980 resultados para Algebraic varieties


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As a rule, soils of the subtropical and tropical regions, in which rainfall is not limiting, are acidic, and low in phosphorus, and, to a less extent, in other macro and micronutrients as well, such a sulfur, boron and zinc. The establishment of a permanent agricultural prac. tice therefore, demands relatively high usage of liming and phosphatic fertilization, to begin with. Several approaches, not mutually exclusive, could be used in order to increase the efficiency of utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus so that, goal of diminishing costs of production is reached. The use of liming materials bringing up pH to 6.0-6.5 causes the conversion of iron and aluminum phosphates to more available calcium phosphates; on the other hand, by raising calcium saturation in the exchange complex, it improves the development and operation if the root system which allows c or a higher utilization of all soil nutrients, including phosphorus, and helps of stand water deficits which may occur. The role of mycorrhizal fungi should be considered as a way of increasing soil and fertilizer P utilization, as well as the limitations thereof. Screening of and breeding for varieties with higher efficiency of uptake and utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus leads to a reduction in cost of inputs and to higher benefit/cost ratios. Corrective fertilization using ground rock phosphate helps to saturate the fixation power of the soil thereby reducing, as a consequence, the need for phosphorus in the maintenance fertilization. Maintenance fertilization, in which soluble phos-phatic sources are used, could be improved by several means whose performance has been proved: limimg, granula tion, placement, use of magnesium salts. Last, cost of phosphate fertilization could be further reduced, without impairing yields, through impairing yields, through changes in technology designed to obtain products better adapted to local conditions and to the availability or raw materials and energy sources.


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The comparative response of three sorghum (E-57, TEY 101 and C- 102) and of three corn cultivars (HMD-7974, Centralmex and Piranão) to N, P and K applications was studied in a soil from Anhembi, SP, classifield as Distrophic quartz sand (AQd) was studied. Leaf analyses were made to assess the nutritional status of the two crops. Main conclusions were the following. 1. Sorghum yieldel more than corn; 2. Both sorghum and corn varieties showed different capacities to absorb N, P and K from the soil and to fertilizer application; 3. There was no response to K2O fertilization; 4. Only Piranão increased yield when suplemented with a mixture of micronutrientes; 5. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 6. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 7. The following leaf levels were considered to be adequate, respectively for sorghum and corn: N - 2,00 - 2,25%, 3,25 - 3,50%; P - 0,30 - 0,40, 0,45 - 0,50; K -2,00 - 2,50, 2,20 - 2,40%; Ca - 0,20 - 0,40, 0,44- 0,72% Mg - 0,25 - 0,40, 0,34 - 0,60%; S - 0,50 - 0,70, 0,72 -0,80; Cu - 7 - 10, 11 - 15%; Fe - 84 - 170, 98 - 125%; Mn - 58 - 72, 66 - 85%; Zn - 10 - 14, 18 - 22; critical levels, however, do very depending upon cultivar.


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Pathological changes in the vermiform appendix harbouring tapeworm's proglottides are reported. Marked local (tissue) eosinophilia in the stroma of the mucous coat and to a less degree in the sub-mucosa and around the vessels in the inner circular layer of the muscular coat is the essential change observed. Peculiar changes such as an striking increase in the volume of the mucus-producing goblet-cells either in the epithelium covering the free surface or in the glands of Lieberkühn, as well as new epithelium atypical in form and arrangement were noticed in direct connection and likely induced by the tapeworn as a foreign body (mechanical injury). The local (tissue) eosinophilia probably represents an anaphylactoid response to foreign proteins originating in the tapeworm. Acute appendicitis in its recognized varieties such as appendicitis superficalis catarrhalis, a. s. exulcerans, a. s. haemorrhagica, a. phlegmonosa, and a. phlegmonosa-ulcerosa could be microscopically excluded. It seems, however, that local (tissue) eosinophilia when particularly widespread is able to give clinical symtoms suggestive of acute appendicitis.


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An algebraic decay rate is derived which bounds the time required for velocities to equilibrate in a spatially homogeneous flow-through model representing the continuum limit of a gas of particles interacting through slightly inelastic collisions. This rate is obtained by reformulating the dynamical problem as the gradient flow of a convex energy on an infinite-dimensional manifold. An abstract theory is developed for gradient flows in length spaces, which shows how degenerate convexity (or even non-convexity) | if uniformly controlled | will quantify contractivity (limit expansivity) of the flow.


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Planar polynomial vector fields which admit invariant algebraic curves, Darboux integrating factors or Darboux first integrals are of special interest. In the present paper we solve the inverse problem for invariant algebraic curves with a given multiplicity and for integrating factors, under generic assumptions regarding the (multiple) invariant algebraic curves involved. In particular we prove, in this generic scenario, that the existence of a Darboux integrating factor implies Darboux integrability. Furthermore we construct examples where the genericity assumption does not hold and indicate that the situation is different for these.


