874 resultados para Animais - Habitat
Due to the importance of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in small animals, this paper aimed to discuss the pathophysiology of the TBI, the pre-hospital and hospital therapeutic procedures, as well as considerations related to transport and initial care of the patient immediately after trauma. The professional must identify the pre-hospital TBI and to treat the victim as a polytraumatized patient, including immobilization. In hospital therapy the procedures of craniotomy are important, especially to remove blood clots. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids must be avoided because of side effects, but combination therapies such as mannitol with furosemide increase the probability of success
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of treatment, which is based in the grounds of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Despite the ancient history, it’s not completely widespread in Brazil, neither so comprehensive in veterinary medicine as used in humans. The technique of inserting needles into acupuncture points, can also be stimulated by heat, electrical stimulation or implants of metal, is mainly focused on neuromuscular disorders in small animals. The difficulty of comprehension of language and the lack of cientific bases restricted the possible applications of acupuncture. This work will address some of the clinical situations this complementary treatment can act, such as neurological, cardiorespiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal, immunological, and postoperative intensive care
Nowadays, in any area that acts within the veterinary medicine, we talk a lot of specialists. Specialists in neurology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, finally, more specialized in a subject, better is the veterinarian. However, on one hand to deepen the knowledge helped in the discovery of new diagnostics and treatments, secondly, a bit lost sight of the patient as a whole. Traditional Chinese medicine, one of whose branches is acupuncture, is aimed at exactly this approach to be fully alive, where all body is interconnected and the disease is not seen as the imbalance of one system, but, as the imbalance between our being and the environment external. Acupuncture is an alternative in the treatment of many diseases, among them Cauda Equina Syndrome, and consists of stimulating specific points on the body surface, which help the body return to its natural harmony. A Cauda Equina Syndrome is a frame subsequent to a neuromuscular spinal cord at the level of the spinal canal of the lower lumbar spine and sacral, whose treatment is almost always surgical. This study aims to show the relevance of acupuncture treatment in this condition and report the importance of the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine nowadays, even when their arms are not in the treatment of choice
Systhemic lupus erythematous is a imunomediated disorder witch affects primarly dogs between two and nine years. Clinical manifestations are very diverse, including renal signs, that may lead to chronic renal disease, and dermatologic and joint sings. Systhemic lupus erythematous diagnostic is a challange to the clinician, due to its diverse list of differecial diagnoses and its low availability of specific tests. The treatment consists of corticosteroids and imunomodulators, and supportive therapy that inhibits the progression of the disease. Monitoring the animal with systhemic lupus erythematous is important, due to its recurrent caracteristic
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Together with the increase of environmental degradation in the past few decades, the environmental education (EE) has emerged and grown all around the world. It is worrying the frequent assigning of stereotypes to the animals and the cases of disrespect to them. For these matters it was studied the presence and importance attributed to animals in the annals of six editions of an event of great significance in the field of Environmental Education, the meetings Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental (EPEAs). The animals were chosen for deserving more attention in the preservationist context, besides allowing the use of a great extent of activities in EE, regarding scholar and non-scholar organizations. The articles that presented descriptors related to animals in the title, keywords or abstract were analyzed in depth and characteristics such as segmentation of the studied population, locations where jobs tend to be performed, prevailing aspects and didactic material production, among others, were investigated and compared. It was also verified which current trends on Environmental Education currents are more frequently presented in the EPEAs articles, in order to map the Environmental Education in Brazil in the past few years, using as a basis an important theoretical framework in the area. Through the use of descriptors it was possible to define the articles that would be analyzed in depth, which is less than 6% of the total work published and represents that, until the sixth edition, the EPEAs have a minor amount of works concerning animal matters. In many of these articles animals were superficially worked, which demonstrates the necessity of approaches not only involving more the animals, but also addressing the complex environmental matter. Several trends were identified in various EE currents, coexisting and also conflicting in the field of Brazilian Environmental Education. It was observed, in several cases, two or more trend currents in the ...
A coruja-buraqueira (Athene cunicularia) nidififica no chão e, com frequência, ocorre em ambientes bastante urbanizados como no campus universitário da UNESP em Botucatu, SP região centro-oeste paulista. Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever as características físicas das escavações, distribuição espacial, formas de utilização e avaliar que elementos presentes nas áreas urbanas são importantes para a seleção dos sítios de nidificação. Foram monitorados 6 grupos familiares desde 2011, cuja população e o número de ninhos foram contabilizados e a localização, georeferenciados. Os dados comportamentais foram registrados em caderno de campo, fotografados e filmados. A densidade populacional no câmpus foi de 0,03 indivíduos por Km² com os sítios de nidificação vizinhos tendo a distância mínima de 140,0 metros e máxima de 378 metros. As tocas apresentaram 50,6± 5,6cm de diâmetro, a maioria construída em terreno com declive. As corujas selecionaram sítios de nidificação em áreas abertas e gramadas contendo no entorno poleiros naturais (árvores, arvoretas, arbustos) e artificiais (placas, postes, peitoral de janelas, etc) e próximos a bueiros e postes com iluminação artificial. Estes dois últimos constituíram atrativos paras as suas presas (artrópodes e roedores) e a análise de ergagrópilas revelou a ocorrência de 5 grupos taxonômicos de artrópodes: 65,4% de Coleóptera, 27,2% de Orthoptera, 4,6% de Blatodea, 1,4% de Aranae, 0,9% de Hymenoptra e 0,4% de Mantodea. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as corujas-buraqueiras levaram em consideração características como oferta abundante de alimento, principalmente, de artrópodes que se concentravam nas área iluminadas e nos bueiros. A estabilidade temporal dos sítios de nidificação nestes três anos de monitoramento acompanhada de sucesso reprodutivo de 50% revela que a despeito do intenso tráfego de veículos e transeuntes no campus, o ambiente ...
Os anfíbios ocupam grande variedade de microhabitats refletindo os diversos modos reprodutivos, estilos de vida e parasitas que estes animais apresentam. Os parasitas são indicativos de muitos aspectos biológicos de seus hospedeiros, incluindo a dieta, ocupação do habitat e a filogenia, podendo também ser bons indicadores diretos do estado de qualidade ambiental. A Ilha Anchieta, parque estadual em área de Mata Atlântica, torna-se interessante para estudos biológicos devido a sua dinâmica insular e isolamento geográfico. No Brasil, a Mata Atlântica é um dos biomas mais afetados pelas atividades antrópicas e o número de helmintos recém-descobertos podem estar desaparecendo mais rapidamente do que novos organismos são descobertos. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a helmintofauna de duas espécies de anfíbios, Hypsiboas albomarginatus (n=23) e Scinax hayii (n=18), ambas pertencentes à família Hylidae, procedentes da Ilha Anchieta, São Paulo, Brasil. A helmintofauna foi composta apenas de nematoides (Rhabdias sp., Physaloptera sp.) e um espécime não identificado da família Cosmocercidae. Estudos como estes são importantes, pois os parasitas representam uma diversidade oculta, a qual contribui com a manutenção da diversidade local de hospedeiros e das funções do ecossistema
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