955 resultados para Anti-ADN topoisomérase I


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It has been reported that genes regulating apoptosis may play a role in tumoral angiogenesis. This study examined the relationship between tumour vascularization, a measure of tumour angiogenesis, and bcl-2 and p53 expression in operable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The relationship between bcl-2, p53 and tumour vascularization and epidermal-growth-factor- receptor(EGFR) and c-erbB-2 expression was also studied. Tissue sections from resected tumour specimens of 107 NSCLC patients were evaluated immunohistochemically for vascular grade and bcl-2, p53, EGFR and c-erbB-2 expression. bcl-2 expression was found in 20/107 (19%) cases and was associated with squamous-cell histology (p = 0.03). A strong inverse relationship was found between bcl-2 expression and vascular grade (p = 0.005). All c-erbB-2-positive cases were negative for bcl-2 expression (p = 0.01). Overall no association was found between c-erbB-2 expression and vascular grade. However, in bcl-2-negative cases positive c-erbB-2 expression correlated with low angiogenesis (p = 0.05). No relationship was found between p53 and EGFR expression and bcl-2, c-erbB-2 or vascular grade. The improved prognosis reported in bcl-2-positive NSCLC may be related to low tumour vascularization. The results suggest that the anti-apoptotic gene bcl- 2 plays a role in regulating tumour angiogenesis. Since normal lung epithelium expresses bcl-2, a sequence of tumour progression involving loss of bcl-2, then activation of c-erbB-2 or increase in tumour vascularization is proposed.


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Purpose: PTK787/ZK 222584 (PTK/ZK), an orally active inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases, inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. The pharmacodynamic effects of PTK/ZK were evaluated by assessing changes in contrast-enhancement parameters of metastatic liver lesions using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated in two ongoing, dose-escalating phase I studies. Patients and Methods: Twenty-six patients had DCE-MRI performed at baseline, day 2, and at the end of each 28-day cycle. Doses of oral PTK/ZK ranged from 50 to 2000 mg once daily. Tumor permeability and vascularity were assessed by calculating the bidirectional transfer constant (Ki). The percentage of baseline Ki (% of baseline Ki) at each time point was compared with pharmacokinetic and clinical end points. Results: A significant negative correlation exists between the % of baseline Ki and increase in PTK/ZK oral dose and plasma levels (P = .01 for oral dose; P = .0001 for area under the plasma concentration curve at day 2). Patients with a best response of stable disease had a significantly greater reduction in Ki at both day 2 and at the end of cycle 1 compared with progressors (mean difference in % of baseline Ki, 47%, P = .004%; and 51%, P = .006; respectively). The difference in % of baseline Ki remained statistically significant after adjusting for baseline WHO performance status. Conclusion: These findings should help to define a biologically active dose of PTK/ZK. These results suggest that DCE-MRI may be a useful biomarker for defining the pharmacological response and dose of angiogenesis inhibitiors, such as PTK/ZK, for further clinical development. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that angiogenesis and suppressed cell- mediated immunity (CMI) play a central role in the pathogenesis of malignant disease facilitating tumour growth, invasion and metastasis. In the majority of tumours, the malignant process is preceded by a pathological condition or exposure to an irritant which itself is associated with the induction of angiogenesis and/or suppressed CMI. These include: cigarette smoking, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer; chronic oesophagitis and oesophageal cancer; chronic viral infections such as human papilloma virus and ano-genital cancers, chronic hepatitis B and C and hepatocellular carcinoma, and Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) and lymphomas; chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer; asbestos exposure and mesothelioma and excessive sunlight exposure/sunburn and malignant melanoma. Chronic exposure to growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I in acromegaly), mutations in tumour suppressor genes (TP53 in Li Fraumeni syndrome) and long-term exposure to immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporin A) may also give rise to similar environments and are associated with the development of a range of solid tumours. The increased blood supply would facilitate the development and proliferation of an abnormal clone or clones of cells arising as the result of: (a) an inherited genetic abnormality; and/or (b) acquired somatic mutations, the latter due to local production and/or enhanced delivery of carcinogens and mutagenic growth factors. With progressive detrimental mutations and growth-induced tumour hypoxia, the transformed cell, to a lesser or greater extent, may amplify the angiogenic process and CMI suppression, thereby facilitating further tumour growth and metastasis. There is accumulating evidence that long-term treatment with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (aspirin and indomethacin), cytokines such as interferon-α, anti-oestrogens (tamoxifen and raloxifene) and captopril significantly reduces the incidence of solid tumours such as breast and colorectal cancer. These agents are anti-angiogenic and, in the case of aspirin, indomethacin and interferon-α have proven immunomodulatory effects. Collectively these observations indicate that angiogenesis and suppressed CMI play a central role in the development and progression of malignant disease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The aim of this phase I/II dose escalating study was to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of gemcitabine and paclitaxel given in combination in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 12 patients with stage IIIB and IV NSCLC received paclitaxel administered intravenously over 1 h followed by gemcitabine given over 30 min on days 1, 8 and 15 every 28 days. Pneumonitis was the principal side-effect observed with 4 patients affected. Of these, 1 experienced grade 3 toxicity after one cycle of treatment and the others had grade 2 toxicity. All 4 cases responded to prednisolone. No other significant toxicities were observed. Of the 8 evaluable patients, 3 had a partial response and 2 had minor responses. The study was discontinued due to this dose-limiting toxicity. The combination of paclitaxel and gemcitabine shows promising antitumour activity in NSCLC, however, this treatment schedule may predispose to pneumonitis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A nationwide survey was made of the time-course incidence of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), clover yellow vein virus (CYVV), subterranean clover mottle virus (SCMoV) and subterranean clover red leaf virus (SCRLV) in improved pastures in southern regions of Australia. Averaged over all states, the highest mean incidence recorded for samples infected with individual viruses in either winter or spring was 9.4% for AMV, 5.7% for CYVV, 10.9% for SCMoV and 7.5% for SCRLV. For AMV and SCRLV, there was an increasing trend from spring 1984 to spring 1986. A similar increasing trend for SCMoV was more evident in winter than in spring. For CYVV, no time-course pattern was evident. Results support the proposition that viruses contribute significantly to "clover-decline', a well-known problem in pastures of Trifolium subterraneum. -from Authors