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We present in this article several possibilities to approach the height of an algebraic curve defined over a number field : as an intersection number via the Arakelov theory, as a limit point of the heights of its algebraic points and, finally, using the minimal degree of Belyi functions.


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We prove a double commutant theorem for hereditary subalgebras of a large class of C*-algebras, partially resolving a problem posed by Pedersen[8]. Double commutant theorems originated with von Neumann, whose seminal result evolved into an entire field now called von Neumann algebra theory. Voiculescu proved a C*-algebraic double commutant theorem for separable subalgebras of the Calkin algebra. We prove a similar result for hereditary subalgebras which holds for arbitrary corona C*-algebras. (It is not clear how generally Voiculescu's double commutant theorem holds.)


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In this paper we define the formal and tempered Deligne cohomology groups, that are obtained by applying the Deligne complex functor to the complexes of formal differential forms and tempered currents respectively. We then prove the existence of a duality between them, a vanishing theorem for the former and a semipurity property for the latter. The motivation of this results comes from the study of covariant arithmetic Chow groups. The semi-purity property of tempered Deligne cohomology implies, in particular, that several definitions of covariant arithmetic Chow groups agree for projective arithmetic varieties.


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La "Phoronomia", primer libro de mecánica escrito tras los "Principia", es representativo del proceso de transición que transformó la dinámica a principios del XVIII y que concluye con la "Mecánica" de Euler (1736). Está escrita en estilo geométrico y algebraico, y mezcla los conceptos y métodos de Leibniz y Newton de forma idiosincrásica. En esta obra se encuentra por primera vez la segunda ley de Newton escrita en la forma en que hoy la conocemos, así como un intento de construcción de la estática y la dinámica de sólidos y fluidos basado en reglas generales diferenciales.


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Recently there has been a great deal of work on noncommutative algebraic cryptography. This involves the use of noncommutative algebraic objects as the platforms for encryption systems. Most of this work, such as the Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld scheme, the Ko-Lee scheme and the Baumslag-Fine-Xu Modular group scheme use nonabelian groups as the basic algebraic object. Some of these encryption methods have been successful and some have been broken. It has been suggested that at this point further pure group theoretic research, with an eye towards cryptographic applications, is necessary.In the present study we attempt to extend the class of noncommutative algebraic objects to be used in cryptography. In particular we explore several different methods to use a formal power series ring R && x1; :::; xn && in noncommuting variables x1; :::; xn as a base to develop cryptosystems. Although R can be any ring we have in mind formal power series rings over the rationals Q. We use in particular a result of Magnus that a finitely generated free group F has a faithful representation in a quotient of the formal power series ring in noncommuting variables.


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Discriminating groups were introduced by G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov and V.Remeslennikov as an outgrowth of their theory of algebraic geometry over groups. However they have taken on a life of their own and have been an object of a considerable amount of study. In this paper we survey the large array results concerning the class of discriminating groups that have been developed over the past decade.


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Severini and Mansour introduced in [4]square polygons, as graphical representations of square permutations, that is, permutations such that all entries are records (left or right, minimum or maximum), and they obtained a nice formula for their number. In this paper we give a recursive construction for this class of permutations, that allows to simplify the derivation of their formula and to enumerate the subclass of square permutations with a simple record polygon. We also show that the generating function of these permutations with respect to the number of records of each type is algebraic, answering a question of Wilf in a particular case.


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We propose a generalization of the reduction of Poisson manifolds by distributions introduced by Marsden and Ratiu. Our proposal overcomes some of the restrictions of the original procedure, and makes the reduced Poisson structure effectively dependent on the distribution. Different applications are discussed, as well as the algebraic interpretation of the procedure and its formulation in terms of Dirac structures.


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In this paper, we study formal deformations of Poisson structures, especially for three families of Poisson varieties in dimensions two and three. For these families of Poisson structures, using an explicit basis of the second Poisson cohomology space, we solve the deformation equations at each step and obtain a large family of formal deformations for each Poisson structure which we consider. With the help of an explicit formula, we show that this family contains, modulo equivalence, all possible formal eformations. We show moreover that, when the Poisson structure is generic, all members of the family are non-equivalent.


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Durant les últimes dècades, el paper dels horts familiars en la conservació de la agrobiodiversitat ha adquirit cada vegada més importància a nivell mundial. Les varietats locals que es cultiven en aquests horts tenen propietats intrínseques que les fan superiors a les comercials en molts aspectes, com han demostrat alguns dels estudis sobre aquests agroecosistemes duts a terme als Tròpics, i que posen en evidència l'actual sistema agrícola, alhora que representen una oportunitat per al desenvolupament sostenible de l´agricultura. En aquest treball d'investigació, dut a terme a la Vall Fosca (Pirineus Català d'Espanya) s'ha estudiat el paper les varietats locals dels horts familiars com a mecanisme de millora i manteniment d'aquests agroecosistemes, analitzant quins són els possibles factors sociodemogràfics i ecològics que condicionen el desenvolupament d'aquestes varietats als horts familiars.