rapport entre conscience et mémoire? Ces sont quelques-unes des questions que l'auteur se pose dans cette perspective et aux quelles essaie de répondre a partir de l'analyse et l'évaluation du dialogue-débat entre fra J.-P. Changeux et P. Ricoeur, pour en apprendre le langage, comprendre les problèmes soulevés, s'adapter à la complexité du sujet. Dans le contexte de la philosophie du cerveau, la "lecture" du dialogue reparcourt les parcours des deux interlocuteurs par l'analyse de leur ouvrages, d'une part celles du savant (sur la structure et la dynamique du cerveau, la théorie de l'épigenèse et stabilisation sélective; les spéculations sur l'homme neuronal et les commentaires anthropologiques; les théories de la connaissance et de la conscience, de même que sur la connaissance de la mathématique, les sujets d'esthétique et étique; d'autre part celles du philosophe (du Cogito réflexif à la découverte de l'herméneutique, de les hétérogènes réflexions sur le Conflit des interprétations à la grande théorie sur la créativité du langage, les conclusions théoriques sur l'herméneutique du soi et l'ontologie de l'agir). L'issue est la determination des relatives positions: celle de Changeux parmi les neuro-scientifiques qui s'occupent de questions philosophiques, épistémologiques et éthiques, et celle de Ricoeur parmi les philosophes qui s'occupent de neurosciences. La conclusion de la thèse se développe dans un approfondissement théorétique que de la notion de "trace" à l'expérience de la "mémoire", à l'effet de nouer les fils de la discussion passée en revue et d'assurer un appui pas forcé au débat plus vaste. Le thème de la mémoire a été choisi pour des raisons intrinsèques, puisqu'il est un des thèmes principaux des neurosciences, de la philosophie de l'esprit et de la phénoménologie. Sur un premier plan épistémologique il est établi une comparaison entre la proposition de la neurophénoménologie (Varala, par exemple) et la position soutenue en particulier par Ricoeur au sujet de ce courant phénoménologique et de son "projet unifiant", position défilée et, à certains égards, critiquement hésitante sur le fait qu'on puisse vraiment en venir à un "troisième discours". On rend compte du grand intérêt et des résultats les plus significatifs de la réflexion phénoménologique ancienne et moderne sur la mémoire. Sur un second plan neurophénoménologique on illustre des plans de recherche récents sur cet argument au-dedans des sciences cognitives et on rend compte des résultats les plus distinctives. Sur un troisième et conclusif plan on approfondit le sens théologique de la mémoire.
Genetic structure of populations of Pissodes castaneus (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) using amplified fragment length polymorphism. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic structure of populations of Pissodes castaneus from different areas and on different species of Pinus using the PCR-AFLP technique. Twenty samples were analyzed, representing 19 populations from Brazil and one from Florence, Italy, which is the region of origin of P. castaneus. The four combinations of primers generated a total of 367 fragments of DNA, and 100% of polymorphic loci, indicating high degree of molecular polymorphism. The dendrogram did not reveal trends for grouping the populations in relation to origin. The low genetic similarity (0.11 between the most distant groups) and genetic distances of 0.13 and 0.44 for 10 out of the 20 samples may indicate several founding events or multiple introductions of heterogeneous strains into Brazil. The allelic fixation index (Fst) was 0.3851, considered high, and the number of migrants (Nm) was 0.3991, indicating low gene flow among populations. The highest genetic distances were between the population from Irani, SC and Cambará do Sul, RS and Bituruna, PR, indicating an independent founding event or a particular allelic fixation in the former location. The high genetic diversity among populations points out that the populations are genetically heterogeneous with a diverse gene pool in the surveyed areas, what makes them to respond differently to control measures.
