940 resultados para Amorphous Cellulose


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Agência Financiadora - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PTDC/CTM NAN/113021/2009


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In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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The main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of structure and physical properties of tantalum oxynitride (TaNxOy) thin films, produced by dc reactive magnetron sputtering, by varying the processing parameters. A set of TaNxOy films was prepared by varying the reactive gases flow rate, using a N2/O2 gas mixture with a concentration ratio of 17:3. The different films, obtained by this process, exhibited significant differences. The obtained composition and the interpretation of X-ray diffraction results, shows that, depending on the partial pressure of the reactive gases, the films are: essentially dark grey metallic, when the atomic ratio (N + O)/Ta < 0.1, evidencing a tetragonal β-Ta structure; grey-brownish, when 0.1 < (N + O)/Ta < 1, exhibiting a face-centred cubic (fcc) TaN-like structure; and transparent oxide-type, when (N + O)/Ta > 1, evidencing the existence of Ta2O5, but with an amorphous structure. These transparent films exhibit refractive indexes, in the visible region, always higher than 2.0. The wear resistance of the films is relatively good. The best behaviour was obtained for the films with (N + O)/Ta ≈ 0.5 and (N + O)/Ta ≈ 1.3.


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This paper presents a micro power light energy harvesting system for indoor environments. Light energy is collected by amorphous silicon photovoltaic (a-Si:H PV) cells, processed by a switched capacitor (SC) voltage doubler circuit with maximum power point tracking (MPPT), and finally stored in a large capacitor. The MPPT fractional open circuit voltage (V-OC) technique is implemented by an asynchronous state machine (ASM) that creates and dynamically adjusts the clock frequency of the step-up SC circuit, matching the input impedance of the SC circuit to the maximum power point condition of the PV cells. The ASM has a separate local power supply to make it robust against load variations. In order to reduce the area occupied by the SC circuit, while maintaining an acceptable efficiency value, the SC circuit uses MOSFET capacitors with a charge sharing scheme for the bottom plate parasitic capacitors. The circuit occupies an area of 0.31 mm(2) in a 130 nm CMOS technology. The system was designed in order to work under realistic indoor light intensities. Experimental results show that the proposed system, using PV cells with an area of 14 cm(2), is capable of starting-up from a 0 V condition, with an irradiance of only 0.32 W/m(2). After starting-up, the system requires an irradiance of only 0.18 W/m(2) (18 mu W/cm(2)) to remain operating. The ASM circuit can operate correctly using a local power supply voltage of 453 mV, dissipating only 0.085 mu W. These values are, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the lowest reported in the literature. The maximum efficiency of the SC converter is 70.3 % for an input power of 48 mu W, which is comparable with reported values from circuits operating at similar power levels.


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Visible range to telecom band spectral translation is accomplished using an amorphous SiC pi'n/pin wavelength selector under appropriate front and back optical light bias. Results show that background intensity works as selectors in the infrared region, shifting the sensor sensitivity. Low intensities select the near-infrared range while high intensities select the visible part according to its wavelength. Here, the optical gain is very high in the infrared/red range, decreases in the green range, stays close to one in the blue region and strongly decreases in the near-UV range. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light intensity and wavelength backgrounds are presented. The relationship between the optical inputs and the output signal is established. A capacitive optoelectronic model is presented and tested using the experimental results. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Liquid crystalline cellulosic-based solutions described by distinctive properties are at the origin of different kinds of multifunctional materials with unique characteristics. These solutions can form chiral nematic phases at rest, with tuneable photonic behavior, and exhibit a complex behavior associated with the onset of a network of director field defects under shear. Techniques, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Rheology coupled with NMR (Rheo-NMR), rheology, optical methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Wide Angle X-rays Scattering (WAXS), were extensively used to enlighten the liquid crystalline characteristics of these cellulosic solutions. Cellulosic films produced by shear casting and fibers by electrospinning, from these liquid crystalline solutions, have regained wider attention due to recognition of their innovative properties associated to their biocompatibility. Electrospun membranes composed by helical and spiral shape fibers allow the achievement of large surface areas, leading to the improvement of the performance of this kind of systems. The moisture response, light modulated, wettability and the capability of orienting protein and cellulose crystals, opened a wide range of new applications to the shear casted films. Characterization by NMR, X-rays, tensile tests, AFM, and optical methods allowed detailed characterization of those soft cellulosic materials. In this work, special attention will be given to recent developments, including, among others, a moisture driven cellulosic motor and electro-optical devices.