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This is a practice-led project consisting of a Young Adult novel, Open Cut, and an exegesis, 'I Wouldn't Say That': Finding a Young Adult, Female Voice in a Queensland Mining Town. The thesis investigates the use of first person narration in order to create an immediate engaging, realist Young Adult Fiction. The research design is bound by a feminist interpretative paradigm. The methodology employed is practice-led, auto-ethnography, and participant observation. Particular characteristics of first person narration used in Australian Young Adult Fiction are identified in an analysis of Dust, by Christine Bongers, and Jasper Jones, by Craig Silvey. The exegesis also contains a reflection on the researcher's creative work, and the process used to draft, edit, plot and construct the novel. The research contributes to knowledge in the field of Young Adult Literature because it offers a graphic portrayal of an Australian mining town that has not been heard before.


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This paper explores the use of guided narrative reflection as a strategy used with high-achieving non-Indigenous pre-service teachers in Australia on teaching practicum. We suggest that reflections (and subsequent dialogue) can provide opportunities for non-Indigenous preservice teachers to re-think their beliefs and actions in ways that may intervene in the teaching that often causes educational disadvantage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


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"I still dream of my grandfather's red roses" is an online audio documentary. Asking people from her community to make a statement beginning with the words "I dream of", Australian documentarist Phoebe Hart curates these fragments and creatively envisages the literal and figurative world of dreams, arresting our collective hopes, desires and fears.