Seven different electron microscopy techniques habe been employed to study the RecA protein of E. coli. This review provides a summary of the conclusions that have been drawn from these studies, and attempts to relate these observations to models for the role of RecA protein in homologous recombination.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the relative importance of flooding- and confinement-related environmentalfeatures in explaining macroinvertebrate trait structure and diversity in a pool of wetlands located in a Mediterranean riverfloodplain. To test hypothesized trait-environment relationships, we employed a recently implemented statistical procedure, thefourth-corner method. We found that flooding-related variables, mainly pH and turbidity, were related to traits that confer an abilityof the organism to resist flooding (e.g., small body-shape, protection of eggs) or recuperate faster after flooding (e.g., short life-span, asexual reproduction). In contrast, confinement-related variables, mainly temperature and organic matter, enhanced traits that allow organisms to interact and compete with other organisms (e.g., large size, sexual reproduction) and to efficiently use habitat and resources (e.g., diverse locomotion and feeding strategies). These results are in agreement with predictions made under the River Habitat Templet for lotic ecosystems, and demonstrate the ability of the fourth-corner method to test hypothesis that posit traitenvironment relationships. Trait diversity was slightly higher in flooded than in confined sites, whereas trait richness was not significantly different. This suggests that although trait structure may change in response to the main environmental factors, as evidenced by the fourth-corner method, the number of life-history strategies needed to persist in the face of such constraints remains more or less constant; only their relative dominance differs
Distinct genetic structure in populations of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) shown by genetic markers ISSR and COI gene. Green lacewings are generalist predators, and the species Chrysoperla externa presents a great potential for use in biological control of agricultural pests due to its high predation and reproduction capacities, as well as its easy mass rearing in the laboratory. The adaptive success of a species is related to genetic variability, so that population genetic studies are extremely important in order to maximize success of the biological control. Thus, the present study used nuclear (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat - ISSR) and mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I - COI) molecular markers to estimate the genetic variability of 12 populations in the São Paulo State, Brazil, as well as the genetic relationships between populations. High levels of genetic diversity were observed for both markers, and the highest values of genetic diversity appear associated with municipalities that have the greatest areas of native vegetation. There was high haplotype sharing, and there was no correlation between the markers and the geographic distribution of the populations. The AMOVA indicated absence of genetic structure for the COI gene, suggesting that the sampled areas formed a single population unit. However, the great genetic differentiation among populations showed by ISSR demonstrates that these have been under differentiation after their expansion or may also reflect distinct dispersal behavior between males and females.
Effects of forest conversion on the assemblages' structure of aquatic insects in subtropical regions
The effects of forest conversion to agricultural land uses on assemblages of aquatic insects were analyzed in subtropical streams. Organisms and environmental variables were collected in six low-order streams: three streams located in a forested area, and three in areas converted to agricultural land uses. We expected that the aquatic insects' assemblage attributes would be significantly affected by forest conversion, as well as by environmental variables. Streams in converted areas presented lower species richness, abundance and proportion of sensitive insect taxa. The ANOSIM test evidenced strong difference in EPT assemblage structure between streams of forested and converted areas. The ISA test evidenced several EPT genera with high specificity to streams in forested areas and only one genus related to streams in converted areas. Thus, the impacts of the conversion of forested area to agricultural land uses have significantly affected the EPT assemblages, while environmental variables were not affected. We suggest that the effects detected can be influenced by two processes related to vegetation cover: i) lower input of allochthonous material, and ii) increased input of fine sediments in streams draining converted areas.
Myelination requires a massive increase in glial cell membrane synthesis. Here we demonstrate that the acute phase of myelin lipid synthesis is regulated by SREBP cleavage activation protein (SCAP), an activator of sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Deletion of SCAP in Schwann cells led to a loss of SREBP-mediated gene expression, congenital hypomyelination and abnormal gait. Interestingly, aging SCAP mutant mice showed partial regain of function; they exhibited improved gait and produced small amounts of myelin indicating a slow SCAP-independent uptake of external lipids. Accordingly, extracellular lipoproteins promoted myelination by SCAP mutant Schwann cells. However, SCAP mutant myelin never reached normal thickness and had biophysical abnormalities concordant with abnormal lipid composition. These data demonstrate that SCAP mediated regulation of glial lipogenesis is key to the proper synthesis of myelin membrane. The described defects in SCAP mutant myelination provide new insights into the pathogenesis, and open new avenues for treatment strategies, of peripheral neuropathies associated with lipid metabolic disorders.