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The morphological and structural modifications induced in sapphire by surface treatment with femtosecond laser radiation were studied. Single-crystal sapphire wafers cut parallel to the (0 1 2) planes were treated with 560 fs, 1030 nm wavelength laser radiation using wide ranges of pulse energy and repetition rate. Self-ordered periodic structures with an average spatial periodicity of similar to 300 nm were observed for fluences slightly higher than the ablation threshold. For higher fluences the interaction was more disruptive and extensive fracture, exfoliation, and ejection of ablation debris occurred. Four types of particles were found in the ablation debris: (a) spherical nanoparticles about 50 nm in diameter; (b) composite particles between 150 and 400 nm in size; (c) rounded resolidified particles about 100-500 nm in size; and (d) angular particles presenting a lamellar structure and deformation twins. The study of those particles by selected area electron diffraction showed that the spherical nanoparticles and the composite particles are amorphous, while the resolidified droplets and the angular particles, present a crystalline a-alumina structure, the same of the original material. Taking into consideration the existing ablation theories, it is proposed that the spherical nanoparticles are directly emitted from the surface in the ablation plume, while resolidified droplets are emitted as a result of the ablation process, in the liquid phase, in the low intensity regime, and by exfoliation, in the high intensity regime. Nanoparticle clusters are formed by nanoparticle coalescence in the cooling ablation plume. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rationale and Objectives Computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed in the past two decades to assist radiologists in the detection and diagnosis of lesions seen on breast imaging exams, thus providing a second opinion. Mammographic databases play an important role in the development of algorithms aiming at the detection and diagnosis of mammary lesions. However, available databases often do not take into consideration all the requirements needed for research and study purposes. This article aims to present and detail a new mammographic database. Materials and Methods Images were acquired at a breast center located in a university hospital (Centro Hospitalar de S. João [CHSJ], Breast Centre, Porto) with the permission of the Portuguese National Committee of Data Protection and Hospital's Ethics Committee. MammoNovation Siemens full-field digital mammography, with a solid-state detector of amorphous selenium was used. Results The new database—INbreast—has a total of 115 cases (410 images) from which 90 cases are from women with both breasts affected (four images per case) and 25 cases are from mastectomy patients (two images per case). Several types of lesions (masses, calcifications, asymmetries, and distortions) were included. Accurate contours made by specialists are also provided in XML format. Conclusion The strengths of the actually presented database—INbreast—relies on the fact that it was built with full-field digital mammograms (in opposition to digitized mammograms), it presents a wide variability of cases, and is made publicly available together with precise annotations. We believe that this database can be a reference for future works centered or related to breast cancer imaging.


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In this paper we present results about the functioning of a multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructure as a device for wavelength-division demultiplexing of optical signals. The device is composed of two stacked p-i-n photodiodes, both optimized for the selective collection of photogenerated carriers. Band gap engineering was used to adjust the photogeneration and recombination rates profiles of the intrinsic absorber regions of each photodiode to short and long wavelength absorption and carrier collection in the visible spectrum. The photocurrent signal using different input optical channels was analyzed at reverse and forward bias and under steady state illumination. This photocurrent is used as an input for a demux algorithm based on the voltage controlled sensitivity of the device. The device functioning is explained with results obtained by numerical simulation of the device, which permit an insight to the internal electric configuration of the double heterojunction.These results address the explanation of the device functioning in the frequency domain to a wavelength tunable photocapacitance due to the accumulation of space charge localized at the internal junction. The existence of a direct relation between the experimentally observed capacitive effects of the double diode and the quality of the semiconductor materials used to form the internal junction is highlighted.