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Human topoisomerase I (htopoI) is an enzyme that up to now was believed to function mainly in the removal of torsional stress generated during transcription and replication. In 1998, it was found that htopoI might play another important role in the cellular response to DNA damage -- the so-called htopoI damage response. Since this initial discovery, many studies have suggested that the htopoI damage response is involved in DNA repair as well as in apoptosis. Here we discuss the earliest as well as the latest results in this field. Combining all of the published and as yet unpublished results, we suggest and discuss a model of how htopoI may function during DNA repair and apoptosis. Furthermore, numerous results show that the htopoI damage response is not a spontaneous event, but is strictly regulated by cellular signalling pathways. We discuss which pathways may be involved and how the htopoI damage response is activated. Although the htopoI damage response was discovered several years ago, research in this area is just beginning. The future will surely bring more clarity regarding the precise mechanism behind the involvement of htopoI in DNA repair and apoptosis, as well as its implications for a broader understanding of how the human organism ensures genomic stability.


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This paper proposes techniques to improve the performance of i-vector based speaker verification systems when only short utterances are available. Short-length utterance i-vectors vary with speaker, session variations, and the phonetic content of the utterance. Well established methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA), source-normalized LDA (SN-LDA) and within-class covariance normalisation (WCCN) exist for compensating the session variation but we have identified the variability introduced by phonetic content due to utterance variation as an additional source of degradation when short-duration utterances are used. To compensate for utterance variations in short i-vector speaker verification systems using cosine similarity scoring (CSS), we have introduced a short utterance variance normalization (SUVN) technique and a short utterance variance (SUV) modelling approach at the i-vector feature level. A combination of SUVN with LDA and SN-LDA is proposed to compensate the session and utterance variations and is shown to provide improvement in performance over the traditional approach of using LDA and/or SN-LDA followed by WCCN. An alternative approach is also introduced using probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) approach to directly model the SUV. The combination of SUVN, LDA and SN-LDA followed by SUV PLDA modelling provides an improvement over the baseline PLDA approach. We also show that for this combination of techniques, the utterance variation information needs to be artificially added to full-length i-vectors for PLDA modelling.


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The 'human topoisomerase I (htopoI) damage response' was reported to be triggered by various kinds of DNA lesions. Also, a high and persistent level of htopoI cleavage complexes correlated with apoptosis. In the present study, we demonstrate that DNA damage-independent induction of cell death using colcemid and tumor necrosis factor is also accompanied by a strong htopoI response that correlates with the onset of apoptotic hallmarks. Consequently, these results suggest that htopoI cleavage complex formation may be caused by signaling pathways independent of the kind of cellular stress. Thus, protein interactions or signaling cascades induced by DNA damage or cellular stress might lead to the formation of stabilized cleavage complexes rather than the DNA lesion itself. Finally, we show that p53 not only plays a key role in the regulation of the htopoI response to UV-C irradiation but also to treatment with colcemid.


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This paper presents a higher-order beam-column formulation that can capture the geometrically non-linear behaviour of steel framed structures which contain a multiplicity of slender members. Despite advances in computational frame software, analyses of large frames can still be problematic from a numerical standpoint and so the intent of the paper is to fulfil a need for versatile, reliable and efficient non-linear analysis of general steel framed structures with very many members. Following a comprehensive review of numerical frame analysis techniques, a fourth-order element is derived and implemented in an updated Lagrangian formulation, and it is able to predict flexural buckling, snap-through buckling and large displacement post-buckling behaviour of typical structures whose responses have been reported by independent researchers. The solutions are shown to be efficacious in terms of a balance of accuracy and computational expediency. The higher-order element forms a basis for augmenting the geometrically non-linear approach with material non-linearity through the refined plastic hinge methodology described in the companion paper.


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Previous studies have shown that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes form as a response to various DNA damages in vivo, the so called human topoisomerase I “damage response”. It was suggested that this damage response may play a role in DNA repair as well as in apoptosis, but only very few investigations have been done and the significance of the damage response still remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes induced by high doses of UV irradiation are highly stable for up to 48 h. Furthermore, we show that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes correlate with apoptosis. However, at low UV doses the cleavage complex level was very low and the complexes were repaired. Surprisingly, we found that high levels of stable cleavage complexes were not only found in UV-irradiated cells but also in untreated cells that underwent apoptosis. A possible role of human topoisomerase I in apoptosis is discussed.