Three phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-related protein kinases implement cellular responses to DNA damage. DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated respond primarily to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Ataxia-telangiectasia and RAD3-related (ATR) signals the accumulation of replication protein A (RPA)-covered single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which is caused by replication obstacles. Stalled replication intermediates can further degenerate and yield replication-associated DSBs. In this paper, we show that the juxtaposition of a double-stranded DNA end and a short ssDNA gap triggered robust activation of endogenous ATR and Chk1 in human cell-free extracts. This DNA damage signal depended on DNA-PKcs and ATR, which congregated onto gapped linear duplex DNA. DNA-PKcs primed ATR/Chk1 activation through DNA structure-specific phosphorylation of RPA32 and TopBP1. The synergistic activation of DNA-PKcs and ATR suggests that the two kinases combine to mount a prompt and specific response to replication-born DSBs.
Although the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC) has been the subject of numerous linguistic works, the second major variety of the language, i.e. the São Vicente variety of CVC (CVSV), has hardly been described. Nevertheless this lack of studies and given its striking differences, on all linguistic levels, from the variety of Santiago (CVST), the implicit explanation for such divergences, echoed for decades in the literature on CVC, has been the presumably decreolized character of CVSV. First, this study provides a comprehensive fieldwork-based synchronic description of CVSV major morpho-syntactic categories in the intent to document the variety. Second, it aims to place the study of CVSV within a broader scope of contact linguistics in the quest to explain its structure. Based on analyses of historical documents and studies, it reconstructs the sociohistorical scenario of the emergence and development of CVSV in the period of 1797- 1975. From the comparison of the current structures of CVSV and CVST, the examination of linguistic data in historical texts and the analysis of sociohistorical facts it becomes clear that the contemporary structure of CVSV stems from the contact-induced changes that occurred during the intensive language and dialect contact on the island of São Vicente in the early days of its settlement in the late 18th and ensuing early 19th century development, rather than from modern day pressure of Portuguese. Although this dissertation argues for multiple explanations rather than a single theory, by showing that processes such as languages shift among the first Portuguese settlers, L2 acquisition, migration of the Barlavento speakers and subsequent dialect leveling as well as language borrowing at a later stage were at stake, it demonstrates the usefulness of partial-restructuring model proposed by Holm (2004).
ABSTRACT The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots, and is currently highly fragmented and disturbed due to human activities. Variation in environmental conditions in the Atlantic Forest can influence the distribution of species, which may show associations with some environmental features. Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) are insects that act in nutrient cycling via organic matter decomposition and have been used for monitoring environmental changes. The aim of this study is to identify associations between the spatial distribution of dung beetle species and Atlantic Forest structure. The spatial distribution of some dung beetle species was associated with structural forest features. The number of species among the sampling sites ranged widely, and few species were found in all remnant areas. Principal coordinates analysis indicated that species composition, abundance and biomass showed a spatially structured distribution, and these results were corroborated by permutational multivariate analysis of variance. The indicator value index and redundancy analysis showed an association of several dung beetle species with some explanatory environmental variables related to Atlantic Forest structure. This work demonstrated the existence of a spatially structured distribution of dung beetles, with significant associations between several species and forest structure in Atlantic Forest remnants from Southern Brazil.
Purpose of review: An overview of recent advances in structural neuroimaging and their impact on movement disorders research is presented. Recent findings: Novel developments in computational neuroanatomy and improvements in magnetic resonance image quality have brought further insight into the pathophysiology of movement disorders. Sophisticated automated techniques allow for sensitive and reliable in-vivo differentiation of phenotype/genotype related traits and their interaction even at presymptomatic stages of disease. Summary: Voxel-based morphometry consistently demonstrates well defined patterns of brain structure changes in movement disorders. Advanced stages of idiopathic Parkinson's disease are characterized by grey matter volume decreases in basal ganglia. Depending on the presence of cognitive impairment, volume changes are reported in widespread cortical and limbic areas. Atypical Parkinsonian syndromes still pose a challenge for accurate morphometry-based classification, especially in early stages of disease progression. Essential tremor has been mainly associated with thalamic and cerebellar changes. Studies on preclinical Huntington's disease show progressive loss of tissue in the caudate and cortical thinning related to distinct motor and cognitive phenotypes. Basal ganglia volume in primary dystonia reveals an interaction between genotype and phenotype such that brain structure changes are modulated by the presence of symptoms under the influence of genetic factors. Tics in Tourette's syndrome correlate with brain structure changes in limbic, motor and associative fronto-striato-parietal circuits. Computational neuroanatomy provides useful tools for in-vivo assessment of brain structure in movement disorders, allowing for accurate classification in early clinical stages as well as for monitoring therapy effects and/or disease progression.