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New highly fluorescent calix[4]arene-containing phenylene-alt-ethynylene-3,6- and 2,7-carbazolylene polymers (CALIX-PPE-CBZs) have been synthesized for the first time and their photophysical properties evaluated. Both polymers were obtained in good isolated yields (70-84%), having M-w ranging from 7660-26,700 g mol(-1). It was found that the diethynyl substitution (3,6- or 2,7-) pattern on the carbazole monomers markedly influences the degree of polymerization. The amorphous yellow polymers are freely soluble in several nonprotic organic solvents and have excellent film forming abilities. TG/DSC analysis evidences similar thermal behaviors for both polymers despite their quite different molecular weight distributions and main-chain connectivities (T-g, in the range 83-95 degrees C and decomposition onsets around 270 degrees C). The different conjugation lengths attained by the two polymers dictates much of their photophysical properties. Thus, whereas the fully conjugated CALIX-PPE-2,7-CBZ has its emission maximum at 430 nm (E-g = 2.84 eV; Phi(F) = 0.62, CHCl3), the 3,6-linked counterpart (CALIX-PPE-3,6-CBZ) fluoresces at 403 nm with a significant lower quantum yield (E-g = 3.06 eV; Phi(F) = 0.31, CHCl3). The optical properties of both polymers are predominantly governed by the intrachain electronic properties of the conjugated backbones owing to the presence of calix[4]arenes along the polymer chain which disfavor significant interchain interactions, either in fluid- or solid-state.


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A study of chemical transformations of cork during heat treatments was made using colour variation and FTIR analysis. The cork enriched fractions from Quercus cerris bark were subjected to isothermal heating in the temperature range 150–400 ◦C and treatment time from 5 to 90 min. Mass loss ranged from 3% (90 min at 150 ◦C) to 71% (60 min at 350 ◦C). FTIR showed that hemicelluloses were thermally degraded first while suberin remained as the most heat resistant component. The change of CIE-Lab parameters was rapid for low intensity treatments where no significant mass loss occurred (at 150 ◦C L* decreased from the initial 51.5 to 37.3 after 20 min). The decrease in all colour parameters continued with temperature until they remained substantially constant with over 40% mass loss. Modelling of the thermally induced mass loss could be made using colour analysis. This is applicable to monitoring the production of heat expanded insulation agglomerates.


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A vasta aplicação de antibióticos em sistemas de aquacultura tem conduzido ao aparecimento de espécies microbianas resistentes, devendo ser evitada ou, se possível, minimizada. A minimização implica um controlo muito rigoroso das doses aplicadas, algo que só pode ser realizado se todo o processo analítico for simples, barato e puder ser implementado no local. O presente trabalho descreve para este efeito um sistema sensor constituído por papel quimicamente modificado, cujo procedimento analítico foi semelhante à monitorização de pH através das conhecidas tiras indicadoras de pH universal. O papel foi modificado com base em reacções de monocamadas e assumiu uma coloração típica após contacto com o antibiótico. A intensidade da coloração estava também relacionada com a concentração desse antibiótico. Como prova deste conceito, o sensor proposto foi desenhado tendo em vista a monitorização de oxitetraciclina, um dos antibióticos utilizados neste contexto com elevada frequência. A modificação do papel foi baseada na alteração química das unidades de glucose na matriz sólida por reacção covalente com reagentes apropriados. Foram utilizadas duas estratégias diferentes para este efeito: uma foi baseada em reacções de tipo sol-gel e a outra em reacção de adição nucleófila. Posteriormente, o papel foi modificado com espécies metálicas capazes de mudar de cor na presença da oxitetraciclina. Estas modificações químicas foram avaliadas e optimizadas relativamente a vários parâmetros, no sentido de promover uma variação de cor intensa face à concentração de antibiótico. Procedeu-se ainda ao controlo desta modificação por técnicas de espectroscopia de infravermelho. A variação de cor foi avaliada por comparação visual, mas registada por imagem digital. Os materiais sensores preparados foram ainda caracterizados do ponto de vista do seu desempenho analítico. Incluíram-se aqui a identificação de uma relação linear entre coordenadas de cor e concentração, a atribuição de uma gama de concentrações capaz de fornecer uma resposta previsível e resposta cruzada face a outros antibióticos. Procedeu-se ainda à aplicação dos sensores numa amostra de água ambiental dopada com antibiótico. De uma forma geral, foi possível estabelecer um processo simples de modificação de papel capaz de aferir a presença e a quantidade de tetraciclinas, mais concretamente a oxitetraciclina. O processo aqui estabelecido é promissor, antevendo a concretização de uma metodologia simples, barata e local para a monitorização de anitbióticos em águas.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. Degree in Chemical Physics


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Vacuum, Vol. 64